What a HALLOWEEN EXTRAVAGANZA!! I had so much fun doing this race. The race was a little poorly planned, but I think next year the race will improve. Fri. evening I showed up to packet pick-up right at three so I could get a shirt that fit. ( I knew they would run out). But I guess I was too late because they were already out of lady shirts, dang! No timing chips either. I had a feeling that this race was going to be a mess. Saturday morning I got on board a bus that was filled with FRB runners! I was sitting by Rachel and Walter and didn't even know it. I also talked to Jossi and Shelly a little bit, so fun to meet them. The bus ride seemed like it took forever as we made our way up to Aspen Grove. We jumped off the bus and made our way to the lodge where timing ships were distributed. I love the fact that we were able to stay in this lodge before the race! Such a great idea. The race started an hour late, but I was actually okay with that due to the cold weather and good company! I talked to Jeff L from the blog for a bit, and laughed at all the great people strutting their stuff in costume. My Garmin thought I was indoors the entire race, so I have no idea what my splits were. I was okay with that because I really wanted to race according to how I felt. The first few miles were screaming downhill. I felt good and of course I went out way too fast! I knew it was cold when I drank water at the second water station and there was a layer of ice on the top. BRRRR, my body is not used to the cold. Miles 7-13, I really felt that I was running on my own, rarely would I see anyone that was running by me. About mile 8 Jossi passed me, and I tried to stay with her. By about mile 10 she pulled away. I was little upset that this course was not marked at all. I asked several volunteers what mile we were at, and they had no idea. Once I asked a lady at an aid station what mile we were at, and she told me, "You only have a 5k left, you are at mile 9and a 1/2." That didn't really add up in my mind. I wanted to hit 1:30 so dang bad, but I missed it by one minute. Oh well. I felt that my overall effort was good, but I also am excited to see what next year has in store for me as far as PR's. Must go faster..... I loved hanging out with the bloggers at the end! So fun to meet Jossi and Luzy Lew in her "Run away Bride" attire. Such a great day. *****Today is Sunday and I am SO STIFF!!!! I have not felt this sore since my first marathon (5 years ago). I don't know if it was due to the freezing cold, the screaming downhill, or a combination of both. I am in pain. I sure hope I heal in time for the marathon on Nov. 21st.