
First Dam Run 5K

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Logan,UT,United States

Member Since:

Apr 08, 2005



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Running Accomplishments:

Former Course Record Holder (it was a good run while it lasted...)

Logan Peak Trail Race

Completely addicted to trail running





Short-Term Running Goals:

2016 Race Schedule






Long-Term Running Goals:

Who knows?






Link to my Wife and I's Photo and Running blog





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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Microspikes Lifetime Miles: 408.50
PI EMotion Trail N1 Lifetime Miles: 357.00
MT1010SA Lifetime Miles: 120.50
Rapa Nui 2 Lifetime Miles: 305.50
Altra Olympus Lifetime Miles: 555.80
PI Emotion Trail N2 Lifetime Miles: 312.50
PI Emotion Trail M2 Lifetime Miles: 328.50
2015 Trail Miles Lifetime Miles: 2047.50
2015 Road Miles Lifetime Miles: 490.00
2015 Mtn Bike Miles Lifetime Miles: 58.00
Altra Impulse 1.0 Lifetime Miles: 46.00
Altra Lone Peak 2.5 Lifetime Miles: 242.00
Altra Paradigm (blue) Lifetime Miles: 102.00
LP 3.0 Tester Lifetime Miles: 64.50
Altra One2 Lifetime Miles: 14.00
Altra Paradigm 2.0 Lifetime Miles: 92.00
Altra LP NS HT Lifetime Miles: 95.00
Altra Torin 2.5 Red Lifetime Miles: 7.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance
Fastwitch Miles: 3.10Landreth 4 Miles: 66.90Cumulus 9 Miles: 82.00Nimbus Miles: 33.00Burn Red Miles: 33.00
Race: First Dam Run 5K (3.1 Miles) 00:16:54, Place overall: 2, Place in age division: 1
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

First Dam Run 5K - 16:54

- PR by 16 seconds and finally got the17 min 5K monkey off the back.

I warmed up by running to the park pushing the stroller with Beth and kids.  She turned around and went home and I got my number and then warmed up some more with Lisa.  The weather was the best I have ever seen this time of year.  50 degrees and no wind.  Perfect.  The 10K started 10 mins before the 5K so I got to watch the 10K people take off.  Paul was there to cheer on his blogger buddies so I had a nice cheering section (between him and my wife and kids, there were people cheering for a fair amount of the course).  We saw Joe, Lisa, Marci and Jon all running the 10K.

Once the race (for me) got started, I settled into 3rd place pretty quickly.  First and second places went out hard (4:50 pace for 1/2 mile) and I settled into a fast 5:20 pace.  By 3/4 of a mile, I had picked off the 2nd place kid and caught up to the first place guy (Travis).  He is the son of a co-worker.  He recently took 6th place at state in his class.  He has something like a 15:50 5K pr so was only running to win.  I would gradually catch up and he would surge for 20 seconds or so and gap me, and I would gradually catch up and he would repeat over and over.  I wanted to win, but more important to me was my time as I wanted to break 17 mins and PR.  So, I continued to evenly pace myself throughout the race. 

Mile 1: 5:27 (178 ave HR) - ~60 feet of climbing

Mile 2: 5:27 (189 ave) ~60 feet of descent

Mile 3: 5:27 (191 ave) ~ Flat

Mile 3.12: :33 (195 ave) - Travis out-kicked me by a few seconds.

T-16:54 (5:24) 186 ave 195 max

Looking back at the splits, I can't believe I even split every mile.  I must have gone out too hard and paid for it on the easier second mile.  Either way, I am very happy with the PR and can now go into hibernation for the winter. 

After the race, I ran with Paul backwards on the course taking shortcuts to meet up with Jon and Marci.  We ended up running with them to the finish to see a great race off of limited training.  Paul and I had to beat off a car that was nipping at our heels (literally 2-3 feet away).  I got mad and started beating on the hood and windows and telling them to back off and wait.  They panicked and gunned it.  Stupid old people...

