Slow & Steady Wins the Race :-)

Portland Marathon

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Federal Way,WA,USA

Member Since:

Jan 08, 2008



Goal Type:

Marathon Finish

Running Accomplishments:

7 5Ks : PR 23:21 (2011)

5 10Ks: PR 47:17 (2011)

9 Half Marathons: PR 1:44:19 (2010)

2 Marathons: PR 3:55:08 (2010)

Short-Term Running Goals:

STAY HEALTHY, CROSS TRAIN, STRENGTH TRAIN!  Operation no more ITB pain, ankle tendonitis, or stress fractures. 

2012 Racing Calendar:

March - Lincoln City Half Marathon 

May - Portland Rock n Roll Half Marathon

June - Seattle Rock n Roll Marathon

Long-Term Running Goals:

Run a 5k in less than 23 minutes 

Run a 10k in less than 47 minutes

Run a half marathon in less than 1:44

FINISH another marathon (without wanting to die this time); beat 3:55:08, and someday BQ!


Happily married for 5 years with an adorable chocolate lab, Cooper.

Favorite Blogs:

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Nike Free's 3.0 Lifetime Miles: 186.08
2012 Swimming Lifetime Miles: 6.25
2011 Cooper Lifetime Miles: 91.27
Bikila Vibram FF Lifetime Miles: 373.87
Merrell Pace Glove Lifetime Miles: 316.70
Saucony Mirage Lifetime Miles: 325.76
2012 Cycling Lifetime Miles: 39.00
2012 Crosstraining Lifetime Miles: 11.20
Total Distance
Brooks Ravenna Blue Miles: 76.282011 Cooper Miles: 16.70Barefoot Miles: 2.00Nike Free's 3.0 Miles: 8.76
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 142.50
Total Distance

8 miles at Roegner Park with Anya.  Great last long run before next weekend (scary!!).  Temps were good - about 58 at the end which felt hot so I think next Sunday is going to be hot (right now says 58/67 with 30% showers - now I'm going to obsess over the forecast everyday!).  Felt sluggish the first 5 miles but felt better the last 3.  Ankle felt pretty good - PT taught me how to tape it and that seemed to help, but also tired the arch a little, felt some stuff there but not really bad pain.  

TT: 1:12:45  AP: 9:05

Splits: 9:48, 9:08, 8:57, 9:05, 9:07, 8:56, 8:49, 8:52

8 days!

Brooks Ravenna Blue Miles: 8.20
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

3 laps around the neighborhood with Cooper.  After a 1.7 mile warm-up, did speed-ups of about .3-.4 or so in length 4 times, then cooled-down.  Cooper was dragging by the end!  Last one made sure I saw a 6:xx before I slowed.  Felt great!  I need to decide whether to tape for the marathon or not.  It seems to help, but today was irritating me, and when I was done I saw it had caused a blister.

Such a busy weekend.  Cleaning, yardwork, schoolwork, book club, Justin's dad/grandma visiting, more schoolwork, more work work, etc.  Fall quarter is going to be rough, I can tell already.

TT: 39:34  AP: 8:48

Splits: 9:43, 9:01, 8:04, 8:13, 9:06

7 days!

Brooks Ravenna Blue Miles: 4.602011 Cooper Miles: 4.60
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

Ending up finishing up some work earlier than I thought on campus so I headed out to get a quick run in before class.  Soooo happy about it, because it was beautiful out and I scraped by for one more day without using the treadmill.  Burke-Gilman trail, nice and easy but ended up being a little more moderately hard than intended.  Need to definitely keep it easier for the last run on Thursday.  Felt great to be out though!  Unfortunately I forgot a sports bra and that ended up being pretty uncomfortable (even more than I thought it would be!) - that's my only gripe for today, which is good considering my normal complaining self! :-)  Oh, and I guess feeling bad for my poor fellow-classmates who had to sit next to my sweaty, smelly self all night.

TT: 35:29  AP: 8:48

Splits: 9:23, 8:39, 8:33, 8:40

5 days!

