Woke up at 4:45 looked outside. The roads were clear, no sign of snow yet. Dressed and got all my warm clothes on, headlamp,garmin etc. Got outside and the snow had just started falling. Ran a 7:20 mile to warm up, then a 7:02, and SLAM! I hit black ice and slammed my knee and pinky. Got up and turned around and went another way. By that time snow was accumulating my road, and by the minute I was ice skating more and more. I got over it. 3 miles outside. Went home changed into shorts, tank. Got some warm stuff on and went to the gym. Had no time to mess around and felt determined as ever. 5 mile tempo straight through. 6:39 6:39 6:35 6:30 6:25. I DID IT!!!! I held a 5 mile. Woooohoooooooooo! Have to think of a new tempo goal for next week. 25 minutes elliptical hell Strength trained with the meat heads. Some dudes and their sounds! yuck! Why the sound effects?