6.3 outside run. It was brutal. My stability shoes make me feel slow and sluggish. But in return my feet feel better and my heels feel better. The wind was blowing hard off and on. Made for embarrassing and slow splits. Thanks for nothing today S.F. wind!
Speed workout inside hitting a 6 min, pace. Lot's of sweat involved.
10 miles running. 2 miles cool down brisk walking at the end talking to
Julie. Should I count the 2 mile brisk walking? I don't know...
went to the gym. Elliptical hell for 30 min. Lifted a tiny bit and worked my core.
Came home and ran 7 miles on the river trail. It was a bad day. I must have had low blood sugar this morning, I almost passed out a couple times on my last loop. Whoa.