The elliptical totally redeemed itself for me today. I did a high intensity workout on it today and it *almost* came close to the same feeling as a speed workout. I've been wearing a heart monitor every morning. I had won it last Sept. at a race. It's finally being put to good use. I was able to hit my max heart rate zone on the elliptical today, with a 1-2 minute recovery in between. If I can do this workout a couple times a week until I am better, I shouldn't lose to much vo2 max right?
It's not running but it's better than nothing. I think I may have MTSS. I think I am scared of how long it will take to heal up. I think I need to start wearing a light weight stability shoe. I think I pronate and it's causing me problems. I also had my si joint checked and it's rotated a bit again and I have a leg length discrepancy. I think I need to make some appts. to get myself some help so I can heal and get back at it faster. I also came to terms with the fact that I brought this calf problem on by upping mileage to quickly in one week. !@#$%^&^&%$#! I can't believe this is happening to me again...