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Boston Marathon

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New Palestine,IN,USA

Member Since:

Oct 23, 2007



Goal Type:

Boston Qualifier

Running Accomplishments:

5k - 18:59 (3/09)
4M - 25:06 (9/09)
10k - 41:01 (11/07)

Half - 1:25:58 (11/09)

Marathon - 3:06:33 (12/09)

Short-Term Running Goals:

1:25 for the half marathon
Sub 39:00 for the 10k.
3:07 marathon
18:30 5k

Upcoming Races

Long-Term Running Goals:

Break 3:00 for the marathon.


Married, two daughters (18 and 15).  Masters runner trying to get competitive in my age group.

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Saucony Ride 5 (Red) Lifetime Miles: 372.70
ASICS Excel 33 Lifetime Miles: 152.00
Saucony Ride 7 Lifetime Miles: 249.00
ASICS DS Trainer Lifetime Miles: 212.20
Asics Cumulus 16 Lifetime Miles: 241.30
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance
Mizuno Wave Rider 12 Miles: 26.00Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 528.65Brooks Axiom Miles: 338.50Saucony Tangent 3 Miles: 41.37Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 494.05Acis DS Trainer Miles: 379.90Saucony ProGrid Ride Miles: 28.00Saucony Tangent 3 Miles: 107.30
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Stayed up late last night bringing in the New Year with some friends at our house so sleep in today.  Not the best way to start the New Year but just felt lazy all day.  I finally got on the TM and ran 6 miles while watching football.  It was 10 degrees out and 20 mph wind so couldn't get excited about going outside.  Hopefully, tomorrow I will have more motivation after getting some rest.  I am going to lay out my running goals for the year over the next few days so maybe that will get me fired up.

47:20 (7:54 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 Miles: 6.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was cold today (10) with a wind chill around 0.  I ran today so that I wouldn't have to run much against the wind.  My wife dropped me off so I could do this and it really helped.  Otherwise I would have had to go out with the wind and then turn around and finish against the wind.  I felt really good today.  I started off faster than normal to get some heat built up and just kind of stayed with the pace.  I finished off a full week of running so next week I will try to build backup to normal mileage.

1:16:10 (7:28 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 10.00
From jtshad on Mon, Jan 04, 2010 at 08:21:22 from

Good run, hate the cold and wind...yuck!

Happy New Year, here is to a great year of running for you.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was my first day back at work in over a week so wanted to get started and try to get organized so I thought I would run at lunch but the day got away from me and I didn't end up running until around 6pm.  Stayed inside on the TM and was only able to get in 6 miles before dinner.  I have to get started early in the morning and get back on schedule.  I felt good running but I have to take it back up a few notches.  I was hopeful for a good mileage week but I am not off to a good start.

46:01 (7:40 avg)

Brooks Axiom Miles: 6.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Getting off to a rough start this year.  My wife had an early morning meeting at school so I stayed with the kids then took them to school.  After that I had meetings for work so didn't get to run until after work.  I squeezed in a few miles between dinner and helping the kids with some school work.  I have to get back into the early morning routine.

I felt good running and wanted to make the most of the short time that I had on the TM.  I did 10 x 1 min at 5% grade followed by 1 min recovery.  After that I kicked up the pace and ran a 1/2 mile around 6:25 pace.  It was good to get in a little work in the short time.

45:10 (7:32 avg)

Saucony Tangent 3 Miles: 6.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was cold this morning (12) and windy.  I ran the 1 mile loop around our neighborhood because it was dark and I didn't want to do an out and back route because of the wind.  The way the wind was blowing I would have been out with the wind and then had to run back into the wind on the way back.  This is not much fun when you get all sweaty running with the wind then turn around and run back into the freezing wind.  The loop let me stay more regulated since it varied between with the wind and into the wind. I felt pretty good and just ran easy.  I stayed pretty warm even though the wind chill was around -5.

62:24 (7:48 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 8.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

We had a snow storm move in lat night so the roads were in rough shape this morning and didn't want to risk getting out with the crazy drivers so stayed in on the TM.  I just ran easy today.  I felt tired this morning for some reason.  I still have not got back into a good sleep routine from the Christmas break so that could be it.  Running wise it was good no problems.  I wanted to get in a second run today but just couldn't work it in.  

54:20 (7:46 avg)

Brooks Axiom Miles: 7.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Yesterday was a total blowoff day.  I stayed up late watching the football game than had a busy day at work and with the family.  I probably could have found some time to squeeze in a run but was just lacking on motivation.  Need to get going again.

 Today there was more snow and the roads are still a mess so I stayed inside on the TM.  I felt good and ran easy.  As I went along I gradually increased the pace and finished at around 7:10 pace.  It was a good run and nice to finally get in a decent run.  Hopefully, this will be something that I can build on.

1:30:59 (7:35 avg)

Brooks Axiom Miles: 12.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Scottsdale, AZ: I traveled out here yesterday so didn't get a run in.  I was able to get out early this morning but didn't really know the area that well so ended up doing some explorering and a lot of back tracking.  I just ran easy and controlled.  It was cooler than I expected (around 43) and I just packed shorts and short sleeve shirts so it was a cool run.  It is still 100% better than the weather in Indy so I won't complain.  I am at a sales meeting so our days are packed and no chance for a second run.

62:24 (7:48 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 8.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Scottsdale, AZ:  It was warmer this morning around 50.  A great morning for running.  I ran some unstructured intervals this morning.  I did 6 intervals just on feel for what I thought would be around a 1/2 mile.  I did check my pace and was running them between 6:00 and 6:30 pace.  I did about an equal time recovery after each interval.  It was dark so I only checked my pace as I went under a light.  The goal was to just get the legs used to some faster running before doing some more structured intervals later.  I felt pretty good but was feeling tried on the last one.

68:35 (7:38 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 9.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Scottsdale, AZ:  I really had a hard time getting out of the bed this morning.  We have had some really long days out here and not sleeping great.  It was a nice morning in the high 40's with light wind.  I felt sluggish running as well and just took it real easy today.  I did feel a little better toward the end. 

55:44 (7:58 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 7.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Scottsdale, AZ:  It was a nice morning today around 50.  I felt much better today so planned to do some MP miles.  I did a few miles easy and then ran 4 miles at MP.  I felt good during these miles and felt like I could have pushed it more.  Here are the splits for the MP miles: 7:02, 6:53, 6:55, 6:40.  I didn't get as many miles in as I wanted while down here but I am glad I got a run in every day.  We were extremely busy and these are the kinds of weeks where I have missed days in the past.  I can't afford to do that this year with Boston looming.

50:11 (7:09 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 7.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Back home after a long week on the road.  I was really tired this morning since I got in pretty late last night and then had trouble going to sleep.  I slept in a little because of this so had to wait to run after work.  I didn't have a lot of time because of family activities so only got in 7 miles.  I felt good today and the weather was nice for here (40 and windy).  Hopefully, I can get a long run in tomorrow.

52:56 (7:33 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 7.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was cool 32, misty and some wind this morning.  I wanted to stretch out my distance today and start getting back to the long runs.  I want to get back to the 20 range as soon as I can so that I can incorporate some long MP runs into my training before Boston.  I felt ok this morning and ran a few easy miles before getting into a good pace.  I felt good up until around 12 miles and ran out of gas a little.  I didn't take anything to drink or any gels with me so I think I was just running out of energy.  Even though I didn't feel the best I stayed at the same pace the rest of the way.  I was glad to get a longer run in now I hope I can get my overall mileage up next week and get back into a good routine. 

1:56:03 (7:44 avg)

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 15.00
From Mark on Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 12:53:26 from

32 degrees, windy, no water, no fuel, I'd say you held up really well under those conditions! Already at a decent base to increase your miles from so it should go pretty smoothly.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was 28 with some wind this morning.  I just did an easy run down 300 to 700 and then a lap around the park.  I felt pretty good this morning just a little sluggish from the long run the other day.  I am still trying to get used to getting my mileage back up.  I hope this week will be a good week since I am at home this week with no travel.  Going to do some work today then enjoy the rest of MLK day with the family.

61:38 (7:40 avg)

Brooks Axiom Miles: 8.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Ran after work today so it was dark and I stayed inside on the TM.  The plan for today was a tempo run.  I started off with an easy 1.5 miles.  I felt ok warming up but wasn't sure if I would be able to run the tempo as I expected at around 6:15 to 6:20 pace.  After the warm up I kicked it up to MP for about a 1/2 mile to get the legs moving.  Then started the tempo.  I felt good running the tempo so gradually increased the pace as I went.  Here are the mile splits: 6:25, 6:17, 6:13, 6:07.  Turned out to be a good run but I never know what this means when I go outside.  I think I can run faster on the treadmill than outside especially on tempos.  Hopefully, next week I will get to test this out and run a tempo outside to compare.

49:35 (7:05 avg)

Saucony Tangent 3 Miles: 7.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was around 30 this morning but pretty windy.  I just ran easy today and ran the first half of the run into the wind.  This was cold but running back with the wind felt much better.  I felt pretty good today and would have liked to have run further but had to get back for work.  Still trying to ramp up the mileage and not doing a very good job of it so far.  I really need to get some doubles in to help.  It is very hard to run long runs during the week right now with the lack of daylight and I don't really have a good place to run when its dark.  Need to look for some different options.

69:45 (7:45 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 9.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

We had freezing rain this morning and about fell in the drive way so thought I would wait until later in the day to run when it warmed up.  It did warm up enough to melt the ice but it rained all day and I didn't feel like running in cold rain so ran on the TM after work.  I did an easy couple of miles then did 6 x 2:00 at 5% (did last two at 6%) to get some hill work. The TM is a good way for me to do this since we don't have many hills in IN especially long hills. Felt a little sluggish today but not too bad.

54:30 (7:47 avg)

Brooks Axiom Miles: 7.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was a nice day in the 30's and light wind.  I ran an easy 9 miles down 300S and back. I had a little twing in my achilles when I started but it went away after about a mile and didn't bother me the rest of the way.  Other than that I felt good and just enjoyed being outside on a decent day.  You have to enjoy these days in Jan because you never know when it will turn worse.

68:50 (7:39 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 9.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was a nice morning upper 30's and very light wind.  I wanted to lengthen my long run today so added a couple of extra miles to get up to 17.  I started off feeling kind of sluggish and never did feel real good the whole way but I did feel better as I went along and picked up the pace over the last 5 or 6 miles.  Overall a pretty good run.  I would like to get back up to 20 next weekend.  It is certainly nice to be able to take advantage of this weather.  Not too many days that you get to run in shorts in IN in Jan.

2:12:04 (7:45 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 17.00
From rAtTLeTrAp on Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 15:19:30 from

Nice pace for such a long run, especially when you're not feeling 100%. Those long runs are tough for me on a good day.

From Tom on Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 10:28:22 from

Great job on the long run, nice pace. Looks like a great racing year ahead for you.

From jtshad on Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 12:16:57 from

Great run!

From JimF on Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 21:35:58 from

Thanks guys! I need the encouragement I have been either hit or miss so far this year. Need to step it up.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Yesterday I had a really busy day and just didn't get a run in.  I am going to have to start getting out earlier and get into a better routine.  Today I had to get up and traveled to Huntsville.  I didn't get out of meetings until around 7:30 so got in 6 miles before dinner.  I felt good running but that is not surprising since I had two days rest.  Hope to get back to normal tomorrow.

7:44 avg

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 6.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Huntsville, AL:  It was cool this morning (25) with some light wind.  I had planned on doing some faster stuff this morning (4 m tempo) but I felt sluggish the whole way and decided to just take it easy until I felt better.  I didn't sleep good last night so that might be part of it.  I will give a try again tomorrow to see if I feel better.  After the run this morning had a long day full of meetings and didn't get back to the hotel until around 8:30. 

62:20 (7:48 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 8.00
From Mark on Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 11:51:56 from

So much for warmer weather down south :(

You still got it down, these colder sluggish runs I'm sure must be doing something good for you in the long run.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Huntsville, AL:  It was a great morning today around 44 with light wind.  I wanted to try the tempo that I had planned yesterday today.   I started out easy for a couple of miles and felt flat again today.  I thought that I would go ahead and do the tempo to see how it went.  After the warmup I started the tempo and was planning around 6:30 pace or faster.  After getting started I felt like I was really having to push to get the pace.  I settled in around 6:45 to see if it got better as I went along.  I was able to get through the first mile in 6:43 and I continued to push it.  I made the second mile in 6:36 but I was pushing too hard for it to be a tempo run.  I backed off at this point and ran easy for about half a mile.  After that I picked it back up and ran at MP for 1.5 miles.  This felt much better and actually finished pretty strong running the last half around 6:30 pace.  I am not sure what happened on the tempo but have just been sluggish all this week.

59:20 (7:25 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 8.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Because of the snow storm moving through this morning, I drove back from Huntsville last night.  I didn't get in until 3 am so I was pretty tired this morning.  Just did an easy run on the TM today.  Didn't have much movitation to get outside and fight the cold/wind.  Glad to get some running in and hopefully will be able to go long tomorrow.

46:19 (7:44 avg)

Brooks Axiom Miles: 6.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was below 0 wind chill this morning so I ran on the TM.  I wanted to run a longer run today.  I had planned 15 miles but felt run down today so just cut it short at 12.  I felt really flat and tired.  I did push the last three miles to MP just to fell like I got in a better workout.  This was a pretty horrible week so I need to get back on a better schedule next week.  I am starting to get concerned about Boston and how I will be able to do.  I think the next couple of weeks are crucial for me to get some good training in so that I will have something to build on.  Maybe if I get caught up on sleep and I don't have to travel next week so that might help.

1:30:30 (7:33 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 12.00
From jtshad on Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 10:47:06 from

Good job getting in a longer TM run. Winter training is tough with the variability of the weather. You have a solid base and have time to get ready for Boston, don't worry. Keep it up, get some good sleep and hit it next week (don't look back, look forward).

Have a great week!

From JimF on Mon, Feb 01, 2010 at 10:47:08 from

Thanks for the feedback. I got some rest over the weekend and feel much better. I just need to get my head into this training and be consistent. Hopefully this week I can turn the corner.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was cool morning (24) but no wind so that was good.  I ran out and back on 300S.  I felt pretty good this morning.  Seems like a day off and a couple of good nights of sleep has got me back to normal.  I just ran easy today and tried to stay relaxed.  I picked up the pace as I went along just naturally without really noticing.  I need to keep focused this week and get in a solid week.

69:07 (7:41 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 9.00
From Mark on Mon, Feb 01, 2010 at 22:10:25 from

Sounds like you got the week started on the right foot!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was cool this morning 24 but no wind so it didn't feel too bad.  I ran out and back on 300S.  Today the plan was to run 5 x 5:00 at around 5k pace.  I started off with a about 20 minute warmup and didn't feel great kind of sluggish.  At least for me it is hard to run fast early in the morning with it is cold like this.  Anyway, I started the intervals and the first one was tough to get going but ran it around 6:10 pace.  This was not as good as I was hoping for but it has been awhile since I have ran intervals so this is probably realistic of where I am at.  The second one was better and I decided to maintain the 6:10 pace to be able to get all of them in.  The third was ok but started to feel the effort toward the end of it.  The forth was a tough one for me and I thought about ending there and just doing 4 for the day.  After the recovery I decided to give it a go and had to really tough it out to hold the pace.  It has been awhile since I have pushed myself like that and it felt good when I was finished to know I put in the extra effort.  Overall it was a good workout and feel like I am starting to make some progress toward Boston.

1:5:54 (7:19 avg)

From Tom on Wed, Feb 03, 2010 at 10:30:45 from

Nice job on the intervals on a cold morning. I know for me doing these type workouts in the morning vs. later in the day I probably lose 10-20 seconds on pace even though effort feels the same and heart rate is the same.

From JimF on Thu, Feb 04, 2010 at 15:43:08 from

I always feel slower on cold mornings. Good to know that others experience the same thing. I rarely run in the afternoon but may have to give this workout a try to see what the difference would be. Thanks for the feedback.

From jtshad on Thu, Feb 04, 2010 at 15:55:04 from

I hear you about being slower on cold mornings!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was cool out today 23 and the wind kicked up from yesterday so it felt cooler.  I ran some laps around the neighborhood until it got lighter then ran up Muessing Rd and back.  I felt pretty good today and just took it easy.  It was good to get in some extra miles during the week.  Over the next few weeks I would like to build my mid-week run up to around 14 miles to help with my endurance.  

1:25:35 (7:46 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 11.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was cool 23 but very light wind so felt pretty good this morning.  I ran out and back on 300S.  Today the plan was to do 10 x 1:00 at around 5:45 pace with a 1:00 recovery.  I did about 25 minutes warming up and felt ok getting going.  I started the first one and ran it around 5:50 pace.  The same for the second one.  After this one I felt like I loosened up some and ran the rest of them at around 5:40 pace.  I felt good on these but had to push the last couple which is good and shows correct pace.  I did a couple of miles warmdown after for an overall good workout.  Hopefully, the legs are getting used to running fast again and next week do some tempo work and MP longer run.

59:30 (7:27 avg)

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 8.00
From jtshad on Thu, Feb 04, 2010 at 11:10:02 from

Awesome job!!!

From rockness18 on Fri, Feb 05, 2010 at 17:59:41 from

Yes, great workout! Sorry I haven't been keeping up with your running (I haven't kept up with anyones). I'll be checking in more often now that I'm getting back in sync.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was warmer this morning (32) but windy. A snow storm is moving in today and I was glad it held off long enough for me to get out this morning.  I felt pretty good this morning but was tight and stiff in my calves (probably from speedwork yesterday).  They loosened up quickly though and I just took it easy the rest of the way.  I did a few laps around the neighborhood until it got lighter than ran through Fox Cove.  I want to do a long run tomorrow and it looks like it will be on the TM since we are expecting about 6 inches of snow tonight.

69:20 (7:45 avg)

Brooks Axiom Miles: 9.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

We got the 6" of snow they predicted so the roads were a mess this morning plus we had 20+ mph winds.  I didn't want to have to do my long run on the TM but today I am glad to have it.  It wasn't as bad as I expected.  I listened to some music then got caught up on all the Colts Super Bowl talk so the time passed pretty fast.  I felt good most of the way and gradually picked up the pace as I went along.  I was feeling tried around 17 miles but wanted to get in 20.  That is one thing about the TM is that it is easy to stop because you are already at home.  If you are running outside and feel bad you have to at least run back home.  Anyway, I pushed on to the 20 and I'm glad I did.  I usually don't feel as beat up when I do a long run on the TM so maybe it is not the same level of effort.  I hope to try another 20 miler next weekend outside if the weather cooperates. Now I can relax and get ready for the Super Bowl!!

2:33:25 (7:41 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 20.00
From jtshad on Sat, Feb 06, 2010 at 13:27:19 from

20 miles on a TM????? OMG!!! You are da man...da crazy man! Way to be strong and get that long run in no matter what!

From rockness18 on Sat, Feb 06, 2010 at 14:12:42 from


From JimF on Sun, Feb 07, 2010 at 14:52:46 from

Thanks guys! If I keep telling myself the TM is not so bad do you think I will actually start to believe it???

From Tom on Tue, Feb 09, 2010 at 10:50:29 from

Wow 20 on the mill, that takes some serious mental toughness in my book. Bummer that the Super Bowl didn't turn out Colt-friendly.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was definitely a blue Monday in Indianapolis today after the Colts lost last night in the Super Bowl.  I had a bad feeling about it.  They have been surviving with a beat up secondary for awhile and I knew it would eventually come back and bite us.  Drew Brees really showed our weaknesses.  The on-side kick at the start of the second half was a huge turning point and might have been the difference in the game.  Now that I got that off my chest.....

