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St. George Half Marathon

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St. George,UT,U.S.A

Member Since:

Apr 02, 2005



Goal Type:

Local Elite

Running Accomplishments:

97th at Boston

1:09:40 Half Marathon

2:25:50 Marathon


Short-Term Running Goals:

Get healthy enough to enjoy a run again.

Long-Term Running Goals:

To be able to do it... long term. 


"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the Gift" -Steve Prefontaine

Live your life. Take chances. Be crazy. Don't wait. Because right now is the oldest you've ever been and the youngest you'll be... ever again.

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Baby Jogger Lifetime Miles: 623.95
Kinvara Lifetime Miles: 313.32
Asics TRI Lifetime Miles: 610.65
Pegasus Lifetime Miles: 520.90
Kinvara2 Lifetime Miles: 350.20
Ghost Yellow Lifetime Miles: 374.25
Kestrel Bike Lifetime Miles: 1883.75
NB- Rainbow Lifetime Miles: 57.80
Red Cumulus Lifetime Miles: 594.95
Neon Launch Lifetime Miles: 533.40
DS Trainer Lifetime Miles: 467.77
Green Pegasus Lifetime Miles: 479.75
Lunerglide Lifetime Miles: 276.70
Blue Pegasus Lifetime Miles: 528.06
NoosTri Lifetime Miles: 283.07
BlueKinvara Lifetime Miles: 216.60
Innov Lifetime Miles: 58.50
Ride Lifetime Miles: 207.45
NavPeg Lifetime Miles: 162.50
Green K5's Lifetime Miles: 88.00
Total Distance
Ghost Miles: 37.50Pulse Neon Green Miles: 50.00Launch 2 Miles: 45.40Defyance 2 Miles: 17.10Pulse Red Miles: 48.40Defyance 3 Miles: 25.30Used Blk Launch Miles: 40.10Blk Launch Miles: 33.60Ghost 3 Miles: 32.60TypeA Miles: 14.60Baby Jogger Miles: 23.80New Speedstar Miles: 9.10
Total Distance

Planned on running today. But just never got a chance. We had company and with all the hype of the day there just wasn't time. In the end it turned into a nice day off of running and the legs were thankful for the rest. 

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Out at around 8:30 a.m in SNOW. About 3 good inches blanketed the town last night. So I was dealing with ice, slush and in places where there were no tracks... some nice fluffy snow. Kind of fun to run in... like once or twice a year. 

Another lap around the B-hills loop this evening. I'm getting sick of this whole winter thing. I know I shouldn't complain but I really just like spring and fall. 

Ghost Miles: 8.10Pulse Neon Green Miles: 8.10
Total Distance

B-hills loop again this morning. Cold.... tights, gloves, hat, and coat. 

8.7 mile run tonight. Ran down River Road to the trail by the river. Then up the river to where it washed out to inspect the damage. It looks like there's no way to ever have the trail there again. Then I ran back down to River road and over by Summit, around Stone Cliff and back home. 6:50 avg. 

Launch 2 Miles: 8.70Defyance 2 Miles: 8.10
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Freeway loop this morning. No watch but the pace was EZ and slow. Kind of felt tight in the hammies. 

Pulse Red Miles: 10.00
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B-hills loop backwards today. Felt slightly better as I got out the door... however the run seemed to last forever. 

Club run tonight at the DC. Good little run. We ran up the trail 3 miles to where it was washed out and then back around by the B-hills side on the way back. Pace was up tempo but not fast. Legs felt better than they have all week. Only problem was that I was needing a big boy potty stop. 

Defyance 3 Miles: 8.10Ghost Miles: 8.40
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Freeway loop this morning. Legs continued to feel great with no real pain. That I was loving. I wasn't loving the stomach issues that carried over from last night and forced a stop up in the rocks to take care of business. But other than that the run was good and it was a little warmer... just a little. 

Used Blk Launch Miles: 10.00
Total Distance

Ran the new STG half course with Dave, Logan, Steven, and Aaron. Chilly at 27 F but runnable. We were going to really tempo out the second loop but didn't really get the legs rolling. Hit some Tinman miles and one 5:22 but not the planned "full loop at tempo". Stomach still having the same issues that I had since Thursday. 

Blk Launch Miles: 14.50
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A.M. B-hills loop this morning. Kind of draggin as I made my way around. Almost didn't go but glad I did once I finished up. 

P.M. B-hills loop in reverse this evening. I picked up the pace and tried to get the legs turning over a little. 6:13 avg for the run.

Defyance 3 Miles: 8.10Pulse Neon Green Miles: 8.10
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B-hills loop extended up through St. James. Got out earlier than usual and it was dark for most the run. Chilly too! I thought after last nights harder run that the legs would be dead this morning but I felt really solid. I ate too much pizza last night so I had to take a trail side potty stop but other than that it was a great run. 

8.4 miles again this evening. Ended up getting out later tonight so both runs of the day were in the dark. I don't like running in the dark that much. Anyways same loop as this morning but in reverse (counter clockwise). Legs seem to be holding up pretty well the last couple weeks. Hoping to see some progress on the race side of things in the STG half on next weekend. 

