Slow & Steady Wins the Race :-)

Habitat for Humanity 5k (3k!)

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Federal Way,WA,USA

Member Since:

Jan 08, 2008



Goal Type:

Marathon Finish

Running Accomplishments:

7 5Ks : PR 23:21 (2011)

5 10Ks: PR 47:17 (2011)

9 Half Marathons: PR 1:44:19 (2010)

2 Marathons: PR 3:55:08 (2010)

Short-Term Running Goals:

STAY HEALTHY, CROSS TRAIN, STRENGTH TRAIN!  Operation no more ITB pain, ankle tendonitis, or stress fractures. 

2012 Racing Calendar:

March - Lincoln City Half Marathon 

May - Portland Rock n Roll Half Marathon

June - Seattle Rock n Roll Marathon

Long-Term Running Goals:

Run a 5k in less than 23 minutes 

Run a 10k in less than 47 minutes

Run a half marathon in less than 1:44

FINISH another marathon (without wanting to die this time); beat 3:55:08, and someday BQ!


Happily married for 5 years with an adorable chocolate lab, Cooper.

Favorite Blogs:

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Nike Free's 3.0 Lifetime Miles: 186.08
2012 Swimming Lifetime Miles: 6.25
2011 Cooper Lifetime Miles: 91.27
Bikila Vibram FF Lifetime Miles: 373.87
Merrell Pace Glove Lifetime Miles: 316.70
Saucony Mirage Lifetime Miles: 325.76
2012 Cycling Lifetime Miles: 39.00
2012 Crosstraining Lifetime Miles: 11.20
Total Distance
Sauony ProGrid 2 #3 Miles: 85.11
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 140.06
Total Distance

Ugh this was not a good run.  Felt slow, sluggishness, and nauseous at times (especially at the end, when I was forced to stop early because I felt so sick).  Felt light-headed when I came back inside too, just not feeling very well.  Took Cooper but realized quickly that we had left his gentle leader in Oregon and I could only stand him without it for 1 loop (he was pulling my shoulder out of my socket!).  Meant to do 8-10, oh well.  

Splits: 9:41, 9:45, 9:18, 9:29, 9:40, 9:21, 9:51

TT: 1:07:09  AP: 9:35

I struggled to even push through 7.  3 different people stopped me looking for a puppy - I hope they find him and he's okay!

Sauony ProGrid 2 #3 Miles: 7.10
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 139.50
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Race: Habitat for Humanity 5k (3k!) (1.89 Miles) 00:14:16, Place overall: 2
Total Distance

Ran the Habitat for Humanity 5k with Justin, Jordan, and Rachael this morning.  It was Rachael's first race, so we were very pumped up despite the pouring rain!  Justin and Jordan were less than thrilled. :-)  Although it was miserable before the race, the rain stopped right when it started and it wasn't so bad, I was warm in my rain jacket and didn't need it.  The first half mile or so was terrible, over soaking flooded saw dust so your foot sunk about 4 inches in each step and I thought I might twist my ankle.  That part was horrible.  Because of the flooding there was last minute changes in course, which was why a volunteer I guess sent us the wrong way, which is why the race was only 1.89 miles.  I was very very confused when someone sprinted past me towards the finish, as I was expecting another mile.  I was worried I wouldn't be able to keep up the pace, so I was relieved that it was over, but I was bummed because I think it would have been a new 5k PR for me  

TT: 14:16 (fasted 5k ever, huh?!)   AP: 7:34   Splits: 7:50, 7:16

First mile had an added 10-20 seconds of getting up to the start line (even though there was only about 100 people it started on a bike path, so was pretty congested at the start) and then weaving around people.  I definitely benefited from the volunteer's mistake, because everyone in front of me had to turn around and run back to where I was and I just happened to find this out just in time, so for one millisecond I was in second place of the ENTIRE race!  Then got passed a bunch, including by one girl and then 2 more girls, though I passed one of them back, so I swear I got 3rd female but they called my name for 2nd and gave me a ribbon!  I will never ever ever EVER get 2nd overall female in a race again, so I savored it as much as possible. :-) 

.66 miles warm-up (9:35), 1.67 cool-down (8:57), for a total of 4.22.  Very proud of Rachaem!


Sauony ProGrid 2 #3 Miles: 4.22
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

Happy Easter!  Got up early to get this run in before church.  Took Cooper down the to the dog park, 4 laps on the trail there, and back.  Did a little extra lap to get to 9 but then realized I forgot it took 2 minutes to get the satellites so added on the extra .2.

Splits: 9:54, 9:14, 9:22, 9:18, 9:12, 9:06, 8:58, 9:19, 9:32 (hillside hill!)

TT: 1:25:29    AP: 9:17

Its nice to see that very very slowly (but surely!) my per mile paces (though inconsistent!) are starting to come down a little. 