Ate a delicious donut (worth-it) and 2 oreos (not worth-it) today.  Bad girl!  I'm supposed to be eating perfect this week.  I pack perfect stuff but then teachers bring delicious treats to the first week of class.

Brooks Ravenna Blue Miles: 4.10
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

2 laps around the neighborhood after work, nice and easy.  I made it to the marathon without having to do a single treadmill run!  Last run before the marathon!  Scarrrryyy!  The taper certainly plays tricks on your brain.... my last long run was soooo long ago and that is certainly bothering my confidence!  It is 90% likely to rain on Saturday and 60% likely to rain on Sunday.... guess I will be packing my garbage bag.  I'm not really sure what to wear because it is so rarely rainy and warm here.  Guess maybe a hat and a garbage bag over my tank top (plus maybe a throw away long-sleeve?) will do it.  

TT: 27:29   AP: 9:05

Splits: 9:16, 9:08, 8:54

Brooks Ravenna Blue Miles: 3.10
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
Race: Portland Marathon (26.2 Miles) 03:55:08, Place overall: 488, Place in age division: 121
Total Distance

Short version:

It was WET.  Wet wet wet.  Not sure it could have been much wetter.  And it was painful.  Very very painful.  But I beat my goal of sub-4 hours with a 3:55:08! Yippee!

Long version:

First off, let me say how incredibly thankful I am about 2010 and its year of great races.  Although I was plagued with a string of mini-injuries (no doubt remnants of the original huge injury), none-sidelined me and I had a great year of races, complete with a a 5K, a 10K, 3 half marathons, Hood to Coast, and now a full marathon.  Not only this, but shockingly enough, I PRed in the 5K, 10K, half and full marathon this year.  Which is saying a lot after coming off of 6+ months of immobilization/walking cast/rest.  Just so everyone knows I’m very thankful before I begin my normal complaining tirades. J  I was also incredibly inspired by this marathon and all it entailed!  The anthem and the walk to the starting line with all those people was just magical, and I shed a tear or two in happiness that I was able to participate.  Seeing Anya at mile 7 was such an uplifter (her family was late so we didn’t get to run the first part of the marathon together as planned, and I felt SO happy when I saw her in the distance and the whole half mile or so it took to catch up to her), and seeing all of the people in the hand-crank division – so inspiring!  

Second, I am very very happy with my time.  None of the negative thoughts below have anything to do with my time, just with the effort that was required to get this time.  Although McMillan says I can do a 3:40 (yeah right), I think the best I could have hoped for today was a 3:50, and at times a sub-4 seemed very questionable (aka miles 18-26.2 but especially 18-23).  So I am extremely pleased with a 3:55. 

Now on to the good stuff.  It rained.  It poured.  It was beyond wet.  I supposed I should just be thankful to make out with rain instead of the heat the St. Georgers got.  Because the air temp was fairly warm (62 or so), it was difficult to know what to wear.  Before the marathon I was shivering majorly in my garbage bag, tank top, and shorts, especially when the wind was whipping rain right in my face.  But I was warm/hot most of the race.  This is in despite of the fact that my clothes were DRENCHED, and my body temperature was probably pretty low considering after I finished I started shivering uncontrollably even with a space blanket and extra clothes.  I would say it drizzled for about 4.8% of the time, POURED for about 5% of the time, and straight up RAINED for 90% of the time.  Oh yeah, and I remember it was dry for 1 minute (the .2%!).  Of course OF COURSE it stopped raining about 30 minutes after I finished and it was dry with even some blue sky the rest of the day. 

Next, this was hard.  So painful and I just wanted to crawl in a hole and never come out.  I felt great the first half of the marathon.  And maybe I went too hard in some of those miles – but the splits really aren’t that different from my 23-miler a few weeks ago.  So that is confusing.  But I started to feel it at halfway, and I knew I was in trouble.  Miles 13-17 were just okay (no longer great), and I knew the feeling forming in my legs so early was a really terrible sign of what was to come.  Then mile 17 came – the HUGE LONG hill up to St. John’s bridge.  I had to talk to myself the whole way to convince myself not to walk.  I didn’t, which made me happy, and even passed a few even though I was going like a 12 minute mile.  But by the time I made it to the top of the hill I felt done.  Thinking I had 9 miles left to go made me feel really really discouraged.  And then the death march began.

