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July 2010

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New Palestine,IN,USA

Member Since:

Oct 23, 2007



Goal Type:

Boston Qualifier

Running Accomplishments:

5k - 18:59 (3/09)
4M - 25:06 (9/09)
10k - 41:01 (11/07)

Half - 1:25:58 (11/09)

Marathon - 3:06:33 (12/09)

Short-Term Running Goals:

1:25 for the half marathon
Sub 39:00 for the 10k.
3:07 marathon
18:30 5k

Upcoming Races

Long-Term Running Goals:

Break 3:00 for the marathon.


Married, two daughters (18 and 15).  Masters runner trying to get competitive in my age group.

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Saucony Ride 5 (Red) Lifetime Miles: 372.70
ASICS Excel 33 Lifetime Miles: 152.00
Saucony Ride 7 Lifetime Miles: 249.00
ASICS DS Trainer Lifetime Miles: 212.20
Asics Cumulus 16 Lifetime Miles: 241.30
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance
Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 52.00Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 57.60Brooks Axiom Miles: 33.00Acis DS Trainer Miles: 24.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Portsmouth, NH:  It was a beautiful day here with temps in the low 60's and still pretty windy.  Today I wanted to do a little faster running and decided on 3 miles at MP.  I am not really sure what MP is these days but was shooting for around 7:10.  I started out with a 2 mile easy warmup.  I felt ok but a little sluggish maybe from the longer than normal run yesterday.  Also, ran in the evening yesterday and the morning today so not the normal amount of rest.  Once I started the MP miles I started feeling better.  I picked up the pace as I went along and here are the splits for the 3 MP miles: 7:17, 7:07, 6:57.  Kind of strange that each one was 10 seconds faster.  Pretty good run for me and nice to run some faster pace stuff.  

 52:32 (7:31 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 7.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Back in Indiana and a beautiful day to run.  Humidity is down and light wind.  I felt good today after traveling back last night.  I started easy and quickly got up to normal pace.  I did have some pain/tightness in the hip about half way through but it didn't last long and the rest of the run was fine.  I felt like I could have picked it up easily but after doing some MP miles yesterday just wanted to take it easy today.  I am trying to stay conservative and keep the hip from acting up.

1:10:32 (7:51 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 9.00
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Slept later than I wanted to after being up late last night.  It was warmer since I was getting a late start (75) with light wind.  I felt good this morning and planned an easy run as I am still building up the mileage and my body has not quite adjusted.  I started feeling like I was running on empty around 9 miles.  I didn't take any fluids with me which was not very smart but was able to hold my pace and made it in.  I hope to add a few more miles next week and get in some faster paced runs as well.  Now planning on enjoying the 4th weekend.  Busy weekend for us.  My anniversary was yesterday and my daughter's birthday is tomorrow.  Going to be 16.  I can't believe that.  Have a great 4th!!

 1:29:52 (8:10 avg)


PM:  Went on a 20 mile bike ride.  Didn't push it very hard.  Just took it easy and enjoyed the beautiful day and company.

Brooks Axiom Miles: 11.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Was up super late last night watching fireworks and hanging out with friends and slept later than planned.  It was hot, humid and sunny when I got out (82 with light wind).  I felt pretty good running but the heat started to get to me around 5 miles and I just took it easy the whole way.  If the weather had been better I would have ran much faster because I was feeling good.  I hope everyone had a great 4th of July.  My family sure did!

55:29 (7:56 avg)

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 7.00
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Went to King's Island amusement park with my daughter and church youth group.  It was a full day from 7 am and didn't get back until almost 1 am.  It was a lot of fun but really hot.


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I had an early morning meeting and was tired from getting in late last night so ran during my lunch break.  Since I was running at lunch and it was 90 out I ran on the TM.  I only had enough time to get in 6 miles.  I was pretty sluggish today.  Probably from all the walking around in the heat yesterday plus the long night.  I felt a little better toward the end.  Looking forward to getting some rest and back in the routine.

47:02 (7:51 avg)

Brooks Axiom Miles: 6.00
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Hot and humid morning today (79).  I was sluggish getting going this morning.  My schedule has been really inconsistent lately so I think that is part of the problem.  I ran easy for about 4 miles then did 8 x 1:00 at tempo pace with 1:00 rest.  Nothing special on this run just trying to get the legs used to running fast again.  Plan to work up to regular tempo runs over the next couple of weeks.

54:14 (7:45 avg)

PM:  It was raining and storming tonight so ran inside on the TM.  I felt good tonight so I picked up the pace as I went along and ran the last 2 miles around MP of 7:10 per mile.  Really would have perferred to be outside but good to get in some extra miles.

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 5.00Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 7.00
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Yesterday I got busy with work and then getting everything ready to leave for vacation and didn't get a run in.  This morning I got out before our flight for a few miles. It was cooler and a nice run.  Left the watch at home and just ran how I felt.  Good run.


Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 6.00
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Boston:  We are vacationing this week on the east coast so just trying to get in a few miles while sightseeing and having fun with the family.  Today was warm and just ran around the city taking in some of the sights while I went.  Felt pretty good but it was close to after I ate so stomach wasn't feeling the best.


Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 5.00
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Didn't get a run in today just busy with the family.  We did go to the pool and I swam around 150 meters.  I have been thinking about trying a triathlon so wanted to see how the swimming would be.  Found out today that I have a lot of work to do if I am going to make the swimming leg of a tri.


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After a couple of off days I was glad to get back out today.  I felt good and the running was easy.  I ran down along the Charles River and it was a pretty day.  It was warm and humid though and just kind of cruised along.  

56:04 (8:01 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 7.00
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We were in Maine today on the beach and I ran down along the ocean this morning.  It was warm but a beautiful run.  There were a lot of people out today which made it interesting.

