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Morristown 8k

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New Palestine,IN,USA

Member Since:

Oct 23, 2007



Goal Type:

Boston Qualifier

Running Accomplishments:

5k - 18:59 (3/09)
4M - 25:06 (9/09)
10k - 41:01 (11/07)

Half - 1:25:58 (11/09)

Marathon - 3:06:33 (12/09)

Short-Term Running Goals:

1:25 for the half marathon
Sub 39:00 for the 10k.
3:07 marathon
18:30 5k

Upcoming Races

Long-Term Running Goals:

Break 3:00 for the marathon.


Married, two daughters (18 and 15).  Masters runner trying to get competitive in my age group.

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Saucony Ride 5 (Red) Lifetime Miles: 372.70
ASICS Excel 33 Lifetime Miles: 152.00
Saucony Ride 7 Lifetime Miles: 249.00
ASICS DS Trainer Lifetime Miles: 212.20
Asics Cumulus 16 Lifetime Miles: 241.30
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Ran in Central Park again but did around a 4 mile tempo run.  I didn't have an exact distance so just based it off of time.  The weather was pretty nice around 70 with some humidity.  It felt good to be running fast in Central Park.  There were a lot of people running and it is good when running fast to have people to chase so I just set my eyes on someone ahead and focused on catching them and passing them.  This made for a very nice tempo effort.  My legs did feel a little tired.  Probably from walking the streets of New York all day yesterday.


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Just an easy run on the same route through Central Park.  It was a little cooler today (68, less humid) and a nice morning for a run.  Legs still feel heavy but have been doing a ton of walking around the city so no suprise about that.  This is our last day in New York and I am ready to get back to the slower pace in Indiana.  It is fun seeing all of the people out running in Central Park but I will take the back roads of Indiana over this any day. 


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We stopped on the way back home and spent the night in a hotel on PA so just got up and did a quick 5 miles on the treadmill.  I wanted to get an early start home so I was glad to be able to get in some running.  Overall I am pretty happy with my running during vacation.  I really was hoping to just maintain my fitness and not miss many days.  Hopefully, when I get back home I can pick up the mileage and the training.


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Good to be back home.  Woke up to hard rain this morning put off the run until later.  Ended up not running until late afternoon since it was my daughter's Birthday and had lots of activities going.  I felt very sluggish starting off and was very suprised when my first mile was around 8:00 because it felt like I was hardly moving.  This was pretty much the story for the rest of the run.  I didn't feel very good but the pace was good.  It was really just my legs that felt tired.  My breathing was real easy.  Kind of a strange run.  I threw in 6 x 100 m strides at the end to see if it would make the legs feel better.


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Nice morning for a long run (64, very overcast).  I felt a little stiff and sluggish this morning starting out sort of like yesterday.  However, today after a couple of miles started to feel better.  Because of this the first couple of miles were very slow.  I settled into a good pace after loosening up and felt pretty good.  Since I was feeling good I picked up the pace over the last 6 miles and ran the last 4 between 7:30 and 7:45.  Ending up being a good run.  I am starting to feel stronger on these long runs so I will try to stretch them out over the next few weeks.

2:11:06 (8:12 avg)


Went for a 20 mile bike ride with a friend.  It was a pretty easy pace but my legs felt the effects from this mornings run.

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All the s were out this afternoon so I went for an easy recovery run.  It was late afternoon and pretty hot (85, sunny) so just took it real easy.  My legs felt very tired and sluggish but a little better toward the end of the run.  Hopefully, tomorrow they will feel much better.


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I had planned on doing a tempo run today but have had sinus/allergy problems and didn't sleep much last night and didn't feel good this morning.  I thought I would just take it easy and try to get over the sickness.  It was warm (76) and humid today but just ran easily.  My legs felt a little better than yesterday but still tired.  I guess this could be from the sickness or some left over effects from the long run on the weekend.  Hopefully, I will feel better tomorrow and can get in the tempo run but at this point just want to get back to feeling good then take it from there.


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Well the sinus problem has turned into a sinus infection and I feel pretty rough so skipping the run today and will rest so that hopefully tomorrow I will be able to get back out.  I need to make sure I get my long runs in since I am in the building endurance phase of my training plan.

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I still haven't kicked the sinus infection but feel better today so did an easy 8 miles.  Felt good running and blew a lot of junk out of my head in the process.  It is frustrating getting sick and missing days running.  Especially when you feel like you are starting to make progress.  This also came at a bad time because I am doing a two day hiking trip to Red River Gorge this weekend so will probably miss a couple of more days this week.  This will definitely be a low mileage week but hopefully I can get some recovery time and be ready next week it back up.