Time for family fun!  (and a sugar coma)

My weekly miles got a little high, because I ran 5 days this week because of the race yesterday.  Hopefully that's okay.

Weekly Summary: Mon-6, Tues-6.22, Wed-bike, Thurs-7, Fri-off, Sat-4.22, Sun-9.2

Total Weekly Miles: 32.64

Sauony ProGrid 2 #3 Miles: 9.30
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
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Total Distance

5.36 miles at BPA trail with Anya.  Not feeling 100% today, felt sluggish and had a side stitch most of the time for some reason.  I've been on an Easter candy binge that needs to stop starting tomorrow!  The scale was not happy with me this morning.  

TT: 50:35    AP: 9:26

Splits: 9:15, 9:28, 9:31, 9:34, 9:23, 9:26 (.36)

Very hilly and very windy.  Later, a pathetic 15 minutes of tennis with J.  The wind and cold (my fingers were so numb) were too terrible to endure.  I'm so sick of this stormy weather, when is spring going to get here? 

In other news, yesterday was my one year anniversary of my ankle break.  I hope I never go back. 

Sauony ProGrid 2 #3 Miles: 5.40
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

Late class tonight, but came home and did 1 hour 5 minutes on the bike trainer, with 3 short 3 minute breaks at 30, 45, and the end to do plank, lunges, push-ups, squats, etc.  

So ready for the weekend already. 

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
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Total Distance

Ran a kind of speed workout around the neighborhood, the warm-up with Cooper.  I can't believe I forgot to put on the heart rate monitor AGAIN!  Apparently I need to sleep in it to ensure I get out the door with it on.  

Ran a warm-up, then 5 400s with rest periods in between (varying in distance, mostly around 400 again, but made sure to rest on the hills so this made it vary).  Was exhausted after the 5th one (intended to do 6 and 6 miles), and so decided to stop and turned toward home (stopping at 5).  Then I convinced myself I could do 6 miles and just skip the 6th 400.  Then when I got to 6 I convinced myself I could go until 1 hour even.  Ahh, the games one plays with their mind. :-)

Rest Splits: 9:32, 9:46, 8:55, 9:36, 9:41, 9:16, 9:32, 8:54,

400 Splits: 1:52 (7:33), 1:53 (7:30), 1:59 (7:59), 1:49 (7:15), 1:52 (7:28)

TT: 1 hour even   AP:  9:04

When I got home my hamstrings and quads were so tight so I did 20 really really easy minutes on the bike trainer to cool-down.

The candy binge has still not stopped! :-(  Time to drown those sorrows with a glass of wine, then bed.  :-)  This week has been so busy and neverending.  

Sauony ProGrid 2 #3 Miles: 6.70
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 139.50
Total Distance

Hour and 45 minutes of tennis, last one out there again!  Barely squeaked by with a win tonight,7-6, 7-6!  My healed blister is blistering up again.  Tired, and ready for bed, especially after my invented nightcap pinetini, or pinecrantini, I'm still working on the name.  :-)

The weekend is finally here!

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
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Total Distance

FREEZING today.  38F.  When is spring going to get here?  Ran 3.5 miles with Lisa this morning at Weyerhauser loop, part around a cute little lake, I would totally go back there (uhh, with someone else, not alone!).  I think we walked about .6-.8 of this.  She did so great though, considering! ;-)  Then came home, grabbed Cooper, and headed out for 2 loops around the neighborhood to round it out at 6.64.  Overall slow, plus the walking, so total time was something like 1:14, and probably only 5.9 was running.  Not going to bother with the splits today!  

Thought maybe I'd do a longer run today but after last night's tennis thrashing my legs were dead and could barely get me around.  Now tons of cleaning and chores, then maybe some tennis and golf?  Investors?... possibly you!

In other news, I'm about halfway through Born to Run and I'm obsessed with it.  Its one of those books you don't want to ever be over.  Maybe I should try barefoot running!  Or sandal running?!

Sauony ProGrid 2 #3 Miles: 6.64
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

So beautiful today!  Definitely got my Vitamin D. :-)  Probably it was only 60 degrees but it felt too warm in the middle of the day for running, I'm glad I decided to do neighborhood loops instead of venturing out (even though it was kind of boring), which I'm so glad because it meant I got water/powerade after every loop.  A little over 8 loops total, for 12.6 miles, did a little extra just to hit 2 hours even.

Felt very sluggish at first, and my muscles felt sore, maybe still from Friday's tennis?  Felt suddenly better after I hit 5 miles, then started to feel sluggish and tired again at 10.  So 5 of these miles were good?  5 minutes on the bike trainer to cool off after, then the driving range.