It was cold today (19) with some light wind but the sun was out (I ran during lunch) so it felt much warmer. The roads were still in bad shape so I just ran around my neighborhood (8 laps) to keep off of the roads and not get run over.  I felt good today and the running seemed easy.  This is good considering the 20 miler on the TM on Sat.  More snow coming this week and some travel so I hope I can stay on schedule.

67:28 (7:30 avg)

Brooks Axiom Miles: 9.00
From Mark on Tue, Feb 09, 2010 at 11:22:28 from

Nothing like a good solid run to take you mind off the loss. I was pulling for Indianapolis, I think Tony Dungy is a great guy and I'm still mad at Tampa for firing him (I guess I should get over that eventually)

From JimF on Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 15:35:01 from

Tony Dungy is a great guy and really was good to have him around here as the coach. He did really miss on the Super Bowl prediction. He said the Colts would win easily!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

We got another 4" of snow last night so roads bad again today.  I ran on the TM with the plan to do 8 x 4:00 at around tempo pace (6:20) with 1:00 easy recovery in between.  This is supposed to be a good transition from just easy running to getting ready for some tempo runs.  I did about a 20 min warmup and felt pretty good so started the tempo intervals.  Since I was on the TM I set it to 6:18 pace.  I did the first 5 at 6:18 and the last 3 at 6:11.  I felt good through most of them but was feeling the effort on the last three.  Overall a good workout and hoping we get a break in the weather so I can get outside for some workouts.

63:55 (7:06 avg)

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 9.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

More snow last night plus 20 mph winds really blew the snow around so back on the TM.  I just ran easy this morning nothing special.  I felt a little tired this morning probably from the workout yesterday.  I ran last night and then ran early this morning so not the usual amount of rest.  Glad to be able to get my run in despite the snow but really hope we can break this cycle and I can get outside.

62:55 (7:52 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 8.00
From rockness18 on Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 18:59:01 from

Can't wait 'til Spring! Nice job getting the workout in.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

The roads are still a mess where I live and don't really have any good place to run where I would not be dodging traffic so stayed in on the TM.  I did a little longer run today and added 8 x 1:00 at 5% to mix it up some.  I felt good and the run seemed fairly easy nothing special.  At this point just trying to hang in there until the weather gets better and I feel like I can step the training up.

1:32:32 (7:42 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 Miles: 12.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was 5 this morning and we had freezing fog so thought I had better stay off the snow covered roads.  Another day on the TM.  I just took it real easy today.  Wanted to have a real recovery day.  I felt pretty good but was a little tired this morning.  One thing with all of this TM running I am watching way more TV than normal so I am totally caught up on politics, news, sports, financial markets, etc.  Some of that can be depressing while running.  If this TM time keeps up I may need to hook a DVD player up to my TV and get some more interesting things to watch.  I'm going to try to go outside tomorrow for my long run but may be only in the neighborhood because of the icy roads.

70:55 (7:53 avg)

Saucony Tangent 3 Miles: 9.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was 14 this morning with some wind and kinda foggy.  Because of the fog I ran a few laps around the neighborhood then went down Muessing to Acton and back.  Today I was planning a progression run.  The goal was to run the first 1/3 easy (8:00), middle 1/3 around 7:30 then the last 1/3 around MP (7:00). When I started off I felt tired and sluggish.  I thought it was just being cold and would get better as I went along.  After 6 miles I picked it up to 7:30 pace but this felt harder than it should and knew it wasn't going to be a great day.  I was able to hang at 7:30 pace through 12 miles and thought I would give it a go for the MP miles.  I picked it up for a couple of miles but I was really pushing and felt really tired.  After the 2 miles I just backed off and ran easy the rest of the way in.  I guess this is just one of those days but glad I got it in.

2:19:54 (7:47 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 18.00
From jtshad on Sat, Feb 13, 2010 at 15:16:31 from

It is hard to get motivated to run long and hard in this weather! Great job getting the run in and done.

Have a great weekend with your family.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

We got another 3" of snow last night and expecting more today so back on the TM.  I felt a lot better this morning but just ran easy.  My legs were recovered nicely from the long run on Sat and starting to feel stronger but still have work to do.  My wife and I are going to Barbados tomorrow so hope to get some running in outside down there.  I will have the opposite problem down there I will probably be struggling with the heat but will definitely like it.

61:37 (7:42 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 Miles: 8.00
From jtshad on Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 13:53:48 from

Have a fun vacation in the warm weather...I am jealous!

From rockness18 on Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 16:49:43 from

Yeah, lots of TM...can't wait for the weather to ease up. Have a great trip- I'm envious as well!

From JimF on Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 22:09:09 from

Thanks guys! Looking forward to a break from all this snow. Hang in there. Spring will surely be here soon.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Had to leave at 6 am for the airport and didn't get to Barbados until around 10pm so no run today but it was good to feel the warm weather.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Barbados:  I didn't have time to find a place to run so just ran on the hotel TM.  I planned on doing 4 x 7:00 with 3:00 at around 6:15 pace.  I did a 2 mile warmup and felt kinda run down but thought I would try the workout anyway.  I did the first 7:00 and it was too bad but I could tell getting 4 of them in was going to be tough.  The second one went ok but the workout room was really warm and I was not feeling the best.  I got into the third one and felt like I was really having to push plus the heat was making me feel bad so I cut that one short and skipped the last one.  I hate to cut a workout short but I didn't feel like I was getting out of it what I had planned and just thought I would save it for another day.  Hope to get outside but I'm sure the heat will tough tomorrow.

52:28 (7:30 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 7.00
From Tom on Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 18:54:35 from

Have fun in Barbados! TM workouts are always tough for me, even more so if it's hot and no fan. Nice job toughing it out as long as you did.

From jtshad on Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 12:29:14 from

Good try, I am sure the HEAT is even warmer coming from your cold weather!

Enjoy the vacation!

From JimF on Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 10:01:25 from

Thanks guys! It was a great trip just hope I maintained my running fitness.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Barbados:  It was 86 and humid today.  I love being in the warm weather and out of the cold but it is not easy for running.  My body is wanting to know how to go from 16 degrees to 86 degrees and it is not going very good.  I started off ok but after around 4 miles I was really feeling the heat and had to slow down and jog in.  Also, I didn't find a very good place to run so was just running through the streets dodging cars because of the small sidewalks.  It was nice to get outside.

56:12 (8:02 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 7.00
From Jon on Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 23:22:21 from

86- wow.

From Mark on Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 21:06:58 from

I had no idea there was anyplace that warm right now! You get to run in a lot of interesting places.

From JimF on Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 10:00:02 from

Yes, 86 is great for laying on the beach but not for running.

Mark, I am blessed to run in a lot of neat places. It is also a great way to see the area. I ran in a lot of places I wouldn't have went if I was just sightseeing. You really get more of a fell for the culture and the people.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Barbados:  We got up early and went on an Island Safari today then got back and had a dinner function that night so didn't get a run in.  

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Barbados:  I got out earlier today but it was still 78 and humid this morning.  It did rain lightly some that made it feel better.  I felt better running today.  I guess the body is starting to get used to the warmer weather.  Just in time for me to go home.  I found a boardwalk that I ran back and forth on because it was only about 3/4 of a mile long.  It was beautiful running by the ocean no matter how many times I went back and forth.  Not really a good week for running but I was just hoping that I could maintain my fitness while I was down here and then try to hit it hard again next week.  Going home in the morning and believe it or not it will be good to be back in Indiana especially to see my girls.

62:24 (7:48 avg)


Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 8.00
From Kam on Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 19:41:31 from

Way to stick to plan, even while on vacation. Nice runs! Any suggestions for going from 3:25 marathon to 3:10?

From JimF on Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 09:56:36 from

Thanks! In my marathons I went 3:42, 3:37, 3:17 and then 3:06. The first one I just focused on finishing. The second was Chicago and the weather got to me. Getting to 3:17 I just got more consistent with my running. I started running year round and got my mileage more consistent. Dropping to 3:06 I increased my mileage more to an average of around 60 mpw with quite a few weeks over 70 toward the marathon. I did more 20 mile long runs and I added in more longer marathon pace runs (

From JimF on Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 09:57:51 from

Sorry last part got cut off. I was going to say 16 mile MP runs where I ran the first 6 miles easy pace then the last 10 at MP. This is just my experience. Hope it helps.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was cold and raining this morning so just stayed in on the TM.  I got back yesterday from Barbados which was a great trip and am ready to get back into the routine to try to get ready for Boston.  I really feel the time slipping away and don't feel that I am in that good of shape.  The rest of this month and next have to be on schedule if I am going to have a decent showing.

Today I just did an easy run to get my legs back used to the routine.  I felt good the whole way which is probably a result of the easy week last week.  I hope the weather cooperates tomorrow because I want to get outside and get some faster running in.

1:15:27 (7:33 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 10.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was 28, light wind and light snow this morning.  It felt good to get outside and I dressed a little too warm because I thought it was going to be more windy.   I ran out and back on 300S.  Today I planned on doing 8 x 800 at 3:00 with a 400 recovery.  I wanted to do this workout on the track but the track is still covered with snow so just did it on the roads.  It was not as accurate time wise as it would be if I did it on the track but should have close to the same effect.

I started off with 2 mile warmup and I felt pretty good.  I didn't do time splits on my watch for the intervals.  I just ran at 6:00 pace and tried to hold that pace throughout.  The first one went pretty good but was trying to get loosened up.  The 2nd, 3rd and 4th all felt good and I was under 6:00 for most of these.  On the 5th one I started to feel like I was having to give more effort but stayed on pace.  Pushed a little harder on the 6th but stayed on track.  The 7th my legs started to feel a little like jelly and I dropped off of the pace just a little.  Maybe around 3:05.  The 8th my legs really felt wobbly and dropped off a little more (maybe 3:07).  I finished up with a 1 cool down.  It was a pretty good effort.  I was glad I finished it even though I had to push the last 3.  I think the way my legs felt on the last 3 shows that this kind of training is a weakness for me and I need to work more on these types of efforts.  I would like to repeat this workout again in a couple of weeks on a track to see how I am progressing.

66:16 (7:21 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 9.00
From Jon on Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 19:30:23 from

Repeating workouts to compare results is always a good gauge. Not sure if 2 weeks is enough time for much change, but I guess you'll see.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was cold, snowing and windy out this morning so stayed in on the TM.  I thought of going outside but snow had covered the roads and was a little slick so didn't want to dodge cars on slick roads.  I just ran easy this morning.  I felt good and ran comfortably.  It is good to get back into the routine after last week.  I am looking at some possible tune up races in the next few weeks before the marathon.  I would really like to get a test of my fitness and hopefully build some confidence.

69:20 (7:42 avg)

Saucony ProGrid Ride Miles: 9.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Since I was going longer today I wanted to get an earlier start and my wife had to take my older daughter to school early so I stayed at home with my younger daughter and ran on the TM.  It snowed more overnight too and the roads were slick this morning as well so probably worked out for the best.  I felt good today and just started off easy for a couple of miles.  I picked up the pace some and then added in 10 x 1:00 hills.  After about 8 miles I started picking it up more and then ran the last 2 miles at MP (6:50 and 6:44).  I was glad to get in the extra miles and felt good which was a bonus.  Hoping for some good weather this weekend so I can do a long run outside.   

1:38:15 (7:34 avg)

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 13.00
From jtshad on Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 15:52:25 from

Great run. I hear you on the weather, I am so ready for spring.

Have a great weekend.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was cold (15) and windy this morning with the wind chill around 0.  The roads were clear so it was good to get outside.  Felt pretty good except when I was running into the wind and that was really cold.  I just took it easy for a recovery run.  We are supposed to get more snow tonight so I am not sure about getting my long run in outside tomorrow.  I really hope I don't have to do it on the TM.

69:33 (7:44 avg)


Brooks Axiom Miles: 9.00
From jtshad on Sat, Feb 27, 2010 at 08:05:35 from

Damn this winter, can't it just be over yet? Ours is a hard dilemma...TM or cold run outside...neither is appealing.

Great job getting out in the cold!

From JimF on Sat, Feb 27, 2010 at 12:24:52 from

I hear you! To top it off the weather men here keep showing it warming up in their long range forecast and then as it get closer they keep dropping it back down. Shouldn't tease us like that. I guess what don't kill us will make us stronger!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

We got more snow over night (just 2") that was just enough to be a problem.  I wanted to make sure I got my long run in outside so I went into Indy and ran on the Monon Trail this morning.  It was 25 with some light wind but was nice on the trail.  There was a lot of people out today which helped pass the time better.  I started off running the first 8 miles with Josh.  We ran easy around 8:15 pace.  After he turned around I picked it up and ran the next 7 miles closer to 7:30 pace.  I was feeling good so picked it up some more and ran the last 5 miles in 7:17, 7:22, 7:01, 6:54, 6:40.  It was nice to have the strong finish and gave me some confidence to get a 20 miler in outside and to feel good afterward.  It would be nice to have some nice weather to see how things are really progressing.

2:34:26 (7:43 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 20.00
From rockness18 on Sat, Feb 27, 2010 at 14:36:01 from

Great run Jim! Solid pace for such a long distance...getting closer to Boston!

From Tom on Mon, Mar 01, 2010 at 11:38:08 from

Great long run! And nice job finishing so strong at the end. Looks like you're right on track to meet your goals.

From jtshad on Mon, Mar 01, 2010 at 18:55:00 from

Awesome run, nice progression to a fast finish!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Yesterday I didn't feel very good so didn't run.  Today I was still not feeling the best plus I traveled to Honolulu today so was up early and got into Honolulu late.  I felt really rough when I got here so I thought I would be better off getting some sleep then going out for a run.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Honolulu:  It was warm (72) and very windy this morning.  I wanted to do a 4 mile tempo to run hard and specifically run hard on the hills.  I didn't feel the best this morning.  Probably still feeling the cold some and the effects of yesterday's flight.  I ran 4 miles easy and felt some better but the legs just kind of felt week.  I ran out around Diamond Head and back.  I started the tempo going up one of the big hills and it was into the wind so pace was off but it was definitely tempo effort.  I felt better when I got on the flats and had some downhills but toward the end of the tempo my legs when feeling very tired and flat.  Here are the splits:

1 - 7:27 (uphill, into wind)

2 - 6:31

3 - 6:43 (uphill)

4 - 6:17 (downhill)

Overall it was a pretty good effort considering I didn't feel the best.  Good to get in some faster running.

1:14:20 (7:26 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 10.00
From jtshad on Wed, Mar 03, 2010 at 15:17:42 from

There you are, doing one of my favorite runs again! Safe travels and start feeling better.

From JimF on Wed, Mar 03, 2010 at 23:16:31 from

Yes, it is hard to beat the run around Diamond Head. It was a full moon and beautiful reflecting off of the waves.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Honolulu:  The running is not working out this week.  I was out real late last night with clients and had meetings early this morning so didn't get out in the A.M.  Ran after work and before a business dinner so could only get in 5 miles.  I did the run up to Diamond Head and run up the backside which is a pretty good hill.  Ran hard back down the hill trying to get the legs used to some downhill running.

38:13 (7:39 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 5.00
From jtshad on Thu, Mar 04, 2010 at 11:01:31 from

Busy trip! Yeah, that backside is a good hill, just not as scenic as the front side.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Honolulu:  It was rainy and warm this morning.  It actually started raining about 1 mile into the run and came down pretty hard for about a mile (just enough to get soaked) then it was just misty the rest of the way.  I did the run up and around Diamond Head.  I pushed most of the hills and ran hard on the downhills as well.  Probably ran them around MP.  On the way back after I got off the hills I did 8 x strides.  Overall a pretty good run and I am happy with the amount of hill work I was able to get in while I was out here.  The long gradual hills is not something that I get a chance to run on at home.  Speaking of home, I am heading back tonight on the red eye and very glad to be heading that way.  Hopefully I will be able to get a run in tomorrow afternoon when I get in.  It will probably be a groggy one.

1:17:37 (7:46 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 10.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Back in Indy after an all night flight from HI.  It was a nice day around 40 and sunny.  I felt sluggish today.  Probably from the trip so I just took it easy and didn't do anything special.  I was just glad to get some miles in.  Hopefully, I will feel rested up tomorrow and I can get in something significant.

53:42 (7:41 avg)

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 7.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I slept until 9:30 today after being up all night the night before on the flight home.  I was pretty wiped out.  It was a nice morning around 35 degrees and sunny.  I had planned a 16 mile run today with the last half at MP.  I started off with this goal still in mind but after a couple of miles I knew it wasn't going to happen.  I had no energy.  I tried to lift the pace a couple of times but no response from the legs so I settled into an easy run and recover from the jet lag.  

 1:20:13 (7:54 avg)

Saucony Tangent 3 Miles: 10.15
From Mark on Sun, Mar 07, 2010 at 22:40:14 from

You'll get it next time, better to take the rest than to crash.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was a beautiful day today (50 and sunny) so I just went for a short run to get outside and shake the legs out a little.  I felt ok today but still somewhat sluggish.  It was great to be outside enjoying the great weather.  After a long Feb hopefully Mar will be much better.

38:11 (7:39 avg)

Brooks Axiom Miles: 5.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was a great day (almost 50) and sunny.  I felt better today and just ran easy enjoying the great day outside.  I was tempted to pick up the pace but I have some workouts later in the week that I want to be ready for.  Glad to be feeling better and I hope that it carries over for the rest of the week.  Boston is 6 weeks from today and I am not sure what to expect.  In some areas I feel like I am making progress but other times I feel like I am moving backwards.  I have some longer MP runs coming up and that should either give me more confidence or let me know not to expect much.

1:08:38 (7:38 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 9.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was another great day (53 with light wind).  Today I ran out 300S then looped up by Doe Creek School and back to the park for some hill sprints.  I took it easy most of the way and felt pretty good.  When I got to the park I ran 8 x short hill sprints with an easy recovery.  I was surprised at how rough the hill sprints felt.  It was been a while since I have done these and it showed.  I thought I could do 10 but cut it short because I was really feeling it in the legs.  Looks like I need to do some more hill work.

1:21:06 (8:06 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 10.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Another nice day (52 with some wind).  I ran out and back on 300S today.  I felt a little sluggish after yesterday's hill sprints so just took it easy.  I felt better as I went along but did have one bad spot where I felt my energy dip for about a mile but then it seemed to straighten out and felt better the rest of the way.  On a side note I have started to listen to classical music when running.  I used to never listen to classical but I am enjoying it and finding that it really clears my mind while I am running.  I am still very new at it so still trying to discover some of the better pieces out there.

61:43 (7:43 avg)

Brooks Axiom Miles: 8.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was warm this morning (50) but windy and raining.  It started raining on me at around 5 miles and rained pretty good at times but thankfully wasn't steady.  I wanted to do some faster running today.  I had thought I would do a longer run at MP but I didn't want to stay out in the rain so I ended up going a little shorter but faster.  Most of my miles were faster than MP but slower than tempo.  Not sure what this does for me but seemed like a good workout.  My legs were sluggish the whole way so I didn't feel the best and that kept me from turning it into a harder tempo effort.  Overall I am just glad to get some faster running in.  I need to continue to get some speed in because I only have 3 more weeks and then I will move into the taper.

65:51 (7:18 avg)


Acis DS Trainer Miles: 9.00
From jtshad on Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 08:19:28 from

Keep up the good work, you will be ready!

From rockness18 on Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 16:11:52 from

Whoa...3 weeks to taper! That took a second to sink in. Nice effort considering the circumstances.

From JimF on Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 17:48:18 from

Thanks Jeff!

Dave, it really is coming up fast. As it gets closer we will have to talk to see if we can get together there.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I had an early meeting down in southern Indiana so had to run after work.  It was stormy/rainy so I ran inside on the TM.  My legs felt very tired today and I just took it real easy for a recovery run.  I didn't have much energy today.  I hope I get it back for the long run tomorrow.  Also, hope these storms move out.

62:41 (7:51 avg)

Saucony ProGrid Ride Miles: 8.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It rained all day and I kept thinking I would get a break and be able to go outside but it never did plus I got busy with things around the house and family stuff so I decided to put my long run off until tomorrow.


Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

In honor of Pi day I ran around 2 x Pi squared. Ha.  It was 40 degrees today but felt much colder due to a constant 15 to 20 mph wind plus it was misty rain the last 6 miles.  I felt pretty good most of the way but started feeling the effort around 17 miles.  I still managed to finish the last 5 miles at a faster pace.  I was glad to get the long run in outside since Boston is coming quick.  Hopefully I will be able to recovery quickly and still get in some good workouts in this week.  

2:32:49 (7:39 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 20.00
From rockness18 on Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 14:30:30 from

Great run! Pretty good pace for a long run as well. Getting close!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was a cool day (43) and very windy again.  I just ran an easy loop through Fox Cove. I wanted to keep it real slow after yesterday's long run.  I felt pretty good.  No soreness and not really tired.  The real test will be tomorrow as I was planning some speedwork.  Why is that now low 40's feels colder than the 20's did a month ago?  Maybe once you get a taste of warm weather it is hard to go back.

63:26 (7:56 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 8.00
From rockness18 on Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 20:55:34 from

The nice thing about a Sunday long run is it launches you to the top of the mileage board. Great sign that you feel good today. I'm starting to get excited as well (now if the weather would cooperate).

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I planned to run after work today to take advantage of the 60 degree temps.  Only problem is I got crossed up on the family calendar and my daughter had a school concert so I only had time for a short run.  I was going to do a workout today but because of the limited time I will try it tomorrow.  It is probably just as well because my legs were like lead today.  I just took it easy and enjoyed the good weather but I felt really sluggish.  Tomorrow I hope to feel better and need to make sure I look at the activities more closely.

47:26 (7:55 avg)

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 6.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was another awesome day (62) and sunny with some wind.  Today I planned on doing Yasso's 800s.  I was shooting for 10 x 800 at around 3:00 each.  I gave up on the track since the weather is so nice all the kids are out running around and it was impossible to run.  I measured off a 1/2 mile on the road and just ran back and forth.  It was pretty windy and one direction was into the wind and the other way was with the wind.  All the odd ones were into the wind.  I did a two mile warmup and I could tell by the warmup that it was not going to be the best day.  For the last few days my legs have just felt like lead and there is no energy in them.  Not sure if it is adjusting to more mileage or what.  After the warmup I went ahead and  then did the 800's in:

1st - 3:02

2nd - 3:01

3rd - 3:00

4th - 2:58

5th - 3:01

6th - 3:00

7th - 3:04

8th - 3:02

I was really struggling on the 7th and 8th so decided to call it quits.  The combination on not feeling the best and the wind got me.  Overall I am very happy with the workout because after the first couple I really felt like calling it off and not doing the workout.  I am glad that I pushed myself and got in the workout.  It has been about a week since my legs felt fresh and good so I am looking forward to ones of those days where it all clicks.

Saucony Tangent 3 Miles: 9.22
From Mark on Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 16:07:32 from

You held up pretty well despite the wind! Next time it should be easier to get number 9 & 10 since you'll have a number to beat.

From Tom on Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 18:26:02 from

Great job with the Yassos. It always takes me a few week to adjust to mileage boosts.

From JimF on Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 20:07:20 from

Thanks guys! This is my first time training for a spring marathon and definitely learning some things as I go.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Great day outside (55 but windy).  Today I did something that I haven't done in a while.  Run without a watch.  I was just planning on running easy today and thought it would let me just run how I feel instead of checking the watch for speed.  It was good but I just took it easy and tried to treat it as a real easy recovery run.  My legs still felt heavy but did seem to get a little better toward the end of the run.


Brooks Axiom Miles: 8.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

My wife's Aunt passed away and she went out of town for the funeral so I had the girls.  They had early activities at school, then a full day of work and more activities after that.  I wish I had the dedication of some of my fellow bloggers and would get up at 4:30 to run but I didn't so ended up with a big fat 0 for the day.  It was a good day with the girls though so I will definitely count the day as very successful.



Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Wife is still gone but was able to squeeze in 6 miles between activities with the girls.  It was a beautiful day out but I just ran easy.  It was very soon after eating lunch so stomach didn't feel good bu that was the only chance to get out for the day.  Hopefully I will do my long run tomorrow if everything works out!

46:45 (7:47 avg)

Saucony ProGrid Ride Miles: 6.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was cooler today (48) and very windy.  I planned on doing a long run with the last half at MP.  I started off easy and most of the first half of the run was into the wind.  I wasn't feeling the best but was ok.  Around the half way point I started to wonder if I would be able to do any miles at MP because.  I was starting to feel rough.  I made the turn around at the half way point and started to pick up the pace.  I felt like I was running faster but wasn't really picking it up like I thought.  The 11th mile I pushed harder and ran it around 7:00 pace but after that wasn't feeling good and felt like I was pushing to hard for it to be MP.  I decided to slow back down and see how I felt after a couple of miles.  It just went all downhill from there.  I started feel worse and by mile 13 I was ready to quit.  By mile 15 I had really slowed down (around 9:00 to 9:30) and started to wonder if I could make it back.  I ran out and back so I didn't have much choice.  I felt like walking but it was cool and with the wind I figured I would get really chilled.  I struggled all the way home and even took a shortcut back to the house to cut off the last half mile.  It has been a long time since I struggled on a run like this.  I am not sure what happened.  I had water with me so that shouldn't have been the problem.  It had been a while since I had anything to eat so that could have been the problem.  I could have just ran out of fuel.  My right leg was bother me and my right foot hurt.  I think I learned one thing that I shouldn't wear these shoes for the marathon because that is what I was considering.  I guess it could have just been a bad day as well.  Oh well, I will just see how the next few days go and take it from there.

2:39:49 (8:12 avg)

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 19.50
From rockness18 on Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 22:50:16 from

Could have just been a bad day. If you have a pattern I struggling, you might have more reason to be concerned. I wouldn't sweat it too much. Also, windy can be tough...4 weeks from tomorrow!

From jtshad on Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 08:59:09 from

Good job getting out for the long run, sorry about the struggles during the run. I agree with Dave, shake it off as a bad run and try different shoes as you said.

Keep it up!

From JimF on Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 11:14:25 from

Thanks! I am just calling it a bad day. Hopefully, it will get better as the week goes on.

Dave, I can't believe Boston is only 4 weeks away. Looking forward to a couple of more weeks of solid training.

From Tom on Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 16:32:02 from

Seems like no matter what I do I end up with a few of these kind of training runs every training cycle. Just a normal part of the game I guess. I would bet you'll bounce back strong next week.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was pouring rain and cold this morning so I stayed inside on the TM.  Today I just wanted to do an easy run after yesterday's melt down.  I started off real easy and the legs felt tired from yesterday but better then I expected.  I gradually picked up the pace and after a couple of miles I was back to normal pace.  I felt quite a bit better than yesterday so I am just writing off yesterday as  a bad day or fuel issue.  Hope the rest of the week continues to go well.

51:50 (7:59 avg)

Brooks Axiom Miles: 6.50
From Robert on Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 20:02:07 from

Hello there! Hey, no worries about the run yesterday. Just remember, you ran a long ways. Now is not the time to push real hard for a blow out either. Almost show time!

From JimF on Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 21:51:07 from

Robert, is that really you? Good to have you back and thanks for the comment. How is everything with you?

From Robert on Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 15:50:47 from

I'm in school, but looking for a job right now. School took me away from running and running has won. I just couldn't find a balance between them. Hard to explain, but I can balance a job and running, but not school and running. Anyway, time to move forward and drop the past (hard thing for me to do).

From JimF on Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 22:37:14 from

I guess sometimes when you are not sure which direction to take it is difficult. It seems that things improve when you decide on a direction. I hope that you are able to find what you are looking for and get back to that balance. Just keep moving forward I'm sure you will do great!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I had to leave for Philadelphia today so I was only able to get in a short run before leaving.  I was hoping to get a second run in when I got to Philly but meetings lasted until around 8 and just didn't feel like it. I felt good running this morning just wish I could have got in a better run.  This is going to be a very busy week on travel so hopefully I will be able to get my normal running in.

38:55 (7:47 avg)

Saucony ProGrid Ride Miles: 5.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Philadelphia:  I had early morning meetings so waited and ran after work and before dinner meetings.  It was a beautiful day in the city of brotherly love (65, sunny).  My hotel is in old town and I ran out to the river trail.  It was about 1.5 miles out to the trail and had to stop a lot because of traffic lights.  I wanted to do 4 miles tempo today so after 2 miles warm  up picked up the pace.  The first 2 tempo miles were into the wind and I was having a hard time getting going.  After turning around and having the wind to my back I picked up the pace.  After 4 miles I kept going pretty fast but got into the traffic areas so just counting that as MP since I stopped about 4 times for lights.  This was not a great tempo run but considering the last week of not feeling the best while running I will take it.  It is the best run that I have had in awhile.  Here are the tempo splits:

1st - 6:53

2nd - 6:48

3rd - 6:32

4th - 6:30

I am not sure if I will be able to run tomorrow.  I am hosting a big technology day at one of my customer's site then we are having a dinner afterwards so it will be a really busy day. 

56:36 (7:05 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 8.00
From KP on Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 21:52:55 from

You know what I realized, Jim? We work together! What a small world.

From JimF on Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 22:03:05 from

Really? Are you at Intergraph? If so, what do you do? It is a small world.

From KP on Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 22:06:41 from

When I saw your Barbados runs a while back I started looking a bit more... All I had to do was look at your URL - your full name is right there.

Kristen from travel. I know you well!

I'm not much of a runner. Just short 2-3 mile runs mostly... Very boring, I know. One day I'll get the elusive marathon. Hopefully!

From JimF on Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 22:17:57 from

I thought that was you my friend from travel. It is great that you are getting out and running. Running 2 to 3 miles is a big deal and something that most people can't do so pat yourself on the back. Keep it up and I'm sure one day you will run a marathon! Keep me updated on your progress.

From Barry on Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 23:24:54 from

Sorry it has taken me so long to get back with you. I hope your meetings went good. My next race will be May 1 and it is only a 10K.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Philly: I had a really busy day with work and dinner reception at night so didn't get to run.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

The last couple of days have been crazy.  I had an early flight back from Philly then left out of town so have missed the last few days running.  I wanted to get one  more 20 miler in before the marathon and especially after the rough run I had last weekend.  I felt pretty good today and ran easy the first 10 miles.  I turned around to come back and had pretty strong head wind the whole way back.  I picked up the pace around 14 miles for about 3 miles but then started running out of gas again.  Not as bad as last week but still noticable.  I am not sure what is going on with these long runs but it has me a little worried for the marathon.  Also, with work and other commitments this has not been the best training cycle for a marathon so not sure what to expect at this point.  It is going to be interesting to decide a pace for the marathon.

2:36:20 (7:49 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 20.00
From KP on Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 20:52:38 from

darn travel!

From jtshad on Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 10:00:46 from

Good job on the run. How are you fueling and hydrating for these long runs? With the travel, your sleep is off too. Don't worry about the run, focus on making sure you fuel and sleep well for Boston.

From JimF on Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 13:43:15 from

Jeff, I think fueling could be a problem. I go out early in the morning so I just get up and go without eating anything. Also, on the last two long runs I just had Gatorade with me. No GU. I may be getting a little causal with these long runs and need to prepare better and take them more serious. In marathons I have been taking 3 GUs so much different than training. Also, I eat a few hours before the marathons. I probably need to apply these to my training.

From KP on Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 14:04:31 from

I looked and you are going to be home this week. Enjoy the break! I ran a trail race on Monte Sano on Saturday. Are you familiar with McKay Hollow?

From rockness18 on Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 16:57:51 from

Jim, you might be on to something with the "casual" comment. A 20-miler used to be a big deal to me. Now somehow I think it should always be easy. After "bonking" last weekend, I was careful to fuel this past Saturday and it definitely made a big difference. Also, I kind of "geeked" myself up for the run, trying to get into a Boston type mindset. Routine and rest should help as well- 3 weeks from today!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was cool this morning and very windy.  I just did an easy recovery run after yesterday's long run.  My legs were still feeling heavy and tired from yesterday so just took it easy.  I have been in a little bit of a slump running so thought a short easy day may help get some energy back and feel better.

39:40 (7:56 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 5.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was a beautiful day today (55) and light wind.  Today I planned one more day of easy running to get fully recovered before trying some speedwork tomorrow.  I started off easy but could tell right away that I felt better than the last few days.  That was encouraging and I was tempted to push the pace but decided to hold off until tomorrow.  Hopefully, that was a good decision.  I did pick up the pace as I went along and ran the last 2 or 3 miles at a slow MP pace.  Overall it was a good run and helped pick my confidence back up.

1:23:37 (7:37 avg)

Saucony Tangent 3 Miles: 11.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I didn't get out until late today and it was pretty warm (75).  I ran before dinner so only had time for 5 miles.  I felt pretty good and picked the pace up as I went along and finished around MP. 

38:20 (7:40 avg)

Saucony Tangent 3 Miles: 5.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was a really nice morning (58) with wind.  I wanted to do some miles at MP today so did 6 miles easy then ran 6 at MP with a 1 mile cooldown.  I didn't feel the best today.  I still feel like I am working hard for the pace that I am running.  I ran out into the wind and then turned around and ran back into the wind for the MP miles.  I was running the MP miles between 7:10 and 7:15 pace but into the wind I felt better about it.

1:38:37 (7:35 avg)


Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 13.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Another great day.  It was around 60 but windy.  I ran easy today and felt better than I have in quite a few days.  I started off slow and picked up the pace as I went along.  The battery on my Garmin died about 4 miles into the run so not sure of the pace but it felt like the last 3 or 4 miles was around MP.  I just tried to run by feel and not think about pace or anything.  I was a good run for a change.


Saucony Tangent 3 Miles: 11.00
From rockness18 on Fri, Apr 02, 2010 at 21:10:18 from

Glad you're starting to feel in sync!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was really warm today for this time of year.  It started raining soon after I started and got harder as I went along.  I felt sluggish starting out and after around 3 miles I did some around 1 min surges to try to get my legs moving. That seemed to help and I felt better as I went along. It seems like I have been in a slump training wise.  It just doesn't seem like the body is responding.  Hopefully I will snap out of it before Boston.

54:48 (7:50 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 7.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was really warm and very windy today.  Today I planned to do 3 x 8:00 at tempo pace with 3:00 recovery.  I started out easy with a 2 mile warmup.  I felt ok but a little tired.  I stayed up late last night watching Butler almost knock off Duke so didn't get normal sleep.  During the warmup I almost stepped on a snake that was laying in the road.  I am not a big fan of snakes but stopped and scared it out of the road so it wouldn't get run over.  About another 1/2 mile up the road I saw another snake that was as luckily.  It had been smashed by a car.  Must be the nice weather bringing out the snakes.  

After the warmup I started the tempo.  During the first one I felt pretty good and was running around 6:20 pace.  Toward the end my legs were feeling flat and tired.  I did the 3:00 recovery then started the second one.  I felt bad on this one from the beginning.  I kept the pace around 6:20 but was having to push it pretty hard.  I cut this one short at 5:00.  I did another recovery and tired another.  Still didn't feel good and cut that one short at 4:00.  I am not sure what is up but I have nothing in my legs.  I am not even breathing hard when I run these but I feel like I can't get my legs moving.  I'm not sure what it is but is making running not much fun right now. 

59:50 (7:29 avg)

From jtshad on Tue, Apr 06, 2010 at 15:26:32 from

Get some good rest, fuel up (EAT!!!) and realize you are a bit tired from the big weeks of training. Now you are in your taper mode and the energy will return with some good recovery. You will rock Boston!

What's your bib number?

From JimF on Fri, Apr 09, 2010 at 17:43:46 from

Thanks! Seems like things are starting to get better. My bib number is 7880. I am going into this one with low expectations but trying to just make it a good experience.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Another warm (66) and very windy morning.  Because I haven't been feeling the best running the last couple of weeks thought I would try something different today and do a super easy recovery run.  The goal was to run in the 8:15 to 8:30 pace range.  I haven't done many super easy runs in awhile and thought that maybe I am not letting myself recover and it has built up to make me feel run down all the time.  Again I felt sluggish starting out but kept is slow and easy and seemed to feel better as I went along.  I guess I will not know how it worked until the next few days.

49:51 (8:21 avg)

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 6.00
From Robert on Wed, Apr 07, 2010 at 21:28:18 from

I agree with Jeff. Your sluggishness is probably related to not eating quite enough, but also keep in mind you're "dancing on the edge" right now given the prep you've gone through. I felt the same way about this time last year, but after the taper the old legs snapped to life.

From JimF on Fri, Apr 09, 2010 at 17:42:20 from

Thanks for the feedback. Hope your right!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was cooler today (46) and super windy (30 mph). I just did an easy run because the wind made it impossible to do much else. I felt a lot better today and did several 1:00 pickup to around 5k pace to test the legs.  Those felt good too but I didn't want to push it too much.  I hope as I taper I continue to get more bounce back in my legs.  Maybe the trend will continue.  I have been getter more rest and trying to watch what I eat.

38:08 (7:38 avg)

Brooks Axiom Miles: 5.00
From KP on Thu, Apr 08, 2010 at 23:38:58 from

Jim, I didn't realize you were don't Boston! AWESOME! Good luck! I know you'll do great!

From rockness18 on Fri, Apr 09, 2010 at 10:14:48 from

You'll be fine...don't let the taper mess with you mind!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was a pretty nice day (around 50) but still windy.  I am getting tired of the wind but I guess that is to be expected this time of year.  I felt better today and thought I would try to get some MP miles in.  I did a 2 mile warm up and then did the next 5 miles at a little faster than MP.  The first couple of miles didn't feel the best but after that I kind of got into a groove and felt pretty good.  It was a good confidence builder for me because it has been a while since I had a good run.  Here are the MP splits: 6:50, 6:54, 6:47, 6:47, 7:10 (slowed down the last 1/4 mile to warm down a little).

 50:07 (7:09 avg)

From rockness18 on Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 09:07:50 from

Nice run! Nothing's more difficult for me than running in the wind.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Another nice day in Indiana.  It was around 58 but still windy.  Today's plan was a med-long run just easy after yesterday's faster run.  I felt pretty good today and everything seems to be heading in the right direction.  I just ran by feel and tired to stay relaxed and keep it easy.  It felt good to keep it in the 7:40 pace range which is good because last week it was a struggle at that pass.  It seems like the body is starting to respond to the taper.

Today was the first day I could see the advanced forecast for Boston and it looked good (mid 50's).  I just hope it is not windy.  I am tired to the wind already.

1:31:58 (7:40 avg)

Saucony Tangent 3 Miles: 12.00
From Barry on Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 14:07:02 from

It is really amazing to me how the body has such a hard time cutting back on mileage. Anyway, great run and good luck at Boston next weekend. The best thing to do if it is windy is to run behind someone. LOL

From rockness18 on Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 17:38:58 from

Love the 10-day weather report :). If it holds, it also has a light wind coming from the west. Perfect! Nice to see you feeling better towards the end of the week. Eat well and get your rest!

From JimF on Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 21:47:16 from

Barry, thanks! Not sure what to expect at Boston but I'm going to give it my best.

Dave, good weather would be nice. What are your plans for the race? If possible, it would be nice to get together.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I ran after work today so it was pretty warm (75) and windy.  Today I wanted to my last MP run before the marathon next week.  Starting out I didn't feel the best.  I felt a little sluggish so knew it wouldn't be a super easy effort.  I ran 6 miles at around 8:00 pace then ran 4 miles at MP and then a 1 mile warm down.  The MP miles were: 7:06, 7:00: 7:02, 6:58.  The goal was to stay around 7:00 so I was happy with that.  I just wish that they would have come more easily.  I am still trying to figure out what pace to plan on running next week and today didn't help with the decision. I probably need to be conservative but that is usually hard for me to do so I will have to wait a few more days and see how things go.