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Was still feeling rough last night so slept in and feel much better today but could only get in 5 miles due to the later starting time.  I felt good running and ended up being a pretty good pace.  I will be heading to Red River Gorge tonight for a couple of days of hiking.  Glad to be feeling better for the trip.


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Hiked about 8 or 9 miles at Red River today.  Saw some unbelievable views and did a lot of up and down on the hills so probably ended up being a pretty good workout.  It was real hot today (90) so that was a factor as well.  Fun day.



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Another day of hiking in Red River Gorge.  Did about the same amount of hiking as yesterday but got out a lot earlier so it was much cooler.  Real nice day and a good time.

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After a real easy week last week and several days of not running I was ready to get back out there.  It was a nice morning (70) and the humidity was down with some clouds which made for pretty good running weather.  As I started out I was a little stiff from the hiking the last couple of days.  The first couple of miles were very slow but then started to get loosened up and felt real fresh.  I got into a pretty good pace and the miles just seemed to start clicking off.  It never felt difficult the whole time going the extra distance.  I even picked up the pace the last 5 or 6 miles.  This was my longest run since I did my first marathon 3 years ago and it seemed pretty easy.  I think all of the base building has really paid off as I increase the distance on these long runs.

2:28:29 (8:15 avg)

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Very nice morning for running today (60, sunny, light wind).  I felt pretty good with just a touch of soreness from yesterday's long run.  I started off easy and picked it up a little after a couple of miles.  It was one of those runs you can put on cruise control, zone out a little and just enjoy the great day.  It was a little different for me since I usually take the day off after a long run so we will see how this week goes.


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Traveled up to Washington, DC last night for business.  It was a nice morning in DC (around 65 with low humidity).  I felt good this morning but still had a little soreness in the legs from the long run on Sun.  I just took it easy but did do some strides at the end.  Hopefully I will be able to get in a little longer run in tomorrow depending on meetings.


Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Still in DC and it was a nice morning but glad I got out early because it is going to be hot today.  I did a med-long run this morning and felt better today than I have the last couple of days.  Just took it easy and maintained a pretty even pace but did try to pick it up a little the last couple of miles.  It is a good change of pace running up here since most of the routes are rolling hills which I don't get at home.


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Last day in DC and it was warmer and more humid this morning.  Just did an easy run.  Felt pretty good and just took it easy.  This has been a pretty good week considering the business trip.  Luckily my schedule has allowed me to stay on schedule with the running.  Really glad to be heading home tonight.


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Back home and a warm/humid day (76, sunny).  Today I planned a 4 mile tempo run.  I felt kind of tired with lack of energy starting.  After a 2 mile warmup I was feeling a little better.  The goal for the tempo was 4 miles at 6:50 pace.  I started the tempo and increased the pace to what I thought was goal pace but came through the first mile in 7:17 way off pace.  I picked it up a little too much for the second mile and ran it in 6:37.  I settled back down to target pace but the effort felt way harder than what I thought it should for this pace.  I am not sure if it is just being tired from the extra miles this week, the heat or maybe a combination on both.  Anyway, I expected that I would be able to run this pace and not feel like I was pushing.  I thought it would be comfortablely hard.  I will give this workout another shot next week and see how it goes.  Here are the splits:

1st - 7:17

2nd - 6:37

3rd - 6:51

4th - 6:54


Overall 61:27

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Went down to my wife's family for the weekend and spent some time on the lake and golfing.  I was able to squeeze in 5 miles between activities.  This wrapped up a pretty good week for me mileage wise.  Since we were visiting the family I couldn't do my long run for the weekend so I will hopefully be able to do it Monday morning.


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Kinda unusal to do a long run on Monday but glad I was able to get it in.  Not the best day weather wise.  It was 80 degrees when I finished the run and fairly humid.  When I started off I felt good and ran along easily.  I felt good all the way to around 14 miles and then the heat started taking it's toll.  I probably should have started off slower knowing it was going to be so warm but it felt very comfortable at the time.  Also, I probably needed to get out about an hour early because once the sun was up I started the melt down.  I had planned on going 20 today but once the heat kicked in I took the shortest route back and was only able to cut off a mile.  Glad I stuck it out but looking forward to cooler days.

2:38:8 (8:19 avg)

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I am on a business trip to Huntsville, AL and since the forecast today is for 100 degrees and humid I got out real early and only had to deal with a temp of around 76.  I thought my legs might be a little beat up after the long run yesterday but they felt pretty decent.  I started off easy and after a few miles actually felt pretty good.  Since I was feeling good I picked up the last couple of miles to around marathon pace.  Turned out to be a good run.


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Still in Huntsville and had a better day this morning around 74 but felt like lower humidity. I wanted to do 12 miles but had some early meetings so was only able to get in 10 miles. I felt pretty good starting out and felt better as I went along. Turned out to be a good run and was treated with a beautiful sunrise as I ran.


