| Location: Millcreek,UT, Member Since: Jun 21, 2011 Gender: Female Goal Type: Other Running Accomplishments: 800m- 2:23
1600m- 5:10
1 Mile- 5:12
XC 3 mile-17:55
XC 5k- 19:00
XC 6k- 22:25
Local 5k- 18:42
Local 10k- 41:31
Local 15k- 1:03:55
Unofficial Half (2020)- 1:45:46
Official Half (2021)- 1:49:28
60% (5 miles)- 32:32 (6:30 average)
80% (3 miles)- 18:52 (6:17 average)
16x400s- 82.0 average
20x400s- 82.6 average
SUU Road Race- 23:30 (3.9 miles/6:02 average) Short-Term Running Goals: Get up to 45-50 miles/week
Run a sub-19:30 5k again
Train for and race a half marathon Long-Term Running Goals: 18:45 or under 5k
Run a marathon Personal: 27 years old, not married, no kids. Going against the norm in Utah.
Mental health advocate, LGBTQ+ rights supporter. Newly identified bisexual woman. Ex-mormon
Former college runner for Southern Utah University
Currently studying Social Work at the University of Utah Favorite Blogs: |
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Natalie's Magic Flats Miles: 17.50 | Black Asics Miles: 197.25 | Asics Miles: 5.00 | Blue Nike Motos Miles: 12.00 | Blue Matumbo Miles: 4.00 |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 | |
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So since it's spring break, we all were to meet at the track, but I had to go to an orthodontist appointment, so I came late. I expected a lot more people to be there, but when I got there it was only Abigail and Sarah, so I was gonna have to do this workout on my own, which I REALLY didn't want to do. And I was already in a bad mood when I came. :( I did a mile warmup and a mile speed changes, then changed into flats. The workout was a mile, then 4x400s, then 3x300, 200, 100 ladder. Did 2 laps after my mile, standing recovery for the 400s, then after 300s ran to 200 start, after 200s to 100 start, in between sets a lap and to 300 start. It was at 2 mile pace. Mile was 5:53, 400s went 84, 82, 79, 88. A lot faster than what I registered in my mind at the time so I thought I was doing a terrible job, might explain the 88. I think I thought the 79 was actually an 89 at the time, but my watch doesn't lie to me. :) It was windy too, which sucked. The last ladder part I didn't catch my times, but I worked hard. Then I did a cool down with Tomy and John to get to 8.5 (they showed up a little later than I did)
Natalie's Magic Flats Miles: 5.00 | Black Asics Miles: 3.00 |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 |
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| | I would have run this morning, but I had to go to my great-grandma's funeral. (Love you Nani) I got the workout from Bill and ran to Liberty, then to the start line. Of course I got the treat of pouring rain for the first couple minutes, then it stopped. After that it was beautiful outside! But it got pretty windy when I got close to Liberty. Stupid Utah weather. I got 2.5 warmup. It was tempo, I was supposed to run at 7 minute pace for 4 miles with a total of 28 minutes. I got 28:50, but because of the wind it probably slowed me down. I ate a ton of food right before, too. So I felt like puking the entire time, but other than that it was fine. Then I ran back up to my house (yes up that huge hill on 13th) until I got to 8, then decided I was done because I didn't want to have to add another .25 once I got home. So I walked home from Uintah. :) |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 |
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| | A lovely 4 miles around my neighborhood, tapering for Arcadia! I leave tomorrow and am so excited!!! My IT started to hurt again on the last mile, so I'll ice it and roll it out. |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 |
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| | I was going to run today, but I couldn't before I went to the airport, and when they picked me up in Burbank we went to Knott's berry farm! It was fun! So we ended up not going for a run, but Bill said he wanted us to rest anyway :) |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 |
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| Race: |
Arcadia Invitational (2 Miles) 00:11:15, Place overall: 22 | |
