I retired from the Army after 26 years of service in 2010. I moved home to Arizona. My wife and I are empty nesters. In 2016 I had stents placed in my heart after discovering coronary artery disease. Since early 2016 I have lost 30 lbs and got in much better shape. August 2017 I retired again. We served a mission to Mexico from October 2017 until April 2019.
ran for the first time in my new orthotics. lighter. I slept really well too so the run went well. I turned around at 24:17 and finished in 47:14. I am almost over this injury and it feels really good.
total running time 71:36. 36:35 out and 35:01 back. Ran in my new orthotics for the second time. I was pretty sore initially. this is the longest run in quite some time. I am feeling good about my fitness and my recovery from the injury.