This morning I met Allie at Mapleton Jr. High. It was so windy and chilly. We took off up towards the canyon and found ourselves running on the Hobble Creek half course. We were clipping along-chit chatting. The headwind was nasty! But once we passed the house with the fake dog staring out the door (wha....? who does that?) we turned and had the wind at our backs for awhile. The run was nice. Good hills and long roads! Good conversation! Great paces. We did a little over 11 miles before we stopped to watch the finish of the hobble creek half. That was a good show. We got to see/cheer Lindsey D. and Nan K. to the finish line. It was so close and they both are so amazing. It gave me chills and they both PR'd. Way to go girls! After Nan got some fuel, we headed back out with her for another 5 miles back up the Hobble course. We got so many funny comments from people. The best comment was a man we passed running the race,who noticed Nan's race bib and said: 'one of the two of us is going the wrong way' (ha). It was a good 5 miler with awesome splits for how far we were into our distance. It felt great and Nan is so friendly and fun. Really glad I got to meet her. We came back and watched the awards. Then took off for another Mile back to the cars. Good training run today. Awesome company- and now I am feeling better about TOU. Next week is a 20 miler for me.....hmmmmm. 7:43 avg pace