here is a link for some of the album I listen to when doing long runs. If you look back at my running blog and I ran 8 or more miles, I most likely ran listening to this album. It has the best beats. I recommend listening to the whole thing to get the full effect.
Today I ran 6:50 on the tread. Did some speed intervals from minutes 30-47. Then I worked on the elipitcal for 30 minutes. Then it was out of there. Oh wait, did abs too. Shower is calling now oh I have to mention this. Yesterday a dude in my church ward put on facebook that he is running the red rock relay and he needed 6 more people. So I put a comment below that said: "you know I can run, and fast." Well this morning he declined me and the other girl who offered to help his team. He said he knew we would put him to shame and due to not wanting a shattered ego, he had to decline our offers. Well you know what? Screw you! Have fun with your all dude team and good luck getting the fat man on your team to take 3 legs and do it in a decent time. I noticed lately that a lot of men have ego problems if I run next to them at the gym doing 9.3 in my tm. I passed a man on the river trail the other day and when I did so, I could hear him trying to speed up. Just take reality for what it is!!! This is stupid! Oh and I can't get ANYBODY besides Lynsey to run outside with me. Everyone is afraid I'm going to force them to run to fast. Truth is, I don't always run super duper fast, I just want to run outside at a decent speed (below and 8 min mile). I didn't know that was so hard, sheesh.