Today was Arcadia! In the morning I went for a 4 mile shakeout with Bill. I warmed up with Emmaline for about .5 before her race at the Tiger's meet. Then when it came time, I warmed up 2.5 miles. I started to get a little nervous when we got on the track, but not as nervous as I thought I would be. I was in the 3rd waterfall. When I cut in at the 100 mark I was what I thought to be towards the back of the pack. I decided that today I was going to finish the race, and I was going to stick with the pack. My first lap was a 79, then for the rest of the race I focused on the people in front of me. When I felt good I threw in a couple bursts. It scared me a bit when I came through the mile mark at 5:30, a second off my PR. I think I raced smart, there was only one part where I slipped a bit. Then I decided to accept the pain and race, and I focused on those in front of me and didn't think about the race as a whole, but as individual parts. The last 400 I started to kick, then tried to do our 300 kick, and the last 100 a girl was coming up on me so I kicked hard and fought her, but unfortunately she beat me by hundredths of a second :( But overall a great race, I PR'd by 38 seconds and crushed the only competition in our region! I have realized how much stronger I am than I thought I was, and now I know how to race. I'm really glad I came, I have learned a lot from it :) Then I did cool down with Tomy, Chris and Bill for about 2.5 miles
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 |
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| | I did cool downs with Tomy and Chris. I believe I got about 5 in? Everyone did so awesome!!! |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 |
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Went for a 4 mile run
Today I wasn't feeling so great, my stomach was hurting but I decided to push through it. I started with Chris, but after 2 miles at 6:40 pace I backed off to 7:20 pace. I stopped twice because my stomach was hurting, but I started again a minute later each time because I felt like a slacker. We went to Sugarhouse and I did 2 grass laps, I think Chris did 3. I slowed down a bit going back along 13th. Added some at the school to get to 8. 7:24 average. There was a light drizzle, but then it randomly started to pour which sucked because I was soaked. |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 |
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We did normal warmup of 2 laps and stretching and drills, then a mile warmup and a mile speed changes. Then we decided to go to the oval because of the wind and coldness.
After driving to the oval, we did 8 laps warmup, 4 laps speed changes, then I finished another lap. We changed shoes and went to the line. The workout was 6x800s at 2 mile pace, except we all PR'd recently at Arcadia, so it was at a faster pace. We had a little over a lap recovery. I was to hit 2:50s. Bill said that if I hit my times I would only have to do 5! So I hit them. They went 2:45, 2:50, 2:50, 2:50, 2:48. The last couple were the hardest. But I'm glad I got it over with. Then we did cool down to 11, about 3 miles of it :) |
Natalie's Magic Flats Miles: 8.50 | Asics Miles: 5.00 |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 |
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I ran 4 miles, 2 of it was with Megan.
Today was a Tri-meet, but Bill pulled a few of us aside and gave us a workout. We were supposed to do 4 miles warmup, then a 10x30 second on 30 second off, then finish to 8. We really weren't going that fast, but it was all uphill on the way out. It sucked. I fell off of the boys, mostly out of not wanting to push to be with them, I regret it now. So when we lost track of where they went, Abigail and I took some dirt road that seemed like where they went, but then turned around and went further up the road, then started our fartlek-type part of the workout. I didn't like the downhill much more than the uphill. I felt like after the steep downhill I could've gone a lot faster, but Abigail and I had a fun little chat :) |
Blue Nike Motos Miles: 12.00 |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 |
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| Race: |
Alpha Invitational (1 Miles) 00:05:29 | |
Today was the Alpha Invitational at Timpanogos. I warmed up for 4.5 miles. I raced the 1600 and then the 400 literally right after, they were right next to each other. I was in the fastest heat for the 1600. I feel like my 2nd and 3rd laps should've been faster, and I could've kicked better too. I'm disappointed with my race, I wanted to state qualify, but I guess next time will have to do. It felt too short. I think I might've been racing it like a 3200 instead of a 1600, odd enough. I wish it was a 3200 because then it meant I could slow down to a 6 minute mile and still qualify for state. Qualifying for state in the 3200 seems a lot easier to me now, I know I can do it. I just have to go out and actually race the whole thing. Then for my 400, it was the first time I have really raced it, and it hurt. A different kind of hurt. It was a 69. Then I cooled down 2 miles.
