Yesterday was the last day of school! To celebrate, we took the kids up to a hotel in Salt Lake (it had a pool and a soda fountain machine), we played lots of games, watched a movie, rode Trax, and toured Temple Square (again). It was fun to have a change of scenery and have good quality time with the kids without the distractions of home. When we got home, I went for a bike ride. I am SO SO SO slow. I was totally passed by other bikers today. Urghhh.... I think most of the problem is the bike - I am riding my hubby's OLD OLD mountain bike. It is so heavy. I've been saving my pennies and hope by the end of the summer, I will be riding a feather-weight. Regardless, it felt great to get out and ride. My ankle feels SO much better and stronger. I am hoping by next week, I can start to run alittle. For all you bike owners - what kind of road bike do you have? Any suggestions? 55:54 - 10.85 miles