10 miles,1 min on offs -7:40 t0 a 6:45 pace. Weights. Buffalo run was pretty cool. I saw Jun, Scott W., Kelli Stephenson, JD,Oreo, gdoc, Bryce, Dale, Davy Crockett, flyonthewall, and I am sure a few others, I just can't remember at the momento! The true test of endurance on Saturday wasn't those out running the trails, it was me. How long can one girl hold her urine so as to avoid the ULTRA DISGUSTING POP's? I am the one who won the endurance ticket on Saturday. I held my pee the whole day. I went in one POP and it was SO SO SO bad. I couldn't do it. I held my pee from 6 am -3:30 pm. Nice.
Some thoughts I had during Saturday helping out: -not sure I like the island. It's to windy. -Some of the trail running women were a bit rude. They were demanding, fussy, hard personalities.You can think I am rude, but it's just the truth. The men that I encountered were all very gracious and kind. They said thank you's and had smiles on their faces. It made my day.
-Trail running is hard. I like any kind of running. But I realize more and more that I am a road racer and I'm good at it. Road racing is just as hard, but in different ways. -You can't please everybody when volunteering and you will hear and be asked every question imaginable. -College co-eds are getting dumber and dumber.