Miles 18-23 were the worst.  This was an extremely dark time in my life!  I stopped caring about sub-4 about here, which was good because I watched my times get progressively slower and slower.  But I didn’t care.  The desire to walk and just stop the pain was so incredibly powerful.  And at this point the finish seemed impossibly far away.  I also took anything they would hand me in hopes of improving my condition.  I took Ultima at every station except the first, water as well at some, gummi bears 3 times, part of 1 of their Liquid Gold gel cups (gross), and the 4 Gus I brought.  Great aid stations, my only complaint was there wasn’t one right after the huge hill, when I desperately needed one.

I saw 3+ people being taken away by ambulances in this part of the marathon.  I finally succumbed to walking for 1 minute or so coming up a tiny hill approaching the 23-mile marker.  Running again was so hard, but I didn’t let myself stop again (even to actually get the water down instead of all over my face at the water stations) because I knew I wouldn’t start running again.  At this point finishing felt more doable, and I just kept saying to myself, “I can do this for 30 more minutes,” “I can do this for 20 more minutes”, “I can do this for 10 more minutes”, and even “I can do this for 5 more minutes” (this 5 minutes seemed to last an eternity).  Even here, as I slowed more and more, I didn’t get passed that much, so that at least made me feel like everyone else was suffering too (misery loves company!).  I was very surprised people weren’t flying by me here.  I didn’t have anything else to give at the end though, so I did get passed a lot in the last .2 or so, which was sad because I love to sprint in. J

Then I finished!  And I immediately felt HORRIBLE.  My legs felt shaky, like I might fall over, so incredibly tight, and I didn’t know what to do.  I wanted to lie down on the grass and stay there forever, but I knew laying down was a terrible idea.  I have seriously never felt so terrible these next 30 minutes or so.  I ate a bagel, part of a muscle milk (just can’t stand those), and 2 mini almond joys.  The food spread was great though, too bad I didn’t feel up to enjoying it.  Inside the chute was well-organized but outside of the finish chute was horrible.  I couldn’t find Justin and I didn’t have a phone and I just felt so terrible and lost and shivering and I was pretty much crying by the time he found me.  We waited around for Anya to come in and then decided to go home instead of brunch as planned.  All I wanted was a hot shower.  After about a 30 minute shower and a good meal, I felt 1,000 times better. I am sore, but not as bad as I would think.  It will probably come tomorrow.  Walking up stairs is difficult.

So why was this race so hard for me?  Yes, I knew running a marathon would be horribly hard and painful.  I was just really prepared for it to start at 20 or even 23, since I had done a 23 mile long run pretty successfully.  I have a bunch of theories but honestly don’t know:

  1. The rain.  I don’t really know why.  Perhaps because my shoes weighed 3 times more than normal?  Or because my body temperature was probably pretty low?  Thank goodness for Body Glide, I think I saved some major chafing issues, as my clothes were literally stuck to me they were so wet.
  2. I ran my 23 mile training run too fast and I wasn’t recovered from it?
  3. Taking some time off in the past 2 weeks because of the ankle tendonitis was a bad idea?
  4. Running my last long run 4 weeks out instead of 3 weeks out did affect me?
  5. I need to figure out how to monitor my pace better.  The garmin fluctuates SO much in the 'Pace' category (one second it will say 9 and the next 8) and although I've added and love 'Average Pace', in such a long run this doesn't fluctuate much.  Maybe I need alerts or something to make sure I don't go too fast too early. 
  6. My running isn’t consistent enough.  I get hurt too often and take days off because I’m a hypochondriac.  I need to work on strengthening my left leg over the winter so this isn’t an issue in 2011 and I can train more consistently.

