Hiked Timp today. Round trip of the hike is about 16 miles, so I counted it as 6 running miles. Started at 1:30 am, reached the summit around 5:30. Nice hike, my foot with PF is killing! I can barely walk.
Weight: 0.00
Calories: 0.00
From Smooth on Sun, Aug 02, 2009 at 00:17:04 from
AWESOME 20 miler yesterday and SO VERY FAST!!! Steven hiked Timp at about the same time as you. They went up on the A.F. side. He said he saw your group. Sorry about the PF foot. Resting tomorrow should help.
I'm SO EXCITED you're doing PC.
From Bec on Sun, Aug 02, 2009 at 01:11:17 from
I thought that was Steven! I tried to stop him, but he just kept on moving down the trail. I am probably not doing PC, I don't think I will be recovered in time for a fall marathon. :( I'm actually still thinking about doing it, or the TRI that is going on at Jordanelle.
From RAD on Sun, Aug 02, 2009 at 01:31:21 from
You got me all excited thinking about PC, you'd better do it! :) I sure hope your foot starts feeling better - stinky x-training activities, don't people know we run?!? :)
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