55:55 (8:00 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 7.00
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Still in Maine today and ran down along the ocean again this morning.  It was overcast this morning which made it feel a lot better and I wanted to do some MP miles today.  I didn't feel the best today but still wanted push it a little.  I ran 2 miles easy to warm up than ran 4 MP miles at 7:00 to 7:15 pace.  I felt better as I went along and nothing special but good to run some faster miles.  Once I get back home I am going to have to take it up a notch and get in better shape.

53:40 (7:40 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 7.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Back home from vacation and ran right before dark. It was still warm (87) and humid.  I didn't have much time after dinner before I started because a storm was coming in and wanted to finish before that.  Because of this I felt pretty bloated the whole way.  I ran super easy and felt good other than the stomach issues.  I made it back just before the storm started and was really glad to get in a run after traveling back today.  Looking forward to getting back in the routine next week.

1:17: 47 (8:22 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 9.30
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Went on a 20 mile bike ride today. I felt good and maintained a decent pace of around 20 mph. It was warm and humid but felt good to get in some good cross training.

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Flew out to Philly today for the week on business. Had meetings all day then dinner so ran late on the TM. I felt pretty good and picked the pace up as I went along. It was a good run and would have liked to get in a few more miles but just a long day and a lot of work to do.

53:02 (7:35 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 7.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Philly: Got out early this morning and it was still hot and humid.  I felt tired today.  I didn't sleep very well and ran late last night so a pretty quick turnaround for my next run.  I ran through town and then down by the river.  It was a nice run and there were a lot of people out just wish I would have felt better.  My Garmin battery died about half way through the run so didn't get a time.

6.3 miles

PM:  Got in a quick 5 miles after meetings and before dinner.  I still didn't feel the best and was still tired.  I was glad to get in some extra miles though.  I just took it easy and not stress too much over the pace.

5 miles in 40:05 (8:01 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 11.30
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Philly:  I had early meetings so ran after work today and before dinner.  It was 92 and humid.  Not the best idea that I have had lately.  I ran real easy because of the heat and it still felt like a struggle.  For some reason I am not good in hot weather.  Anybody else have that problem?  I will definitely try to get out early tomorrow and beat the heat.  I didn't get a time because the battery on my Garmin died but I'm sure it was slow.  Just glad that I was able to get in 7 miles because it felt more like 10.


Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 7.00
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Philly:  I got out early this morning to avoid the heat.  It was still warm and humid but much better than yesterday afternoon.  I still felt tired and sluggish. It might have been from the heat yesterday or just a long busy week.  Even though I didn't feel the best I did kind of a fartlek run and did several pickups just on feel.  I didn't have my watch so just ran comfortably fast and tired to make it equal recovery.  Turned out to be an ok run for being sluggish.  Going home tomorrow and definitely ready to get back.

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 8.00
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Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I had a real early meeting in Philly and then flew back to Indy.  It was really hot so ran about 8:30 and it was still 85.  I felt pretty good but started off easy and then picked it up to around 7:30 after 2 miles and ran that the rest of the way.  Just a good medium effort run.  Glad to get in a few miles after a long day and long week of travel.

38:18 (7:40 avg)

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 5.00
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I was up really late last night and because of that slept longer than I wanted.  It was really hot and humid this morning.  I checked when I got back and it was 82 and 80% humidity.  Luckily there was a breeze that helped.  Because of the heat I just took it real easy.  I started off slow and pretty much stayed that way to the end.  I felt ok the whole just kind of drained from the heat.  Definitely going to have to get out earlier the rest of the week.

1:41:20 (8:27 avg)

PM:  Still warm and humid but went on a 20 mile bike ride.  I felt pretty good considering the run this morning.  Averaged 19.2 mph for the ride and there was some wind to deal with.  Overall good ride and felt good when I got back.

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 12.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was a little cooler today (85) and some light wind.  I went on a 31 mile bike ride.  Just rode easy today with a friend for 20 miles then did another 11 by myself.  We just talked and crusied along.  I picked up the pace some the last 10 miles but nothing special.  Nice day to be out.

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It was cooler this morning (68) and felt really good compared to the last week.  I felt ok.  My legs were a little tired from using the different muscles biking.  After a couple of miles got into a good flow and felt good the rest of the way.  I added in 8 x 100m strides at the end to get some leg turnover going.  Those went pretty good as well.  Trying to get the body back used to doing some faster stuff.

62:37 (7:50 avg)

Brooks Axiom Miles: 8.00
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The last couple of days have been crazy with work, family, etc.  I hate that I didn't get any running in but I guess sometimes life gets in the way.  This has been a weird summer of running.  I just can't seem to string together a good stretch of running.  Hopefully things will settle down soon and I will get back into a normal routine.  This morning it was cooler but still humid.  I felt good and just ran easy.  Nothing special just glad to get out again.

56:12 (8:02 avg)


PM:  28 mile bike ride with Kris.  It was a casual pace and we talked alot.  Turned out to be a great day with temps in the low 80's.

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 7.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was a really nice morning today.  It was cooler (67) and no wind plus it felt like the humidity was down.  I was kind of sluggish this morning.  I have been staying up too late and need to get back into a better sleep pattern.  Just a lot going on right now but hopefully it will settle down soon.  I just took it easy for the first part but then started picking up the pace after 5 miles and got it down to around MP for the last mile and a half.  It was good to shake the legs out toward the end of the trip.  Heading out to Hawaii tomorrow for business so hoping I can get in some good running while I am there.  It is tough on travel days because it is such a long day of flying.

61:51 (7:43 avg)

Brooks Axiom Miles: 8.00
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Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance
Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 52.00Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 57.60Brooks Axiom Miles: 33.00Acis DS Trainer Miles: 24.00
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