Lot's of funny/weird things happening today. I weighed myself first thing when I got to the gym and I'm down 2 lbs since Monday. Woohooo! . I worked out with Kira on the elliptical for 1 1/2 hrs. Then I worked core for 15. There's a guy ( I can't really call him a man) who has been attempting to flirt with Kira and I with big cheesy smiles and staring and walking past us back and forth through the workouts. I find it funny because a) he looks like a little boy to me b) he has no idea we are married and to us, he looks stupido c) He is SO obvious and cheesy. d) I swear he's wearing bowling shoes. Every time he would put his headphones on I would start singing a song I made up about 'I'm going bowling tonight'. I give Kira side aches from laughing. LOL! I know nobody cares about this but I want to put it down here so I can laugh again later.
What does this have to do with running? Not a damn thing. Happy Thursday peeps. **pm update** ran 3-4 miles on the track with Julie and Kira and it was FUN!!!