Black Asics Miles: 6.50 | Blue Matumbo Miles: 1.25 |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 |
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| Race: |
Alpha Invitational 3200m (2 Miles) 00:11:47, Place overall: 11 | | 2nd day of the Alpha Invite. Today I was doing the 3200. I warmed up with Megan for 2 miles, then I just kept running so as not to lose my warmup. I didn't realize how long it was going to be until about mile 4. Then it was too late to stop running, if I did then it would waste whatever warmup I had. So I got 6.5 miles in. Yay. I really thought I would qualify today, but I guess not. I am really mad about my race. The first part of it I was right on pace. Summer Harper was pacing Candace to qualify and I knew I needed to stay with them. The first mile was all a blur, but I know that on one of the laps the pace just felt too slow and I passed Summer and Candace, which probably wouldn't have been a mistake if I hadn't have slowed down so much the next lap. I had a hard time focusing after that, then when Summer and Candace came up on me Summer said, "you're right on pace to qualify." Then they moved around me. Summer's so sweet. I really wish I had gone with them, I probably thought it was too hard or I wouldn't be strong enough or something else that probably wasn't true. I was crashing mentally. I thought it would've been a lot like Arcadia, where I just had to focus on the group and go with them. There was no group to begin with. I should've focused better and I am so mad about it. The worst part is that if I would've just stuck with Candace like I knew I needed to, I would've qualified. I think there were a lot of factors that went into this race, I didn't prepare as well as I should have, I had raced the previous day, and I had gotten a ton of warmup in, and plenty more that I don't feel like sharing. I did a mile cool down. |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 |
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| | Today I went for my own run, I went over to sugarhouse, then down to 13th, towards cottonwood complex, then when it started to go more downhill I turned up so that my last half of the run would be a little more enjoyable, found myself by the cemetery we usually run to in the summer. So I did a lap, there was a guy in there that looked like he was digging up some grave, or at least the stone, I didn't really want to know what he was doing so I shortened my original plan to do 2 laps to 1 lap and then headed back. I have the worst luck in the world. I thought the way back was going to be easier, I chose to go that way because of the wind, I thought I'd have it to my back on the 2nd half. NOPE. It picked up and then shifted when I was close to 13th East. So I was running straight into the wind, and it made it a whole lot tougher, and I had to hurry to get to a babysitting job. Of course they decided to cancel. When I got back to sugarhouse I continued along 13th to 13th, up to a little past 19th and turned back down 13th to my house and added a bit to get to 10.25. |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 |
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3 with Megan
Today we did our normal warmup of 2 laps stretching and drills, then we did 6 hill strides up the asphalt. I felt really slow on all of these, but that could be because it was a monday and I am not a sprinter :) So I just focused on form for all those. I couldn't go as fast as I wanted. Then we did wall sits and arm swings, and then our drills/bleachers circuits. Then we did X strides across the football field, I felt slow too. I was feeling crappy. Then we did a ladder of fartlek, 1 minute, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1, and however many minutes of recovery between. I just listened to Bill yelling on and off. I started out with Caden, but then after the first one I felt like I could go faster so I started to work my way up to Garek. When I caught up, he went with me and it made the workout a ton easier. But then he stopped and I was alone again, so the last part was harder. But I felt good for the fartlek, so that was nice :) Then we did cool down to 9.5 |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 |
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Today we did our normal warmup, then a few of us went to the oval. We did 8 laps warmup, 4 laps speed changes. On the warmup I was already thinking of how terrible this workout was going to be, I was really sore and I was super hungry because I managed to leave over half of my lunch at my house this morning. I must've been losing it this morning because I thought I had forgotten my watch, turns out I did put it in my bag, but thought I brought everything else, and left part of my lunch at home :( Anyway, I did not have a positive mind to begin with. Plus I didn't really have anyone to pace me, Bill was calling times and the only other people doing the speed were Tomy and John, who are both a ton faster than me.
