| Location: St. George,UT,U.S.A Member Since: Apr 02, 2005 Gender: Male Goal Type: Local Elite Running Accomplishments: 97th at Boston
1:09:40 Half Marathon
2:25:50 Marathon
Short-Term Running Goals: Get healthy enough to enjoy a run again. Long-Term Running Goals: To be able to do it... long term. Personal: "To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the Gift" -Steve Prefontaine
Live your life. Take chances. Be crazy. Don't wait. Because right now is the oldest you've ever been and the youngest you'll be... ever again. Favorite Blogs: |
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Ghost Miles: 22.60 | Pulse Red Miles: 13.20 | Pulse Neon Green Miles: 39.80 | Lunarfly #1 Miles: 64.40 | Lunarfly #2 Miles: 67.90 | Used Blk Launch Miles: 27.60 | Mirage Miles: 34.70 | Blk Launch Miles: 20.00 | TypeA Miles: 10.10 | Ghost 3 Miles: 22.50 | New Speedstar Miles: 15.00 |
| | I fully intended on running today. The legs felt good I had the time but... it rained like crazy all day long in Cordova. So we spent our last day up here just relaxing and getting ready to fly out at 7 p.m. For what would be a crazy long, painful trip home. | Add Comment |
| | Woke up Monday morning at 9 a.m. Flew out of Cordova at 10 p.m (scheduled for 8 p.m) Monday night. Got to Anchorage at 11 p.m. Flew out of Anchorage at 12:40 a.m Tuesday. Landed in Seattle at around 6 a.m. Then flew from Seattle to Vegas and landed there at 9 a.m Vegas time. Drove the two hours back to STG and was home around noonihs Tuesday. Then a few hours later we drove up I-15 for 1.5 hours up and 1.5 hours back to meet my Uncle and Aunt who were watching Myler. Got home around 10 p.m. and finally got to go to sleep. In all that travel time I really didn't sleep at all on the plane (I never can) then got an hour or so nap at the house here in STG before going up to get Myler. But all in all I was over come with the whole thing and totally trashed. Way too long of trip to try and pull off in the middle of the night. I'll never take a redeye again... Long story short I couldn't run today:)
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Finally after an eternal trip Monday night thru Tuesday evening I was able to sleep. I sweat a lot last night getting use to the warmer dry air but I did get some good solid rest. A start to what I need- hoping for more to come in nap later. Got up and ran the middle B-hills loop. Legs felt pretty solid. This was the first run since the marathon last Saturday and as I suspected I'm just not that sore... never was. Totally different from the marathon in June at UV where I was sore for 5 weeks after. Just took it EZ with no watch this morning. Didn't get out until after 8:30 so the sun was high in the sky. I dropped 8 lbs from last night to this morning after then run. 6.6 miles tonight around the B-hills loop again. It started raining right when I left so pretty good timing. It only lasted for about 1.5 miles but still soaked the front of me. I liked it. EZ going tonight running on a full stomach of freshly cooked salmon straight from Alaska. It's better than anything I've ever had before (salmon standards)
Ghost Miles: 6.60 | Pulse Red Miles: 6.60 |
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B-hills loop again this morning. Went early before the sun came up. Temps were ok. Not super great but not horribly hot. 75 F. Kind of felt tight most of the run- wore out too. Got too much to do with life and stuff trying to catch up after being gone. Hope to make it to club tonight.
Pulse Neon Green Miles: 6.60 | Lunarfly #1 Miles: 10.00 |
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| | woke up and was only 150 lbs before thinking about a run. just felt horribly trashed and dehydrated. running wouldn't have been a wise choice so I packed it in for the day and decided I was still on somewhat of a recovery week. | Add Comment |
| | Good run with Dave this morning. We looped around the park and then out into Bloomington around it's loop and up to River Road and home. Kept the pace honest almost the entire run. 6:49 avg. Legs feel really good for only being one week after a marathon. |
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Up early to run B4 Mik'L had to go. Ran the Tempo Tuesday loop to check distance and stuff. We'll have to stay up on the road down by Dino Tracks because the flood washed the trail out and it wont be restored for who knows how long. So just ran the full loop at EZ pace. 7:10 avg on a nice cool summer morning.
Attention STG Runners: Tempo Tuesdays start tomorrow at 5 a.m at my house. Be there or be square.
