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Tour de Park City

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St. George,UT,U.S.A

Member Since:

Apr 02, 2005



Goal Type:

Local Elite

Running Accomplishments:

97th at Boston

1:09:40 Half Marathon

2:25:50 Marathon


Short-Term Running Goals:

Get healthy enough to enjoy a run again.

Long-Term Running Goals:

To be able to do it... long term. 


"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the Gift" -Steve Prefontaine

Live your life. Take chances. Be crazy. Don't wait. Because right now is the oldest you've ever been and the youngest you'll be... ever again.

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Baby Jogger Lifetime Miles: 623.95
Kinvara Lifetime Miles: 313.32
Asics TRI Lifetime Miles: 610.65
Pegasus Lifetime Miles: 520.90
Kinvara2 Lifetime Miles: 350.20
Ghost Yellow Lifetime Miles: 374.25
Kestrel Bike Lifetime Miles: 1883.75
NB- Rainbow Lifetime Miles: 57.80
Red Cumulus Lifetime Miles: 594.95
Neon Launch Lifetime Miles: 533.40
DS Trainer Lifetime Miles: 467.77
Green Pegasus Lifetime Miles: 479.75
Lunerglide Lifetime Miles: 276.70
Blue Pegasus Lifetime Miles: 528.06
NoosTri Lifetime Miles: 283.07
BlueKinvara Lifetime Miles: 216.60
Innov Lifetime Miles: 58.50
Ride Lifetime Miles: 207.45
NavPeg Lifetime Miles: 162.50
Green K5's Lifetime Miles: 88.00
Total Distance
Venge Bike Miles: 916.70Neon Launch Miles: 12.00Red Cumulus Miles: 37.30Blue Launch 2 Miles: 12.00Kinvara Miles: 15.00Cumulus Blu 1 Miles: 16.60Kinvara2 Miles: 10.20Asics TRI Miles: 28.30New Speedstar Miles: 20.40Cycleops Miles: 96.70
Total Distance

19.4 miles on the bike around the same loop as yesterday. Just took it a different direction today. Starting to feel good as this taper is setting in. Hoping the legs and body will be ready to hammer it in Park City. I did find out that this course has 6 miles of dirt roads... Yes that's not a typo and I'm not sure how it's gonna roll out but we have to ride on a dirt road. Just hoping Superfly doesn't eat the road. 

30 min's on the elliptical.

Venge Bike Miles: 19.40
Total Distance

Just an ez short spin on the bike in Park City to make sure everything worked.

Venge Bike Miles: 2.30
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Race: Tour de Park City (114.7 Miles) 05:59:08
Total Distance

This gives me a headache just thinking about writing the report. So if your reading it. Sorry I've got a lot on my mind. 

Unlucky, Bad execution, and plain Stupid. That pretty much spells out my day. Bob and I didn't get into the race until a day or so before so we were stuck in the back of the pack. In the CAT 5 b group. Which even if we registered early we would have only been up one group in the CAT 5. And the CAT 5 b was just another heat of the CAT 5 that was supposed to start 2 min's after the CAT 5 group. Starting time ended up being 15 min's slower than scheduled and the gap between groups was like 5 min's instead of the planned 2. Because some dink on the mic wanted to sit and hear himself talk. Totally pissed me off.

So our plan was to hammer the first and bridge the gap between the groups so we could just be in the first CAT 5 group. So we did it. It took 15 miles to finally catch them but wasn't super hard however in the end just one more strike against me. To make it worse after we caught them we passed the next women's group and a masters group but by around mile 27 the CAT 5 b group we started with just caught up to the CAT 5's anyways so we basically did all that extra work for nothing. But I was feeling good and didn't think much about it. At mile 45 the course turns onto a DIRT road section that lasts for 5.7 miles. I had heartburn about this from the time I found out about it. Seriously! DIRT! On a road bike? We hit that section and the pace got faster. I guess this is a place were the race kind of takes off. So I made my move to stay right in the front of our big group. We hit a pretty steep climb on that hill and coming over the summit I was in 3rd and within a couple seconds moved into 1st and started putting distance on everyone in our field. I was rolling and feeling great and with only .5 left of dirt I was well up on everyone. Which didn't really matter because I'd join back up with them anyways once w reached the pavement. But then I heard a BOMB go off and started sliding sideways. A flat tire. It just didn't go flat. It exploded. And so did the rest of my day. EVERYONE buzzed by as I struggled to change it out and burned 10:20 or so. Now I was all alone and only 50 miles into a 157 mile race. So not only had I lost 10+ min's on the group but now my pace was slower in the hunt because I was going solo and they were united. Ugh. I still believed I could reel them in... STUPID. I worked like a dog up to Evanston Wy and would pass stragglers every mile but no group in sight. I didn't stop for anything at the aid station in town and kept motoring a long. And for 50+ miles I worked. Worked hard. It was hot, sunny, uphill (really) and into a blistering headwind. At around mile 75 I passed a lone girl rider who eventually busted her butt to catch back up and she road my wheel until my end...

