So this day was not my best ever. But I got the workouts done. Hit the Weights at 10a.m. and worked Back and Rear Delts. Took it easier, didn't push it, I am feeling I worked too hard last week and my muscles aren't ready for it after having almost 2 months off weight training. So then around noon my body crashes, I end up taking TWO afternoon naps. At dinner I had some extra complex carbs in preparation for my evening swim, but my body wasn't buying it and my energy was no where it needed to be, so I called my hubby and had him pick up some candy for me and bring it home: A Snickers Bar and Skittles. Wasn't sure which I would take, ended up using both @ 530 cals..Boy that sugar, Woot! I could feel that bloodsugar going crazy...Ate this 15 min before I got to the gym. Swim workout was Awesome. Mostly..haha. Had explosive energy for a lot of intervals, had some good times..boosted my confidence..BUT... During one interval, a 100yd Build (each 25yard faster, last 25 all out)...I was getting ready for a sprint effort on my last 25...took a big breath, still Underwater! Aaaaah. Of course I didn't fill my lungs with water, our bodies have really good reflexes and it shut off the access to the lungs..but some water still got in.. Thought I was never going to be able to breathe again...Was gasping and wheezing trying to get air in my lungs but they were locked up...I put one arm on the side of the pool and the other in the air trying to get my lungs to open up..Wasn't working so I lift myself out of the pool and sit on the side, throw my goggles off across the floor, at this point there are like 10 people staring at me writhe on the floor..haha..felt like it was in slow motion but I am sure it was under 10 seconds..A guy in the lane next to me came over to try and help..he had thought I was having a seizure..Wow, I wonder how spazzy I was..haha...UGH. So anyway, I start getting some air in, then cough for a while, getting water particles to come out. I joked to everyone that I shouldn't have started my swim so late...:P So I still have lots more swim..2000yds or so..finished off about about 3700yd, I am too lazy to count. Didn't stretch, I got home late, as I sat in the hot tub forever with a swimmer girlie I met, she was a highschool swimmer and lifeguard for 6 years..she was one of the ones who came to my rescue..haha..She also gave me form pointers on my freestyle and drills. See ya! |