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| | Tempo Tuesday week 1 We ran basically the same loop as last years tempo course other than over by the river we stayed out on the road instead of dropping onto the trail. Today the plan was to do the regular 3 mile warm up. Then 6 miles of tempo and a little over 3 miles of cool down. The warm up went quick and it was time to go. Temps were nice and cool for an August morning in STG. That was one thing we had going for us. I just got going and never looked at the watch. Felt smooth and in control until just after mile 4 and I started to get serious stomach cramps. I fought it off and did ok until about 5.3 and then it really started to hurt. Had to go potty bad. Held on to finish the 6 miles of tempo and then took care of business. Cooled down back home and have spent basically the last 2 hours in the bathroom. Something really jacked my tummy up... maybe it was the bag of BBQ chips I had for dinner last night at the lake or all the other junk food we ate out there instead of a real dinner. Oh well glad to get the tempo stuff back out. Hope to continue to build over the next 6-7 weeks. Hit a 5:39 avg for the tempo miles. Splits: 5:55, 5:33, 5:29, 5:47, 5:32, 5:40 The 4th mile is always slow as you climb up through the industrial park and there was a lot of on coming traffic. I thought this mile would have been way slower considering how bad the stomach was hurting. But looking at the splits I'm pretty happy with the morning.
Used Blk Launch Miles: 12.60 |
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| | Logan called me late last night and wondered if I wanted to run today. So we planned on meeting early and running before one of his meetings and before Mik'L went out. Did a big loop around Stone Cliff and B-hills then extended around Little Valley here and there until our time was up. 7:06 avg. A little warmer this morning than the last few days. |
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EZ B-hills loop this morning. Feeling really good. I hesitate to say that because I don't want to jinx myself. But legs, body and mind all feel really good. Hopefully we can all stay insink for the next 7 weeks or so.
10.1 miles tonight at club. Only Aaron, Ryan and I showed. Aaron and I dropped Ryan by mile 2. It was right around 100 F. I did pretty good until about mile 9. Then I could tell I was totally dehydrated. 6:43 avg pace per mile for the run.
Pulse Red Miles: 6.60 | Mirage Miles: 10.10 |
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| | River Road/ DC loop. Out early in the dark. Was not recovered from last nights club run still very dehydrated and stiff. So this run basically was a lot like work. Felt completely different than yesterdays run. Oh well it's done and I'll spend the rest of the day hydrating and resting to be ready for tomorrows 20 miler down the course. |
Pulse Neon Green Miles: 10.10 |
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| | The title of today's run was: Steve's Pony Kind of the regular process up at 4 a.m and over to the church on Bluff to catch the shuttle up. It only went out 19.3 miles so we ran up a little at the start and then turned around to make it a full 20. There was a big group around 3 full 15 passenger vans. Steve, Aaron, Logan, and I started the run together. Once we turned back around and was heading for town Aaron started into a faster pace. I had no plans for the run- no set warm up or tempo. I just wanted to get in the mileage. But I decided to kind of head out with him. Steve and Logan stayed back a little to continue to warm up and tempo the last 9 miles. Aaron and I didn't even get to Veyo (3 miles into it) and my head was spinning. It felt too hot. I was really getting ready for a big crash. I told him I was feeling like crap and let him go. Then started to wonder how I was going to get back to my car. As I got to the base of Veyo hill I remembered I'd grabbed a little bag of Sweetish Fish (like 15-25 of them). I didn't have a gu to bring and this was the only thing in my pantry I could find at 4 a.m that looked like it would kind of work like Gu. I felt super hungry and burnt out so I started to eat them up the hill. Hit that mile in like 8:15 and finished off my fish. They started working really fast. The taste of sugar alone started to help refuel me. From that point on up through Dameron I started to kind of feel better and get my barrings back. Then just ran whatever back to the car. Noting super fast. Somewhere around 5:45 pace for the last 10 miles. Ended the run with a 6:23 avg. Glad that run was over and than it wasn't race day... kind of a flashback of last years STGM. Hoping things go better up there this year.
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Middle B-hills loop early with Paul and Steve. Then hit the inner loop alone with a little extra. Warm out due to some cloud cover. 82 F when we started at 5:30 a.m. Legs felt pretty good. Quads are a little sore from the down hill on Saturday and my right ankle was swollen all day yesterday and again today. But I don't remember hurting it. Must have been wake boarding on Saturday.