So I pulled her and we kept burning down straggling groups and solo riders one by one just blazing our way up the foothills. The course basically climbs from 30-117. It was all uphill, all hard, and the WIND was so stereotypical of Wyoming. It just hammered me. By around 85 I could feel things slipping and asked the girl how much more climbing? She looked at me like I was crazy and said A LOT. Ouch! I just needed a break a little flat or downhill to switch it up a little. But it never, ever came. In fact it just got steeper and steeper as we went. At mile 98 we got our food bags from the aid station. It had two bottles, one of water and one with some kind of electrolyte mix (it was super nasty) but I drank it out of need. It also had a mini warm coke, a cliff bar and a cliff shot pack. One of these if not a combo of something blew my stomach up. By mile 101 just a few miles past the feed bag pick up I was close to hurling. Couldn't take down anything else... even water. I finally talked to my lady friend who was oh so happy to be riding my wheel and said that I was "checking out". She tried to get me to press on. She told me she was with the pro women's group and had blown a tire and basically took her out of the race too. Now she was just trying to get a workout in. Had I known she was so strong I'd have worked with her the last 45+ miles. Instead of pulling her. By mile 105 I couldn't go anymore. And she slowly road away into the sunset. I didn't. I had it in the easiest gear and was fighting for my life. I just thought if somehow I can summit this climb then I'll be able to recover on the 30 miles of downhill into Kamas. But the climbing never ended. One false front lead to another and around mile 112 we hit the summit... or so I thought. There was a brief maybe mile of downhill. I though I was home free. But was having a hard time staying on the bike even on the downhill. My butt hurt past my breaking point, my neck and shoulders were the same... and even my feet. Which have never had issues: where now killing me. Then came my "tap" out. The downhill that I was struggling to roll down turned to another never ending steep long uphill climb. I think I really did cry a little as I started to try and work up it. And then it was over. I could no longer stay on this bike one more second. I got off fell to the ground and was quickly joined by some other riders. I was done. Sunburned on my arms and legs worse than any Lake Powell trip could do. Dehydrated and an upset stomach.

Too fast too early? Too hard alone? Wind? No sunscreen? Upset stomach? Bad food? It was just one thing after another that brought me to my first ever DNF and I road the meat wagon back to Park City and the finish.

Don't know where I'm going after this one. Pretty bummed.  Had I not got the flat my day could have been much, much different. I'd have easily stayed right in the group until the steep climbing at around 100 miles. I'd be WAY fresher to start those climbs. I may or may not have won my division or finished with the leaders in that group but I think I would have made a running for it. But with the flat and all my struggles this has to be the single hardest physical thing I've ever done in a day. It rocked my world. I'm still sick today. Fever, headache, upset stomach, body aches. It just got way to damn ugly out there. I hind sight after the flat I should have just road it in. Or teamed with that chick. But I'm really scared about one aspect of this cycling thing. That's my butt. I'm not getting use to it. 200+ miles a week for over 2 months and after about 80 miles I'm really, really hurting. I tried wearing two pair of cycling shorts this time.... it helped for about 10 more miles than normal but still. There's no way I could make it through LOTOJA at 209. Really thinking about bagging it.

Venge Bike Miles: 114.70
Total Distance


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I had planned on trying to get up and run with the guys. Set the alarm and went to bed. Woke at 4:30 before the alarm went off and had a blistering headache and was just spinning. No can do the run like that. Ugh! Seriously I haven't bottomed out like this for a long long time. Went back to bed until 6:40. Then decided to get up and try the elliptical to at least get some blood flowing and maybe help come out of my funk. Stayed on for 70 min's. It was super hard for about 35 min's and eventually felt doable. Hoping to right the ship somehow and get things going again. Just need this headache, body ache, and dizzyness to pass first. 