The 10K turned out good for bloggers as well.  Lisa took second to the TOU Marathon record holder Carol Rowe, Joe took third losing to Josh Steffen and some other guy.  Results are posted HERE

Here is the map Paul made 2 years ago.  Same course

Fastwitch Miles: 3.10Landreth 4 Miles: 6.90
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I traded running in the dark in the morning for running in the dark in the afternoon.  Lousy end of the Daylight savings cushion.  I ran with Jon up into Providence and ran into Joe coming the other way.  He was convinced to join us, so we ran him part of the way home.  We conveniently turned around before heading up Old main hill.  We ran most of the miles around 7 min pace. 

T-61:00 (8.5) (7:11) 154

** I just passed my ytd mileage for last year today!  2700+ miles and still going....

Cumulus 9 Miles: 8.50
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Planet Walk in the rain

Nimbus Miles: 5.00
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Providence hills loop.  I was all geared up for running in snow this morning, but it didn't pan out.  Phew.  Today the goal was sub 7 pace overall (not exactly flying), but by halfway I was adjusting the goal to sub 6:50 pace.  That was about the time I noticed I had been running with the wind and now had a headwind.  Luckily, the second half was downhill.  It all worked out just fine (I could tell you were worried).

T- 61:07 (6:48) 165

Landreth 4 Miles: 9.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

AM: Landfill loop in 20 degree weather.  Still warm enough for shorts...

PM: Ran with Jon from North Logan back home.  We looped up through 12th Easy and through campus.  My ball of my foot has bugged me both runs today.  I think it is bruised.  I cut my run short to not over-do it.  I will take tomorrow off as a precaution as well.

T- 53:40 (7:40) 147

Cumulus 9 Miles: 6.00Burn Red Miles: 7.00
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Hurt foot

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Foot is still sore, so I decided to play it safe.  I have learned the hard way to not run if the foot is hurting.  Even though I can push through the pain.  It was a very hard decision for me though as I am addicted to running.  3 whole days off in a row (Fri, Sat, Sun).  What a bummer....Lets hope not Monday and beyond as well...

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Easy run on Planet Walk (including some grass miles on golf course).  Foot felt 100%.  I think I made the right call last weekend by not running on it.  

Landreth 4 Miles: 6.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Young Ward loop shorter route.  Today I was feeling pretty good.  Weather was nice, legs were fresh, so I put out a medium effort.  I wanted to stay below 7 min/mile pace, but pushed it kind of hard for a few of the miles and was closer to tinman tempo pace before backing off again. 

T-54:24 (6:48) 162

PM: Easy 5 miles on Planet walk loop late in the evening. 

Cumulus 9 Miles: 8.00Burn Red Miles: 5.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

River Heights - Providence loop.  Not a whole lot to say today.  Slow and easy.

T- 59:45 (7:28) 153

Nimbus Miles: 8.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Providence Canyon road out and back.  The crazy southwest wind was whipping, but it made the temps around 50 degrees.  Pretty sweet.  I ended up running pretty slow since I was dragging butt.  Oh well.

T- 58:52 (7:22) 155

Landreth 4 Miles: 8.00
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Planet Walk 5'ver  Not timed.  I threw in 5 x 20 sec strides for good measure.

Cumulus 9 Miles: 5.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Blogging plagiarism at its finest...

"Semi-long run.  Ran from First Dam up the windy Logan Canyon to the start of the singletrack on the river trail with Cody Jon and Lisa, then back to the car.  Then Paul and Joe joined us and we ran up the hilly Bonneville Shoreline trail and most of the way up Green Canyon.  I Jon gave Paul a hard time because he had never ran on the new singletrack that is 2 years old.  Very good run today with a good group- fun and nice to still be running on great trails this late in the year.  No snow on the trails yet.  It's nice that the Logan running group is growing again.  Although I worry about the mental state of a few one of them-- they  Jon seem(s) to have some abnormal (unhealthy?) infatuation with waving their his arms in the air and screaming like (a) girls when they he run(s) fast."