Pulse Red Miles: 8.40Ghost 3 Miles: 8.40
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Treadmill miles this morning. Wasn't in the mood to run and Mik'L had to leave early. So the outcome was a short indoor effort. EZ to slow pace too. 

B-hills extended through St. James tonight. It warmed up a little today and so it was shorts and a light shirt. Felt pretty good but the week is wearing me down. 

Ghost Miles: 8.40
Total Distance

B-hills loop this morning. Fought myself to just get out the door. Then once running I wanted to loop back home after 2 miles. But somehow stayed on the bus all the way around. Feel pretty flat and a nap will be a must today as I've slept like crap for most of the week. 

9.5 miles tonight at the club run. We ran the big river loop from the DC. Pace stayed pretty up beat from the start. Ended up finishing the run with some pretty fast miles. I'm not sure what the splits were because I had no garmin but we were rolling. Ended up hitting the entire run with an avg of 6:23 per mile. 

Used Blk Launch Miles: 9.50Pulse Neon Green Miles: 8.10
Total Distance

B-hills loop at around 1 p.m today. I couldn't get myself out this morning and was glad I waited. Took Myler over to grandmas so I could get out. The sun was out and the weather felt good. I however felt dead. Had some serious neural fatigue today. Anyways glad to have the rest of the day to recover and rest. 

Launch 2 Miles: 8.10
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Club run at the DC. Ran the new half course again. Pretty good run just kept it nice and smooth. I didn't really feel like picking up the pace during the last loop with the guys so I just drug it around a lone on the final couple miles. Felt good to run 6:30 pace and not go sub 6. Ended with a 6:53 avg for the run. 

The highlight for the day was Logan locking his keys in his truck for the second straight day. Then we found some "tools" laying around the DC construction site and Dave popped it open with some wire. We all cheered. 

TypeA Miles: 14.60
Total Distance

Ran the summer tempo loop out around the fields. But I took the Mesquito trail and then down below Dino tracks I took the trail back up to the main road that connects to River Road. I didn't run until around 1 p.m and it was so so nice. Almost took my shirt off. Didn't push the pace but kept it solid to avg 6:43 for the run. It felt really good to go out in shorts and a "t" and be comfortable. Actually saw kids paying in the river down across from Summit Club. Got home and it was 64 F. Oh and I just heard the ice cream truck driving around... maybe jumping the gun a little there. 

Ghost 3 Miles: 13.00
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Middle B-hills loop. It was a nice morning at 37 F. Worked my way around and kind of felt labored. Mik'L rolled my legs last night with the stick and it may take a day or two to bounce back after that beating. 

Pushed Myler around the same loop as I ran this morning. Legs felt way better this afternoon. Temps are amazing and it has given me major spring fever... sad because I know it will get cold again... at least once or twice. 

Baby Jogger Miles: 6.60Ghost Miles: 6.60Pulse Neon Green Miles: 6.60
Total Distance

B-hills loop extended out to river road all the way up the trail. Kind of a up and down run. Felt a lot better than the last few days but still couldn't get any flow. My tempo and stride seem off. Not sure how to fix the form right now. But it was a great morning and I chased a coyote up the trail right when I got down to the river. He was just walking up the trail like a domestic dog and let me chase him for 20 yards before he cut down into the willows by the river. 

New Speedstar Miles: 9.10
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A.M. Pushed Myler around the inner B-hills loop.

P.M. Ran with the club down by the river

Baby Jogger Miles: 5.60Defyance 2 Miles: 7.00Pulse Red Miles: 5.60
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Ran around the inner B-hills loop with Paul. Temps were chilly but nice and runnable. Most likely it will be about the same tomorrow for the race. Legs felt pretty good but no ready for an all out half... sad for me. But it is what it is so I'll take what I get tomorrow. 

Ghost 3 Miles: 5.60
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Race: St. George Half Marathon (13.1 Miles) 01:13:33, Place overall: 6, Place in age division: 1
Total Distance

Well I'm plesently pleased with the race this morning. Haven't felt very racey and thought going into today that to be able to just run a 6 min avg or a 1:18 would be rathter tough. Big goal was to break 1:15 and just get a nice start to the racing year. So goals complete and that's satisfying after having so many races NOT go that way.

Temps were pretty good (a little cold for me at the start but I'm a baby). I just wanted to run the first lap of the course relaxed and then on the second shorter lap try to kind of race if there was anything to give. I stuck to the race plan and it worked. Coming into the second lap I upped the effort and started to grind out the remaining miles. I was sitting in 8th place with 5 miles to go about 5 seconds behind Dave H and 10 seconds behind Logan F. As we started back down the river trail by River Road I picked up the pace but I think everyone did. I held that effort to the one hill and was still back about the same on the guys. But once on top Logan started having a ankle problem so I went by him and tried to get him to come. Then just tried to work through the first lap people to finish off the last two miles. I caught Dave with about .7 to go and we basically just ran equal effort to the finish with me only beating him by like 5 seconds.