1:13:16 (7:35 avg)

Saucony Tangent 3 Miles: 11.00
From Tom on Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 11:28:43 from

I know for me oftentimes MP pace in a training run can be difficult sometimes even for just a few miles. But between taper effects and race day magic you'll still have pretty good shot at holding goal pace to the end. Of course the last 6 miles or so are always going to be a bear. You're training has been pretty good the last while so I don't know if you have to be all that conservative unless your body feels tired/hammered throughout the taper.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It has been unbelievably nice this week.  It was in the upper 60's and the wind was finally not blowing that much.  Today I just wanted to do an easy recovery run as I continue to taper for the marathon.  I felt ok but I kept the pace real easy so hard to tell much about how I was running.  The plan for the rest of the week is easy day tomorrow then a few faster repeats on Thur to shake the legs out the really taper down for the race.  I will be traveling to Boston on Sunday so I am trying to take it easy before the race and not get out sight seeing, etc.  I just really hope the weather forecast holds because it is looking good.

 40:24 (8:05 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 5.00
From rockness18 on Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 10:48:03 from


Good luck in the taper this week. I'll be arriving with family on Saturday night and then will be in Quincy most of Sunday (our former church is there). Sunday evening we plan on doing the pasta dinner with a family going up with us (you're welcome to join us if you'd like). If we don't connect on Sunday, I'll keep an eye out for you in "the corrales". My e-mail is You should have my facebook email as well. We're still playing post-race by ear. Probably dinner in Boston at some point. Are you coming with any family?

Wish you the best this week!

From JimF on Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 18:41:00 from


Yes, I would love to get together. I had planned to take my wife but now I have a business trip the day after the race so I will be coming up on Sunday by myself. I don't want to intrude on your family dinner but we could dinner after the race or maybe we could meet for the bus ride out the morning of the race. Whatever works best for you just let me know. I am very flexible since I am by myself and will have a car to get around. Here is my contact info: Cell: 317-690-1672 email: Hope the rest of the week goes great for you and look forward to meeting you.


Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Very warm today for this time of year.  I don't want to complain because I am definitely enjoying this compared to the cold winter.  I just did an easy run today.  I am continuing to cut back on the taper.  I am planning some faster repeats tomorrow to shake out the legs so wanted to keep it easy.  I am trying to get everything ready for the trip and hoping the weather stays good. 

 39:38 (7:52 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 5.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Another warm and sunny day with some light wind.  Today I wanted to do some tempo running to shake the legs out and have another test before the marathon.  I planned on doing 5 x 4:00 at tempo pace (around 6:20 to 6:30) with 90 seconds recovery between.  I did a 2 mile warm up and felt ok nothing special.  The first tempo took me a little to get in the groove but felt ok.  My legs still seems tired and sluggish any time I run faster runs.  The rest of them felt better and I had two into the wind that made them a little tougher.  After the tempos I did a few strides as well.  I don't think today was a confidence booster for the marathon.  I am still thinking that I am maybe 5 to 10 minutes off of the shape I was in last fall.  Hopefully, the next few days of taper will give me some sharpness on race day.  

51:29 (7:22 avg)

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 7.00
From jtshad on Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 16:16:46 from

Just go have fun in Boston and at the race..who knows, maybe you will surprise yourself afterall! Travel safely.

From Mark on Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 10:55:31 from

Best of luck in Boston! I've had so many not so great runs before a race which turned out great. Just have fun and see what you can dig up on race day.

From JimF on Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 17:37:24 from

Thanks guys! I appreciate the positive words. Hopefully everything will click on Monday for a good race but going to enjoy regardless.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Another warm day around 70 but more windy.  I just wanted to do an easy run today to continue the taper.  I felt ok today nothing special but just ran real easy.  I plan on taking tomorrow off and then running a few easy miles on Sunday before the race on Monday.  I am finally getting everything ready to go and the weather still looks good but is going to be cool in the morning so need to bring some warm clothes to hang out before the race.

40:06 (8:01 avg)

Brooks Axiom Miles: 5.00
From Jon on Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 13:34:02 from

Good luck!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was really cool this morning (38) but sunny.  I just ran a few easy miles to warmup and shake the legs out.  I did some strides at around tempo pace.  Afterward stretched good now heading to the airport to fly out to Boston.  


Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 3.00
From jtshad on Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 10:08:55 from

Good luck and have fun time and fantastic run in Boston!

Race: Boston Marathon (26.2 Miles) 03:22:45
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

My first Boston turned out to be a rough one.  I knew going in that I was not in as good of shape as I was for my last marathon so decided to reduce my goals.  I was thinking going in that if I ran between 3:10 and 3:15 I would be happy.  The weather today was perfect with temps in the 50's and some wind but it was mostly a cross wind.  I definitely learned a lot just dealing with the whold Boston experience.  I came in yesterday and ended up rushing around all day trying to get my packet, food for breakfast and finding a place to eat.  Spent way more time on my feet than I wanted to.  Slept good last night and woke up early to catch the buses.  An added bonus was getting to meet up with Dave Rockness and riding the buses out with him.  As many of you already know from the blog he is a great guy! 

Hanging out before the start wasn't as bad as I expected mainly because of the nice weather.  I can imagine on a nasty day that it would not be much fun.

I planned to start off slow and then based on how I felt get into a pace around 3:10 or so.  I did take it easy the first few miles which are downhill and then picked it up some through the middle miles.  Around 12 the legs started to have that fimilar feeling of being heavy and sluggish so I started to worry some.  I stayed in pretty good shape up to around 15 or 16 and then knew that it might get ugly the rest of the way.  I slowed down on the hills through Newton because of this but didn't really have much trouble on the hills.  The thing that was getting to me was the down hills because I was started to feel a cramp in my right thigh.  I was slowing down but felt it was manageable through the hills.  I made it up Heartbreak pretty good then hit the downhill on the other side.  This is where it all started to go bad.  Right after I came off of the downhill I got major cramps in my right thigh and left calf.  I slowed down to see if that helped and after about a 1/2 a mile it got better so gradually picked the pace back up.  I made it about a 1/2 mile before the cramps hit again so I slowed down and recovered then it got better and I picked it back up.  This went on for a few times and it bacame apparent that I was going to have to slow down or I was going to make it in.  Around 22 I got the worse cramp and it almost brought me to a walk but I was afraid if I stopped I might not get going again.  I settled into a basic slow shuffle the rest of the way in.  I had some spots where I though I might be able to recover but those were short lived.  Once the cramps hit I started thinking maybe I could at least break 3:20 and requalify but running as slow as I was that quickly went out the window and I thought I should just focus on finishing.  Amazing enough even as slow as I was going I got another really bad cramp about 400 yards from the finished but basically ran stiff legged the last little bit because there was no way I was stopping there in front of thousands of screaming people.  It was a huge relief to cross the line and staggered around for a while until I could get somewhere to stretch out the legs and try to recover.

Even though I didn't have a good race, Boston was an amazing experience.  The fans are awesome and they run such a quality event.  It is also cool to have that many great runners in the same race.  At this point I don't know what holds for my marathoning future.  Until I can dedicate myself to putting in the mileage I don't want to commit to another.  I don't want to repeat today.  For those of you that like to see the damage unfold, here are my splits:

1st - 7:24

2nd - 7:13

3rd - 7:18

4th - 7:08

5th - 7:17

6th - 7:13

7, 8, 9 - 21: 36

10th - 7:18

11th - 7:16

12th - 7:09

13th - 7:14

14th - 7:16

15, 16 - 14:46

17th - 7:43

18th - 7:51

19th - 7:40

20th - 8:02

21st - 8:35

22nd - 8:01

23rd - 8:50

24th - 9:19

25th - 9:07

26.2 - 11:25


Saucony Tangent 3 Miles: 26.20
From jtshad on Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 16:50:38 from

You are a Boston Marathon finisher!!! Sorry about the cramps, when they hit you just have to do what you can. Way to keep moving and making a point to focus on the finish. Enjoy the experience as you indicated, Boston is like no other!

Congrats on the race even if you didn't get quite what you wanted (you know the marathon is a fickle beast!).

From Robert on Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 18:05:33 from

Congrats! Way to stick it out Jim. Now go reward yourself and recover.

From Kim on Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 19:11:44 from

Congratulations on a Boston Marathon finish! And I think it's a great finish! I got to watch my hubby, Tom, do Boston a couple years ago and it was an amazing experience being a spectator there! Someday I hope to be one of the runners! Again....great job!

From Scott Ensign on Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 19:59:06 from

nice job, way to overcome the cramps and pain. It's a tough course and you earned your medal!

From Tom on Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 20:04:57 from

Sorry to hear about the cramps Jim. But congrats on hanging tough through the finish.

Your first line "My first Boston turned out to be a rough one" sounds pretty familiar as that course just seems to be harder than it looks on paper. Now enjoy some R&R for few days!

From rockness18 on Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 21:36:50 from

Jim, great to meet you in person and nice job finishing! I'll try to give you a call tomorrow to catch up on the experience.

From Jon on Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 00:35:57 from

You finished the Boston Marathon / experience. Congrats. Sorry it didn't go so well- happens to lots of people. Believe it or not, my Boston was similar to yours- started at 7 min pace, but finished at 11 min pace- 3:41 final time. But I still remember it fondly.

From KP on Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 00:38:56 from

What an awesome experience! I hope you had a wonderful time, Jim! Thanks for sharing!

From Mark on Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 11:42:40 from

Great job Jim! Not a whole lot you can do once the cramps start other than hang on and do your best. Lots of good memories to bring home with you. It's one of the few races where anyone that runs it can feel like a rock star for a day.

From Barry on Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 20:53:21 from

Congratulations on your first Boston Marathon. Sounds to me like you had a good time even though you had some rough spots.

From JimF on Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 21:52:22 from

Thanks for all the kind words and feedback. It sure means a lot! Even after just one day I am already looking back and realizing what a great experience it was and how luckily a am to have been able to do it. Also you will never know how much each of you helped me keep going those last few miles. All the example that you all set on a daily basis and seeing how you have perservired through races really inspired me and kept me going. Thanks for all the advise and encouragement through the years!

From bunkgoats on Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 10:21:50 from

Congrats on your finish. Those last miles are always harder than they look on paper.

From rockness18 on Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 23:44:05 from

Tough course for a "flatlander". Again, great to meet you in person and good job persevering through a painful finish. Enjoy the running for a while and perhaps that urge for a marathon will resurface.

From Kelli on Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 18:08:31 from

Sorry about the cramping, that is a tough issue! but you finished and it is definitely an unforgettable experience. The weather could not have been better!

From rAtTLeTrAp on Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 18:41:26 from

Congrats on your finish! 3:22 on a tough course like that is nothing to be ashamed of. I had a hard time during the second half too, but overall it was a great experience!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Woke up this morning pretty sore and stiff.  I took about a 1 mile walk and that seemed to help loosen the legs up some and reduce the soreness.  This is probably the most sore I have been since my first marathon and I was not really ready for that one.  My left calf is really sore because that is the one that totally cramped up in the race.  Both thighs are more sore than I remember for a marathon which is probably from the downhills. 

I was looking back on the training and numbers never lie.  I went into this marathon running around 30 to 40 less per month in the 3 months prior than I did for the Huntsville PR.  Probably more significantly is that the number of MP and tempo miles was much much lower.  I am definitely going to have to get that back on track if I am going to run another marathon.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Well I am actually more sore today than yesterday especially my left calf.  It feels like it really needs some work done on it.  Maybe a massage when I get back home.  I did a lot of walking today.  I finished up my business meetings and walked around Boston this evening which was probably good.  I starting to feel like I want to take another crack at Boston.  My time in Dec qualified me for 2011 so who knows maybe I will come back and try to redeem myself.

From rockness18 on Sat, Apr 24, 2010 at 14:06:49 from

Now you're talking!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Well finally felt like I could run a few miles.  The last couple of days I was still sore and did some walking each day but didn't want to push it.  I ran real easy today and my legs were sore running especially my thighs.  The good news is my left calf is better now and didn't cause any problems.  It was good to get out and hopefully it will do the legs some good.  I will probably take the day off tomorrow and then try to get back to training on Monday.

Now the wife and I have a date night.  Going to dinner and then the symphony.

32:33 (8:08 avg)

Brooks Axiom Miles: 4.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Huntsville, AL:  I left early this morning for Huntsville so had to run after work.  By the time I got finished with work and went to a dinner meeting I didn't get to run until around 9 pm.  That is usual for me.  I have had a long recovery/rest after Boston so I was really ready to get going again.  Since it was late I ran on the TM in the hotel.  I felt ok and just ran easy.  I want to get back to running everyday this week and see how I feel.  I definitely came out of Boston with a lot of soreness and wanted to give myself plenty of time to recover.  I hope that now that I have rested this much that I am able to get back into training quickly.

39:10 (7:50 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 5.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Huntsville:  It was cool this morning (44) but not windy so actually felt really good.  I just did another easy run today.  Since I ran so late last night and was running early this morning I didn't want to over do it so kept it to 6 miles.  I felt pretty good for the most part but did still feel some fatigue in my legs.  I really tired to keep it slow to continue the recovery mode.  I plan on taking it easy all this week and then getting back into training mode next week.  I need to start making some plans for what I am going to do next.  Without plans I usually fall off in my training so need to keep some targets out there to shot for.  Any ideas?

47:40 (7:57 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 6.00
From KP on Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 22:33:56 from

Where do you run when you're in HSV? Up and down Madison Blvd? Even early in the morning I bet that is quite busy with traffic!

From jtshad on Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 07:28:59 from

Get right back on that horse! Schedule a fall marathon now!

From JimF on Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 12:41:23 from

KP, I usually run on the Intergraph campus so watch out when you are coming in in the morning and don't run over me! Ha!

Jeff, you have any recommendations?

From KP on Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 13:05:27 from

I ran the campus yesterday at lunch. I hate it! It is nice and flat, but no scenery. I need something to look at to keep my interest when running alone.

Good to see you today. Thanks for stopping by! The other ladies (Judy and Priscilla) were mad that I didn't introduce you to them since they "know" you too! Ha! Whoops...

From JimF on Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 09:55:20 from

Kristen, it was nice to meeet you and please tell Judy and Priscilla I'm sorry I should have introduced myself to them as well. I will swing by next time and say hello to them as well.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Huntsville, it was a nice morning in the mud 40s and light wind. I added a few more miles but still kept it easy. I felt pretty good this morning but still feel slow. Hopefully that will improve over the next couple of weeks. I am heading back home today but have a lot of travel over the next few weeks so really need to work hard to stay on schedule.

63:40 (7:58 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 8.00
From Mark on Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 23:40:54 from

Traveling is not the best for running, but it can be done and you always seem to get the runs in, great job!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I drove back from Huntsville last night and got in late so I was tired this morning.  It was a really nice morning in the low 60's but super windy.  I was slow getting going this morning but I felt better as I went along and actually finished the run feeling pretty good.  Overall, I feel pretty good and feel like I am getting fully recovered from the marathon.  I hope to get back to some more intense training next week.

47:07 (7:50 avg)

Brooks Axiom Miles: 6.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

We had some big thunderstorms roll through last night but luckily they finished up around 7 this morning so I was able to get outside and run.  It was a good morning around 60 and the winds were still blowing good.  I felt good this morning but just ran along easy. I've had a couple of weeks since the marathon and seemed to be recovered.  Next week I will gradually shift back into the training mode.  I think I am going to work on trying to run a good 10k this summer and then gear back up for a fall marathon.  I am going to run a half marathon next week but I am just going to run with a friend who is going for a PR and we will probably be around 1:38.  That will make it a good training run.  After that I need to find some shorter races and work on my speed some.

1:19:35 (7:58 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 10.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

DC:  It was pouring rain this morning so stayed inside on the hotel TM.  Problem was that everyone else had the same idea and I had to wait for a TM so that cut my run shorter than I liked.  I wanted to test my legs some today and run faster.  I did kind of a progression run and ended up running some at MP and then progressing to tempo pace.  The last couple of miles were 6:45 and 6:30 so it was a good shakeout for the legs after just running easy since the marathon.  I felt pretty good today and didn't seem like I was pushing too hard for that pace.  I thought that I might be able to get a second run today but had a dinner meeting and didn't have time.  I hope to get a longer run in tomorrow.

43:50 (7:19 avg)

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 6.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

DC:  I was warm this morning around 70 and felt humid.  I found a good trail down by National Harbor that ran along the Potomac and then over to the Woodrow Wilson bridge.  I ran acoss the bridge and had some great views of Old Town and DC.  I felt good today and ran easy but had some pain in my right hip.  A couple of times it got pretty bad.  I am not sure if that is left over from the marathon or could be from all the standing that I have been doing at this conference.  I will have to see how it is tomorrow to decide how much to run. 

1:22:45 (7:52 avg)

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 10.50
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

DC:  After running yesterday my hip was hurting all day since I had to be on my feet all day at a conference. It felt a little better last night when I was finally able to rest it so I was not sure how it would be this morning.  It felt better when I woke up and I thought I would give it a try to see if running made it feel better.  I started off super easy and the hip was bothering me but then it seemed to get better.  I ran easy for about a mile and then it started hurting again.  Then after about another 1/2 mile it hurt worse and I decided to stop and not make it any worse.  I am not sure what is causing the problem.  I have been standing all day at this conference which I am not used to and it could be something that resulted from the marathon but is just now showing up.  Anyway, I am going to rest it some and see how it responds.  It did feel better today than yesterday at the conference so maybe it won't be something bad.


Acis DS Trainer Miles: 1.70
From jtshad on Thu, May 06, 2010 at 08:47:51 from

I hope the hip improves. Have a good time in DC and travel safely.

From Tom on Thu, May 06, 2010 at 11:29:53 from

Good luck with the hip. Seems like a lot of little weird things can happen during the month after the marathon. Hope you can rest up now and nip it in the bud.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I traveled back from DC last night and waited to run until after work to see how my hip was feeling.  It felt good all day so I thought I would try it again and see how it felt.  I started off easy and felt good.  I picked it up and was running about 7:20 pace for 4 miles and then the hip started hurting again.  I hurt the rest of the way back. It wasn't as bad as before but enough that I shouldn't be running on it. I am signed up for a half marathon on Sat.  I was planning on running it like a workout but now I think it is best to take a few days off and get this healed up properly before I make it worse.  I am going to take the rest of the week off and then see how I feel on Monday.


Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 7.45
From Robert on Fri, May 07, 2010 at 13:57:45 from

Sorry about the hip issue. Hope it heals up quickly for you.

From rockness18 on Fri, May 07, 2010 at 21:27:52 from

Jim, my hip hurt for a full month after Boston last year. Do you have any places to run with soft surfaces? I did a little trail running to help make the transition back to the roads. Hope it gets well soon.

From JimF on Sat, May 08, 2010 at 08:39:50 from

Robert, thanks. It is feeling better but still going to give it a couple of more days rest.

Dave, thanks for the advice. I will try to find some softer surfaces to run on.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

After taking off a few days to rest my sore hip I wanted to give it another go today to see how it is progressing. I did a lot of stretching and used a foom roller.  It felt better over the weekend but not sure how running would be.  It was a cool morning today (40) but no wind.  I started off easy to get good and loosened up before running normally.  I felt good and didn't have any problems.  I felt some tightness in my hip but no pain so first day back was pretty good.  I was very tempted to go further but thought I should take it easy and make sure that I don't have a set back.  I will pick it up as the week goes along if I feel good.

