HORRIBLE. Today was horrible horrible horrible. My shins, which have been kind of bothering me all week, really acted up today. I walked probably a half mile of this, until I finally just gave up. Guess that's what I get for messing with my form - all with the intent to not get hurt in the future, but I'm hurting now! So that's just great. Ugh. Oh well. We'll see how running with the girls goes tomorrow, then I'll take a couple days off and hopefully that will fix it. At least its good I'm not signed up for the marathon, then I'd be scrambling! TT: 44:28 or something slow like that! Came home and walked 1.25 miles barefoot on the treadmill. I also wore the heart rate monitor before running and I think my resting heart rate is around 65 bpm. Though I had already been moving around the house and had a couple cups of coffee.