We did a lap and then went to the line, our workout was a mile, 1200, 800, 400, and 4x200s. We were supposed to do the mile at 2 mile pace, then on each of the next ones each lap was supposed to be a second faster. In my mile I started out on pace, then the next lap was a few seconds slower, and then I felt like I was only running it, and probably ended up just quiting on myself. I'm completely ashamed of my times. The mile was 5:54. The 1200 wasn't much better, I can't remember my time. Then on the 800 I felt worse, I almost lost it when I heard my time. 3:03. I was so close to not even finishing the workout at that point. Then Bill yelled at me as I was heading over to the drinking fountain and I knew it would be better if I just finished. My times finally were close to the pace. On the 400 I hit 75, then the 200s went 36, 35, 36, 37. Even though I hit somewhat close to my times on the 2nd half, I am very very mad about my workout. But now I have learned my lesson, I won't leave my lunch at home and I will try to be more positive. |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 |
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| Race: |
East, Clearfield @ Bountiful (1 Miles) 00:05:38, Place overall: 3 | |
I went for a 2 mile shakeout
Today was a Tri-meet at Bountiful. I thought I was going to be running a 400, 800 and 2 relays because that's what I was signed up for, but then right before Bill told me I was doing the 1600...because I didn't hit my times in the speed. :( So I dropped the 400. I did 2.5 miles warmup.
I got a terrible start people were elbowing me and I was stuck behind everyone. I was able to pass a lot of people as the race went on, but I wish my start would have been better. It was so cold and after the 2nd lap my muscles just felt frozen and numb and it was terrible. I think I should've worked a bit harder in the 3rd lap too. I was able to kick a little, which is much better than the beginning of the season :) I got third with 5:38. Not the time I was hoping for, but I didn't prepare at all for this race, other than bringing food (which eventually disappeared). And we had speed yesterday, and it was freezing. But I still wish I had gotten a better time.
Then I cooled down for 2 miles, warmed up for 1.
The 800 was pretty good. I haven't done it much, I've been focusing more on the 3200. I like the 3200 :)
I once again got a terrible start, I need to work on that. I was trapped behind everyone, then I saw how far ahead the leader was. I worked my way up there. My first lap was probably really slow. On the 2nd lap it was now pretty spread out, I focused on getting a good kick in. I started to pick it up and passed Abigail, then focused on Ellie, and in the last 100 meters I was able to outkick her. I got 2nd and it was a new PR! 2:33
The medley was the next event, literally right after the 800. I was doing the 800 in that too. I did a ton of strides, counting it as .5. When I got the baton we were in 2nd, the 1st place team right in front. When I started I immediately passed the girl and then continued and tried to kick again, when I stopped my watch I was at 2:37, but that's with the handoff and at least a second of trying to stop my watch with a baton in my hand, so it was faster than that, I'd guess 2:34-2:35. Our team took first! :)
Then I ran with Sarah for a cool down and found Chris in the school. He joined us. We did .75.
Then I was being incredibly stupid and thought it would be fun to run down the center of 2 hanging nets, bad idea. I slipped and fell, my arm hit the floor pretty hard and it hurt. I was hoping I would be able to just shake it off and be fine, but I soon realized it was much worse. It hurt so bad I wasn't so sure about the 4x400. But I still did it. It probably wasn't as fast as I could've done it without a hurt arm. My mom thinks I sprained it or tore a ligament, which would make sense. It hurts to lift anything, including a super light backpack, put any weight on it, or push anything. :( Our team took 2nd I think.
I did a mile cool down with Sarah to get to 9. |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 |
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Today we did our normal warmup of 2 laps, stretching and drills. Then we ran to Liberty. We went the long way to the fountain, then to the start from there. We did 4 strides and started.
We did a 4 mile tempo. The pace was your 800 PR doubled, add 12 seconds (your mile split should be this) then multiplied by 4, that would be your time for the whole tempo. Which meant my pace was 6:18, finish with 25:12. My first mile was 6:04, then 12:30. My third split I didn't know. I stuck with Guillermo, when I felt him slowing down I encouraged him to keep up the pace and I think it made it easier for both of us. When he stopped at the 3 mile it got harder. But I started to pick it up, I felt like I was going to be slow. We should've worked a little harder on the 2nd mile and first part of 3rd. When I had about .5 left Bill joined me (he was telling times to the 2 mile tempo people). He told me my time, 25:50 exact. So I was slow. I felt good today, I feel like it was a good workout. I think this was the workout in a long time that I've felt alright :)
We went back up to the track the long way to get to 10.
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 |
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I went for 4, it was faster today. PM: Today was Crazy Track Day! It was fun :) When I got home I wasted more time and finally went for my run, but I had to run several million times around my circle because it was dark outside and that was the deal I made with my parents. Yay. I did 3.75 miles before it got dark and then ran around my circle until I got to 6.5, then I couldn't stand it anymore and called it a day.