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It was a pretty nice day for Huntsville in July (68, lower humidity). I felt tired this morning when I got out. The legs just didn't feel very fresh. I did an easy 4 miles to get going and then wanted to throw in a couple of miles at tempo pace in preparation for Sat's race. I didn't want to do a longer tempo run just because of the way I felt and being this close to the race on Sat. The tempo miles went ok. Still didn't feel very strong but the pace was ok. I did a rough measurement of the distance so not totally sure on the times but ran the 1st mile in 6:40 and 2nd mile in 6:47. After this did a couple of miles for a cooldown.


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I was very lucky with the weather this week in Huntsville.  Another good day with lower humidity, cloudy and around 70.  Again this morning I didn't feel very strong.  Just kind of tired.  I decided to cut the normal run short a couple of miles because of this and the fact that I have a race tomorrow.  I don't have too high of expectations for the race unless I feel much better tomorrow.  Ok run this morning.  Seemed to feel a little better as I went along.  I threw in a few strides at the end just to stretch out the legs.  I think I am just feeling the effects of a long week on the road.  Glad to be heading home.


Race: Morristown 8k (5 Miles) 00:34:41, Place overall: 23, Place in age division: 3
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

This morning it was pretty warm and humid plus the last couple of days I have felt kind of sluggish so I didn't have great expectations for this race.  I wanted to treat it as a good strong tempo effort and get a few extra miles in the process.  I did a 2 mile warm up and it was very warm already (mid 70's, sunny and humid).  Going into the race I was hoping for something around 6:45 pace.  I got started easily but early on I felt like I was putting forth a lot of effort and wasn't going that fast.  I came through the first mile in 6:41 so was pretty close to pace.  Second mile was more of the same.  Just felt like I had no speed in my legs and I knew I was slowing down.  Second mile was 6:52.  The third mile was a long sunny stretch and now I was trying to adjust my effort so I could have enough for the finish and slowed even more.  The 4th and 5th miles I didn't feel like I was losing as much but just didn't have any left to pick up the pace.  Here are the splits: as I remember them.  For some reason when I went back to my watch I couldn't pull them up.

1st - 6:41

2nd - 6:52

3rd - 7:17

4th - 7:07

5th - 6:47

This is a real disappointing result for me.  I just really thought that I would be further along now.  These are the kind of times I was running a couple of years ago on 25 to 30 miles a week.  Now I am running 50 to 60 miles a week and I'm not any faster.  I know the weather wasn't the best but I run in this stuff everyday so don't think I can use that for an excuse.  It is very hard to trust the training when the results are not coming.  Maybe I need to do more tempo work/speed work something because this doesn't seem to be working.  Did a three mile cooldown for a total of 10.


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I had to go on a business trip to Fort Knox for the day and didn't get much sleep last night so skipped the morning run and ran in the evening after I got back. It was warm (79) but not too humid. I didn't feel very good. My legs still felt very sluggish and tired so I took it real easy. Probably just left over from the race on Saturday. Hoping for better results in the morning.


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After looking back over the last couple of I noticed that I had a lot of nights with less sleep than normal and wondered if that is contributing to the tiredness I have during my last few runs.  I decided to sleep in today and see if that helped.  I got a good nights sleep but was out later than normal so had to deal with hotter weather (75, humid).  I felt better starting out today but then got a side stitch that stayed with me pretty during the whole run.  It was just enough to be annoying.  I added in 8 x 100m strides at the end and then ran 1 mile with my daughter after I got back.  She is starting to get ready for CC this fall.  She will be in 6th grade and this is the first chance to run for her school.  So far she is doing pretty good but will have to see if she will stick with it.  She is very involved in soccer so have to see if she can handle both time wise.

8 mile: 65:52

1 mile with daughter: 10:45

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Still warm and humid but at least it was cloudy today.  I did a med - long run today and wanted to do the last few miles at MP.  I felt pretty good but then got the side stitch again like yesterday after a mile or so.  It wasn't as bad as yesterday and went away around 6 miles.  After 8 miles I started picking up the pace and ended up running a progression run for the next four miles in: 7:41, 7:35, 7:23, 7:23.  These miles were all into a pretty good wind.  This is the first time that I have done this type of run at the end of a longer run on tired legs.  I still feel like something is not quite right because the legs still don't have it like they did a few weeks ago.  I just feel like this pace should be a lot easier than it currently is. 

1:55:50 (8:16 avg)

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Pretty nice morning today (cloudy, 70) for running. Just did an easy recovery run today after going longer yesterday. I felt much better today. Hopefully, I am getting out of whatever has been dragging me down. I have been getting more sleep and doing a better job watching my diet/fluid intake. So maybe that is starting to pay off. Anyway I hope this is an indication that I am getting back on track.


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