Splits: 9:55, 9:52, 9:31, 9:47, 9:47, 9:26, 9:34, 9:31, 9:16, 9:30, 9:17, 9:09

TT: 2:00:17       AP: 9:33      Total Ascent: 1,329 ft

In other, totally random news, there was a dvd, not in a case, just a dvd, on the side of the road in my neighborhood.  It was called........... Good Will Humping!  That's right, you read that right!  NOT Hunting!  So that gave me a laugh every time I came around it.  So someone was driving along, and just decided to throw this dvd out of their car window??!! 

Weekly Summary: Mon-off, Tues-5.64, Wed-bike, Thurs-6.61, Fri-tennis, Sat-6.64, Sun-12.6

Total Weekly Miles: 31.49

Sauony ProGrid 2 #3 Miles: 12.70
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

Ran 7.35 miles at BPA trail with Lisa and Anya.  Great to finally all get together again!  Some walking in the first 4 miles, but probably at least 6.8-7 of this was running.  Afterwards a little bit of tennis with Justin to get him ready for this weekend, but I didn't work too hard. :-)

I also FINALLY used the heart rate monitor for the very first time!  Yaaaay me for meeting one of my goals I set like 3 months ago!  

TT: 1:17:17   AP: 10:31  Avg BPM: 135   Max BPM: 165

Splits: 10:09, 10:52, 11:56, 12:20, 9:48, 9:25, 9:26

The BPM are interesting, they go: 125, 126, 127, 120, 144, 150, 156, 157.  I wonder what my resting heart rate is?  I want to find out more about this.  I also walked a quarter mile on the treadmill last night BAREFOOT!  :-)

Time for LOST!

Sauony ProGrid 2 #3 Miles: 7.40
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 141.00
Total Distance

1 hour on the bike trainer, with squats/lunges/push-ups/plank at half way and the end, while watching The Biggest Loser.  

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 139.00
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Total Distance

Slow slow SLOW today.  Busy the rest of the day so got up early and took Cooper around the neighborhood.  Cooper even did the 400 repeats today! :-)  Warm-up, then 5 400 repeats.  Felt slow and sluggish, my left shin feels a little tired, I think from trying to work on my form (not heel striking).

Rest Splits: 9:45, 9:58, 10:06, 9:35, 9:54, 9:58, 9:35, 9:49

400 Splits: 2:00 (7:49), 1:56 (7:50), 2:00 (8:04), 1:51 (7:31), 1:58 (7:55)

TT: 58:48   AP: 9:29     Avg BPM: 142     Max BPM: 172

I need to learn how to set a workout on the Garmin so the 400s are actual 400s and the times aren't all over the place!  I did wear the heart rate monitor again though!  So that's progress.

Sauony ProGrid 2 #3 Miles: 6.20
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 140.00
Total Distance

35 minutes on the bike trainer, while reading Nightlight and watching 16 & Pregnant.  How can I do both you ask?  A really crappy book + a really crappy tv show = neither needs even half your attention!  Yay for the weekend.

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 141.00
Total Distance

HORRIBLE.  Today was horrible horrible horrible.  My shins, which have been kind of bothering me all week, really acted up today.  I walked probably a half mile of this, until I finally just gave up.  Guess that's what I get for messing with my form - all with the intent to not get hurt in the future, but I'm hurting now!  So that's just great.  Ugh.  Oh well.  We'll see how running with the girls goes tomorrow, then I'll take a couple days off and hopefully that will fix it.  At least its good I'm not signed up for the marathon, then I'd be scrambling!

TT: 44:28 or something slow like that!

Came home and walked 1.25 miles barefoot on the treadmill.  I also wore the heart rate monitor before running and I think my resting heart rate is around 65 bpm.  Though I had already been moving around the house and had a couple cups of coffee.

Sauony ProGrid 2 #3 Miles: 4.20
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 140.00
Total Distance

Met Anya and Lisa at Cedar River Trail early this morning, what a gorgeous morning and perfect day!  Left inside shin was aching almost the whole time, though this was an improvement since yesterday, I've upgraded it only from Horrible to Mediocre/Poor!  Didn't want to leave anyone alone out there, was kind of iffy, but ran back with Lisa, since she's carrying precious cargo, then decided I was up for a little more so tried to find Anya, but didn't, she ran so far!  Felt scary for awhile, there were a few unfavorable characters out there.  But then towards the end lots of people started to come out so it felt way better, guess we were just out there too early.  Got back to the cars at 7.8, so decided to run until 8, but at 8 the shin pain went away so I decided to do 9, then at 9 I decided to do 10.  Lovely head games as usual.  :-)  I hope hope hope hope hope HOPE this shin pain is only temporary.

Splits:  9:46, 11:01 (bathroom break), 10:19, 10:04, 9:45, 9:59, 9:38, 9:35, 9:18, 9:29

TT: 1:39:17   AP: 9:53

It was SUCH a gorgeous day, did some yard work, then headed back to Cedar River Trail (since I liked it so much!) for a bike ride with Jordanne.  I decided that since Justin got to go to Vegas, I got to get a new bike seat... and oh my gosh what a difference.  SOOOO much more comfortable.  So we did 13.62 miles in 1:07:12, AP 4:56 or 12.2 mph. 