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 |
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| | I need to manage my time better. I should've done 5 in the morning, but I enjoyed sleeping in until 11. I was originally gonna go for 15.5, but I didn't feel very good, around the 8 mile mark I just wanted to stop and be done, so I went to 10.5. It was getting dark and I really didn't want to do more laps around my circle. Today just wasn't a good day. |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 |
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3 with Megan
Today was a speed workout. We did our normal warmup, then mile warmup and mile speed changes. Then we did a 1000, I was supposed to hit 3:15, but I hit 3:37. Then we did 5x500s. The first one felt great, then the 2nd one wasn't as great, and then I just crashed mentally. There's really no excuse for it, I've decided excuses are lame. I just mentally didn't want to do it. Plus I had a lot of crap on my mind, I was stressed about school and certain people weren't helping one bit. It wasn't necassarily that the speed was incredibly difficult, it was my attitude towards it. I think if there wasn't so much stuff going on at the track and it wasn't so windy. Whenever the 300s people started after our first 200 it was hard on me to see people who are normally slower than me in front, the wind was really hard, and so that was where I would crash a lot. I really wish I had just mentally sucked it up and just gotten it over with. I think of my good speed workouts and just wish today was one of them. Today was NOT a good day for me. I don't like mondays. My times went something like 1:35, 1:38, 1:45, 1:45, and didn't catch the last one. Then we did a lap and I thought we were done because I didn't hear anything else about the workout. All I cought was a 1000 and 5x500s. No, we had to do another 1000. I was so mad at certain people, I didn't want to do the speed, and I just was not in the mood for a surprise 1000. I started out pretty fast out of anger, then crashed and practically jogged the rest of it. 4:17 I think. I'm ashamed of myself for breaking down so much. I did 3.25 cool down, the .25 I figure makes up for the little bit of recovery I didn't do. Apparently they did 200s too, I once again had no idea about it. I felt like such an outcast. I will step up my game for the rest of the week though, I do not enjoy feeling like this. |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 |
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3 with Megan
Today I sort of expected Bill was gonna make me do speed again, I don't know why I didn't bring flats. Although, I expected it to be the same as yesterday. I did the normal warmup, then a mile warmup and a mile speed changes. Then did a lap and started. The workout was 3 sets of 4x400s, first one at 79 and each would get 1 second faster. The first set was 76, 76, 77, 78. Second set was 81, 83, (2 combined) 2:40. Third was 82, 78, 82, 76. I definitely felt the lactic in my legs on the second set. Patrick and Garek were there to help push me, which helped :) Then I think on the third one in the second set Tomy, Chris and John jumped in to help pace me, thanks guys! I just listened to Tomy giving me advice and tried to do it, and when he started to pull away I tried my best to stay with him. Towards the end it got really hard, on some of them I could feel myself slow down on the last 200. Sometimes Tomy would literally push me to keep me going and not crash, which actually helped, thanks! This workout was definitely harder for me than yesterday, but I'm glad I did it, it'll help me prepare for the Davis invite and BYU. I then did a 4 mile cool down with the boys. |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 |
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| Race: |
East, Cyprus @ Highland (0.25 Miles) 00:01:06, Place in age division: 2 | |
2 miles
I did 2 miles of warmup including strides and such. I raced the 400 and the 800 in the medley. First was the 400, I was in the 2nd heat. I felt like I went slower than what I did at the Alpha meet, but it was actually faster. I think it was because I knew what the 400 actually felt like in this one and expected it to hurt. I, for some reason, didn't really even feel ready to race. I don't know why. I like being spread out in lanes, then I don't get elbowed and cut off right at the start like in the longer races. :) with 100 to go I could've gone a little harder, I regret not doing so now, and I just let Emmaline go. I shouldn't have, I should've fought. I need to get better at that, it can't happen at region. Oh well, congrats to Emmaline for winning!
