Strength trained my biceps and triceps a bit. Then 21 minutes on the elliptical, not much and pointless I know. Came home and ran 5.50 miles. I felt slow and sluggish. I know it was supposed to be a slower recovery run day but I am still so hard on myself when I look at my watch and see an 8 min pace. I need to get over the psychie of it. I couldn't figure out why I had no pick up. Until I stopped to fiddle with my ipod, and I realized my quads were quite sore from the track workout yesterday. duh me.....that's why I was sluggish today. But I still came home feeling like a loser. I would have run at least 2 more miles, but I had a meeting early this morning at my daughters school I had to be too. Maybe some more slower miles this evening. I hope.