40:20 (8:04 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 5.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I ran after work today and it was warm (73) and super windy.  This is my second day back after taking off some for a sore hip.  I started off easy again to get the hip good and loose before picking it up.  I felt really good today and the running came easy.  I just let myself fall into a natural pace and didn't try to force again.  My hip felt great with no problems so hopefully that is behind me (no pun intended).  I ran a route that tired to minimize the running into the wind and kept it mostly as a cross wind.  It has been a long time since I have had an injury so I want to be careful and make sure this doesn't come back but the rest of me is ready to start pushing the training.  I will try to stay conservative this week and if everything goes well I will kick it up next week.  By the way, I think the problem with my hip was tight hamstrings.  I talked to a PT and they suggested that I stretch the hamstrings really well because they could be pulling on the muscles around my hip causing the problem.  When I started stretching them over the weekend they were really tight and that is something that I haven't been doing regularly.

53:25 (7:38 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 7.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Virginia Beach, VA:  Had a super early flight this morning so ran after meetings today.  It was really warm (88) and very windy.  I ran down along the board walk and it is always great to be able to run along the ocean.  I started off easy and felt pretty good starting out.  This lasted until around 5 1/2 miles and then started having some pain in the hip again.  I stopped and stretched it out but that didn't seem to help.  I had to run back to my car so tried some different things coming back to see how it felt.  It actually felt better running faster so I picked up the pace some coming back and messed around with my stride some to see if that is causing the problem.  Not sure what to do tomorrow.  I will probably give it a try and see how it feels then take it from there.  I hope I can get through this without having to take off a long time.  I was just starting to feel like I was coming around at Boston and then I haven't been able to do much since so feel like I am starting to go backwards.

59:12 (7:55 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 7.50
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Virginia Beach, VA:  I got out early in the morning and it was a very nice day for running with temps in the low 50's.  After yesterday's problem with the hip I wanted to give it one more try to see if the stretching improved it.  I started off easy and felt good.  I didn't have any problems in the hip.  I was running around 7:40 pace for the first couple of miles.  After 2 miles the hip started to tighten up and then about a half mile later started to hurt.  I eased up but that didn't seem to help.  It hurt the rest of the way back and pretty much confirmed that this is worse than I thought.  I was really hoping to be able to work my way through this but I am afraid that I am going to figure out what is wrong and then start rehabing it to get better.  It was a very discouraging run this morning.  I have been very fortunate to be running injury free for several years so it is tough to come to the realization that I am going to have to take some extended time off and get this fixed.  I need to take the long term view and realize that a couple of weeks now might pay off by the fall instead of trying to work through it and make things worse.  I have a friend that might be able to help figure out what is wrong and then hopefully a plan to get better.

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 4.00
From KP on Fri, May 14, 2010 at 21:49:40 from

Sorry about the hip, Jim. Here are some pretty good hip stretches. Hopefully it isn't as bad as you think...

From rAtTLeTrAp on Fri, May 14, 2010 at 21:51:49 from

Good luck with that hip. I know it's hard to take time off, but it will get better.

Are you running Boston in 2011?

From rockness18 on Fri, May 14, 2010 at 21:58:17 from

Jim, I had a very similiar thing with my hip after Boston last year. It just didn't want to go away. I think a week or two of rest would have done the trick with me, but I was bull-headed and fought it for 4-5 weeks. I'd affirm you internal instinct to simply rest- you'll probably be fine. I definitely feel your frustration and pain. It's been a year of nagging injuries for me.

From JimF on Fri, May 14, 2010 at 22:13:48 from

KP, thanks for the info. I am definitely going to be doing some strengthing and stretching for the next couple of weeks.

Rattletrap, thanks! I am seriously thinking about doing Boston again next year. I am qualified and I feel like a learned a lot so would like to give it another try.

Dave, I think I will take your advice and rest it. It is hard to take the time off but I know that is probably the best long term decision.

From Tom on Fri, May 14, 2010 at 22:45:00 from

Good luck nipping the possible injury in the bud. Probably a few days rest now will save you a few weeks or months rest later if you run through it.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Honolulu, HI:  Well I took 9 days off with my sore hip and during that time did stretching, strengthing but no running or even cross training.  It has been feeling good the last few days so thought I would give it a try today and see how things went.  I ran real easy down by the beach.  I felt good and for the most part didn't have any problems.  I went through a few stretches where it would tighten up but didn't have any pain.  My pain for getting back to running is to run every other day this week to ease back into and then hopefully resume full time running next week.  I am trying to take a long term view on this but it has been very tough not running and letting my fitness slip away.  Hopefully, I haven't lost much.  The main thing is just to be able to get back running without and pain/problem. 

34:20 ( 8:35 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 4.00
From Jon on Wed, May 26, 2010 at 21:09:30 from

Injuries just stink, plain and simple.

From KP on Thu, May 27, 2010 at 12:47:40 from

how ya doing, jim?

hope you're enjoying hawaii!

From JimF on Thu, May 27, 2010 at 22:23:27 from

Jon, yes injuries stick. I have been lucky to run injury free for several years so this is something that I am not used to and taking a lot of patience.

KP, Hawaii was good but just very busy with super long days. Didn't get to do much.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Honolulu:  I am still slowly trying to get back into running to keep my hip from having problems again. I was out real early this morning and ran down by the beach toward Diamond Head to didn't make it all the way around because I am keeping the mileage down this week.  I felt good this morning and the running seemed easy.  I had a little tightness in my hip but not pain.  I was able to keep a better pace and could have pushed it much faster without any problem but wanted to continue to take it easy.  My plan is still to run around 4 days this week and then add to that next week.  I am still trying to give the hip rest as I ease back into running. I don't want to have another set back.

39:50 (7:58 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 5.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I flew back from Hawaii last night and was pretty wiped out today after the all night flight. I had planned on running today but felt rough and then spent time with my family.  I will run tomorrow and Sat and see how the hip responds.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Back home today but was wiped out this morning from jet lag.  I felt very sluggish getting started but felt better once I got going.  I took it easy again as I am trying to build back up from the hip injury.  It felt good today some tightness but no pain.  I am going to run again tomorrow to see how it does with two days in a row but will continue to keep the mileage down.  The tightness that I feel seems like it is going to start hurting but so far it hasn't sometimes I wonder if it is just me being over concerned about it instead of just running and not thinking about it.  

39:45 (7:57 avg)

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 5.00
From Barry on Sat, May 29, 2010 at 00:04:22 from

Sounds like you had an awesome trip. Sorry about the hip problems. Have you tried to go to a chiropractor? I have an inner muscle tightness and i have been taking a herbal muscle relaxer and that has helped a ton. Something to think about.

From JimF on Sun, May 30, 2010 at 14:53:28 from

Thanks! I will have to give it a try. What herbal muscle relaxer are you taking? That is my problem. It is a tight muscle that connects to the hip and then causes pain on the nerve.

From Barry on Sun, May 30, 2010 at 16:35:31 from

The stuff that i have been using is called Formula 303 and i love it. When i am training i usually slow down around mile eight, when taking this I do not slow down. Here is the website for it Also, i talked to my doctor Friday and he also told me to get some different inserts for my shoes, the ones that support my arch and that has really helped me a lot. So maybe try getting some different supports for your shoes and see if that helps. I hope this helps, please let me know. And have an awesome day... =)

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was warm (78) and humid this morning.  Just did an easy run this morning and my first back to back days since I took the break with my hip.  I felt pretty good today.  I had a couple of times where my hip tightened up but no pain.  Pretty much the same as it has been all week.  I have been doing more stretching than normal and need to do more strengthing exercises.  Just really want to get back to consistent running.  Hopefully, I am making progress toward that.

48:58 (8:10 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 6.00
From Mark on Sun, May 30, 2010 at 11:18:20 from

Glad to hear your hip is getting back to normal. I have been very behind on reading blogs and didn't realize you had been battling this problem. I've certainly been there, and with me it usually comes down to me neglecting my stretching and cross training. I hate stretching my hamstrings (ever since I was a little kid in gym class). Massage really helps a lot but that can get expensive to rely on it too much.

Good luck with your continued improvement!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I went out for a 20 mile bike ride today.  The hip felt good riding and didn't cause me any problems.  It was very hot (89) and humid with light wind.  Kept a pretty decent pace and felt good to get something in.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I got early this morning and got it a short run.  It was warm (74) and had some light rain.  I felt good and ran easy.  The hip seemed to be ok.  I found a stretch last night that isolated the muscle that has been giving me problems.  That really seemed to help.  I am really hoping that this week I can get back to full time running.  I was able to pick up the pace today some as I ran and it felt good to run a little faster.

38:33 (7:43 avg)

Went for a 20 mile back ride later in the morning.  I still felt good and had a pretty good pace.  I am starting to feel like I am getting close to getting over this problem but I still some pain and need to keep up with the stretching, etc.

Brooks Axiom Miles: 5.00
From rockness18 on Mon, May 31, 2010 at 22:48:19 from

Jim, great to hear the hip is on the upswing. You've done a nice job staying patient.

From Kory on Wed, Jun 02, 2010 at 14:59:58 from

Jim I'm getting deep massages done and that seems to help. Of course doing the hip stretches recommended for the muscle and sciatic nerve.

Nice run. I hope and pray your healed. I'm not yet.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

We had some thunderstorms roll through today so I ran inside on the TM.  I felt good and didn't have much problem with the hip.  It tightened up for a couple of minutes early on but then was good the rest of the time.  I am going to try to run the rest of the week and see how it goes.  Still stretching a lot and hoping that I can transition back to full time running and get my mileage up.  I feel like I am sliding backwards right now.

39:08 (7:50 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 5.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was a beautiful morning today.  It was warm (74) but didn't seem very humid and a light breeze.  I had planned on running yesterday but it was storming in the morning and I thought I would wait and run outside later but got really busy with work and the day got away from me.  Anyway, today was pretty much the same as the the couple of weeks.  I have been babying my hip but doesn't seem to be getting much better but luckily not getting any worse.  I am not sure what it is going to take to get over this thing.  It is not causing me pain but always tightens up a couple of times during a run and I am just afraid to kick it back into normal training because it might get worse.  Not sure what to do at this point.  I guess I will continue to get into normal running routine and see what happens.

47:42 (7:57 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 6.00
From jtshad on Mon, Jun 07, 2010 at 15:02:27 from

Sorry about the hip, hope it gets better. Mine is still "there" as well, not to the point of hurting I just notice it a lot...I guess it is a sign that we are getting old...bring on the scooters! LOL

Seriously, I hope you can figure it out and have it start feeling right soon.

From JimF on Mon, Jun 07, 2010 at 18:32:22 from

I sure have been feeling old lately. I have had pretty good stretch without any injuries and it is not any fun. Sorry to hear that you are having problems as well. I hope to be on the mend and trying to get back to normal training soon.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was warm and humid this morning.  Just did another easy run as I try to get back to normal running without any hip pain.  I started off real easy to get warmed up.  This is something that I didn't do real well in the past and I am trying to do a better job of easing into the run to make sure my muscles are good and loose.  As I went along I felt pretty good.  I picked up the pace to around 7:30 and felt good.  I had one little section where the hip tightened up but not bad.  Overall this was my best run in awhile.  I think the stretching is paying off. 

47:38  (7:57 avg)

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 6.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was a nice day a little cooler and low humidity.  I had a busy day today so had to cut the run short.  I wanted to do 7 miles but had to get back.  I started easy and felt pretty good.  I did have about a 5 min stretch with some slight pain in the hip but it went away and the rest of the run was ok.  I did some extra stretching when I got back home which seems to be helping.  Hoping to run everyday this week to see how it goes.

 38:57 (7:48 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 5.00
From Tom on Tue, Jun 08, 2010 at 10:45:27 from

Good luck with that hip and hope the running every day this week works out well.

From JimF on Tue, Jun 08, 2010 at 17:56:03 from

Thanks! It is good to see that you are running again. Sounds like you are being smart with your recovery. Also, hope the wife feels better.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was a nice morning today with temps in the low 60's and no wind.  I felt sluggish this morning starting out so took it real easy for the first couple of miles. I felt better as I went along and gradually picked up the pace.  My hip felt good for most of the run but had some pain/tightness in the last mile but it didn't last long.  After I finished did my normal stretching. 

56:22 (8:03 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 7.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was raining and thunderstorms this morning so stayed inside on the TM.  I am continuing my recovery from some hip problems and this is the first time that I have ran three days in a row for several weeks.  I was sluggish this morning but once I got going felt much better.  I took it pretty easy the whole way and felt good.  I had the usual tightness with some pain in the hip for several minute but it went away.  Hoping to get back outside tomorrow and bump up the mileage a little bit.  

40:04 (8:01 avg)

Brooks Axiom Miles: 5.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was a great morning today around 60 and no wind.  I was dragging this morning getting up and going.  I started out real easy and started feeling better once I was running.  This is my 4th day in a row and haven't ran 4 days in a row since having the problem with the hip.  Nothing much different today.  I still have some aches and pains in the hip while running but it is nothing too bad.  It would be nice if I felt like it was getting better but it just seems to stay the same.  Luckily it is not getting worse.  Will keep stretching and massaging it and see what happens.  No time today my Garmin battery was dead and it was kind of nice just to run along based on how I felt.


Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 7.00
From KP on Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 09:13:54 from

have you been to a PT to see what they say about your hip?

From Robert on Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 19:45:08 from

Stay patient and take it really easy. I'd keep moving as long as there is no crescendo of pain. Have you tried all of the classic stretches? Hang in there.

From JimF on Sat, Jun 12, 2010 at 17:15:59 from

KP, I haven't went to a PT but I think I have a pretty good idea of the problem based on some articles that I read. The stretching and massage seems to be doing the trick. It is never as fast as I would like though.

Robert, thanks for the encouragement. The stretching seems to be doing the trick. When I first started it it was very painful but now the stretching is getting easier and running seems to be getting better.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Yesterday was my daughter's birthday so we took her and some of her friends on a short trip to see a play and spend the night.  We had a crazy day yesterday getting out of town so missed yesterday.  Today was packed as well so got in 4 miles on the hotel TM before they got up.  I felt pretty good today and seems like the hip was better.  I have noticed that it is feeling better when I stretch it so hopefully that is a good sign.  Not a bad week this week.  I ran 5 days but the mileage was less than I wanted.  I need to take it up another notch next week.

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 4.00
From Mark on Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 10:38:15 from

Thank goodness for hotel treadmills, it's so tempting to not run when there isn't one but hard to ignore it if you need to run and a treadmill is staring at you as you walk by the fitness center.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

DC:  Flew to DC last night for a quick trip.  I was downtown so didn't really have a good place to run so ran on the hotel TM.  I felt pretty good today.  No real problems with the hip.  I some of the usual tightness along the way but no pain.  Definitely a good sign.  I started off easy and picked up the pace as I went along.  Didn't have a lot of time because of early morning meetings so was glad to get in the 6 miles.

46:53 (7:49 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 6.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Back in Indiana today and it was warm (72) and very humid this morning.  I started off real easy this morning to get loosened up and woke up.  This is something that I have started doing since the hip injury.  In the past I may have been starting off to quickly running and not giving myself time to get warmed up.  I took it easy for the first half and then gradually picked it up.  My hip was good so I decided to keep picking up the pace to around MP.  The hip felt fine during all of this but I could tell that I have lost some fitness because 7:00 pace didn't feel as comfortable as it has in the past.  Anyway, I held this for about a mile and then actually picked it up some more to around 6:40 pace.  It felt good to run faster and not have any pain.  I don't want to overdo it but it was nice to feel like I was really running again.

54:03 (7:41 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 7.00
From jtshad on Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 12:40:47 from

Nice smart run! Glad you got a run in feeling good. Take it easy and your training will get you back where you were, just get healthy first.

From rockness18 on Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 23:53:13 from

Encouraging run Jim!

From JimF on Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 11:31:07 from

Thanks! I feel like I am about to finally get over this hip problem. It has really set me back and I am trying to be patient with getting back. Don't want another set back.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I didn't sleep good last night so missed my morning run and ran after work.  It was warm (86) and windy.  I felt pretty sluggish getting started.  I am not sure if that was from the heat or the fact that I am out of shape from the cut back in running.  I didn't have any problems with the hip.  The pain seems to be gone now the only issue that I have is that sometimes it will tighten up while I am running but goes away after a couple of minutes.  I am still keeping up with the stretching which seems to really be helping.

48:01 (8:00 avg)

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 6.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was a very nice morning today with temps around 70 and no wind.  I was dragging a little this morning.  I think running last night and then this morning had some effect.  Also, continuing to build back up the mileage and get the body used to running full time again.  Other than that it was a good run.  Still no pain in the hip just the normal tightening during the run.  I just took it easy this morning.  Actually started off real easy and picked it up after a couple of mile to more normal pace.  Staying on track for my first full week of running since the hip injury.

55:58 (8:00 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 7.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was a nice morning (72) and calm.  I felt pretty good getting started this morning but still ran easy the first couple of miles to get good and loosened up.  This is 5 days of running in a row which is the first time since the hip problem.  I didn't have any problems with it today.  Not even any tightening like I have had the last few days.  Hopefully, I am finally over this issue.  I will continue to be conservative in my build up as I don't want another set back.  Yesterday I started looking a fall marathons and I am trying to come up with a plan.  I am looking at some later in the year to give me plenty of time to get back to where I want to be.  Any suggestions?

56:08 (8:01 avg)

Brooks Axiom Miles: 7.00
From jtshad on Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 09:53:22 from

Glad to hear you are feeling so much better. Your temp was double my temp this morning...unfair!

Lots of good fall marathons, how far do you want/are willing to travel? Come run Pocatello on Memorial Day? Run the Indy marathon right there in your backyard!

From KP on Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 09:56:50 from

Rocket City!

I know you've done it a few times though.

Memphis is in December. That is a good one.

From Tom on Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 12:10:43 from

Glad to hear the hip is doing better.

From JimF on Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 11:43:22 from

Jeff, we are definitely getting into the hot and humid weather pattern. I hope you have some warmer weather soon. I thought about running Indy but would like to run a later marathon just because I am behind in my training due to the injury. I would like to run the Half at Indy to prepare for a Nov marathon. I might consider Pocatello as a low key marathon during the buildup.

KP, you are right. I have done Rocket City twice and I really liked it but would like to do something different. Also, being that close to Christmas makes it tough on the schedule. Have you made a commitment to running a marathon? I saw where you did a tough half so you are getting close.

Tom, thanks! I see that you are getting back out there as well. It seems like you are being very smart in your recovery.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I slept in later than normal this morning so it was pretty warm when I got out (76).  Also, we had some storms blow through last night so it was still very windy.  I felt tired this morning.  This is my first full week of running in about 6 weeks so I think the cumlative fatigue was starting to get to me.  I just took it super easy.  I didn't feel like I had any energy at all.  I did have some tightening and a little pain in the hip but nothing bad.  I plan to take tomorrow off and will continue to stretch and massage it.  Hoping that I can build up the mileage more next week.  This week was certainly a step in the right direction.

65:30 (8:11 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 8.00
From Kory on Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 18:45:35 from

Glad your hip is not hurting. I will keep praying for you. You'll be back in no time.

From Mark on Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 22:27:26 from

Great that you were able to get a full week of running. 41 miles is not bad at all.

From JimF on Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 14:21:30 from

Kory, thanks I appreciate it. How are you doing? I noticed you have been dealing with some injuries as well.

Mark, thanks. Just trying to take it a step at a time.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was very warm (78) and very humid this morning.  As usual I started off easy and gradually picked up the pace.  I had some stiffening and pain in the hip during the first mile but it went away and felt fine the rest of the way.  Nothing special about this run.  I am just trying to get in the miles and get back in shape.  I feel pretty sluggish in most of my runs but figure it will take about a month of solid running to get back to where I feel like I can get into the serious training again.  I won't to be careful on introducing speedwork back into my training.  Another thing that I need to work on is my diet.  I have picked up 7 lbs during since Boston.  Partly due to decrease in mileage but also not been eating the best.  I would like to get back to my normal weight over the next couple of months.  Just hope I can continue to build up the miles and stay free from injury.

