Striders 10k (6.2 Miles) 00:36:53, Place overall: 3, Place in age division: 2
Slow miles
Fast miles
Total Distance
Striders 10K Race
The weather was ideal in Ogden today with no chance of slipping on ice. It was shorts and singlet and gloves. Sweet! Jon, Andy and I warmed up for 3.25 miles and then we got started. The course was much better than last year, both in time and in turns. Last year, the hairpin turns stunk and this year those were gone. It was still a challenging honest course with big hills though.
The race started out as predicted with the same group as the 5K minus Walter (@ Del Sol Relay). 5:32 first mile (half up, half down). No one was pushing the pace, it was just fast. Jon and the crew flew the second mile down the hill and I was a few seconds behind trying not to pound my legs too hard. We averaged 4:50 a mile for that half mile before it flattened out. 5:12 second mile and we are all still together (minus Chad 10-15 seconds behind). The third mile turned tatical and the pace slowed as everyone tried to settle into a comfortable pace. That helped Chad out as he caught up quickly. 5:47 third mile and roughly 17:00 5K split. Now the fun starts. We more of less stayed together as a group (Chad, Jon, Tim, Ben, and myself) until the big hills started. We did have more steep short rollers along the way though that I didn't remember. 6:00 for mile 4. I was hurting and knew the worst was to come. I slipped into 5th and tried to stay with Ben (currently in fourth). The big hills mixed things up again as we all suffered (minus Chad as he pulled away) up them. We were now all single file with a few seconds between us. 6:40 5th mile and I was up to 4th overall. I worked the top section of the hill to try and drop Tim and it worked. I picked up 5 seconds or so on him by mile 6. 6:35 mile 6 and I kicked the whole .2 to hold off Tim. I knew I wouldn't catch Jon, but wanted a FRB sweep. 1:05 for the last bit.
36:53 (official results showed 36:49) 3rd overall and 3-4 seconds behind Jon with Chad ~15 seconds ahead. I feel good about it as it was a tough course and to run a sub 19 min 5K ALL uphill is nice. Cool down with Jon after chatting with Ben and Tim. Cool guys and they were a great motivation during the race. They will be there for the whole circuit which will be nice.
Chatted with James and got the Del Sol updates. Super good job by the team down in Arizona. Sounds like a lot of fun.
T- 36:53 (5:56) 181 ave 185 max
PM: Ran with Paul (5.2 miles) just as the weather turned for the worse. Rain, wind and snow. Far cry from the 50 in Ogden this morning. He was able to crush Lybi's PR (as that was the whole goal of the run). We only live 1.5 miles apart, but we haven't run together in over 3.5 months.
AM: 6 easy on the Landfill Loop. It was cold this morning. Single digits. I took inventory of the body and my quads got the worst of it. I am sure mile 2 was to blame. Pretty sore. I plan on taking it easy (low intensity) to make sure I am recovered for Moab.
PM: 8.5 miles in the evening. Ran with Jon AND Paul today. It has been ages since this happened. Some faster but mostly slow easy miles. I still have tender muscles but they are getting better.
Slept in the morning and skipped my morning run. I am still fighting a cold and feel miserable at night. During the day I am fine, it is just at night that it sucks. I decided sleep is more important this week. I did my run in the evening with Jon. We met at the planet walk and ran the Young Ward loop. A perfectly flat course to hit some good even splits. We did 3 miles of warmup then did 5 miles at Tinman tempo pace (marathon pace more or less). We went:
6:14 (163)
6:19 (166)
6:09 (172)
6:09 (173)
6:04 (174)
It was way easier doing it with someone than all by myself. When I found myself slacking off, Jon would carry the pace and vice-versa. We finished with 2.1 miles of cooldown at 7 min pace. Last tune-up for Moab, now it is just easy miles till Saturday.
AM: Planet Walk 5 miler in the frost. 10 degrees. STILL not 100% healthy. 48 hours to get well. Its actually not that bad, but annoying.
PM: Ran to and from Paul's house and 3 miles with him. He was back to his old speedy self. Much faster than I was expecting. Paul is BACK! Watch out...
Right afte, drove down to SLC and we are staying at the in-laws for the night. We leave for Moab tomorrow....
Pre-race shakeout in SLC. Taylorsville to be more accurate. I brought my revolver in case I got mugged. Of course the only thing worth taking was the revolver...hmmmm.
Ran 3 easy miles at 6500 feet near our Cabin outside of Moab. Ran with Paul and Ben, and David. I wasn't planning on running, but didn't want to get stuck hanging out with the girls....Turned out great. Nice shakeout. Feeling pretty good for tomorrow.