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Finally got out. I didn't expect much of this run and good thing. It really sucked. Labored the entire time. Hip hurt super bad and actually the other side was pretty tight. Still was able to get over to the DC and then just came back the same way for an out and back special. The good news was it was 69 F at 6:30 when I left and got down to 66 F while I was out. Coolest it's been since the first of June. Much needed. 

Neon Launch Miles: 12.00
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39 mile ride this morning. Wasn't going to ride at all this week but woke up early and couldn't sleep so I decided to go out. Actually yesterday my hip hurt worse than almost ever on the run and super bad just throughout the day. So I was thinking of riding a little to help loosen it up. So it was nice to get out this morning. Temps were awesome! Low of 64F! It just feels soo much better than it did in July when the low was 80+ with high humidity. It was heavenly today to feel the cool air on my skin. Way worth getting up for. 20.9 mph avg. Almost got a KOM back that was taken from me earlier this week in Bloomington... but in the last 200 yards I had to break for a truck at an intersection and missed it by 2 seconds. I want it back!

10.2 mile run after around the DC loop. Got home at 7 from the ride and was able to basically get straight out on the run after changing cloths. Again the temps were awesome AND my hip felt way better today. Just took it EZ for the first 4 or so and then decided to work on the last half of the run. Hit a couple sub 6 min mils up the river tail and kept it honest all the way home. Ended with a 6:40 avg for the run. Not too shabby after the ride and for how bad I hurt yesterday with the hip. One of my best runs all summer... 

Venge Bike Miles: 39.00
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Ran the feilds/ Dc loop. I've started to like this little loop and even when I feel totally jacked I can get through it on basically muscle memory. As was the case today. Left the house and my calves were super sore from running a little harder yesterday and wearing low profile shoes. But my hip horrible. First 3-4 miles were in the 8:30 min mile range and I constantly debated on turning around or not. But it was early and in the dark so no one could see how crappy I must have looked. Finally got to the park in Washington at mile 6, had my second potty stop and from there tried to get something going down the river trail to the DC. Nothing super fast but did get a little better turnover and managed the pain better. The last 6 miles from the DC home were pretty rough but doable. 

7:18 avg

Red Cumulus Miles: 19.10
Total Distance

46 mile ride. A little of everything today. Out to Coral then up around the Crusher loop. Back up the "Everest" trail by Coral. Then up over the freeway around Green Springs, down through town right down the Blvd and Bluff. Then finally back across riverside all the way to the fields and back around home. Didn't have a plan when I got on the bike and the ride shows. Just making stuff up as I went. Still a pretty solid ride with lots of rollers. 21.1 mph avg.

12 mile run after the ride. 2.5 on the treadmill waiting for Mik'L. Then finished up on the B-hills loop, secret street and around LV. Pretty solid effort. Hip wasn't comfortable but didn't hurt enough to ruin the run.

Blue Launch 2 Miles: 12.00Venge Bike Miles: 46.00
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67.6 mile ride early. Big full loop of the valley. Similar to yesterdays ride but extended out to southern parkway and airport after coming across town. Lots of elevation change. No seriously steep climbs but no real flat either. 3,560 ft of elevation gain throughout. Kept the motor humming all morning and clocked a pretty good ride. My headlight wasn't fully charged and it went out after only 17 miles. So things got really dicey after that. Avoided a few crashes and cops. Note to self: charge it before every ride! Loving the cooler mornings. Low of 64 F. And I even saw the old running coach from the south side with his team. Good luck to both of the coaches from the circle and their teams in the meet today.

10.2 mile run. Got home and Mik'L said she was just staying in for her workout today. So I basically got to head right out. Got about 3.5 miles into the run and just started bonking... didn't eat a very good dinner last night and didn't take very many calories on the ride. So the remaining miles were really hard. Just didn't have much to give. Thought about cutting it short several places but the fool in me just did the same old loop. Hip felt pretty good though:)

Red Cumulus Miles: 10.20Venge Bike Miles: 67.60
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Big boys run today at my house. I warmed up with 2 miles then joined the guys for our 10.2 mile DC loop. Then hit 3 more after. 63 F this morning. I'm loving it. Honestly it could stay like this all year. 100-103 F during the day isn't too bad and having cooler mornings really helps with training. Hip really hurt today...  like bad. Lately it's ok or just super painful. Laboring through hard runs is taking it's toll. Not sure how much longer I can keep it up. Somehow get through STG marathon and hope it goes ok all things considered. Then it might be time for something else?