63:55 (8:00 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 8.00
From jtshad on Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 12:14:00 from

Nice run, sounds like you have the mindset and desire to get back to work on the training (plus being healthy again). Keep it up and you will get to where you want to be.

From JimF on Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 14:25:33 from

Thanks! Certainly being off for a while increases the desire and makes you realize how blessed you are to be healthy. Still believe I have a few good races left in these old bones. :)

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was pouring rain this morning so I put off my run until after work.  I actually didn't get out until after dinner right before sunset.  I was a pretty nice day around 80 and not as humid.  I felt good today and running felt a lot easier.  I started off slow and picked up the pace until the last couple of miles were close to MP.  Probably was MP for me now since I am out of shape.  I did have some pain in the hip but didn't last very long.

53:44 (7:41 avg) 

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 7.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was hot (79) and very humid this morning.  I was dragging getting going today.  I ran late last night so this was quick turn around for me and just didn't have much energy plus the heat was taking it out of me.  Because of this I just took it real easy.  I felt ok but had more problems with my hip.  It was dull pain for the last three miles.  I hope this is not the start of the same problem again.  I will continue to stretch, massage and ice to see if I can keep from having a set back.  Ready to be healthy again.

57:49 (8:15 avg) 


Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 7.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was cooler this morning (71) and less humid plus it was windy which felt good.  I was concerned going out today after having pain in the hip yesterday.  Because of that I started off real easy to try to get loosened up real good.  I felt ok the first couple of miles so picked up the pace.  I did have some tightening in the hip and a little pain but it was much better than yesterday.  Most of that was during the middle miles and actually felt better toward the end.  This is my longest run since getting going again and it felt good to get in some extra miles.  Still trying to get built back up.  Feel like I am starting to make some progress if I can keep this hip from acting up.

1:13:16 (8:01 avg) 

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 9.15
From jtshad on Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 12:34:39 from

Good run, glad the hip is feeling better!

From JimF on Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 09:56:13 from

Thanks! Getting closer. Just trying to chip away at it until I get back.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Nice morning.  It was 66 but humidity is creeping up again.  I felt good this morning.  Did the normal easy start to get warmed up then eased into a comfortable pace.  Had a couple of issues with the hip but for the most part it was good today.  I can actually start to feel my fitness coming back.  It is exciting to feel like a runner again I just hope I can stay injury free.

63:07 (7:54 avg) 

Brooks Axiom Miles: 8.00
From Robert on Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 18:56:26 from

Great news that you are feeling normal again.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

AM:  Our church had a 5k run/walk to raise money for missions this morning.  I ran about a mile warmup and then ran the 5k at around MP or maybe a little faster.  My time was around 22 min.  Most of the miles were around 7:00 pace.  It was really warm and humid since they didn't start until 10:30.  It felt good to run a little faster and I didn't have any problems with my hip.  

 After the 5k and picnic lunch I went with some of the teenagers and we played soccer for about an hour.  It was blazing hot during this time (around 90).  We played pretty aggressively so it was a good workout.  One of the other men that went with us dislocated his shoulder and one of the teenagers cut his knee pretty bad.  I guess everyone was fired up for the world cup.  Too bad USA lost.

 PM:  I waited until almost dark since it was so hot and went out for an easy run.  Just took it easy and enjoyed the beautiful sunset that we had today.  I was tired from all the activity today but felt pretty good running.  Again I didn't have any problems with my hip.  I am definitely pumped up about that and hope it is behind me (no pun intended) for good.

56:02 (8:00 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 4.00Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 7.00
From Barry on Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 01:05:20 from

Sounds like you had an awesome day! Sorry to hear about the accidents from playing soccer. God bless them!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was cooler this morning (68) but really humid.  It looked like it was going to rain the whole time and actually did sprinkle for a while but luckily held off.  I felt ok this morning.  I was a little sore from playing soccer on Sat but after a few miles felt good.  Nothing really special today just building up the miles.  The body is starting to feel more used to the steady running and I hope to continue to build the mileage back to normal.  The last 3 weeks have been 28, 41 and 50.  I would like to get in around 55 this week and then 60 the follow week which is about normal for me. Just hope the body holds up getting there.

1:10:39 (7:51 avg)

Brooks Axiom Miles: 9.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Portsmouth, NH: Traveled this morning then meetings so ran after dinner.  It was pretty nice around 80 and very windy.  It was a good run but started a little too close to dinner so the stomach was rolling some.  Other than that I felt good and just crusied along.  Feels good to start to get in some consistent mileage.

63:55 (8:00 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 8.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Portsmouth, NH:  It was a really nice day but still pretty windy.  Full day of meetings so ran afterward and before dinner.  Started off easy and felt good.  This is the fartherest I have ran in a couple of months so I was starting to feel it the last couple of miles.  I was also feeling like I was running out of energy.  It had been a while since I ate lunch and I didn't have that much to eat so that could have been part of the problem.  I was still able to hold a good consistent pace to the end though.  Still just trying to get the miles in and stay consistent.  I might start reintroducing some faster runs next week if everything goes ok.

1:20:22 (8:02 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 10.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Portsmouth, NH:  It was a beautiful day here with temps in the low 60's and still pretty windy.  Today I wanted to do a little faster running and decided on 3 miles at MP.  I am not really sure what MP is these days but was shooting for around 7:10.  I started out with a 2 mile easy warmup.  I felt ok but a little sluggish maybe from the longer than normal run yesterday.  Also, ran in the evening yesterday and the morning today so not the normal amount of rest.  Once I started the MP miles I started feeling better.  I picked up the pace as I went along and here are the splits for the 3 MP miles: 7:17, 7:07, 6:57.  Kind of strange that each one was 10 seconds faster.  Pretty good run for me and nice to run some faster pace stuff.  

 52:32 (7:31 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 7.00
From Tom on Fri, Jul 02, 2010 at 00:11:43 from

Very nice splits on those faster miles. Looks like your target MP is right about where mine is.

From JimF on Fri, Jul 02, 2010 at 20:21:30 from

Tom, I just hope I can get back to that pace for a marathon. I guess it is one day at a time.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Back in Indiana and a beautiful day to run.  Humidity is down and light wind.  I felt good today after traveling back last night.  I started easy and quickly got up to normal pace.  I did have some pain/tightness in the hip about half way through but it didn't last long and the rest of the run was fine.  I felt like I could have picked it up easily but after doing some MP miles yesterday just wanted to take it easy today.  I am trying to stay conservative and keep the hip from acting up.

1:10:32 (7:51 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 9.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Slept later than I wanted to after being up late last night.  It was warmer since I was getting a late start (75) with light wind.  I felt good this morning and planned an easy run as I am still building up the mileage and my body has not quite adjusted.  I started feeling like I was running on empty around 9 miles.  I didn't take any fluids with me which was not very smart but was able to hold my pace and made it in.  I hope to add a few more miles next week and get in some faster paced runs as well.  Now planning on enjoying the 4th weekend.  Busy weekend for us.  My anniversary was yesterday and my daughter's birthday is tomorrow.  Going to be 16.  I can't believe that.  Have a great 4th!!

 1:29:52 (8:10 avg)


PM:  Went on a 20 mile bike ride.  Didn't push it very hard.  Just took it easy and enjoyed the beautiful day and company.

Brooks Axiom Miles: 11.00
From Kory on Sun, Jul 04, 2010 at 12:27:12 from

Great job on building back up. Congratulations on the Anniversary and the special 16th birthday for your daughter. How exciting! May God bless you and your family.

From JimF on Mon, Jul 05, 2010 at 11:49:14 from

Thanks! I hope you had a good 4th and that you and your family are doing great!

From Tom on Mon, Jul 05, 2010 at 12:19:03 from

Congrats on the Anniversary and sweet 16 for your daughter! Sounds like you've been enjoying a great 4th of July weekend!

From JimF on Mon, Jul 05, 2010 at 21:41:33 from

Thanks Tom! 16 years sure has gone by fast!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Was up super late last night watching fireworks and hanging out with friends and slept later than planned.  It was hot, humid and sunny when I got out (82 with light wind).  I felt pretty good running but the heat started to get to me around 5 miles and I just took it easy the whole way.  If the weather had been better I would have ran much faster because I was feeling good.  I hope everyone had a great 4th of July.  My family sure did!

55:29 (7:56 avg)

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 7.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Went to King's Island amusement park with my daughter and church youth group.  It was a full day from 7 am and didn't get back until almost 1 am.  It was a lot of fun but really hot.


Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I had an early morning meeting and was tired from getting in late last night so ran during my lunch break.  Since I was running at lunch and it was 90 out I ran on the TM.  I only had enough time to get in 6 miles.  I was pretty sluggish today.  Probably from all the walking around in the heat yesterday plus the long night.  I felt a little better toward the end.  Looking forward to getting some rest and back in the routine.

47:02 (7:51 avg)

Brooks Axiom Miles: 6.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Hot and humid morning today (79).  I was sluggish getting going this morning.  My schedule has been really inconsistent lately so I think that is part of the problem.  I ran easy for about 4 miles then did 8 x 1:00 at tempo pace with 1:00 rest.  Nothing special on this run just trying to get the legs used to running fast again.  Plan to work up to regular tempo runs over the next couple of weeks.

54:14 (7:45 avg)

PM:  It was raining and storming tonight so ran inside on the TM.  I felt good tonight so I picked up the pace as I went along and ran the last 2 miles around MP of 7:10 per mile.  Really would have perferred to be outside but good to get in some extra miles.

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 5.00Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 7.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Yesterday I got busy with work and then getting everything ready to leave for vacation and didn't get a run in.  This morning I got out before our flight for a few miles. It was cooler and a nice run.  Left the watch at home and just ran how I felt.  Good run.


Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 6.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Boston:  We are vacationing this week on the east coast so just trying to get in a few miles while sightseeing and having fun with the family.  Today was warm and just ran around the city taking in some of the sights while I went.  Felt pretty good but it was close to after I ate so stomach wasn't feeling the best.


Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 5.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Didn't get a run in today just busy with the family.  We did go to the pool and I swam around 150 meters.  I have been thinking about trying a triathlon so wanted to see how the swimming would be.  Found out today that I have a lot of work to do if I am going to make the swimming leg of a tri.


Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

After a couple of off days I was glad to get back out today.  I felt good and the running was easy.  I ran down along the Charles River and it was a pretty day.  It was warm and humid though and just kind of cruised along.  

56:04 (8:01 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 7.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

We were in Maine today on the beach and I ran down along the ocean this morning.  It was warm but a beautiful run.  There were a lot of people out today which made it interesting.

55:55 (8:00 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 7.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Still in Maine today and ran down along the ocean again this morning.  It was overcast this morning which made it feel a lot better and I wanted to do some MP miles today.  I didn't feel the best today but still wanted push it a little.  I ran 2 miles easy to warm up than ran 4 MP miles at 7:00 to 7:15 pace.  I felt better as I went along and nothing special but good to run some faster miles.  Once I get back home I am going to have to take it up a notch and get in better shape.

53:40 (7:40 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 7.00
From Tom on Sat, Jul 17, 2010 at 19:57:08 from

Sounds like you've had a great vacation. Always nice to run by the ocean!

From JimF on Sat, Jul 17, 2010 at 21:52:42 from

Yes, we had a great time and it is nice to be able to run by the ocean. It always seems to make me feel more energized.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Back home from vacation and ran right before dark. It was still warm (87) and humid.  I didn't have much time after dinner before I started because a storm was coming in and wanted to finish before that.  Because of this I felt pretty bloated the whole way.  I ran super easy and felt good other than the stomach issues.  I made it back just before the storm started and was really glad to get in a run after traveling back today.  Looking forward to getting back in the routine next week.

1:17: 47 (8:22 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 9.30
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Went on a 20 mile bike ride today. I felt good and maintained a decent pace of around 20 mph. It was warm and humid but felt good to get in some good cross training.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Flew out to Philly today for the week on business. Had meetings all day then dinner so ran late on the TM. I felt pretty good and picked the pace up as I went along. It was a good run and would have liked to get in a few more miles but just a long day and a lot of work to do.

53:02 (7:35 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 7.00
From Bob on Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 21:58:49 from

Great job getting er done. Can't beat the good old hotel TM. Hopefully you're not in a box with a small TV with a fuzzy screen.

From JimF on Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 22:12:27 from

I have been in some of those hotels with that were like a box with the fuzzy TV. Luckily this one was not too bad and had a nice TM. Hopefully can get outside the rest of the week.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Philly: Got out early this morning and it was still hot and humid.  I felt tired today.  I didn't sleep very well and ran late last night so a pretty quick turnaround for my next run.  I ran through town and then down by the river.  It was a nice run and there were a lot of people out just wish I would have felt better.  My Garmin battery died about half way through the run so didn't get a time.

6.3 miles

PM:  Got in a quick 5 miles after meetings and before dinner.  I still didn't feel the best and was still tired.  I was glad to get in some extra miles though.  I just took it easy and not stress too much over the pace.

5 miles in 40:05 (8:01 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 11.30
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Philly:  I had early meetings so ran after work today and before dinner.  It was 92 and humid.  Not the best idea that I have had lately.  I ran real easy because of the heat and it still felt like a struggle.  For some reason I am not good in hot weather.  Anybody else have that problem?  I will definitely try to get out early tomorrow and beat the heat.  I didn't get a time because the battery on my Garmin died but I'm sure it was slow.  Just glad that I was able to get in 7 miles because it felt more like 10.


Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 7.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Philly:  I got out early this morning to avoid the heat.  It was still warm and humid but much better than yesterday afternoon.  I still felt tired and sluggish. It might have been from the heat yesterday or just a long busy week.  Even though I didn't feel the best I did kind of a fartlek run and did several pickups just on feel.  I didn't have my watch so just ran comfortably fast and tired to make it equal recovery.  Turned out to be an ok run for being sluggish.  Going home tomorrow and definitely ready to get back.

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 8.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I had a real early meeting in Philly and then flew back to Indy.  It was really hot so ran about 8:30 and it was still 85.  I felt pretty good but started off easy and then picked it up to around 7:30 after 2 miles and ran that the rest of the way.  Just a good medium effort run.  Glad to get in a few miles after a long day and long week of travel.

38:18 (7:40 avg)

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 5.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I was up really late last night and because of that slept longer than I wanted.  It was really hot and humid this morning.  I checked when I got back and it was 82 and 80% humidity.  Luckily there was a breeze that helped.  Because of the heat I just took it real easy.  I started off slow and pretty much stayed that way to the end.  I felt ok the whole just kind of drained from the heat.  Definitely going to have to get out earlier the rest of the week.

1:41:20 (8:27 avg)

PM:  Still warm and humid but went on a 20 mile bike ride.  I felt pretty good considering the run this morning.  Averaged 19.2 mph for the ride and there was some wind to deal with.  Overall good ride and felt good when I got back.

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 12.00
From jtshad on Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 22:53:39 from

Nice workouts today!

From JimF on Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 18:25:07 from

Thanks! Feel like I am just now getting back in a routine after the injury.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was a little cooler today (85) and some light wind.  I went on a 31 mile bike ride.  Just rode easy today with a friend for 20 miles then did another 11 by myself.  We just talked and crusied along.  I picked up the pace some the last 10 miles but nothing special.  Nice day to be out.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was cooler this morning (68) and felt really good compared to the last week.  I felt ok.  My legs were a little tired from using the different muscles biking.  After a couple of miles got into a good flow and felt good the rest of the way.  I added in 8 x 100m strides at the end to get some leg turnover going.  Those went pretty good as well.  Trying to get the body back used to doing some faster stuff.

62:37 (7:50 avg)

Brooks Axiom Miles: 8.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

The last couple of days have been crazy with work, family, etc.  I hate that I didn't get any running in but I guess sometimes life gets in the way.  This has been a weird summer of running.  I just can't seem to string together a good stretch of running.  Hopefully things will settle down soon and I will get back into a normal routine.  This morning it was cooler but still humid.  I felt good and just ran easy.  Nothing special just glad to get out again.

56:12 (8:02 avg)


PM:  28 mile bike ride with Kris.  It was a casual pace and we talked alot.  Turned out to be a great day with temps in the low 80's.

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 7.00
From Tom on Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 14:41:06 from

Darn work! Don't those people know that our running should come first, to heck with deadlines and schedules!

Hope things calm down soon and you can get back on schedule. When my work was crazy in May it just happened to be when I was hurt and couldn't run, one of the few positives of the injury phase.

From JimF on Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 13:26:00 from

I hear you. It would be so much easier to train if I didn't have to deal with this work stuff. Also, having two teenage daughters is keeping me busy. I'm sure you can relate to that.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was a really nice morning today.  It was cooler (67) and no wind plus it felt like the humidity was down.  I was kind of sluggish this morning.  I have been staying up too late and need to get back into a better sleep pattern.  Just a lot going on right now but hopefully it will settle down soon.  I just took it easy for the first part but then started picking up the pace after 5 miles and got it down to around MP for the last mile and a half.  It was good to shake the legs out toward the end of the trip.  Heading out to Hawaii tomorrow for business so hoping I can get in some good running while I am there.  It is tough on travel days because it is such a long day of flying.

61:51 (7:43 avg)

Brooks Axiom Miles: 8.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Honolulu, HI:  Yesterday was a long day of travel and I was beat when I got out here so just went to bed and didn't run.  I was up early this morning and felt much better.  It was a nice morning around 75 with a pretty good wind.  I ran out to Diamond Head and then ran all the way around it.  This let me get in 4 pretty good hills.  I haven't run many hills lately so it was a good workout.  I felt good this morning and the running seemed easy.  It started pouring rain on me with about 2 miles to go and I got soaked.  It felt pretty good because I was getting hot.  Nice run this morning now off to go play golf with my customer.

1:20:12 (8:01 avg)

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 10.00
From jtshad on Sun, Aug 01, 2010 at 12:43:28 from

Once again in Paradise running my favorite run! Have a great round of golf and a safe trip.

From JimF on Sun, Aug 01, 2010 at 13:00:04 from

Hey its a tough job but someone has to do it! Thanks

From Tom on Sun, Aug 01, 2010 at 13:43:38 from

Sounds like a great day to me!

From Bob on Sun, Aug 01, 2010 at 14:34:12 from

I know you go there often Jim, but it's pretty awesome to be running around in HI. Nice change of scenery.

From JimF on Mon, Aug 02, 2010 at 12:47:58 from

Tom, it was a good day and nice weather out here.

Bob, your right. Sometimes I take it for granted coming out here but it is nice and beautiful place to run. I'm not crazy about traveling but if you have to travel this is a good place to go.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Honolulu, HI:  The weather was pretty much the same as yesterday (mid-70's and windy).  I ran the same route up around Diamond Head except today I ran around the neighborhoods on the back side of Diamond Head.  There were some short steep hills back there that I ran on and starting getting some pain in my calf on the steep downhills.  I felt good other than that and once I got off of the really steep hills the pain went away.  I came back faster than I went out.  Once again it started raining again a couple of miles from the hotel and I got soaked again.  Overall a good run.

1:36:42 (8:04 avg)

Brooks Axiom Miles: 12.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Honolulu, HI:  Same weather this morning.  Today I ran down by the beach and then back up by the canal.  I wanted to run this route because I did some tempo miles and wanted to know my pace so I didn't run the hills.  This is the first tempo that I have ran in awhile so just planned on running 3 tempo miles to see how it would go.  I did a 3 mile warmup and then ran the tempo.  I felt pretty good warming up and starting the tempo.  The first mile it was kind of hard to get going.  I was hoping to hit 6:45 pace but only did 6:52 for the first mile.  The next two I felt better and it started flowing better.  I did the next two in 6:42 and 6:36.  After this I ran a couple of easy miles.  Pretty satisfied with the effort.

60:38 (7:35 avg)

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 8.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Honolulu, HI:  It was a little warmer and more humid this morning.  I felt good but just ran easy today.  I did the loop up and around Diamond Head.  It was a pretty morning up at the point and a lot of surfers were out this morning since the waves are supposed to be up today.  I got rained on a little bit but it was light so no big deal.  I am starting to feel more comfortable on the hills.