T- 2:07:25 (7:58) 151


Cumulus 9 Miles: 16.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Small Workout - 

Young Ward loop.  I figured with one good workout a week, I can plug along and stay in pretty good shape for the winter.  Why not do it first thing in the week and then relax and enjoy the rest of it?  I did a brisk warmup (6:40ish) then did 5 miles at Tinman Tempo pace (6:15).  At the end of that, I was feeling good enough to keep up the faster pace and ended up finishing the run at 6:30 pace.  Why not? 

T-1:10:36 (6:25) 165

Burn Red Miles: 11.00
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Easy 8.25 on the Providence - River heights semi-loop.  Nice 'n easy.

T-62:40 (7:36) 148

Landreth 4 Miles: 8.25
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Easy 8 today.  I ran up the Blvd to the canal trail and turned around at first dam.  The last 1/2 mile  before the canyon was pretty breezy and cold.  Same old stuff...

T-59:30 (7:26) 154

Nimbus Miles: 8.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Young Ward short loop.  

T-59:17 (7:25) 150

Cumulus 9 Miles: 8.00
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Landfill Loop

Nimbus Miles: 6.00
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Longer run with the guys today.  We had a special guest appearance by Logan.  Joe the plumber joined us as well.  Paul was gracious enough to let us meet at his house.  He might volunteer that option every week.  Jon was a no-show.  He must have slept through another run....That makes 6 in a row.  A new PR

I ran 2 miles to Paul's house and then met up with the rest of the guys.  The main portion of the run consisted of lots of boring country roads with one hill.  Spectacular.  (Young Ward Loop including one length of the planet walk).  I felt like crud today, so even though the pace was easy, the effort was not.  I feel fine now though.  Go figure.

T-1:46:30 (7:20) 152


Landreth 4 Miles: 14.50
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Providence canyon road - 18 degrees and I felt it.  Brrr.

T-58:10 (7:17) 149

Cumulus 9 Miles: 8.00
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Tiny workout today.  The idea is to boost my aerobic volume while building base.  The plan was to run 5 miles at 6:45-7:00 pace then run one fast mile (sub 6) then an easy mile then fast then 2 easy as cool down.  It went pretty well as I kept all miles under 7 min/mile with the fast miles at 5:48 (slight down) and 6:00 (slight up).  The course was an old favorite.  One mile until I met up at Mile 24 of TOU to Mile 20 and back. 

So, the big question remains. Did I boost my aerobic capacity?  Probably not, but I am sure that it is better off after today than if I had run an easy 8.

T- 1:06:03 (6:36) 162

Burn Red Miles: 10.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

8 slow - easy - recovery miles on the Young Ward short loop.  

T- 1:01:12 (7:39) 148

Cumulus 9 Miles: 8.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance


Today's run was a run of thanks.  I am pretty happy to be healthy and running.  I am grateful for my family, job, religion, friends, our soon to be completed house.  Lots of blessings right now! 

Paul and I ran up to the start of the singletrack on the Logan River Trail and back.  A nice longer run mid week.  Good stuff.

T-1:44:45 (7:21) 156

Landreth 4 Miles: 14.25
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Landfill loop easy

Nimbus Miles: 6.00
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Did a quick 5 before meeting up with some of the guys for an easy run.  We had a different crowd today with newcomer Scott and old Logan veteran James join Paul and myself.  We did a loop up into the providence hills.  Found out that we ran past Scott's house on the way (next time he will want us to pick him up instead).  Good run, worked off a lot of the thanksgiving turkey.  It was especially great to have company and enjoy the nice November weather.

This was a good mileage week for me (thanks to the long weekend) 60 miles in singles.

T-1:44:30 (7:12) 153

Cumulus 9 Miles: 14.50
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance
Fastwitch Miles: 3.10Landreth 4 Miles: 66.90Cumulus 9 Miles: 82.00Nimbus Miles: 33.00Burn Red Miles: 33.00
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