Kinvara Miles: 15.00
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46.2 mile ride. Out to airport back around Bloomington and the fields with one more mini loop around Summit and Stone Cliff. Just took it pretty EZ. Didn't have much in the legs to push if I'd wanted to. Butt is sore AGAIN and hurt pretty bad for the first 10 miles but by the end it wasn't bothering me. Took a shot at the KOM on the Rustic Dragstrip (twice) and edged out the neighborhood sharks for now to take the crown. 

7.6 mile run on the treadmill after. Mik'L had a meeting early so I had to stay in and go shorter. I'll try to get out for a double today to get caught up on mileage and to take the pressure off tomorrow so I can hit the goals for the week. Hip didn't bother too much but that's the only blessing of the treadmill- it seems to be a little more gentle on things than out on the street. Sad though as it was 62 F this morning and I really was loving it on the bike. 

5 more miles on the treadmill this afternoon. It felt like death to get on the sucker and get it done but one song rolled to another and finally it was over.

Cumulus Blu 1 Miles: 12.60Venge Bike Miles: 46.20
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45.1 mile ride. Bob and I were joined by Ty Newman. With three strong this ride turned into a hammer fest. I'd planned on just taking it ez today in prep for my long ride tomorrow. Wasn't the case. 22.1 mph avg for the ride. Pretty good push and fun to "group' up and hit a solid ride. 

10.2 mile run after. I'm home a lone for the weekend so I was able to get right out on the run. I took a GU at the end of the ride (which I normally don't do) and it seemed to really help out on the run. Hip was a little tender early on but the legs wanted to turn. Ended with a 6:37 avg. Overall a super solid workout with both the ride and run. Happy to see some good results coming around. Now to nap all day:) or do whatever one does when your home alone. Recover and try to get this long ride in my rear view tomorrow. 

Kinvara2 Miles: 10.20Venge Bike Miles: 45.10
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100.4 mile bike ride today. Up at 2:30 a.m... and it took 50 min's to get out the door. I headed out to the airport and had planned to log 25-30 miles before joining a group at the DC. Hit that section perfect for time. Mixed extra bottles and had them sitting on the driveway so when I got home from the airport loop I could switch them out and head to the DC. It was SUPER hot today. I don't know what happened to our cool mornings but it was around 15 degrees warmer than the mornings of the first part of the week. 85 F when I left the house today. 

Met the group and got a flat in the 2 miles between the DC and River Road. Ugh! Stopped to fix it and about 5 guys waited while up at River Road about 13 others rolled on. We fixed it pretty fast all things considered and then hammered it up and caught the others by the bottom of the costco hill. They must have waited a while before rolling off. I jumped up front and pulled out to the top of the Coral Canyon hill. There we waited for everyone to re join. I thought it'd be a long day if this kept up. So we rolled off the hill and up the the light at the end of Telegraph and there was only about 5-6 guys with me. They slowed and I said lets keep going. I told them I'd slow down and we could hit the Quail\Leeds\Torquerville\Hurricane\Sandhollow loop together. They agreed and we dropped off the hill above the fair grounds. Then disaster struck. There were some construction barrels up just off the rumble strip and (it was dark) they came out of no where. 4 of us managed to slip by but I heard a loud "slam". One of the 2 guys in the back didn't see it in time and hit it going about 35 mph. It was Dr. Clark. He was on the ground pretty jacked up. Bike was trashed too. Everyone got there and a cop just happened to be coming by. Some girls called his wife and she came out to get him. He ended up with a lot of road rash and a separated AC join in the left shoulder- just like mine:). 

It totally sucked and killed the hype of the BIG group ride. I finally rolled out with one other guy- Jace (who hasn't been riding at all but is only 23). I told him to ride my wheel all day just as long as he stayed with me in case I got another flat and needed his extra tube and stuff. So I pulled him the rest of the ride until we got back to that very same hill and I finally dropped him coming up the hill.