1:21:38 (8:10 avg)

Brooks Axiom Miles: 10.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Honolulu, HI: This is my last day in Hawaii and I am so glad to be heading home.  This has been a long week of travel and I am ready to see my family again. 

Same weather this morning and I had an early morning conference call with folks back east so had to cut the run short.  I felt good this morning and did the Diamond Head loop for the last time.  It was a nice morning and could see lots of stars off of the point.  After coming back down to the beach I did 8 x 100m strides to shake the legs out.  Good run and a good week of running while I was out here.

55:50 (7:59 avg)

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 7.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Got back from Hawaii after flying all night.  Spent the rest of the day with the family.  It was so good to see them and be back home again.  That was a long trip and seemed even longer.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I slept about 10 hours last night after only sleeping 2 the night before because of the flight back.  Therefore, I didn't get started until late and it was pretty warm (75) and sunny.  I felt sluggish from the start.  Not sure if it was the jet lag or what but just could never really get going.  I had wanted to go longer today but just didn't have any energy so decided to cut it short and fight another day.  Just glad to get in the miles.

1:21:38 (8:10 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 10.00
From april27 on Sun, Aug 08, 2010 at 22:48:33 from

easy 10!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was a nice evening and my wife and daughters were out so I decided to take a longer bike ride.  I went 50 miles and felt pretty good.  That is the longest I have been in awhile so I was feeling it in my shoulders and bottom.  I maintained a good pace to didn't push it too hard.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was a nice morning (70, calm) but the humidity is creeping up.  I felt pretty sluggish this morning.  Probably from the long bike ride last night.  I did feel better as I went along but still not the best.  I picked up the pace some the second half of the run.

63:50 (7:59 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 8.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was hot and humid this morning (low 80's).  I started off and was dragging again this morning.  Not sure what the problem is but could be heat, not sleeping good because of time change or still effects from long bike ride.  Anyway, I had planned on doing around 5 MP miles today but after running a couple of miles I knew it was not going to happen today.  I was just sluggish through the whole run and it never got better.  This is just one of those days that you are glad to get in and put down the miles.  Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.

65:15 (8:09 avg)

Brooks Axiom Miles: 8.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Another hot and humid morning (80).  I felt a little better this morning but still kind of blah.  It got worse as I went along.  I attempted to do some MP miles but just didn't have it in the legs.  It was way too hard of an effort for the pace I was running.  I'm sure the heat is a factor but doesn't seem like it should be that much of an effect.  I just backed off and ran a comfortable pace the rest of the way.  I was drenched with sweat when I got back.  Probably the worse this year.  I have hothing really on the calendar for awhile race wise so just getting in the miles.  Hopefully, I will snap out of this soon.

65:21 (8:10 avg)

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 8.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was cooler this morning (72) but still very humid.  I felt better this morning but started off real slow just to get loosened up and see how things would go.  After 3 miles I started picking up the pace and eventually got to MP pace.  Did around 3 miles and MP which felt ok.  Still don't seem to have the normal zip in the legs but was just glad to hold the pace.  After the MP miles did about a 1/2 cool down.  I guess you can't really call it a cool down in this kind of weather.  Glad to get in a better run today and hope to feel even better tomorrow.

62:40 (7:50 avg)

PM:  22 mile bike ride on a hot and humid evening.  Pretty relaxed pace and good to feel the wind blowing on me to cool things down.

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 8.00
From Tom on Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 10:27:12 from

Nice job on the run. Glad to see the temps cooling a little for you. That humidity can really put a damper on a workout (pun intended!).

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was another hot and humid morning.  Heard on the news last night that this hot streak is the worst we have had in 20 years.  Great....  I felt pretty good this morning but just planned an easy run today.  After about 3 or 4 miles I was soaked with sweat and could definitely feel the effects of the heat.  I just took it easy from there but did add in 5 x 100m strides toward the end.  This week has just been about getting out and getting some miles in.  I figure no need for any serious workouts until the weather is better.  Also, it has been kind of an inconsistent summer for me so I need to get consistent before the fall and upcoming races.

64:09 (8:01 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 8.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Another warm and humid morning.  I felt good this morning getting started.  I have been kind of sluggish all week so it was nice to have a good day.  I kind of had it on autopilot today.  Just was listening to music and taking in the nice morning.  I didn't really have to push at any point just crusied along.  The only bad part was dealing with the horrible humidity.  After a few miles I was soaked with sweat and by the time I finished there was not a dry piece of clothing on me.  I am definitely looking forward to a break in this weather.  Probably won't have one for a while since I am traveling to Dallas next week.

1:51:45 (7:57 avg)

Brooks Axiom Miles: 14.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I think I can just skip the weather part.  Same old story.  I just did an easy 6 miles before church this morning.  I felt good but just ran easy.  Nothing really special just try to stay consistent.

47:44 (7:58 avg)

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 6.00
From jtshad on Sun, Aug 15, 2010 at 14:26:40 from

Good job staying consistent, hope the weather turns soon!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Dallas, TX:  I flew down yesterday morning then had a bunch of stuff blow up at work and couldn't get a run in yesterday.  Today was crazy too but was able to squeeze in 5 miles after my conference and before dinner meeting.  I ran on the TM because it was 100 degrees outside.  I did a couple of miles warmup and then picked it up to MP and ran 3 miles.  I felt pretty good but not the best.  It was just nice to get some miles with everything going on.  This is our busiest time of year so I guess it is to be expected.

37:35 (7:29 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 5.00
From Tom on Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 22:30:17 from

Darn busy job. How come those work people and customers can't appreciate the priority of our training schedules?Good job squeezing in the workout.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Dallas, TX: Got up real early to get a run in.  I ran on the hotel TM because the area was not the best for running plus it was dark.  I just took it easy and felt pretty good the whole way.  Nothing special just really busy and trying to get the running in.

55:52 (7:59 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 7.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Back in Indiana and it was a beautiful morning.  It was around 60 and calm. I felt good and the running came easy.  I ran easy and then added 6 x 100m strides at the end.  I felt like I could have pushed it today but I am going to try a long run in the morning and thought I would hold back for that.  This has not been a good week so far running wise but just glad to be able to get out.

54:21 (7:45 avg)

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 7.00
From Tom on Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 10:34:12 from

Glad to hear the run went well. Always nice to get back home and have 60 degree temps waiting for you.

From JimF on Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 21:34:42 from

Thanks! The cooler temps sure help. Hows your running going?

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Today was school picture day and with two teenage girls getting ready there was a lot going on around the house this morning.  Because of this I was not able to get out as early as I planned so had to cut the run short.  It was a nice morning but I felt a little sluggish today and just ran easy.  I am going hiking over the weekend so will miss the next couple of days running.  

1:11:32 (7:57 avg)

Brooks Axiom Miles: 9.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Went hiking in the Smoky Mountains with my wife and a few friends.  Did around 6 miles with about 2000 ft of elevation gain.  Had a good time and enjoyed being in the outdoors.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

More hiking in the Smoky Mountains.  Did about 6 miles with 3000 ft elevation gain and a 30 lb backpack.  It was a nice day but a little cloudy.  Spent the night up on Mt LeConte which was really fun.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Last day of hiking in the Smokies.  Did over 8 miles but only around 1000 ft of elevation gain.  Had a good time be their with my wife.  Will be glad to get back to running.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Had to get up at 4:30 am to fly out to San Diego today.  Had a full day of meetings when I got their and then went to dinner with a friend that I ran CC with in HS.  I hadn't seen him in 30 years so it was really cool catching up.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

San Diego:  Did an easy 7 miles on a beautiful day.  I felt pretty good but was tired from all the travel and the lack of sleep.  Nothing special but glad to get back out running.  Didn't have my watch but just ran easy.

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 7.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

San Diego:  Out early this morning before flying back to Indy.  I felt good and the running came easy.  I picked it up throughout the run and ran some of the miles at MP but since it was dark I didn't pay a lot of attention to the watch.  Nice run.


Acis DS Trainer Miles: 5.20
From Tom on Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 22:36:26 from

You've been all over lately, Smoky mtns then San Diego. Nothing like sea level & nice temps to get the running flow going!

From JimF on Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 16:57:52 from

Tom, if you can't get motivated to run in San Diego I don't think you can anywhere. It is a beautiful city and some great running along the bay. Plus the weather is awesome most of the year. Given all that I still glad to be back home.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Back home in Indiana and it was a beautiful morning around 60 degrees and clam.  I felt a little tired from the trip back yesterday and some jet lag.  I did an easy few miles to get warmed up and felt some better.  Then I did 12 x 1:00 with 1:00 recovery at around tempo pace (between 6:10 and 6:20).  The first couple I didn't feel the best but got better as I went along.  This was a good warm up for some more speed work that I will start over the next few weeks.  I would like to get a good 10k in this fall and focus on a faster half later in the fall.

59:55 (7:30 avg)

Brooks Axiom Miles: 8.00
From Kory on Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 22:57:35 from

Nice running keep up the impression runs and God will bless you. Good your back home.

From JimF on Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 13:37:20 from

Kory, thanks for the compliments and I'm surprised to see you online. That must be a good sign. I have been thinking of you a lot and will continue to pray for your recovery! As I was running this morning I was thinking God for being able to run and was praying that you will be out enjoying running again soon.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Another nice morning with temps in the upper 50's.  It has been awhile since we had temps like this.  I felt pretty good today and just enjoyed the nice morning and listening to some music as I went along.  I need to get my mileage back up I have been real inconsistent lately and I know it is hurting my training.  Just been crazy with work, travel, etc.  Hopefully, things will settle down soon.

1:35:56 (8:00 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 12.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was nice this morning but the temps are starting to creep back up and so is the humidity.  I felt pretty good this morning but just started out easy to get the legs warmed and moving.  I did about 6 miles and then went to the park and ran 8 x hill sprints with easy recovery.  It has been awhile since I have ran the hills and I could feel it in my legs.  I have been a little leery of running hills because of the injury earlier in the summer but everything felt good today.  This is definitely something that I need to continue to do in my training.  After the hills did a couple of easy miles back to the house.

1:17:22 (8:36 avg)


Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 9.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I had to leave this morning for Philly but I got out early before my flight.  The temps was up and the humidity is starting to get back up.  Today I planned to just run easy so I did something that I normally don't do and left my watch at home.  It is sometimes liberating to not be a clock watcher and just enjoy the run.  It was a beautiful sunrise this morning so that was enjoyable.  I felt pretty good and was glad to get this in before a long day of meetings.

Brooks Axiom Miles: 8.00
From rockness18 on Wed, Sep 01, 2010 at 11:01:50 from

It's been a while since I checked in. I hope you and your family are doing well. School starts for our kids today, so I'll finally start to develop more of a routine. How's the hip? Are you doing a Fall marathon?

From JimF on Wed, Sep 01, 2010 at 16:25:24 from

Our kids have been back in school a couple of weeks now so getting back into the routine. They are just really busy. Seems like you all did a lot of traveling around this summer. My hip is fine now and back in the running mode now. I feel like I am starting to get back in shape. The down time with the injury set me back. Because of this no fall marathons for me. I am going to run some shorter stuff 10k and halfs and see if I can improve my speed. If the training goes well maybe I will try to crack 3:00 in the marathon next fall. That should give me some time to make improvements. Looks like your training has been going good. What are your plans for the fall?

From rockness18 on Fri, Sep 03, 2010 at 23:29:13 from

Glad to hear things are going well. My plan is to run the Philly Marathon in late November. It gives me that little extra time to prepare. I haven't done a 20-miler since March, so I'm hoping to build back up this September. The base mileage has been good and my achilles seems a little bit better, so hopefully I'll get in a groove as soon as the weather cools.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Philly:  It was warm and humid this morning.  Around 70 degrees.  I stayed downtown in the historic district so it was about 2 miles to get to the trail by the river.  I used the 2 miles through town to get warmed up and then the 2 miles back as a warmdown.  Along the river I did 5 miles at around MP.  I felt kind of sluggish on the warmup and during the first MP mile but started feeling better as I went along and finished off the MP miles pretty good.  Here are my splits: 7:28, 7:22, 7:08, 6:57, 7:01.  I would have liked this to be more even but had a hard time getting going this morning.  The last 3 MP miles felt good and didn't feel like I was pushing at all.  Only issue is I have been having some pain in my achilles. Nothing that will keep me from running but enough to notice.  I need to take better care of this so it doesn't get worse.  Been going on for a couple of weeks now.

68:03 (7:34 avg)

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 9.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Philly: Hot and humid this morning.  I just did an easy 7 miles and again ran out to the river and along the trail.  A lot of people out this morning biking, running and rowing.  Very nice to see a lot of people out exercising.  That is something I don't get to see as often in Indiana.  I felt ok today nothing special just trying to stay consistent and get in the miles.

56:06 (8:01 avg)

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 7.00
From RivertonPaul on Fri, Sep 03, 2010 at 11:53:46 from

Keep up the consistency. Good job.

From JimF on Sun, Sep 05, 2010 at 20:33:17 from


Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Back in Indiana and it was a nice morning but extremely windy.  I felt good this morning other than my achilles was sore and tight.  I have started icing it and hope it doesn't get any worse.  It did loosen pretty quickly and didn't bother me the rest of the way.  I added in 6 x 100 m strides toward the end of the run and those felt good.  As long as the achilles is good tomorrow I will try to go longer.

62:50 (7:52 avg)

Brooks Axiom Miles: 8.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Beautiful morning today with temps in the mid 50's but still very windy. I am still trying to build up my long runs and today did 14 which is the longest I have went in awhile.  I felt good this morning and the running came easy.  I really enjoyed the cooler temps to and that probably made the run feel easier.  I came back the last half into the wind but still ran a faster pace coming back.  Now some yard work and then a baseball game tonight.  Everyone have a great Labor Day weekend.

1:50:20 (7:53 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 14.00
From rockness18 on Sat, Sep 04, 2010 at 17:23:30 from

Nice run today Jim!

From JimF on Sun, Sep 05, 2010 at 20:32:30 from

Thanks! I trying to build it back up.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Had a good day at church then hanging out with the family.  Went on a 20 mile bike ride right before dark.  Pushed it pretty good and averaged 20 mph for the ride.  Felt good after.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Nice morning for running with temps around 60.  I felt pretty good today but still had some pain with the achilles.  After a mile or so the pain went away and felt ok the rest of the way.  Just took it easy today and enjoy the great morning.  Now going to do some things with the family and enjoy the day off.

1:19:13 (7:56 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 10.00
From jtshad on Mon, Sep 06, 2010 at 11:16:09 from

Good run, hope the achilles keeps getting better. Enjoy the day with your family!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Nice day this morning with light wind and around 60.  I went to the track today to do some 800s.  I haven't been to the track in probably around 6 months so didn't know what to expect.  Today I planned to do 6 x 800 with 400 jog recovery.  I thought I would target 3:00 to see if I could hold that pace.  I did a 2 mile warmup and felt pretty good.  My achilles was still a little twingy but felt ok after the warmup.  After that I started the 800's.  Here are my splits:

1st - 3:02

2nd - 2:58

3rd - 2:58

4th - 2:57

5th - 2:56

6th - 2:56

These turned out a lot better than I expected.  I felt pretty good throughout but my legs were getting heavy on the last two and I could tell my form was starting to break.  Otherwise, it was a good workout and a good surprise concerning my fitness.  Did a 1 1/2 warm down.

61:33 (7:42 avg)

Saucony Tangent 3 Miles: 8.00
From Tom on Tue, Sep 07, 2010 at 10:31:18 from

Great job on the 800's. Always nice to get pleasant surprises during these kind of workouts.

From Bob on Tue, Sep 07, 2010 at 19:21:19 from

Those are darn good times my friend!

From JimF on Thu, Sep 09, 2010 at 22:31:53 from

Thanks guys!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Huntsville, AL: Traveled down yesterday for a short trip.  I got out real early today and the weather was OK.  It was warm and humid.  I felt a little sluggish this morning and just took it real easy.  Nothing real special but did get to see a beautiful sunrise on the way back.  

65:21 (8:10 avg)

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 8.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Had a busy morning so ran during lunch today.  It was warmer then and sunny with a pretty good wind.  Today I wanted to do some MP miles and planned to run 4 miles at MP around 7:00 pace.  I am not sure what MP really is right now but just figured I would run controlled without pushing too hard.  I ran 3.5 miles and then picked it up to the MP pace.  I ran the next half around 7:00 pace then ran the next 4 miles in 6:53, 6:52, 6:53, 6:45.  This is certainly faster than MP for me but slower than tempo but it felt pretty good.  Figured that it was good just getting in some faster miles.

57:56 (7:14 avg)

Brooks Axiom Miles: 8.00
From Tom on Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 13:38:13 from

Nice job on the tempo!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Awesome morning for running.  It was low 50's with some light wind.  These kind of days really make me look forward to fall.  I was sluggish getting going this morning.  I haven't slept well the last few days.  A lot of stress at work right now so that probably has something to do with it.  Anyway, just ran easy today but was kind of out of it the whole way.  I ran over to the park and did a lap around there to get some time on a softer surface.  It was good to get a recovery run in and hopefully will have some more energy tomorrow.

64:54 (8:08 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 8.00
From rAtTLeTrAp on Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 10:58:24 from

The weather was perfect here too. 56 with a light breeze.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was raining this morning so I waited to run until after lunch so it was warmer (70's) and windy.  I felt pretty good today and the running seemed pretty easy.  I didn't really pay attention to my pace but just ran how I felt.  It ended up being a good run.  I had wanted to go longer today but since I ran later in the day I had too much going on and had to get back home.  It still turned out to be a good week.  

1:33:24 (7:47 avg)

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 12.00
From jtshad on Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 10:16:23 from

Good job on the run! Have a great rest of your weekend.

From JimF on Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 21:57:35 from


Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Nice morning today but it is starting to warm up again.  It was around 60 today with some wind.  I was sluggish getting going this morning.  I had a good rest day yesterday with the family but was just dragging this morning.  I started off easy and never really got going today.  I did add in 6 x 100m strides which went well and seemed to wake up the legs a little.  Another week of travel so will be heading to Norfolk later today.

54:20 (7:47 avg)

Brooks Axiom Miles: 7.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Virginia Beach, VA:  I had a hard time sleeping last night and then early morning meetings so I didn't get out until have work today.  It was hot (88) but luckily had some brezze off of the ocean.  I ran along the boardwalk which is nice seeing the waves, etc.  I was stiff and tight for some reason today so I just took it easy.  Also, the heat kind of took it out of me.  I am hoping to feel better in the morning and maybe get in a few tempo miles.  I feel bad having a couple of shorter runs to start the week.  Not what I was planning but will be glad when all of the travel clams down.

54:41 (7:49 avg)

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 7.00
From Kory on Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 01:29:45 from

Jim great run. Not sleeping well might have caused the tightness. Shorter runs I wouldn't worry about. You did what you could on those days. May help anyways with the tempo run because you will be fresh.

From Tom on Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 10:38:22 from

Yeah I think you do great dealing with all the travel. I used to have a job like that and I about went bonkers. Seems like I was sick half the time from stress and constantly switching climates every few weeks. That will be nice when the travel calms down for you.

From JimF on Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 11:43:16 from

Kory, thanks. I try to be happy with what I can do given time constraints but I guess us runners always want more. Glad to see that you are able to get out some and continue to improve.

Tom, travel is a pain but just a part of my job. You are right you just have to make the best of it and deal with it. I have been doing it for so long that I have probably gotten used to it but it would be nice if I didn't have to go as much.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Virginia Beach, VA:  I had early morning meetings again today so got out early but had to cut the run short.  I wanted to get some faster stuff in but because of the shorter run only got in 3 miles.  I was dragging a little this morning and didn't feel the best getting going.  Because of that I did 3 miles easy before I jumped into the tempo.  The first mile of the tempo was a struggle but I started to feel better as I went along.  Ended up pretty good.  Here are my splits for the 3 miles: 6:51, 6:41, 6:31.  Kind of weird that each mile was 10 seconds faster.  After this I did a 1 mile warmdown.  Pretty good run considering the lack of time.

