Depression is kicking in. Idk why but it felt more present today. Everything feels dull. I must say, I think I prefer hypomania. Though I haven't quite mastered how to tone it down so that I'm not making impulsive and unwise decisions on a whim. So in that regard maybe depression is a good thing.
On a scale from 0-10 today is:
Hypomania: 0
Depression: 7
Suicidal ideation: 1
I had a psychiatry appointment today, we are upping a dose of one of my mood stabilizers. Hopefully that helps.
Depression made it especially difficult to get out and run. I didn't.
I put in my two weeks notice today at my Physical Therapy job. I'll be starting up a higher paying job shortly.
I'm hoping I'll be able to pay off most if not all of my medical bills by March. I was debating whether or not I should take the last class I need for my Associates this spring semester, but since March has been my downfall two years in a row I think I'll just work and try not to crash super bad again this winter then take that class in the summer or fall.