From there I just messed around out in LV to get to 100 miles for the  day. I had planned on maybe doing like 120-140 but we spent a lot of time with my flat and the waiting for the group and then the wreck.

So anyways I was able to finally get 300+ (305.5) miles in on the bike and 60 miles of running in. I've wanted to hit this all summer but it just hasn't worked out. Glad to cross it off the list. Ended the ride on a pretty hard loop with a 20.5 mph avg. Not too shabby on that loop with no drafting all day.

Venge Bike Miles: 100.40
Total Distance

55.5 mile ride this morning. Started pretty slow and EZ fro the first 11 miles and was at a 18.5 mph avg then. Picked up Bob and Busted it out to the airport and all the way to Man-o-War bridge in Bloomington. At that point we were at a 21.3 mph avg. Then from there up riverside and around the fields back home was chill again. Ended with a 20.5 mph avg for the ride. Got my KOM back on Mullberry in Bloomington. Saw a massive 4 point buck .5 miles a way from my house just walking down the road at around 4:30 a.m. He acted like he wanted to get hit. Last week there was a big one killed 1 mile from my house it was big too. Similar size at around 27in wide and 26 or so tall. I think they were buddies and now this other one just wants to go as well. He looked so sad. I saw him from 10 yards the first time then about a half hour later saw him again at around 50 yards. 

4 miles on the tread mile after. Myler went back to school today so it's gonna be a struggle on school days to fit in my workouts. Have to figure something out. 

7 more miles outside this afternoon. 97 F. I think this is my first afternoon run in like 3 months. Wasn't too bad. Partly cloudy and breezy made it better than full sun exposure. Hip felt better than last week for the most part.

Cumulus Blu 1 Miles: 4.00Asics TRI Miles: 7.00Venge Bike Miles: 55.50
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52.7- Another DRAMA filled morning on wheels. Bob and I planned on riding out around Sandhollow via the half ironman direction. We were just rolling a long not too hard for the most part. Hit the big hill up out of Sandhollow and I dropped Bob by around 30 seconds and waited for him at the top. Then we started the small decent. A jackrabbit  came darting across the road from my right to left. I hit the breaks and Bob closed a gap between us. I thought that was it- but a half second later the rabbit darted back across this time from left to right and I locked up the breaks while hitting the rabbit. I was going down to my right side then Bob hit me in the rear wheel and stood my bike back up but he actually went down... hard. I road it out and turned around to find him in a pool of sweat and blood. After it was all said and done he didn't break anything but his body was covered in bad road rash. Plus his 2 month old bike took a pretty hard beating. Totally sucked. He hit the breaks so hard that it ripped a hole in the tire and popped his tube. So we couldn't even fix it for him to ride home. 

I finally got him up and walking then I started back home. He called his wife and she came out to bring him in. Just a bad accident. Really nothing either one of us could have done to prevent it. The road had almost no traffic and we weren't really going that fast. The one bad factor in both these bike wrecks in the last 4 days is the dark. In the day you'd have been able to see both the rabbit or the barrel in time to prevent accident. But... we don't have time to ride during the light, and it's too hot. So what do ya do?


8 mile run after Mik'L went out for her run. My mind was racing through the mornings events and on some levels I was kind of emotional. Not like crying but just mad, sad for Bob, questioning things, and overall amped about things.

Red Cumulus Miles: 8.00Venge Bike Miles: 52.70
Total Distance

20.4 mile run here from the house. Started with Logan and Steven Abraham Lincoln Hooper Pope Abercrombie & Fitch. Hit the first DC loop pretty smooth and easy. Got back to the house and Logan had to get to practice. It was about 6:15 a.m and I was planning a longer run. So I talked Steven into hitting another loop with me. So we went out the opposite direction as we'd gone with Logan. I felt pretty good through about mile 12. Then my hip got CRAZY painful. At the DC we stopped for a drink and I suffered to get going again. Labored back through B-hills but it started to loosen up around 18. We even picked it up pretty fast on a couple occasions... like 5:15 pace. Then we finally slowed down and just jogged the last .3 or so back to my house. And it was then that I really, really started to hurt. Hobbled back in the house and have been in pain all morning. It just aches. Maybe by the evening it will feel good enough to stretch out and roll. But this is as painful as I've ever felt it. Honestly I can't walk unassisted by walls, chairs, counters and the like. The saga continues. Outside of that everything else felt great. No hydration issues or bonking due to low calories. Low of 76 F and it felt warmer.  