Happy with the place but more happy to have worked through an entire race. The time is ok for me this time of year... and I'm not a very good half marathoner anyways. Looking forward to doing more races this year and racing myself into decent shape come summer and fall.

Launch 2 Miles: 19.10Blk Launch Miles: 19.10
Total Distance

B-hills loop extended up the river trail to River Road. Legs felt pretty good after the race. Quads are a little sore, left hammy is a little sore and my right ankle is sore too. But none are of any real significance. Thru about 7 miles this morning I actually felt great. The last two my quads started to feel fatigued and tight. So in hind sight I should have only did 7. 

Hope to run nice and EZ miles through most of the week or until fully recovered. Plan to keep the mileage around 70 for the week also. 

P.M. Inner B-hills loop this evening pushing Myler in the jogger. Just tried to keep it smooth as to not overdue the legs. Tightness is starting to move out but my ankle is still sore. Not sure what that's all about. Maybe from running at tempo in the lower profile shoes I guess.

Baby Jogger Miles: 5.60Pulse Neon Green Miles: 9.10Ghost 3 Miles: 5.60
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Looped out into the fields and around Stone Cliff. Back up River Road to the gas station and then into B-hills and up around back to the house. Pace was EZ but felt smoother than the norm lately... a good thing as I've been feeling pretty robotic. 

P.M. 6 miles this afternoon. Pushed Myler around the inner B-hills loop and extended around the intermediate school. Did the loop in reverse. Nice to be out in sun. 

Baby Jogger Miles: 6.00Ghost Miles: 6.00Pulse Red Miles: 8.70
Total Distance

B-hills extended around River Road and the intermediate school in reverse. Legs felt more sore this morning than any day this week. Right hammy was beggin for some pain pills or something. May not run again today unless the afternoon is just to beautiful to pass up. 

Launch 2 Miles: 9.50
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A.M. 4 EZ miles on the treadmill this morning. I decided to drop shift things back down a notch this week. I'm pretty flat right now and need to stick to the EZ plan and stay closer to the 70 mpw I originally planned to do. 


A.M 2- Loaded Myler and the doggies up in the big jogger and ran over to the park. Let them all run and play for about a half hour and then ran them home. Ready for a little nap.

P.M. 10.6 miles tonight with the club. River loop and stuff. Good group out tonight. Days are getting longer and temps warming up. Had to hit a potty stop in B-hills.

Defyance 2 Miles: 2.00Used Blk Launch Miles: 10.60
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Middle B-hills loop. Slow and EZ in the darkness of the morning. It felt pretty cold too but was 32 F. I'm guessing the humidity made it feel cooler. Right hammy was pretty sore and tight. 

Pulse Red Miles: 6.60
Total Distance

Big workout this morning with a bunch of the guys. We met at my house and did my 10 mile tempo/freeway loop x2. Hit the first lap in 1:10:13. Just tried to run easy and catch up with all the guys on this lap. But about half way through the pace did start to get a little faster than EZ. 

On the second loop I had planned on doing a tempo. The only person who was going to do the full loop with me was Aaron. We took off from my house and Steve came with us for about 2 miles but was only doing 5 miles on that section. We hit solid splits most the way. I didn't want to go "all out" but rather run comfortably hard. Through 6 miles Aaron was only one minute ahead of me. But as we went through the hills of B-hills I was working too hard and faded a little more. He ended up beating me back to the house by 2 min's 10 sec's. I still ran a PR on the course hitting the 10 miles in 58:33 or a 5:51 avg. Last time I did this tempo at the end of December I ran a 59:25. So some good progress even with the race still in my legs from last week. Aaron and I both were pumped about the workout as the course is not easy... really not easy on the second and tempo lap. 

Used Blk Launch Miles: 10.00Pulse Neon Green Miles: 10.00
Total Distance

B-hills loop extended up the river to River Road. I've been trashed all weekend after moving this tuff shed and then painting, restoring, landscaping ect around it. Then the big workout on Saturday followed by a full day of more work on the shed and moving stuff into it. Needless to say I didn't want to start the week today. But I got out and made my way around the trail. Actually started to loosen up and enjoyed the morning running. Hope to keep my head above water this week and just get in somewhere between 65-85 miles. Not sure whats going to happen as we're just busy little bees right now. 

9.1 miles around the same loop as this morning. I had some unexpected time open up this afternoon. My mother-in-law called and wanted to watch Myler... so I ran. Pretty windy on the first half. But it helped push me home on the second half. 

Defyance 3 Miles: 9.10Pulse Red Miles: 9.10
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Total Distance
Ghost Miles: 37.50Pulse Neon Green Miles: 50.00Launch 2 Miles: 45.40Defyance 2 Miles: 17.10Pulse Red Miles: 48.40Defyance 3 Miles: 25.30Used Blk Launch Miles: 40.10Blk Launch Miles: 33.60Ghost 3 Miles: 32.60TypeA Miles: 14.60Baby Jogger Miles: 23.80New Speedstar Miles: 9.10
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