2 mile warmup, strides then started. 2 laps and straight into an 80%. A mile on the track, a mile on the block lap, a mile on the track. Hit 6:01, 12:32 (6:31), 19:23 (6:51). 6:28 average. I was not in a good place mentally. Almost dropped out after 2 miles but then told myself to suck it up, what was 4 more laps? And it didn’t feel that hard, an indication I didn’t work hard enough haha. That last one I dogged just trying to finish. I was surprised I hit what I did, it honestly felt so slow. I thought for sure it’d be above 20 minutes so I was happy that it wasn’t.
Told myself to toughen up, stop being so negative and just finish the workout. Ran over to the hill, I’d missed the first 2 repeats but I did the last 7. Weights after and got my quad and lower leg scraped out. Rapid rebooted.
Just trying to stay positive. Most likely need to lower my expectations. Might reevaluate a few things and come up with a plan for what to work towards going forward, seeing as I won’t be traveling. I’m learning to find the positive in comments from my teammates and let go of jealousy and frustrations. This will be a good strengthener for me because I’ll be able to learn how to let things bounce off and focus more on the positive, pushing through and doing what I can to improve, rather than comparisons and the negative thoughts that press down on me. It’ll help humble me and help others up instead of focusing on my own struggles. Because in the end, what does it matter if I achieve what I want if it doesn’t affect someone else in a positive way, too?
HR 55