Now I might need to take Cooper to the park, he's feeling neglected!  LOVELY DAY!

Weekly Summary: Mon-off, Tues-7.35, Wed-bike, Thurs-6.2, Fri-bike, Sat-4.2, Sun-10+bike

Total Weekly Miles: 27.75

Sauony ProGrid 2 #3 Miles: 10.10
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

My shin still aches.  I think I'm going to take the week off, and pray its just shin splints and not something more serious.  Ugh, why can't I just run as much as I want and be fine?  I've been SO good only running 4 days a week.  

But, in other news, I'm going to try my hand at square foot gardening!  So tonight Justin and I built the garden box.  I don't know why I think I'll be able to keep something alive... but I'll sure try!  Yeah, we're pretty proud of ourselves!


Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 140.00
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Total Distance

Day off #1.  Maybe it feels a teeny tiny bit better?  Or that's just in my wishful thinking head!

Still met Anya and Lisa at BPA trail, biked 3.77 miles with them while they ran in 44 minutes.  So I probably burnt 15 calories? :-)  

Then came home, got dirt, and fixed up my garden!  Square foot garden day 2 below!  Then while watching LOST I biked 45 minutes with breaks for lunges/pushups/etc. 

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 140.50
Total Distance

Day #2 off.

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
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Total Distance

My shin might feel better today??!!!!!  I will try a run tomorrow!  Maybe its not serious after all? KNOCK ON WOOD!

Tennis tonight, that should be interesting!

Happy Friday!

5 minutes of biking and 5 minutes of running before an hour of tennis.  Still felt my shin, maybe I spoke too soon. :-(  I was actually first off for the first time, 6-1, 6-0.  She gave up after the first set.

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

Walked 2.3 miles on 6% incline - I was sweating!  Then tried running a mile, then .2 cool-down.  I am worried I have a tibia stress fracture.  I don't want to be a hypochondriac, but this thing is not going away after 5 full days off, it feels the same, and it does not really feel like shin splints or muscular.  I'm worried!  I do NOT want to go through this all over again.

Next week I might make a dr appointment, but now I need to find an actual good dr this time.

Sauony ProGrid 2 #3 Miles: 3.50
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

1 hour on the recumbent bike this morning while I studied for my midterm.  Then golfed 9 holes, walked most of that, but didn't have to carry my bag, thank goodness.  I'm now feeling 75-80% sure I have a tibia stress fracture.  WHY?!!!!  I did everything right this time, something is seriously wrong with me.  I've been doing research on sports medicine doctors and going to hopefully get an appt tomorrow with someone actually good this time.  

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

Yesterday I barely felt my leg at all, so my optimistic bipolar self decided to get her hopes up and think she might be better.  WRONG!  So silly of me to be so optimistic.  Got up early for a test run on the TM, walked .5, ran a mile, cool-down.  That dull shin achey pain came back pretty soon after starting to run which I think can only be a stress fracture, and the rest of the day was worse because of the run.  

I really am going to try and stay optimistic this time.  After all, the pain is minimal, ridiculously minimal when not running.  Though the doctor might say otherwise, right now I can bike, swim, walk, golf, etc.  This does not need to be the depressing horribleness that was last spring.  I think I need to learn to love biking as much as I love running.  And take up swimming.  Then if I loved those things at least a little bit, not being able to run wouldn't be so devastating.  I am terribly sad about the CDA half (don't hate me Rachael!  You will ROCK it), and the fact that I am probably going to miss the Seattle Rock n Roll for the SECOND year in a row (this is becoming a tradition?) but Hood to Coast still seems a definite possibility.

I couldn't get a doctor appointment until Monday since I actually wanted to see a good sports medicine doctor this time.  I chose the UW doctors that treat the UW athletes and worked at the Olympics in Vancouver. 

Later, 35 minutes on the bike.  Nope, still don't love that thing. 

Sauony ProGrid 2 #3 Miles: 1.65
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

Met Lisa and Anya at BPA trail, rode my bike.  First lap of 3.7 miles, rode while they ran, so braking most of the way, 44 minutes.  Then did a second lap, did this one in 22 minutes, this was rough!  That is a hilly course and I thought my heart was going to explode on some of those hills (and my quads!), I should have worn my heart rate monitor.  So 20 good hard minutes of working out at least, 1:07:26 total, 7.53 miles.

Splits: 5.3, 5.4, 4.7, 5.1, 12.4, 10.9, 9.4, 8.3

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
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Total Distance

30 minutes on the bike trainer.

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
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Total Distance
Sauony ProGrid 2 #3 Miles: 85.11
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 140.06
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