Canyonlands Half Marathon (13.1 Miles) 01:18:43, Place overall: 18, Place in age division: 7
Slow miles
Fast miles
Total Distance
Canyonlands (Moab) Half Marathon
This was my first time running this race. I almost ran Boston this year but due to budget constraints, decided to run this race instead. We (Bethany and I of course) got my parents to babysit the twerps for two nights and we were lucky enough to join up with Paul, Stacy, Ben, and David for a group rate in a cabin outside of Moab. Sweet setup, made the whole vacation experience! Excellent way to spend time with friends. No TV, computer, internet, cell phone service (AT&T at least), basically everything I am addicted to normally. It was kind of a de-tox for a techie nerd-guy. Anyway...
The morning of the race, we were excited to see overcast sky's and cool weather. We also had a bit of a tailwind for the first mile or two. We waited and waited and FINALLY got to start the race. I started fast, but with the first mile downhill, it was to be expected. I settled in next to Logan and watched Walter cruise off. Logan kept me company for a bit but was quickly bored with the pace and moved on. He went on to show the big boys how to negative split in a big way. Very impressive show...from a distance. I felt fine and was hitting my splits comfortably (for a race, right?). I hooked up with Brad Phippen at mile 3. He offered to trade mile leads with me since we had the same goals and were actually already working together already. It was a mutually beneficial arrangement that lasted almost to the end. I felt decent and was positive I could keep a good run together until just after mile 10. We had just run the big hill together and it put us in the tank. After that, it was survival mode. I felt like I was in a marathon at mile 22. After that, it was a struggle to keep any pace. I figure that my fitness got me to 10 and I need to gain more fitness to get past that point. I have focused on base work and have done only a few short Tinman tempo workouts (which was the pace I slowed to actually). So, with my limited training, I feel I held it together pretty well. I gave it my best effort and ran as hard as I could at this point of the season. I enjoyed the course. I did think the rolling hills take a lot out of you. Plus, the headwind at the mouth of the canyon was pretty stiff. I would say it was worth 20-30 seconds easily. I think the course it tough, but can be mastered with ideal training and racing. Anyway, enough rambling. Bottom Line, I think I ran to my potential on that day and am pleased.
Mile 1: 5:25 (163) Fast downhill (biggest downhill of the race)
Mile 2: 5:48 (176) Settling into my goal pace of 5:50-6:00 range
Mile 3: 5:57 (176) Drafting behind Brad and a few others occasionally
Mile 4: 5:53 (177) First mile of Brad and my alliance (I led). I was working hard to do my part.
Mile 5: 6:03 (176) Brad's first mile. He slowed a bit, but we were ok still.
Mile 6: 5:55 (176) I was definetly stronger than him during this part of the race. 36:10 at the 10K point.
Mile 7: 6:03 (175) Fatigue setting in, but still ok.
Mile 8: 6:04 (175) I led
Mile 9: 6:15 (173) Slow, but I couldn't have done better by myself.
Mile 10: 6:09 (175) Big hill, I cruised up the first part, then hit the top part fast and carried speed down the hill. I actually gapped Brad for a bit, but he recovered on the downhill and came back up to me.
Mile 11: 6:28 (175) It was windy and difficult here. This is where the wheels fell off. Brad was stronger here it seemed. Trouble...
Mile 12: 6:18 (175) It was my turn, but I hit the gas and nothing happened. The best I could do was pull alongside Brad. I even dropped a few steps behind him here. On a positive note, somewhere along here, I met Craig (fellow blogger) and encouraged him to go for it as he was looking really strong. I couldn't even attempt to stay with him. He took off and finished really strong. Good Job Craig!
Mile 13-13.1: 6:34 (5:55 Ave) (179) Everything I have got. I caught Brad and we ran side by side for a while. We turned the last corner and after a block or so I decided I would try and gap him and a guy named Ben who had caught us earlier. I started my "long kick" and it worked. I was able to hold them off to the finish. Oh, happy day, I am done...
My watch showed 1:18:55, race results showed 1:18:53, but the website shows 1:18:43. Off by 10 seconds somehow. I will go with the official results, I guess. Thanks Brad for working with me.
1:18:43 (6:00) 175 ave 184 max (during the kick) Course PR of course.
I was impressed with many people there. Logan, and Craig, as I already mentioned. Walter just smoked me. He certainly has more endurance than I do. Watch out at the 10 miler Chad and Jon... Paul ran the 5 miler pretty sweetly, fast but smartly controlled. Bethany ran her heart out. My watch that she borrowed from me died so she had to go by feel and did awesome. She is now hooked I can tell. It is her turn for a year of PR's. Ben and David both ran well and exceeded their expectations. It was a lot of fun to enjoy this experience together.
and click on the links for the images. You can then download whichever ones you like. There are some of Logan, Walter, David, Marcie, and of course ME.
