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PVXC Alumni Christmas Classic

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Member Since:

Sep 15, 2011



Goal Type:

Marathon Finish

Running Accomplishments:

5k: 17:20

10k: 35:34

Half Marathon: 1:18 (Snow Canyon 08)

Marathon: 3:06 (Beaver 20)

Short-Term Running Goals:

Qualify for Boston Marathon (Run a 2:55 marathon)

Help PV athletes develop a love for running. 

Be the 1st male athlete to run all 4 years at Dixie State University. Done! 

Long-Term Running Goals:

Be a life-long runner

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Miles:This week: 25.16 Month: 111.99 Year: 494.43
Hoka Rincon Lifetime Miles: 742.47
Hoka Clifton Lifetime Miles: 531.68
Saucony Ride Lifetime Miles: 805.46
Hoka Cavu Lifetime Miles: 86.29
Hoka Napali Blue Lifetime Miles: 335.18
Hoka Napali Red Lifetime Miles: 468.76
Hoka Instinct 2 Lifetime Miles: 288.34
ASICS Noosa Fast Lifetime Miles: 104.21
Nike Pegasus 32 Lifetime Miles: 354.64
Launch 4 Lifetime Miles: 470.04
Hoka Clifton 5 Lifetime Miles: 304.12
Hoka Speedgoat 3 Lifetime Miles: 482.59
Hoka Clifton Blue Lifetime Miles: 400.15
Hoka Carbon X Lifetime Miles: 437.51
Hoka Carbon Rocket Lifetime Miles: 133.24
Brooks Launch 7 Lifetime Miles: 492.70
Kinvara 6 Lifetime Miles: 373.32
Hoka Bondi 6 Lifetime Miles: 347.01
Hoka Challenger 5 Lifetime Miles: 485.68
Kinvara 11 Lifetime Miles: 560.55
Hoka Rincon 3 Lifetime Miles: 734.87
ASICS Novablast Lifetime Miles: 456.10
Saucony Ride 13 Lifetime Miles: 873.83
Trail Runs 2022 Lifetime Miles: 85.00
Hoka Bondi 7 Lifetime Miles: 190.37
Kinvara 13 Lifetime Miles: 729.85
Hoka Carbon X 3 Lifetime Miles: 142.63
Saucony Endorphin Pro 2 Lifetime Miles: 450.34
NB XC Spike Lifetime Miles: 9.01
Nike Pegasus 37 Lifetime Miles: 268.29
Hoka Challenger 6 Lifetime Miles: 306.69
Trail Runs 2023 Lifetime Miles: 59.00
Nike Steelers Pegasus 39 Lifetime Miles: 201.56
Nike Air Zoom Tempo Lifetime Miles: 40.88
Saucony Ride 15 Lifetime Miles: 515.78
Kinvara Pro Lifetime Miles: 729.13
Clifton 9 Lifetime Miles: 1004.62
Pegasus 40 Lifetime Miles: 276.57
Trail Runs 2024 Lifetime Miles: 37.00
Brooks Launch 9 Lifetime Miles: 173.23
Speedgoat 5 Lifetime Miles: 117.58
Endorphin Pro 4 Lifetime Miles: 71.87
Pegasus 41 Lifetime Miles: 133.82
Trail Runs 2025 Lifetime Miles: 6.00
Total Distance
Nike Pegasus 37 Miles: 10.43Saucony Ride 13 Miles: 7.77Kinvara 13 Miles: 23.98Saucony Endorphin Pro 2 Miles: 1.84ASICS Novablast Miles: 8.32Hoka Rincon 3 Miles: 16.61Hoka Challenger 6 Miles: 12.56Trail Runs 2023 Miles: 1.00Trail Runs 2022 Miles: 1.00
Weight: 183.33
Total Distance

Tried out the new Nikes. I think my ankle is finally back to normalish so I look forward to get back to some consistent running this week. Stepped in some horse poop on a road so I ran some more to wipe it off in grass. Got most of it off but think I added some goose poop. 6.09 miles 

Nike Pegasus 37 Miles: 6.09
Weight: 182.00
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Race: PVXC Alumni Christmas Classic (1 Miles) 00:05:32, Place overall: 11, Place in age division: 11
Total Distance

AM- Did the normal interval workout warm up and then some of the alumni started to show up at the track. I warmed up with Mike Finch and Trevor. Then a lap or two more with Luke H. Carson assigned the bearded men as captains. So Jason Lindhardt, Corey, Trevor, and I became the captains. Jason and Corey had a hard time deciding who was going to be good. I think Jason drafted Paul Gaona #1. So Jason really messed up the spread of talent. To make things worse, instead of doing a snake draft, I had the last pick every round. I didn't think of the disadvantage I was facing until afterwards. Also Jessica Hill was like Travis Kelce in fantasy football. Her talent was head and shoulders above the next girl so the team that got her was going to crush. I drafted Alex Hill with the 4th pick (thought I was getting 2020 Alex speed), Dallen Gillespie with the 8th pick, Janz with the 12th pick (steal of draft....after Jessica), Cooper with the 16th pick, Ellie with the 20th pick, and Evan with the 24th pick. I think that was the order. 