Then I ran about .75 including strides. In the medley my team had a good lead. I went out hard in the first lap, I wanted to get 2:30 or under. My first lap was 72, then the 2nd I slowed down and finished with about 2:34. I'm alright with it, I am tired from yesterday and monday, so I think I can go faster than that. In order for our medley team to qualify for state, we need to go 10 seconds faster. I think we could do it, everyone will have to work hard, but we can do it :)
Then I went with the boys and did a fartlek right after eating a ton of cookies. Yay. I actually felt alright :) I kept up with them for the first few, then I fell off but still worked. 3.5 miles there. |
Black Asics Miles: 8.25 | Blue Matumbo Miles: 0.75 |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 |
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Today we did the normal warmup of 2 laps, stretching and drills. Then we did our bleacher drill things and then did X strides. Then we did 2x300s with the chase thing, mine were a 57 and 52 :) then I did a cool down with Tomy and Chris until our 15 minutes were up and we finished to 5.
I decided to drop the 1600 and anything else I made it in to be fresh for the 3200, so it'll be similar circumstances to Arcadia, a little bit of pressure and fresh legs :) I'm ready for a great race!
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 |
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| | Today we did the usual warmup, then a mile warmup, mile speed changes, mile cool down. Nice and easy day, tomorrow is Davis! |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 |
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| Race: |
Davis Invitational (2 Miles) 00:11:56, Place overall: 13 | |
Today was the Davis Invitational. I went down later because I was racing later in the Invited section. I warmed up with Tomy, Chris, and Bill, then did drills in the school, and then a few strides before the race. They put us on the track a few minutes before the race actually started, leaving me enough time to stress out about all the fast people in my race. The first mile was good, I felt pretty good and it didn't seem like that fast of a pace. I came through at 5:33, then I started thinking way too much about it and it started to go downhill. I didn't think I could come back, I just basically gave up. Even when I heard Bill yelling what I needed to hit to qualify, I thought it was gonna be too hard to hit, so I didn't try as hard as I should have. I am mad about my race, if I could I would do it again. I shouldn't have fallen off of the girls in front, it was a ton harder once I did. My mom told me I shouldn't be so hard on myself, but it's hard not to be. But I did look at results and on the bright side, if I would've been in the other section I would've been third! But that doesn't matter, I still should've done better. Now I just have to focus on region because I don't think I made it into the 3200 for BYU.
Black Asics Miles: 1.75 | Blue Matumbo Miles: 2.00 |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 |
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Today was speed. We did normal warmup, then a mile warmup and a mile speed changes. Then we did another lap. Our workout was 2 sets of 300, 1000, 600, 300, 300, 300. Right around the middle of it I started to mentally crash, but then I decided to turn it around and tried to turn my thoughts positive. It eventually worked :) I will put down what I remember of my times and look at my watch later to get the rest. My first 300 was a 52, the 1000 was 3:35, then the 600 I didn't catch, the 3 300s I think went 54, 61, 63 or something like that. I didn't quite catch each of those times. Then the 2nd set the first 300 was 57, the 1000 was 3:42, then 600 was 2:19, 300s were 54, 56, 56. It really wasn't a hard workout, I was just in a bad mood.
Then I went on a cool down with Tomy and John, it was 3.5 to get us to 10.
Natalie's Magic Flats Miles: 4.00 | Black Asics Miles: 6.00 |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 |
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3 miles
Today we did normal warmup, then went to the hill and did 6 hill strides, then did 4 X strides across the football field. I just focused on form because I know my form sucks.
Then we split up into even smaller groups, I went with the boys. We started with the shriner's run, but then instead of turning up to go on the hill we continued straight and went along there for aways, turning up to go by the cemetery, then continued to where we usually do our 4th hill for the avenues hill run. We started there and did our hill run, this way we cut off the first 3 hills (AKA the easy ones.) It was a bit discouraging to be so much slower than all of them on the hills, I was working hard to stay as close to them as I could. But when I saw Tomy finish each of the hills I'd still only be a little more than halfway up. You guys are so fast! Then we did shriner's run back to the track. Then we did 2 300s, I was first to go on each of them. The first one was 54, second was 55. Then did .75 to get to 11. My legs feel dead now, it's been a long time since they've been this tired. But it's a good tired :) |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 |
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Natalie's Magic Flats Miles: 17.50 | Black Asics Miles: 197.25 | Asics Miles: 5.00 | Blue Nike Motos Miles: 12.00 | Blue Matumbo Miles: 4.00 |
Night Sleep Time: 0.00 | Nap Time: 0.00 | Total Sleep Time: 0.00 | |
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