Started a 20 miler with Tim, Evan, Brandon, and Jaren was coming the first part. Started at Tim's house. Knee was a bit better than the past couple of runs, however I could feel my stride was off. We stopped at my house for everyone to catch up, this was at 8 miles. We got a Gu and a drink and headed out. I made it 1 mile to Monarch and was running with Brandon and all of the sudden my right claf sized up on me with sharp pain. I stopped and tried to stretch, but it was too cranked and I was afraid of straining it worse so I bailed. Super disappointed about this one. I ended up walking home and driving down to the end with my bike and riding the last few miles with the guys. My calf is definitely hurt now too, probably from over compinating for my knee. Super frustrating that I have Boston in two weeks and am injured, especially since I have been so healthy! I guess the plan is to get as healthy as possible in two weeks and try to maintain some kind of fitness level.