New Speedstar Miles: 20.40
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39.5 mile ride. Boy did I NOT have it today. All morning there was just nothing in the tank. I kept thinking I'd warm up and get going... but it never happened. Just felt trashed, felt hot and it felt like I had a headwind every time I changed directions. 18.2 mph avg. This has got to me maybe my slowest ride ever. 


52 min's on the elliptical after. My hip was so sore and jacked up yesterday that I didn't even dare run today. Hit the machine and watched an episode of Walking Dead + a little. 


30 min's on the Cycleops trainer. 20 mph so 10 miles.

50 min's on the elliptical after the spin.

Another 4+ hours of training in a bank...  stored away for something.

Venge Bike Miles: 39.50
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43.7 miles on the bike. Had planned on getting up and riding up to Zion and back with a group. But the rain and electric show last night spoiled the plans. I woke at 6 and fed the baby then looked outside and it wasn't raining. So I got going as soon as I could. Headed out to the airport. As I turned around out there I could see BIG time trouble coming with black rain clouds all over. I just started hammering it back and planned on turning straight into town and home. But when I got to the overpass and intersection I saw two riders come onto the parkway. I'm not sure why but I just had to follow them and keep going down into Sunriver. Passed them in like 1 mile and was now committed to going all the way around Tonoquinte and Riverside through the fields. Decided to stop off by southgate golf course and do the Sir Monte hill climb challenge... got the KOM.  But as I was actually going by the clubhouse the rain really started up. From there all the way back home I got poured on. Totally sucks. Didn't want  my pretty bike to have to go through something like that. She was a pig when I finally got home. Plus the roads were CRAZY slick and I had to be extra careful to not go down. Still finished with a 21.2 MPH avg. Pretty solid ride all things considered. 

10.7 mile run after. If the rain sucked on the bike. I loved it on the run. DC loop with one lap around the park to add on a little. Just tried to enjoy the rain. Hip was pretty painful from miles 2-6 but it felt good on the ending miles. 6:50 avg. Nice and honest. 

Asics TRI Miles: 10.70Venge Bike Miles: 43.70
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103.4 mile bike ride. Left the house at 3:29 a.m. Headed out for an airport run before joining a group at the DC at 5 a.m. The air felt heavy and slow early on. I felt like I was working super hard and was sweating up a storm. Temps weren't too hot (74F) but it was muggy for the first 30 or so miles. On the way back in I stopped at home and reloaded the bottles and food supply. Hit a 20.9 mph avg on this section.

Meet the group of mostly laddies at the DC. With the gals I took it super EZ through Green Valley all the way out to the reservation. Plan was to ride to the summit of Utah hill and then back. I thought I'd try and hit this section pretty hard. It's a steady climb from town at the DC park all the way out to the summit at just over 23 miles. About 2,786 ft of climbing on those miles out. When I got to the top I turned and my gps which I was running off my iphone was only tracking the last section and had lost the first of my ride. I was ticked. Headed back to the DC. 46.2 miles on this section at a 19.8 mph avg.

From the DC I just did the exact same airport run from early in the morning. So back home then out the the airport and then... back home. 28.6 more miles to finish off the day. I got "on it" here and rolled this section at 22.0 mph.

Ended the 103.4 mile ride w/ Utah hill climb at a 20.9 mph avg. Nothing crazy but a solid effort all morning. AND- NO issues outside of the gps crap. Had a fun time this morning. Felt stronger than ever. Butt had less issues. Shoulders got less sore. Stayed on top of food/drink so that kept me from bonking.

Question is... Could I lay down another HUNDY after that? OMG- Lotoja is gonna rock my world.

Finished another big week with 304.8 cycling miles and just over 60 running. Two weeks to Lotoja. Now I'll start to taper a little next week.

Venge Bike Miles: 103.40
Total Distance

2:40:00 on the trainer today. It was raining early and then Mik'L went to work. So I had to stay indoors. Wasn't as bad as one might have guessed it'd be. Watched a few Walking Dead episodes and finished off season 2.

No running until I feel like this hip wont kill. I'm just sick of living in pain.

