Brayden Youngberg Running

Connor Baller Classic

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Member Since:

May 24, 2015



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Running Accomplishments:

Pre-highschool: I loved to run and ran a few small local 5k's, but I did not run much on my own, besides junior high track.

Freshman year: I ran cross country and traied wih the team most of the summer.  When the season started I ran 3 races including Murray Invitational.  I got a huge PR there but after the race my foot hurt and I had a hard time walking. I ran on it for the next week but it was not getting better, so I went to a Sports MD and found out that i had a stress fracture.  Becaue of that injury I missed the rest of the season. Then I ran track for my junior high but did not do extremely well.

Sophmore year: I trained hard over the summer and I got a 3 minute PR on my first race.  I continued to PR, and had a good, injury free season. I ran indoor track an had some good PRs. I ran at simplot and had a great time. I did track and  ran some goodtimes and cut my time down by 15 seconds, I was hoping that I could get low 5's in the mile, but I had fun and was able to race at the steepechase and have a fun time through out the season. At sophmore region I was able to PR in the 800 and I missed my PR in the mile by 2 seconds.

Junior year: I ran a little over 500 miles over the summer, but wasn't improving how I would have liked over the season. I was not consistant at all and was sick for aboout 3 races. I finally had a good race at region and dropped a 46 second pr. Track went well, I went sub-5 in the mile finally and got a PR in the 2 mile pretty easily. I didn't really hit the times I had hoped for throughout the season due to sickness and I just wasn't in it.


800: 2:11

1600: 4:56.35

3200: 11:17.47

3 mile: 17:41

5k: 18:07

Short-Term Running Goals:

Cross Country 2016:

Run 650 to 700 summer miles SUCCESS

Low 15's on the 5K and Sub 15 3 mile

Place at region and state

Go to footlocker nationals

Track 2017:

Sub 4:20 mile

Sub 9:15 on the 3200

Sub 2:00 on the 800

Sub 6:25 on steeple chase

Qualify for State, Arcadia, and Great South West, and become the best runner I can be.

Long-Term Running Goals:

Run cross country and track in college. Keep improving and just having fun. I'll probably run an ultra or two for the heck of it and to see if I like them.


I'm a Senior at Weber High School. I am LDS and plan on serving a mission before college. I'm a member of The Hobbyjogger Project.

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Adidas Glide Boost 6 ATR Lifetime Miles: 769.25
Adidas Boston Boost Lifetime Miles: 824.25
Barefoot Lifetime Miles: 33.00
Boston Boost 5 - Black Lifetime Miles: 487.25
Glide Boost 8 Lifetime Miles: 840.00
Total Distance
Adidas Boston Boost Miles: 140.75Adidas Glide Boost 6 ATR Miles: 6.50Barefoot Miles: 1.00
Total Distance

Long run today up on canal road and then through some neighborhoods. It was my first long run in a while, so it sorta hurt haha I ended up averaging 6:54. I'm really enjoying this summer running, and I haven't even done any epic fastpacking or trail runs yet!

Adidas Boston Boost Miles: 8.25
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6.25 up on North Arm in the Valley. The last time I ran there was during the winter with Henry, so it was a nice change. Averaged 6:49's

Adidas Boston Boost Miles: 6.25
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4 easy miles this morning to focus on my cadence. Later tonight I did another 3.5 with 4 strides up at the track.

Adidas Boston Boost Miles: 4.00Adidas Glide Boost 6 ATR Miles: 3.50
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Super relaxed 7 miler

Adidas Boston Boost Miles: 7.00
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7 miles this morning with the team aveaged 6:46's. Later tonight I did another 3.

Adidas Boston Boost Miles: 7.00Adidas Glide Boost 6 ATR Miles: 3.00
Total Distance

Ran over to McGriff park and did a 1-1-2-3-2-1-1 fartlek. Felt good, but It waas pretty killer! Total with the warmup and Cooldown was 9.5 miles. and then I did 0.5 around the park. Pretty solid day in my opinion

Adidas Boston Boost Miles: 9.50Barefoot Miles: 0.50
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7 mile long run today. Averaged around 7:30's. Later tonight I did another easy 3.