4 miles this afternoon on the treadmill. It was really hot outside and I didn't want to trash the system out for the rest of the week. So I stayed in on the treadmill. However in my garage it was close to 100 F with little air flow but the good news was there was no direct sun light zapping me out. So it was still pretty grim. Watched PTI and tried not to think about the heat.
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| | Logan and Billy showed up for the weekly tempo run. However we were all not really into tempoing it. Just a little stiff and sore from the 20 down the course last week. So we opted to just run. Billy boy had to cut it short so out in the fields he turned off. Logan and I ran the regular tempo loop but once we got to River Road we went back out around Stone Cliff and into Little Valley that way to extend the distance. 7:04 avg for the run. We were both really dry by the end. A drink was heavenly. |
Used Blk Launch Miles: 15.00 |
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| | Out early to run the Bloomington/ Morningside loop. Crazy that this run and yesterdays were almost exactly the same distance (15.03 yesterday, 15.00 today). Now I know I have 2 almost perfect and different 15 mile loop courses right from my driveway. Kept it honest this morning and hit a 7:00 avg. But I actually beat the 7 min guy with a lean at the finishing line. Good run. I can't wait til fall. |
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Regular B-hills loop. Kind of sore and wore out. No watch. Gave the Stake President a passing high five coming up the trail. Good to see he's inspired to run:) Running club tonight was HOT. 103 F in the shade when I left to go over. Out on the black top it was a fools trail to be on. But 6 of us did it anyway. I came prepared with a waterbottle for each hand. A soaked shirt and hat then I resoaked it all at mile 6 at the park. Didn't try and push. I wore a pair of shoes I haven't wore in over a year... ended up with a blister on my pinky tow on the left foot. I'm starting to dislike club runs in the summer.
TypeA Miles: 10.10 | Ghost 3 Miles: 8.10 |
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| | Up early and hit the River road/ DC loop. Felt slow and dead. No watch. Pulled a dead raccoon out of the road by the gas station on River Road. Didn't want a big bloody mess to drive through later on in the day. It was 83 F when I left the house just after 5 a.m. It's gonna be a hot one. |
Pulse Neon Green Miles: 10.10 |
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| | Up at 3:50 to be running by 4:15 with Logan and Aaron. It was hot. 84 F when I left the house and went outside to meet the guys. We ran an out and back 9 mile route around the park, into B-hills and down the river trail into Bloomington for a mile on the loop. Then turned around and came back. My garmin flaked out at mile 13.5 but at that point we were at a 6:55 avg then started speeding up hitting around 6 min pace to finish off the last 3 or so miles. I had no plans this morning other than to survive the run with the heat and all. Next week is only going to get hotter too. MUTHER! Once we got back to the house Aaron and I did a 1.3 mile cool down around the mini Little Valley loop. Overall felt pretty good this morning in the legs. Hammy was a little sore but nothing else hurt. Oh the joys of age. |
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| | Out by 5:25 and it was much cooler today than it was last week. Thank goodness. One more hot morning run in a row and I'd consider walking away from the sport. I struggled to get anything going this morning. Until mile 6 or so everything hurt (even the arches of my feet). Then after that things started to feel a little better but I still couldn't get any turnover. Saw Scott at around mile and chatted for a spell. Looped around in Little Valley to end at 13 mile in 1:33 |
Pulse Neon Green Miles: 13.00 |
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| | Tempo Tuesday. A little intro: Yesterday I took the boat out and got to the Quail Creek Lake at 10 a.m. The entire lake was glass and we were the only boat there for the next 3+ hours. And only two of us wanted to board. So I beat the crap out of myself wakeboarding. Lots of hard crashes.... then on the way home I stopped at Del Taco and loaded up on cheap, spicy, processed food. Then I worked in the yard for about 3 hours that evening in the +100F temps. Long story short it all showed up this morning in the tempo run. I've got to start preparing better Monday so I can run better on Tuesday... or any day pre big workout or run for that matter. We did the usual 3 mile warm up. Then 6 miles at tempo and 3.6 miles of cool down. My tempo avg was 5:45. Slower than last time I did this workout (5:39). No real cause for concern as it's not supposed to be real fast anyways. But the overall effort today was too hard for the pace. I ran fairly even most of the run with the slowest mile being around 5:53 and the fastest one being 5:28. But it all felt labored. Nothing fluid. After the cool down with Dave and Logan I got home and had to go to the potty BAD. Then I still had some time before Mik'L had to leave on her run so I ran around the Little Valley loop for another 2.4 miles to even it up for 15 for the day.
