Ran 8 miles in 56:58. Probably the fastest I've run 8 so far. Kira and I got to talk between taking major breaths. She's a good friend- and about 1/2 inch taller than me. Can you believe it? Worked on the elipitcal for 15 minutes as well. Worked on abs. Am here at home listening to John Mayer's song "edge of desire". I'm lifting my free weights right now. Next is some pilates core work and I know it's going to hurt. Beautiful day today! I think I'll go for a run this afternoon. I'm going to register for my fav race (speedy spaniard). My goal this year for that is to NOT sprain my ankle or any other injury two days before- and totally beat last years time. I know I can do it... This is great, I just found this picture on my friends blog. The road that runs along those tall skinny trees is part of the speedy spaniard route. It's so beautiful. Here in the SF we call it "tree road". I spent tons of time down here getting into teen trouble and such. Burt, come run the speedy with Merri Lyns and I!