Justin unfortunately has it recorded on a video when, after finishing, I say, “I am never going to do a marathon again!”  However, that BQ time obviously still looms above me as something I’d like to tackle.  I do not want to run another marathon where I feel like this, however.  I suppose it is inevitable, but the pain was just too great.  However, I do think I am capable of this time in a marathon with much less (not none!) pain.  So I’m not sure I should write off the marathon just from this, though I certainly seem to love the pain of a half much more than the pain of a full.  Last lessons learned include that I should eat, hydrate, and sleep like I did this week, all the time.  I am looking forward to taking a break from running, and especially from taking a break from my runs being dicated by a calendar.

Finally, thank you to everyone who supports me and makes this happen!  Justin, for being the best support crew ever and making me a killer mix (despite ipod difficulties and possibly breaking it from being too wet).  My aunt and uncle, who came and cheered too.  Anya for training with me and kicking butt today!  Way to finish your first marathon!  And Lisa - you were here in spirit!  Next year!  And my parents (and possibly allie, rattletrap, my friend Laura, etc.) who tracked me online and are so supportive.  It made me smile when I crossed the halfway in 1:53 imagining my parents seeing that online.  Then it kind of made me feel bad everytime I crossed another mat after that  they were watching and I kept getting slower and slower.  :-)

(The Garmin shows I ran 26.6 so the splits don't really line up.)

TT: 3:55:08   AP: 8:50 (for 26.6) / 8:59 (for 26.2)

Splits: 9:05, 9:01, 8:53, 8:15, 8:22, 8:33, 8:26, 8:36, 8:30, 8:26, 8:38, 8:39, 8:26, 8:41, 8:38, 8:51, 9:29 (the hill, and now the downward spiral begins), 8:48, 9:02, 9:12, 9:29, 9:09, 9:14, 9:59 (walked a minute), 8:58, 9:25

10K: 54:23    Half: 1:53:42   2nd Half: 2:01:26 (ouch!)

Brooks Ravenna Blue Miles: 27.00
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

I am a huge target for all the muggers out there scouting for their next victim.  They're looking around and thinking, "Who can't outrun us?"  Then they see a girl who can't sit down or get out of a chair, is waddling around, taking stairs one at a time, and holding on to the stair railing for dear life.  "There she is!"

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
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Total Distance

Walked 25 minutes on the TM (1.43 miles).  Slow and still ouch.

Brooks Ravenna Blue Miles: 1.43
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
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Total Distance

1 loop (1.5 miles) walking around the neighborhood with Cooper.  Feeling a lot better.

Brooks Ravenna Blue Miles: 1.502011 Cooper Miles: 1.50
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
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Total Distance

31 minutes of running on the beautiful Riverfront Park Centennial Trail in Spokane.  We'll call it 3 miles (no Garmin).  What a gorgeous setting and a beautiful day to get out.  So glad it worked out to go for a quick run before heading to Ellensburg, perfect blue sky, probably 65 degrees, and I had been itching to test my legs all day.  I would move to Spokane just for this trail.  Slow and still some squawking from the ITB and quads but felt great to be moving again!  

Brooks Ravenna Blue Miles: 3.00
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

2 loops around the neighborhood with Cooper.  Beautiful blue sky, sunshine, and crisp fall air!  Great day to be out.  Felt great to be out there, but legs still felt tired and ITB was annoyed.  

TT: 29:00   AP: 9:40

Brooks Ravenna Blue Miles: 3.002011 Cooper Miles: 3.00
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

2 neighborhood loops with Cooper in the beautiful crisp fall air.  I'll call it 3 even though I probably walked half of it.  It took me 39:30 if that gives you a good idea of how much walking there was.  Yesterday we went to Pike Place Market and there is this really steep hill to get down to it and all of a sudden my knee was screaming during it.  Well today during the run my knee was screaming at me some more.  So I ran the first mile and then did walk/run after that.  I hope this is still just leftover stuff and isn't going to be something to worry about.