Cycleops Miles: 52.50
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1:50:00- 0n the trainer... agian. I had the alarm set for 4 am. I woke at 3:30 and thought I'd just get out and go. Went outside to check the weather and as I walked onto the back patio rain started to fall. Within a few min's it was a pounding rain. So riding outside was out. Good thing I bought the trainer last week. Watched a DVD that came with the trainer and did the "workout/ race". It was killer- I was sweating.

Cycleops Miles: 37.50
Total Distance

Big boy's run here from my cul de sac. Looped Coyote once then did the B-hills loop, then one more lap around Coyote. Cooler this morning but super humid. The other guys were all dripping wet... shorts and all. I was sweaty but shorts were dry. Guess I'm different.

Took it EZ. This was my first run since the end of last week. Hip was tight but didn't scream pain like it was last week. I'll continue to take it EZ on the running side until after Lotoja.

20 min's after the run on the Cycleops trainer. I don't usually bike at all on Wednesdays after the run but wanted to try and loosen up the hip a little more. Plus I'm not sure what the weather is gonna do the rest of the week or when or where I'll get to actually ride. To start off the week I only needed like 225 biking miles to hit 1000 for the month. I know it's not a big deal but on a personal level I'd be a nice benchmark to cross. I was close last month (975) or so and didn't realize it.

With the running and biking volume combined this summer it has been a lot of work. I'm excited for things to be wrapping up and to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Since June 1st I've tried to be at least 200 miles of cycling and around 60 miles of running. Had a couple below and a couple above and basically met my avg goal. In Mid July I didn't think I'd make it day after day, week after week. But I'm basically at the taper for Lotoja and then only a few weeks after than will the the marathon. So I'll give myself a pat on the back and a sigh of relief.  Still worried about the hip but I'm not going to stress anymore until after this biking thing is over.

Asics TRI Miles: 10.60Cycleops Miles: 6.70
Total Distance

62.1 mile ride this morning. I woke up early and planned out this great ride in my head. It'd been since last Saturday that I actually road outside. Left the house at 4:30 a.m and headed down the raod. Roughly 2.5 miles into my ride I got stuck in one gear and couldn't shift out. My bike has electric shifting which is seriously awesome... unless you forget to charge the battery. Oops. So for the next 59 miles I road a big loop 4x through the Washington fields around Little Valley and back up River road to Riverside then back to the fields. It was a flat loop that I could manage in one gear. Roughtly about 14 miles per loop. Then a shorter StoneCliff loop at the end. Lucky for me I ended up being in a gear that I could push on the uphill and got me going fast enough on the flats. On the downhill I was spinning out but what do you do?

Still ended up hammering it for what it was worth. 22.1 mph avg. I was dripping wet with sweat. Running the motor at a super high RPM for a little under 3 hours. Kind of fun. I didn't really have a choice. It was ride like that or bag the entire morning.

60 min's on the elliptical after the run. Started to bonk because I fueled like crap all morning.

Venge Bike Miles: 62.10
Total Distance

Didn't get anything done this morning. The body needed sleep much more than a workout.

25.4 mile ride out to the airport and back this afternoon. 95 F and very windy made this ride special. 20.2 mph avg and that was working like a dawg.

Venge Bike Miles: 25.40
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53.7 mile ride. Road out out and back up Utah Hiil. I enjoyed the workout last week and thought it'd be good to hit it as a last chance workout before lotoja. Was able to meet up with Ed and Brandon plus one more of thier buddies out in Santa Clara. It was nice to ride with a bigger group that was able to push the pace.

I told them that from Kayenta up to the summit I was going to ride it semi hard and that I'd wait at the summit to rejoin. So that's what happened. I was able to get into a good flow and worked the climb pretty good.

Then the four of us grouped up on the downside and burned that back into Ivins. Pretty good ride overall. Nice way to end the week and month. Ended Aug with 1,049 riding miles. Kind of fun to go over 1,000 for the first time.
Running sucked though. But it was nice to give the hip some time off this week and hopefully in the long run it'll help out....

Venge Bike Miles: 53.70
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Venge Bike Miles: 916.70Neon Launch Miles: 12.00Red Cumulus Miles: 37.30Blue Launch 2 Miles: 12.00Kinvara Miles: 15.00Cumulus Blu 1 Miles: 16.60Kinvara2 Miles: 10.20Asics TRI Miles: 28.30New Speedstar Miles: 20.40Cycleops Miles: 96.70
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