Adidas Boston Boost Miles: 10.00
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6.75 in the morning as a team up on the powerline trail. Later tonight I did another 3.25

Adidas Boston Boost Miles: 10.00
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Race: Connor Baller Classic (3.107 Miles) 00:17:20
Total Distance

Sick group warm-up with most of the guys racing at the CBC. I was super pumped to race, and was glad to see that the race was as hype as we had hoped... There were a crap ton of elites there between Josh Collins, Ethan, Connor, Alyssa, Zack, Julie, and probably a few others. It was pretty lit. There was some dope music bumping the whole time, and it was pretty much a party. I honestly dont remember much about the race, but I know that I got a PR. My watch got me at a 16:49 and that is what they got me at the finish line. My watch said 3.15 so I stopped when I crossed the line, but Add finished quite a ways behind me and I don't remember ever passing him. So either my watch is messed up and I only ran 11 laps, or I ran the 12 and dropped a massive PR... Lets hope for the second option haha.

Adidas Boston Boost Miles: 5.00
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Good long run with Add and Dan up in Monte Cristo today. We figured some high altitude long runs would be pretty helpful for the upcoming season haha

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Stairs at weber state went well, but on the cooldown I rolled my ankle and really messed it up. I wasa mile out so i walked the mile back and when I took off my shoe it was the size of a softball... like not even joking, I thought I broke it. I went to the DR righ away where we x rayed itand did some tests, and luckily I only partially tore 2 ligaments. Its a very inconvient time for this to happen, but im going to make the best out of it and we will see how it goes.

Adidas Boston Boost Miles: 3.00
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I pretty much iced until my foot fell off and then iced again.

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Easy 4.25 to test out my ankle. I pretty much live on the couch with my ankle in an ice bucket, so it was god to move.

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3 miles super easy. Went to the pool and ran in the water after. Ice is love

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Race: Ragnar 2016 (193 Miles) 20:58:31, Place overall: 5, Place in age division: 1
Total Distance

7.5 miles up Avon. It sucked, but I loved every second of it haha Full ragnar recap tomorrow.

Adidas Boston Boost Miles: 7.50
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Race: Ragnar 2016 (200 Miles) 20:58:31
Total Distance

I pretty much use my blog as a journal so you are going to get the full ragnar story, not just the running... Sorry not sorry. So me and Add drove up to Ethan's house on Thursday night. We had a bonfire and met some dope CV kids. After pretty much everyone left Me, Claire, Ethan, Add, and Spence decided to go on an adventure. We drove up to some canyon that Ethan said had mines at the top. Ethan decided to tell us all of the sketchy stuff thatt he had found in the mines such as broken clown dolls and crazy voodo crap, so we were pretty freaked out... Or at least I was. Ethan and Claire kept telling us about all of these super sketchy haunted places in Cache Valley. We were probably half way up the canyon when we saw a freaking No tresspassing sign and a cross looking thing that was red... So spence$$ decided to be logical and got us the freak out of there. On the way back down Claire decided to tell us more sketchy stories about ghosts and stuff, and anyone who knows me fairly well would know that I hate scary movies and stuff like that.... I was pretty scared to be honest... Luckily good ole' spence keeps a Book of Mormon in his car, we started reading that aloud hahaha then we drove to another super sketchy house and looked at it, but we didn't get out or anything luckily. We then continued our journey to the one and only Rancheritos (betos) for some high quality mexican food. Keep in mind that this was all around 2 AM. We chilled in beto's for a while and got some interesting food. I ordered rolled tacos thinking it would look something like a burrito... Boy was I wrong, It was pretty much just a bunch of those little microwaved taquito thingys coated in cheese and guacamole. And I dont mean a little guacamole either... It was a crap ton! Im pretty sure they had like 40 million avacodos in the back becasue with each of our orders we got like 3 cups of guacamole, no joke. Spence$$ met a very nice mexican lady named Consuela, who kindly cleaned up our large salsa and napkin mess. We left Betos and continued our drive where we encountered a few cops who thought we were drunk... After we explained that we were only runners who possibly got drugged by something at Betos, maybe marijuana guacomole? They let us off with a warning, im not sure what type of warning because we didn't do anything... We left and went over to first dam and then drove back to Ethans house. The next morning after a solid 4 hours of sleep or something, we had some stellar waffles and hung out. We ran some errands to buy food, specifically hummus, and Ethan introduced us to the wonderful drink of Jumex. Jumex is probably the unofficial drink of The HJP and it's some quality stuff. After, we met up with te rest of the guys in van 1 and decorated the van. It was a pretty dope looking van if you ask me. We went over to the start line and watched Connor Baller start. We drove around and cheered and bumped some dope songs while they were all running. I got the baton  or whatever you want to call the little bracelet that you get at the bottom of Avon. I believe that we were in fifth when I got it. I started a little too fast because I was totally hyped. My first 2 miles were sub-7, both being around 6:30. After that it all sorta went to crap and my ankle was sorta hurting. I adjusted my brace and kept running. I finished at at an average pace of 7:38, which I was honestly pretty happy with given the circumstances. Mama Field had a bag of Ice waiting for me at the top for my ankle which was a blessing. We partied over at Adds after van 2 started and then went and chilled at Basin. My second leg was somewhere between Mountain Green and Morgan and was 4.5 miles at like 2 AM. I averaged 6:36 and was sorta fearing for my life the whole time thanks to Claire's scary stories... I honsetly dont remember much besides that haha. I got like 7 kills or something like that. We were still in fifth and just slept and partied the night away. My last leg was that morning around 7 I think. I got like 23 kils on that one if I remember right. We chilled at the finish ad waited for the other van. Cam came in at 20:58:31 and we attempted to rave but were dead tired. We finished 5th overall behind Jaybird, Rebok, Collins Dining project, and BYU; In that order. We were the first highschool team and overall had an epic experience. THE HOBBYJOGGER PROJECT. Our team consisted of Ethan Field, Jake Lee, Connor Arnell Baller, Brandon Barclay, Talon Hull, Denver Perry, Spence$$ (Consuela) Nelson, Me - Brayden Youngberg, Addison Hedges, Cameron Anderson, Hayden Ewer, and Collin Morrison. I'll never forget the friendships I've made with these guys and the memories of hardwork and fun that we've made.