1. 1:16

2. 1:28 2:44(Intentionally slowed down)

3. 1:27 4:11 (Tried to get going but the 3rd lap sucks so bad)

4. 1:21 5:32 (Got things going but should have hammered it home and beat Boston)

Team scores: 

Trevor: 2, 3, 5, 8, 10= 28

Decker: 4, 6, 11, 14, 15= 50

Kimzey: 1, 7, 12, 18, 19= 57

Jason L: 9, 13, 16, 21, 23= 82

PM: Ran out towards the Dixie Center and took the new trail back. 3.29 miles

Saucony Ride 13 Miles: 3.29Kinvara 13 Miles: 3.27Saucony Endorphin Pro 2 Miles: 1.84
Weight: 0.00
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Total Distance

AM- Different trails and some random roads. I was hoping I would get rained on. 8.32 miles 

PM- Nice little rain run with Marieta. She's moving pretty good. 4.48 miles 

ASICS Novablast Miles: 8.32Saucony Ride 13 Miles: 4.48
Weight: 184.00
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Total Distance

AM- Fun rainy run with the girls, Marieta, and Holt. 3.63 miles 

PM- Run from my house to the Skim Board Park. My dad caught up with me a little before the park. I was surprised he didn't want to run more but I'm glad he joined me for a little bit. 6.97 miles 

Hoka Rincon 3 Miles: 6.97Kinvara 13 Miles: 3.63
Weight: 184.00
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Total Distance

AM- Run from Brecken's up towards Brio. Laney and Marieta heard a distressed cat. It was stuck on top of a casita. I jumped the fence to help it but it wouldn't jump to me. Marieta even got on my shoulders to help but the cat was scared and unsure. Hit 4 strides on our way back. 4.34 miles 

Marieta went and saved the cat with a ladder. 

PM- Broken Mesa with Ross. He took a tumble and hurt his thigh and knee. We got snowed on. Ross had his own route he wanted to follow, really slowed things down. Overall I felt pretty good. The new challengers were awesome! 8.26 miles 



Nike Pegasus 37 Miles: 4.34Hoka Challenger 6 Miles: 8.26Trail Runs 2023 Miles: 1.00
Weight: 184.00
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Total Distance

AM- Got to Vegas really early and got out on a run as soon as I arrived. Felt slow, just kept the legs moving. Hit some new streets I had never run before. 9.64 miles 

PM- Hit the abandoned golf course. Felt much better this afternoon. Hit 5 strides towards the end. 5.07 miles 

Hoka Rincon 3 Miles: 9.64Kinvara 13 Miles: 5.07
Weight: 183.00
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Total Distance

AM- Hit random streets again. Found a paved trail and tried to incorporate some quicker miles with a chill mile in between. My knee started hurting after some of those quick miles. I hobbled home after the pain started. 12.01 miles 

1. 7:28

2. 7:15

3. 6:54

PM- Hopped the fence at the Wrights and ran in the desert. Just enjoyed the wind and outdoors. 4.30 miles 



Miles: 3,640.27 

Month average: 303.4

Week average:  70

Daily Average: 11.63

Days run: 313/365

Best Month: 434.40 (August)

Best Week: 102.98 (July 25th-30th)

Under 60: 15

60-69 mile weeks: 14

70-79 mile weeks: 5

80-89 mile weeks: 5

90-99 mile weeks: 10

100+ mile weeks: 3 (100.48, 101.05, 102.98)

Runs 5 miles and under: 46

Runs 6-8 miles: 50

Runs 9-10 miles: 46

Runs 11-14 miles: 80

Runs 15-17 miles: 71

Runs 18-20 miles: 7

Runs 21-23 miles: 7

Runs 24-26 miles: (4) 26.55 (April 2nd), 24.69 (August 6th), 26.77 (October 1st), 24.17 (December 9th)

Runs 27-30 miles: (2) 27.05 (March 5th), 30.11 (December 10th)

January: 28/31 days run

February: 23/28 days run 

March: 27/31 days run

April: 24/30 days run

May: 25/31 days run

June: 23/30 days run 

July: 27/31 days run

August: 27/31 days run

September: 26/30 days run

October: 25/31 days run

November: 29/30 days run

December: 29/31 days run                           


*This information is mainly just for me to look at in the future and compare vs 2022. Travis is the only person who will probably see it. 


Trail Runs 2022 Miles: 1.00Kinvara 13 Miles: 12.01Hoka Challenger 6 Miles: 4.30
Weight: 183.00
Total Distance
Nike Pegasus 37 Miles: 10.43Saucony Ride 13 Miles: 7.77Kinvara 13 Miles: 23.98Saucony Endorphin Pro 2 Miles: 1.84ASICS Novablast Miles: 8.32Hoka Rincon 3 Miles: 16.61Hoka Challenger 6 Miles: 12.56Trail Runs 2023 Miles: 1.00Trail Runs 2022 Miles: 1.00
Weight: 183.33
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