Today was kindof Brutal...Woke at 4:45a.m. to get my swim in..was going to be a busy day! Had 5 hours of really rocky sleep..woke up about 5 times. Got up anyhow..Mixed up some hot grain cereal with protein powder and cocoa to have a bit of energy for the workout..(I get sick working out on an empty stomach, even 200calories makes a difference.) Had a 3800yd swim in the works...Had I been on top of my game having the best day ever, The workout would have killed me. I never quit a workout but cut it short 300yds, just couldn't finish the warmdown with good form. I was feeling weak the entire workout, pushing off the wall my legs felt like they were in slow motion...Completed 3500yds tho. Workout looked like this: 200pull 200kick 200swim Set 1: 3x200yd Hold 3:15 including rest. (Just couldn't hold pace or rest requirements.) Set 2: 3x300yd Rest :15 Set 3: 3x400yd Hold a 6:45 including rest. (Again, could not hold pace) Set 4: 500yd Warmdown...Only completed 200. So I rushed home feeling defeated, got kids off to school and got ready to go to the Salon, My hair was looking bad after not being in for 3 months! Was relaxing just sitting for a change..I could have sat all day...Feeling mushy from my less than Great workout I decided to drown my sorrows in buying stuff...haha...I bought 3 pair jeans, a skirt, two jackets, and 7 hats.
Oooh and look at these Birdie Hooks I got!
Well I guess they are plate racks or whatever, but I thought I would hang stuff on my purses and sweaters that are always on the floor in my bedroom. So, I get home and fuel up...take an hour nap..Knowing I still have more workout to come...Woke up thinking...UGH, energy still BAD. Ate another small meal 2 hours after the pre nap meal..for an extra boost..Getting a tiny bit of energy. Then right before hitting the track I had half a package of ClifBloks Chews because I knew I needed the bloodsugar. So I drive to the Highschool Track and there are a bunch of boys playing with bows and arrows...I guess an archery I turn around to find out if the BYU track looks better, it looks clear but I have to pee like MAD, so I drive home, Pee and finally get to the track...30 minutes of driving later! I start off with a warmup of 1 mile @ 8:30pace Have 6x400 and 2x600 to do.. Felt really good the first few...felt really fluid and light, though the coach had these repeats too fast for me...Goal was 1:15 for each 400 with 2min rest. I hit the 400's in: 1:15, 1:14, 1:16, 1:17, 1:17, and 1:25. By the last one I felt like my lungs were bleeding. The sides of my tongue were aching..and my head ached...So fatigued. Quit another workout! So unlike me..I love pain... Got home and collapsed on the couch and cried for 3 minutes, then went out for a 2 mile cooldown run with my hubby, I didn't really pay attention to pace, and was shocked I ran 2 miles in 23 minutes. Could have run faster if my legs were broken. On a better day, I could have hit all the repeats on 1:15, plus the 600's which were supposed to be 2 min with 2 min rest. But My body was exhausted, and dehydrated. Part of me wishes I had postponed the workout till the a.m....Oh well.. So then, I do something new and more torturous..haha....had my hubby pick up a 5 pound bag of ice while I fixed a quick bite to eat, and sat in an icebath for the first time...Within 10 seconds it felt like my bones were being crushed, they were aching so bad..haha...Lasted a good 22 minutes..Hopefully it helps! Do they look cold? I am wearing shorts, you just can't see them:
Hmmm not a flattering picture...haha.. This picture isn't flattering either, it is hard to take a pix of your own face with a cellphone...But I had to prove I wasn't having kinky naked leg pictures, I was still in my running clothes..haha:
It' made me feel warmer being in my shirt.. So then I took the longest shower of my life...and the hottest. Stretched only 15 minutes Legs...Felt I had done enough for today.