AM: Easy 5 untimed on the Planet Walk. Dark. Lousy daylight savings. Messes up the mornings. Took inventory of body parts during the run. No major issues. No soreness, only fatigue.
PM: Ran to Paul's house and ran just over 3 miles with him. Dropped him off at the gym and ran some more miles on the TOU course. Nice and sunny today. 9.5 miles - 7:30 ave
AM: Sleepy 5 miler in the dark. Did 4x20 second strides.
PM: Ran the planet walk with Paul, Jon and Dave. Very busy today on the trail. Dropped Paul and Dave off and ran landfill loop with Jon. Recovery from the 1/2 still a work in progress.
Striders 10 Miler (10 Miles) 01:01:21, Place overall: 6, Place in age division: 3
Slow miles
Fast miles
Total Distance
Striders 10 Miler
Its gotta be the hardest 10 mile course out there. Fun stuff. Coming off two weekends of races, I wasn't ready mentally and physically to bust out a big one. I have mixed feelings about the result for me, but I think I performed as expected.
The race started out very conservative for the first few miles, so I was able to run my pace. Someone, I didn't recognize took off from the gun and dusted all of us. Other than him, it was Adam and Walter in the first chase pack, then Jon, Chad, Ben and myself in the third.
5:57 (165) first mile. Like I said, conservative
5:32 (173) Mile 2. Big downhill
5:48 (177) Mile 3. Still hanging with the same group. Adam and Walter about 30? seconds ahead.
6:01 (176) Mile 4. Fun is about to begin
6:42 (176) Mile 5. Climbing, losing ground to everyone but Ben. I put about 5 seconds on him here. He was my main motivation, very helpful.
6:46 (176) Mile 6. Lost more time to everyone.
7:21 (176) Mile 7. Last major hill. Destroyed me. I was sliding on the ice too. Major fatigue set in and I shut it down. I went from a race mentality to survival mentality. I really should have pushed it more here, but couldn't.
5:19 (174) Mile 8. Big downhill finally. Re-grouped and focused on trying to catch Chad (as he was the only one in sight). Secondary goal was to not let Ben catch me either.
5:47 (174) Mile 9 Some up, some down. All alone, and whining to myself. Not closing on Chad at all.
6:05 (176) Mile 10 The hill in this mile was super hard. Sapped all that was left in the legs. Sections of the last mile were pretty slippery and it made it hard to pick it up. Chad was out of reach, Ben was safely behind, so it was a cruise into the finish kick.
Great Results from the Blog. 2,3,4,5,6. Jon had the what I deem the best race of the bunch. Walter ran well considering how well he ran Moab. Good Job bloggers.
T-(Official) 1:01:21 (6:08) 174 ave 181 max
On another good note, it was an improvement of 1:40 over last year.
Waited until the afternoon for my workout. Jon and Paul picked me up and we did a few miles (7:00,6:42) together until Paul turned towards home. Jon and I began our Tinman Tempo on the Young Ward loop. The goal was 7 miles at 6:15-6:20 pace. It went pretty well. The only complaint for me was wind from the south (headwind for a few miles, crosswind the rest).
6:12 (161)
6:14 (166)
6:13 (167)
6:21 (169)
6:11 (163) (Jon's not-so-private bathroom stop)
6:09 (173)
6:05 (175)
The rest of the miles were around 7:00 pace. Not sure because the battery died on the Garmin at this point.
Dinner was Pizza, breadsticks, cookies, and ice-cream. Sweet!
AM: Easy 6 on the Landfill Loop. Slow and tired. It was warm enough today to take the scooter to work. Now it looks like it might rain. Dang it.
PM: No rain...yet. It worked out to be a pretty decent day. Got in 5 more miles at 6:30pm. Saw some other runners going the opposite direction. They are coming out of hibernation now.
AM: Felt Lousy this morning. My back has been sore for two days now and it was super stiff this morning. I opted for the treadmill so I could bail if it hurt too bad. I managed 5 slow miles and quit. My body is worn out.
T-37:30 (7:30)
PM: Felt much better this afternoon. I plopped the kids in the stroller and did some planet walk laps. Lily cried the whole time. Very annoying. Turns out she was hungry. I dropped her off at the house at 5.25 miles and ran another 2.25 with Jaxon. When we finished, he ran for 4 houses and threw sticks into the stream. Every kids dream.
I was in SLC for parties and Easter, so I decided that I would rather run 20 miles with Sasha and the posse then by myself. What is another 30 mins of driving anyway?
For the first 13.1 miles, we (Sasha, Steve, Jeff, Tyler)paced/urged/annoyed/mocked/threatened/ignored and any other tactic known to man to motivate Josse to improve on her time over the Moab Half Marathon. It was redemption day. She came through with close to a 4 min improvement. Pretty good.
