A very interesting morning at the track. I came with a 200m workout that Jake was so nice to share with me. I started trembling a little as I pulled up to the track. I always do. That quickly leaves once I warm up thankfully. 1.5 mile warm up at a very slow pace. My friend Julie showed up. She did some small spurts of her own speed work, but I plugged into my own. So... 3x (4x200m) with a 200m recovery in between, 400m recovery after the 4th repeat on each set.
SO HARD. SO SWEATY -it was warmer out today. SO DETERMINED. I made it through all 12! I need to get them all a little more consistent with the times, but, splits for each 200:
1- 40 sec 2- 46 ah oh, too slow 3- 43 more like it 4- 42 sec 5- 44 6- 42 7- 44 8- 45 too slow 9- 44 10-43 11- 44 12- 41 Ran some cool down with Julie after. Beautiful morning. Pm update*** ran a very slow 3 miles. didn't feel to bad. But I could tell my legs were sore from this mornings track stuff.