Oh wow, what a great race and long run.
Got up with David and we decided that it was warm enough to bring Naomi along to the race. It was his turn to push her in the stroller, so I got to test my speed. We warmed up for about ten minutes and lined up to go. This of course is the same exact course it is every race. and it the most difficult in the last half. I watched David effortlessly push Naomi to the front of the one guy between David and I. I wanted to beat that guy, but he was just too fast. I thought that at the West gate I could catch him (that is where I usually catch people). He did get slower but I couldn't get him. I remember when I was barely starting to go up Commander's row, I looked up and I saw the lead vehicle with David on the club street. Dang it, why does he have to make it look so easy peasy??? He was at least 2 minutes ahead of me at that point. I don't think I will ever catch him.
I came in after blue shirt at 20:50, which is REALLY good for that course. The last part of the race goes back up to the gym. I was pleased with my time and I didn't feel great to my stomach. We ran about two more miles after the race so I only had about 8 more miles by myself. I started out pretty slow on my own and then I hit the last few miles of hills at a great speed.
I think the AP of my run was somewhere around 7:40. I love it when I do that.