Then I went horseback riding at Banner Forest which was AWESOME!  I need a horse. 

Brooks Ravenna Blue Miles: 3.002011 Cooper Miles: 3.00
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
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Total Distance

My ITB HATES me.  It never wants me to run a marathon again.

In the beautiful fall sunshine again - LOVE IT!  Got a free hour on campus so ran on the Burke-Gilman trail - this Tuesday day-run thing might work for me.  Except now I have to go to class sweaty.  Too bad for my classmates!  

During the run the ITB felt pretty bad for awhile but seemed to ease up around 4.  But then as soon as I stopped it was horribly stiff and painful.  Blahhhhh.  My hamstrings still feel super tight as well.  Yoga and ITB exercises are on the docket for tonight. 

TT: 51:59   AP: 9:25

Brooks Ravenna Blue Miles: 5.60
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 142.50
Total Distance

1 mile walking on the TM barefoot.  Then a little bit of yoga, foam rolling, ITB exercises.  "The Stick" is ordered and on the way.  Watch out ITB - you better run and hide.  

Barefoot Miles: 1.00
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

1 is better than none right?  1 mile walking on the TM, 1 mile running (probably first TM mile since.... March?), .25 mile walking cool down.  Stick and foam roller.  

Brooks Ravenna Blue Miles: 2.25
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

2 loops around the neighborhood with Cooper, the first 1.5 miles running, then the pain came so I stopped.  It seems I can run about 1 mile without pain, how frustrating.  Cut the 2nd loop a little short since it started raining pretty good - I will gladly run in the rain but walking in the rain = just plain torture.   

Brooks Ravenna Blue Miles: 2.902011 Cooper Miles: 2.90
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
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Total Distance

5 miles walking on the TM, last mile barefoot.  After every mile (every 15 minutes) stopped and did plank, push-ups, etc.  Watched Amazing Race - I have GOT to get on that show!

This was literally the only 2 hours I stopped doing work the whole day - to walk, foam-roll, ice, shower, and blog.  Now back to the work.  

PS - I wish my knee would feel better.  I think it may be a bit of tendonitis rolled in with the ITB.

Nike Free's 3.0 Miles: 4.00Barefoot Miles: 1.00
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

15 minutes on the bike, 1 mile walking, 1.5 miles running. .5 miles walking.  I am so slow on the TM, I had to work my way up to 10 minute miles.

Nike Free's 3.0 Miles: 3.06
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

I want a new leg.  I am really sick of this.  I'm not really sure what to do.  Should I keep running like I have been - as much as I can pain-free and then walk?  That seems to be consistently about a mile.  Or should I rest completely?  I feel I have already given it adequate rest and I am so ready to just get back to a regular running routine.  Today my ankle tendonitis decided to add to the knee tendonitis and ITB.  Grreeaattt. 

Brooks Ravenna Blue Miles: 3.00
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

Ran with Lisa, Anya, and baby Denali. I got to push the bob. :-)  It dominates.  Burt is probably right, time for some time off.  My knee sucks.

Brooks Ravenna Blue Miles: 3.60
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

50 minutes on the recumbant bike while reading my articles for class.  Strength stuff after 20 and 40 mins. Knee was starting to squawk so cut the hour short.

Time for another epic Halloween with the Winters!  We'll see how my 'Gilly'costume turns out. :-)

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

Yeah yeah yeah.  I'm taking the week off blah blah blah.  Took Cooper on a walk this evening (got to see lots of kids out trick-or-treating!) and decided to jog a bit.  Overheated in my strolling clothes of a sweatshirt and sweatpants!  Knee started to get a little stiff at the end, but not too bad.  We ran out of candy!

Another EPIC Halloween!  Me and Sally Jesse Raphael (aka Rachael)!

Nike Free's 3.0 Miles: 1.702011 Cooper Miles: 1.70
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
Total Distance
Brooks Ravenna Blue Miles: 76.282011 Cooper Miles: 16.70Barefoot Miles: 2.00Nike Free's 3.0 Miles: 8.76
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 142.50
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