After dropping Josse off, we hit the road again for 7 more. Steve and Sasha wanted sub 6 pace. I said I would hang on as long as I could. I made it 3. By then, my IT band had flared up and was actually hurting. It progressed beyond annoying and moved into the hurt stage. So I pulled the plug and let them go. (In reality, I was dying and slowing them down anyway so it was easy to say "leave me on the side the trail while I curl up into a ball" or something similar). My splits for the 3 miles were: 5:52, 5:35, 5:47. Once I slowed back down to 7 min pace, the leg started to feel better. I ended the run coasting in at 7:15-7:30 pace.
T-2:19:06 (6:57) 155 ave 178 max
After the run, I got scrapped by Josse. Painful, yet very much needed. I am proud of my deep purple bruising now. My in-laws think I am even dumber though. Not only do I run 20 miles by choice, but I inflict pain ("Bruising by Josse" would be a good name for a buisness) by scrapping after. It feels pretty sweet right now though. Thanks Josse.
Spent a good portion of my night in the bathroom. I am afraid, I got some food poisoning yesterday. I gave the morning run an attempt, but only made it 2 houses before the dry heaving began. Plan B.... Sleep.
Called in sick to work. Only the second time I have done that in 4 years. Felt better and better as the day went on. I was able to keep the food in and gain strength. I went out for a cruise in the early afternoon. Providence River Heights Loop. Easy 8 (57:15) (7:10)
Met up with Jon, Paul, and Logan and ran some more miles with them. I was loaded down with the kiddies and the stroller. No crying this time though, they were angels. I really didn't plan on running this far, we just kept going. Easy 9 (70:00) (7:47)
AM: Landfill loop (6) in the rain. Saw two other runners going the opposite direction. I recognized Paul's form in the dark. Figured the other was Logan, but wasn't sure. Figured that bloggers would be the only people crazy enough to actually run in the rain and the least in Logan.
PM: Planet Walk then Paul's, then Logan High, then fairgrounds to home. Ran with Jon and Paul and lots of kids in strollers. Tired legs...
AM: Easy 5 on the Planet Walk. 4-striders. Same old stuff. Oh, my foot is hurting on the top. Seems like a bruise, but it has been there for 3 days now. Doesn't hurt when I walk in loose shoes. Only when I walk/run in running shoes. I am crossing my fingers it is only a bruise. Keeping an eye on it.
PM: Workout day
Met with Jon and we ran the Providence-Millville loop. 11 miles long with lots of hills. We did a warmup then did 2x3 mins hard up the hills. We took a ~2 min break between fartleks then did 3x3 mins on the flat/downhills.
1-.44mi in 3:01 (6:49) - Up a big hill
2-.47mi in 3:00 (6:24) - Not as steep
3-.54mi in 3:01 (5:36) - Down-Flat-Up
4-.58mi in 3:01 (5:11) - Big down (sections really steep)
5-.56mi in 3:01 (5:22) - Quality downhill here
I was sure feeling the last few, but focused on good leg turnover and breathing. Once we were done, we had a nasty headwind back home that cooled us off pretty good. Windy, rainy, and cold. Whatever happened to spring? Finished off picking it up a bit to beat the 7:00 pace guy. Foot felt better, but IT band was sore by the end.
T-1:16:52 (6:59) 157 ave, 170's during the fartleks
Only have time for a single run today, so it became my easy/recovery day. I didn't brave the blizzard and stayed indoors on the treadmill. Watched an Incubus concert on the player. Very good concert to run to. Great music with visual stimulation. It of course stopped snowing by the time I was done.
Jon met me at my house and we went and ran on the TOU marathon course backwards. We joined it at mile 21.5 and headed into the snow storm. It got progressively windier and snowier. Jon and I ran together for 5 miles then he had to head home. I continued up the course, up hollow road and up the canyon. At this point I had a nice tailwind going up the canyon and was praying for a change in wind direction as I knew trouble was brewing. I hit 10 miles in ~72 mins and turned around very close to the 1/2 marathon point. I was hoping to pick it up on the downhill and get the legs going on the downhill. That didn't work out very well. I was blinded by the wind blown hail that was pelting me. I was running with my eyes closed peeking every 10 seconds or so to stay on the road. 6:20, 6:40, 6:50 splits before I slowed back to 7:00 pace as the hypothermia set in. Slogged through the rest of the run until I hit Jon's house. I stopped and helped him load his U-Haul while I thawed out. 2 doughnuts and some OJ and 5000 lbs of boxes moved, I headed home for the final 1.5 miles. It was rough getting going with the food slogging around in the belly, but it settled and I was able to pick off the 7 min guy by throwing in a 6:33 mile (no more wind, but the snow continued). Enough whining for one day. On a positive note, this run gave me my highest mileage week ever.