Nude paved trail up to Tech Ridge then TQ. 11.14 miles
Some stats for the year.
Miles: 2,469.78 (Best: 2,759.8 in 2021)
Month average: 205.815
Week average:
Days run: 300/365
Best Month: 292.27 (April)
Best Week: 83.07 (March 29-April 3)
60+ mile weeks: 10
70+ mile weeks: 3
80+ mile weeks: 1
Runs over 10 miles: 112
Runs over 12 miles: 35
Runs over 15 miles: 13
Runs over 18 miles: 5
(19.2 LtL, 20.00, 18.13, 21.09, 26.39 UV Marathon)
*This information is mainly just for me to look at in the future and compare vs 2022. Travis is the only person who will probably see it.