New Speedstar Miles: 15.00 |
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| | Stone Cliff/ DC/ Little Valley loop. Same run as Monday. I felt totally trashed. Actually did ok for the first like 4 miles then it was just a battle. Didn't get out until Mik'L got back so it was just around 7 a.m. and the sun was up pounding on me. Legs and body felt so sore. I'm holding the wakeboarding on Monday responsible. I'm sore from the back of the neck all the way down to my ankles. The running part of my legs felt sore and trashed too. Most of this run felt like the last 3 miles of UV. Even if I would have had the most beautiful, fast downhill in the world I wouldn't have been able to run fast today. Maybe it's time to look into some kind of steroid shot or something for faster recovery:)
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A.M. B-hills loop in reverse. Felt really blah this morning and stood at the edge of my driveway for 10 min's trying to decide if I should even go. Finally I just started running slow and was off. Worked at the ward service project last night in the heat for a couple hours and then came home dehydrated so I drank about a half quart of OJ. That much OJ just doesn't sit right in my stomach when I'm running. But at the time it tasted good and was cold. Just kept it smooth this morning in the hot condition. Passed the Desert Hills runners and their grumpy old coach. The guy had the nerve to tell me to put a shirt on:) Hope he comes to club tonight and the heat can kick some of his attitude's butt. 10 miles tonight at running club. It was 107 F in the car on the way over there. Lets just say it was only around 104 F when we started the run... that's in the shade. Out on the blacktop and in the sun it was hot. However all that being said tonight's run wasn't too bad. It was only Steven and I and we just took it EZ. Your can't push it when the temps are that high. We finished and both of us felt pretty good. So hopefully I can say that's the hottest run of the summer.
Mirage Miles: 8.10 | Lunarfly #2 Miles: 10.00 |
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| | Met Logan here at my house early and we did 10.7 miles down around the DC then back through B-hills. It was 88 F when I woke up at 4:40 a.m and still that hot when we left at 5 a.m. In fact it only cooled to 87 F by the time I finished running. The heat this morning out in the dark morning just sucked the life out of me. In a way it's just depressing to have it be that hot and the sun isn't even out yet. After Logan and I got back I extended it around Little Valley for a few more. Did pretty good for the first part of that but then the last mile seemed to do me in for good. I'll spend the rest of the day in a dazed coma with a slushy in my hand trying to recover.
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Up at 3:40 a.m and running by 4 with Dave and Logan. They came over to my house and we did another run like last week. Out and back through the park, b-hills and onto the river trail. It's nice because you hit the drinking fountain on the way out at mile 4.6 and on the way back in at like 10.2 or so. Since the temps were still over 80 F the water stops are almost mandatory. We just kept it smooth. Those guys had to get to a cross country meet up in Cedar so they did 15. I extended around Little Valley at the end to get myself to 90 miles for the week. 7:01 avg for the run.
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| | Out 8 miles then back. Similar run to the last couple Saturday's runs but I went up River Road and then down to the DC and to Bloomington. Started out really slow with a 8:38 mile. Up early and working out the Mondays. Slowly tried to get things going but for the first 7 miles I was still barely under 7:20 pace. Then going into the last mile before the turn around I started to feel better and basically ran between 6:35-6:50 pace the remainder of the run. Ended with a 7:01 avg. Felt a little cooler this morning but still was over 76 F at 5 a.m. |
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| | Lake Powell- Ran from Antelope marina up the hill (south) to the power plant. Solid 5 mile uphill on the way out and then 5 downhill on the way back. 7:04 avg | Add Comment |
| | Ran with Bill and Mike from the Houseboat at the marina up around the surrounding area. Kind of explored and did some laps around the hill between the marina and boat ramp. Finally took the houseboat out of the marina this morning to our camp site over in Ice cream canyon by the Sandhill. |
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Ghost Miles: 22.60 | Pulse Red Miles: 13.20 | Pulse Neon Green Miles: 39.80 | Lunarfly #1 Miles: 64.40 | Lunarfly #2 Miles: 67.90 | Used Blk Launch Miles: 27.60 | Mirage Miles: 34.70 | Blk Launch Miles: 20.00 | TypeA Miles: 10.10 | Ghost 3 Miles: 22.50 | New Speedstar Miles: 15.00 |
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