Adidas Boston Boost Miles: 8.50
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First day of XC camp had a lot less mileage than I had expected. We had about a mile total for the warmup and cooldown and then the 2 mile tempo that everyone pretty much races. I ran a 12 flat, which is right around my tempo pace so I was glad I stayed controlled. I can already tell that this week is going to be pretty dope, i'm excited.

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Woke up this morning at XC camp and did a good fartlek workout. I once again forgotto start my watch, but it ended up being 8 miles with the warmup and cool down. Later this afternoon we did 4 more on the Provo river trail. I'm having a great time down here an learning a lot. Hanging out with all of the people who beat us at ragnar from the jaybird team and the BYU athletes is pretty dope.

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3 mile trail run this morning on the bonneville shoreline. Later today we ran up to stewart falls which was really cool! That was about 4.25 miles, later tonight I did another 3 miles around campus with Add.

Adidas Boston Boost Miles: 6.00
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Final day of XC camp so they do a little 2 mile race. We got a great motivational speech before it by a funny old dude and i d a mile and a half warmup. I took like 15th in the raace or something like that and I dont remember my time hahaha My average pace was around 5:50 i think so I guess it was around 11:40.. Not my best... After wennt on a really fun cooldown with Add, Cameron Todd, and Camerons cousin from box elder. They are really cool guys! I'm so greaatful for all of the friedships that i've made through running. Later I did 4 miles at home.

Adidas Boston Boost Miles: 10.00
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Did an easy 3 in the morning and then a 9.25 mile long run tonight.

Adidas Boston Boost Miles: 3.00
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Did a 7 mile easy run and then an easy 6 later tonight to get up to 60! I believe this may be my first 60 mile wek of the summer, but I felt great an am not feeling any pains.

Adidas Boston Boost Miles: 7.00
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Good 7 miler this morning with the team. I forgot to start my watch, so I only got 5.6 miles of the 7, but my average pace was around 6:50. Later tonight I did 3 more with some of it barefoot.

Adidas Boston Boost Miles: 9.50Barefoot Miles: 0.50
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Warmed up over to McGriff Park and then did a 1-1-2-3-2-1-1 fartlek. Ran home an finished with a total of 9 miles. Later tonight I did another 3.5

Adidas Boston Boost Miles: 9.00
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Warmed up and did a 3 mile tempo before leaving to Sons Of Heleman Camp later today... Im hoping to be able to run again tonight, but I got 6 miles in this morning with the warm up and cool down.

Adidas Boston Boost Miles: 6.00
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Another early morning to fit in a short run. Me and Jake just ran out on the road and then did some strides once we got back to camp. Im attempting to eat as healthy as I can, but that is proving to be a challenge here...

Adidas Boston Boost Miles: 4.25
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Adidas Boston Boost Miles: 140.75Adidas Glide Boost 6 ATR Miles: 6.50Barefoot Miles: 1.00
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