52:28 (7:29 avg)

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 7.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Back in Indiana and it was a nice morning with temps around 60 and pretty good wind.  I was tired this morning.  I think all the travel and work stress is catching up with me.  I just took easy and started off real slow.  The first 3 or 4 miles I was dragging but felt better after that.  It ended up being a good run and I felt much better when I finished.  I was glad to get a longer run in during the week.  

1:28:40 (8:03 avg)

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 11.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was an absolutely awesome day for running this morning.  Temps in the mid 50's and no wind.  I felt ok today nothing special.  Today I planned on getting in some MP miles just to get some extra faster miles for the week.  I ran a few miles warmup and was sluggish starting but felt better as I went along.  My goal was to run the MP miles at around 7:10 pace.  Not really sure what MP is these days but seemed like a decent target.  I did the 4 MP miles with the following splits: 7:13, 7:08, 7:06, 7:02.  It was good to run a little faster as I went along and the miles felt very controlled.  I didn't feel like I had to push to keep the pace.  Actually a few times I looked down at the watch and was running faster than I wanted so had to back off.  Overall a good run and if I can get in a long run tomorrow will cap off a good week.  I have had about 3 weeks of solid training and I can feel the body starting to respond.  It is a good feeling and one that I haven't had in awhile.  

60:45 (7:36 avg)

Brooks Axiom Miles: 8.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Well the weekend was a bust for running but was great for time with the family.  I will take a great time with the family any day.  Back at it again this morning.  It was warmer (68) but calm.  I felt good after the two days off but just ran easy to kind of get back in the groove.  I did add in 6 x 100 m strides at the end and ran them pretty hard. Trying to get my legs used to running faster.  Hoping for a good week of running as I travel down to Huntsville.

68:45 (7:38 avg)

Brooks Axiom Miles: 9.00
From Tom on Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 14:43:14 from

Sometimes an occasional extra day off can do wonders. Even better when you can spend that day with family. Good luck with the run week and travels.

From JimF on Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 12:32:58 from

I am trying not to stress out if I miss an extra day. I guess I am mellowing some as I get older. It probably does help with recovery every now and then. Having fun with the family sure makes it better.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Huntsville, AL:  Warm and humid morning down here.  Definitely hotter thatn I am used too lately.  Today I planned on doing 4 miles at tempo pace around 6:40.  I did a 3 mile tempo last week so wanted to step it up a notch.  I started off with a couple of easy miles to get warmed up and felt good.  After that ran the 4 tempo miles.  The first mile took me a little while to get going but it still felt good.  I felt a lot more comfortable on the 2nd and 3rd mile and just tried to stay relaxed.  The last mile was good also but started to feel the effort in my legs.  Overall it was a good run and I felt like I had definitely stepped it up a notch.  Here are my spilts for the tempo:  6:40, 6:36, 6:32, 6:29.  It is always good to have each mile go a little bit faster.  This was a lot more consistent than the tempo that I did last week.

50:23 (7:12 avg)

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 7.00
From Mark on Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 14:56:20 from

Definitely the way to do it! Looks like you haven't lost any speed.

From Tom on Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 15:11:55 from

Very nice looking splits on the tempo. Good job!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Huntsville, AL:  I had some early morning meetings today so wasn't able to get out early.  I ran after work right before dark.  It was still hot (86) outside but at least the sun was going down so felt a little better.  I just ran an easy recovery run around the work campus.  Felt pretty good.

56:36 (8:05)

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 7.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Huntsville, AL:  I got early this morning and it was warm (mid 70's) but calm.  I wanted to do some faster running today so decided to do 10 x 1:00 with 1:00 recovery.  I ran 3 miles easy then did the repeats.  I ran them about 5:50 pace so they were pretty good.  I felt good during the repeats but the last couple the recovery time felt short.  I am finding it hard to keep my mileage up while traveling.  I am thinking that I might have more luck running shorter distance but twice a day when I travel to try to work around the meetings.  I might give that a shot on the next trip.

54:15 (7:45 avg)

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 7.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Back home today and it was a nice morning.  I felt sluggish this morning getting going.  Just didn't have a lot of energy.  I had thought about going long today but the body just felt drained so I thought it would be better to just take it easy and not push it too much.  All the travel and work stress I think is having its toll.  Next week will wrap up our busy time for the year so hopefully things will get better.  It was just nice to get in some mileage today.

1:12:30 (8:03 avg) 

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 9.00
From rAtTLeTrAp on Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 21:10:53 from

Even when I'm dead tired, an easy run like that feels better than just resting with no run at all. Going long tomorrow?

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Our church had a 5k today to raise money for an inner city youth program that we support.  It was very low key and I ran it more like a hard tempo.  I went over early and helped them setup and then was able to get in a 2 mile warmup before we started.  It was a nice morning with lower temps (around 60) but still pretty windy.  When we started the run I tried to go out controlled and not push it too much.  I was hoping to run around 6:30 miles but hit the first mile in 6:20.  I felt pretty good but slowed down some on the second mile and came through in 6:25.  I was able to keep the pace pretty consistent finishing up and ran the third mile in 6:21.  I finished in 19:36 which I was happy with since I didn't really treat this like a race.  I think the course was a little short I had it at 3.08 on my Garmin but still a decent result.  I did a little jogging around after but had to leave quickly to go to my daughter's soccer game and then after the game we went to Kentucky for a family reunion.  It was a very busy day and I was glad to get a good workout in and a few miles.


Brooks Axiom Miles: 5.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

My daughter had to have some medical tests performed this morning so waited to run after work today.  It was a nice day with temps in the upper 60's.  I felt good but just ran easy.  Nothing special just glad to get the run in on a busy day.  

54:47 (7:49 avg) 

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 7.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was an awesome morning for running today.  It was right around 50 with no wind.  I had to get back because of meetings and had a very busy day so didn't get to take advantage of the great conditions.  I felt pretty good this morning but just ran easy since didn't have time for much of a workout.

39:31 (7:52 avg) 

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 5.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was really feeling like fall this morning with temps in lower 40's.  I had to bring out the long sleeves this morning which was a first.  I was dragging this morning and didn't feel the best.  This was surprising since I haven't done much running in the last couple of days.  I wanted to do some speedwork today but since I didn't feel the best decided to do a progression run.  I ran the first 5 miles easy and then started picking up the pace.  I didn't feel the best running the faster miles but glad to get in more of a workout.  Here are the splits for the last 4 miles: 7:31, 7:12, 6:54, 6:42.

1:16:28 (7:39 avg) 

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 10.00
From Tom on Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 10:54:53 from

Great job on those fast miles!

From JimF on Sat, Oct 02, 2010 at 19:51:00 from

Tom, thanks. I hope SGM went well for you.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Another great morning for running.  It was 46 and no wind.  Again today I didn't have a lot of energy.  Just kind of dragging.  I took it easy today and just enjoyed the easy running.  It was especially nice since it was such a beautiful day.  I wish all days were like today weather wise.  This is a great time of year just too bad it only lasts a couple of months.

1:11:42 (7:58 avg) 

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 9.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Another incredible day for running in Indiana.  It was about 47 with some light wind.  I felt better this morning and today wanted to do my longer run since tomorrow is going to be a really busy day.  I started off real easy to get warmed up and gradually picked up the pace as I went along.  I felt good the last few miles but could feel the distance in my legs because I haven't ran this far in awhile.  I am really glad to get a long run in.

1:59:25 (7:58 avg) 

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 15.00
From allie on Fri, Oct 01, 2010 at 11:48:01 from

nice job on the mileage. great pace, too.

From rockness18 on Fri, Oct 01, 2010 at 22:29:32 from

Nice Jim! I'm with you about feeling the mileage on those longer runs.

From JimF on Sat, Oct 02, 2010 at 19:24:49 from

Allie, Thanks!

Dave, been awhile since I have ran this far. I am trying to get back to normal mileage.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was cool (48) and overcast this morning.  I just did an easy recovery run today.  I started off super easy to get warmed up and felt pretty good.  I am still having some issues with my achilles but it is usually better after I get warmed up.  Today I also had some pain in my right hip.  That is where I had the problem before so I hope it doesn't come back. I need to spend more time stretching and strengthening it.  Glad I got the longer run in yesterday since today is going to be busy plus it is supposed to rain later.

56:09 (8:01 avg) 

Brooks Axiom Miles: 7.00
From rAtTLeTrAp on Wed, Oct 06, 2010 at 12:48:28 from

No miles for a while? I hope it's just your schedule and not those aches and pains keeping you down.

From JimF on Wed, Oct 06, 2010 at 20:36:43 from

Thanks for checking up on me. I spent the last three days hiking in the Smoky Mountains. No running the last few days but a lot of walking up hill with some beautiful scenery.

From rAtTLeTrAp on Wed, Oct 06, 2010 at 22:28:39 from

I rode my motorcycle through the Smokies a couple years ago. Best road trip ever!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I was in the Smoky Mountains hiking the last three days and then today had to leave on a quick trip to Syracuse, NY.  I was able to get a quick run in on the TM before a dinner meeting.  I felt good and ran easy.  The legs felt better than expected after hiking in the mountains.  I don't get a lot of hills in Indiana so the legs are not usually used to going up but felt good.  Had a good time hiking.  There was snow at the higher elevations which was cool.  It was the first time I had done much hiking in the snow so was glad it worked out.  Now need to get back into the running mode.

 39:05 (7:49 avg) 

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 5.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Syracuse, NY:  It was raining this morning so stayed in and ran on the hotel TM.  I was tired this morning for some reason and had a hard time getting going.  I had planned on doing a tempo this morning but I just never could get going and decided to wait.  Instead I just took it easy.  I also had to cut the run short because of meetings.

49:06 (8:12 avg) 

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 6.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Back in Indiana this morning and it was very nice.  It was in the mid 40's with just a light wind.  I felt pretty good this morning but still started off real slow just to get warmed up.  I felt better as I went along and toward the end added in 8 x 100m strides.  Those were good and it felt good to get the legs moving faster.

64:09 (8:01 avg) 

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 8.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Had a lot of family activites today and just never got any time to get out.  Disappointed that I didn't get the run in but had a good day with the family.


Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was a nice day with temps in the mid 50's.  It has been unseasonably warm the last few days but nice in the mornings.  I just took it easy today and trying to get back into a routine.  Last week was a really bad week for running.  It was really busy week and just a lot going on.  Hopefully, this week will be much better.  

Felt good today but kept it easy.  I am planning to do some faster running tomorrow so hopefully that will work out.

63:21 (7:56 avg) 

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 8.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Didn't feel good today.  I had some stomach issues and bad headache so skipped the run.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Still not feeling great this morning but got out for a few miles.  I felt very sluggish which was probably due to being under the weather.  I took it super easy and didn't want to wear myself down any more.  Just glad to be able to get out.

41:05 (8:13 avg) 

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 5.00
From Tom on Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 17:09:43 from

Hope you get feeling better soon. No fun feeling lousy but sure makes you appreciate NOT feeling that way.

From rAtTLeTrAp on Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 17:16:40 from

When I'm sick I try to run anyway, it makes me sleep better, and in my mind, get better sooner :)

Good job! 8:13 is a nice pace for a sick day.

From jtshad on Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 11:47:36 from

Get well soon!

From JimF on Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 18:06:01 from

Thanks guys! Feeling better today but still haven't kicked it yet.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Still not feeling good.  This stomach bug is taking a while to get over.  I am supposed to run in a half marathon on Sat but don't really feel ready for it.  I have missed a lot of days lately and not been running as many miles.  Also, not sure about this stomach issue.  Right now planning to run but just keep it low key.  To test the legs out today I did a couple of 1/2 miles at tempo pace  and that felt pretty good.  I felt good running but still have the stomach issues while running.  Hopefully, I will feel better by Sat.

45:31 (7:36 avg) 

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 6.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Stomach is almost back to normal today.  But I still felt very sluggish and tired.  Since I am running the half tomorrow I just decided to take it easy today and see if I could be fresh for the race tomorrow.  It was a nice morning around 48 but windy.  Hopefully the wind dies down before tomorrow.  I have very low expectations for the race tomorrow.  I think I will treat it like a long MP run and see how I feel.  If I feel better tomorrow I may push it a little but would be happy if I ran around 1:35.  In one way I wish I hadn't signed up for the race but it is probably good to get a race in and get me back into a better frame of mind for my running.  I just haven't had the same focus that I did earlier in the year.  So I guess I will just see how it goes.

31:51 (7:58 avg) 

Brooks Axiom Miles: 4.00
From jtshad on Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 10:53:02 from

Glad you are feeling a bit better. Good luck at the race, sometimes going into a race with nothing to lose or gain but to just have fun is a refreshing approach. With no pressure on yourself, just go run and enjoy the time on the roads. Which HM is it?

From JimF on Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 17:34:52 from

Jeff, I hope you are right. I am running the half in the marathon that you ran last year. Looks like great weather and is a nice course.

Race: Indianapolis Half Marathon (13.1 Miles) 01:29:22, Place overall: 44, Place in age division: 7
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I was not really sure what to expect today from this race.  The last couple of weeks have not been good running weeks and I was not feeling well this week.  Also, my daughters were in a wedding last night and we didn't get home from the reception until around midnight.  Considering all of this I just wanted to keep the race low key and see what happen.  

It was an absolutely perfect day for running.  Temps in the mid 40's and no wind with beautiful blue skies.  Also, this is a pretty course to run with all the leaves changing colors.

 I felt pretty decent on the warmup and decided to go out conseratively and then see how I felt after a few miles.  I got to start in the first corral so I was able to get out and establish a comfortable pace pretty quickly.  I haven't ran a race since Boston this spring so the legs felt a little weird and took some time to get moving good.  Part of the second mile was downhill so that helped stretch the legs out.  Right after that we went back uphill and I tried to conserve energy as I was going up.  After the 5th mile I was feeling pretty good and thought I should have a shot at sub 1:30 which would be good for me considering my recent training.  Miles 5 through 9 I felt real good and was starting to pick up the pace.  However, at 10 and 11 we went back uphill and that took quiet a bit out of me.  I was able to recover from that and felt like I finished pretty good.  Overall, I am very happy with the result.  My training has been hit and miss all summer so no surprise that I am a few minutes off of my PR.  This does give me a good idea of where I am at and what I need to do to get to where I want to be.   Time to get back on a more consistent training program!


Here are my splits: 

1st - 6:49

2nd - 6:39 (downhill)

3rd - 7:09 (uphill)

4th- 6:48

5th - 6:40

6th - 6:46

7th - 6:46

8th - 6:34 (downhill)

9th - 6:36

10th - 6:46

11th - 7:11 (uphill)

12th - 6:55

13th - 6:43


Saucony Tangent 3 Miles: 14.10
From jtshad on Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 11:50:27 from

Nicely done and congrats on the sub 1:30 time! That is a great race and very consistent pacing with a good pickup there at 7-9. I do remember those miles near the end having some up hill to them.

Great job, your fitness is still strong. Glad you had good weather on and enjoyed the beauty of the course (even if it is a little convoluted in its layout).

From Tom on Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 12:55:06 from

Nice job Jim, always nice to sneak in under 1:30 for the half, shows you are still in real good shape despite the training hiccups. Looking good for reaching a nice peak down the road a bit and having a great 2011 race season.

From JimF on Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 16:55:35 from

Jeff, Thanks. This year's marathon times were much slower than last. You probably could have got at least 2nd. The course is a little weird and for an Indy race it would be considered hilly. Most of our courses are pancake flat.

Tom, I am encouraged with my fitness considering I haven't had the best training the last 6 months. I guess it shows that as long as you keep getting out you don't fall off too bad.

From rockness18 on Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 18:46:13 from


Always impressive to break 1:30! Nice to see you've kept in decent running shape and you have a great base to work from for your next big race. Keep up the good work!

From Mark on Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 22:57:28 from

Great job Jim!

Good starting point to be at to get to where you want to be. You're race times are really going to pick up if this is after hit or miss training.

From rAtTLeTrAp on Sun, Oct 17, 2010 at 12:38:35 from

Nice work Jim!

From Kam on Sun, Oct 17, 2010 at 13:29:23 from

Nothing wrong with a sub 90. Nicely done.

From JimF on Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 14:48:55 from

Thanks, Dave, Mark, RT and Kam. It was nice to be racing again. I need to race more often.

From Bob on Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 19:58:37 from

Way to go Jim! Multi-tasking and still broke 1:30!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Great morning for running.  It was 48 and just light wind.  I was stiff and a little sore from the race on Sat so started off real easy.  I left the Garmin at home today and just wanted to run by feel.  That was a good decision and led to just a very peaceful morning run.  I did feel a lot better after a few miles and it really loosened the legs back up.  I keep the run real easy the whole way and a good way to start the week.

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 8.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Nice day for running and felt good today.  The pace seemed easy so I decided to run the last few miles around MP.  I picked it up each of the 3 MP miles and ran them in 7:18, 7:12, 7:07.  I love days like this when the running seems easy and the miles just click off.  I didn't want to push it too much since I just ran the Half on Sat. but looking forward to getting the training back on track and seeing what the results are.  I am planning on target a 10k in the middle of Nov as my key race this fall.  I haven't ran a 10k in a long time and want to work some on my speed.  I have also been thinking about next year and right now feeling like working on a solid half in the spring and then come back in the fall and try to run a fast marathon.  I'm not sure how many more opportunities I will have to run a sub 3 so thinking of giving it a real shot next year.  I need to get my mileage up and be more consistent.  It seems like a long way out but it will pass quickly I'm sure.

60:22 (7:36 avg) 

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 8.00
From jtshad on Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 12:16:01 from

Sounds like you have a solid plan to get that sub-3:00 next year. Consistency is the key!

From JimF on Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 11:12:37 from

Jeff, thanks! Not getting any younger so I thought I had better get with it.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was cool this morning with temps in the mid 30's.  This is my first time out this fall with the temp below 40.  I have really been enjoying these perfect running days the last few weeks and today was a reminder that winter is around the corner.  I was sluggish getting going this morning and just started off slow and pretty much stayed that way the whole way.  It was good to get in some extra miles and I just tried to relax and enjoy the morning.  I am working to get my mileage back up and try to keep it there.  Off to a good start this week.

1:29:28 (8:08 avg) 

Brooks Axiom Miles: 11.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was cool and very windy this morning.  I felt stiff and tired this morning so started off easy but felt much better after a couple of miles and picked up the pace.  Nothing special but did add in 6 x 100m strides toward the end.  I ran these pretty hard to work on my speed and strength in the legs.  I am getting back the pain in the achilles again.  Nothing bad but enough to notice.

62:29 (7:49 avg) 

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 8.00
From rAtTLeTrAp on Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 14:14:06 from

Nice work for a cold stiff morning. Take it easy with those strides if you are having pain.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was really cool this morning (32) but luckily no wind.  This is the first good frost that we have had this year.  I felt pretty good this morning after getting a good night's sleep.  That always helps.  I just took it nice and easy this morning and enjoyed the crisp fall air.  I still have some pain in my achilles.  It bothers me for about the first half mile then it is no problem.  I need to continue with the ice and anti-inflamatory to try to get it straightened out.  Just kind of lingering along which cannot be good.

62:35 (7:50 avg) 

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 8.00
From Tom on Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 11:47:08 from

Sleep is always a good thing. Good luck babying that AT, achilles problems can be nasty.

From JimF on Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 16:51:17 from

Yes, the achilles is frustrating. It has just kind of been hanging around for a couple of months. I have not been as good as I need to treating it and that is probably the problem. Definitely need to take it more seriously.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I had a really busy day with the family and didn't think I would get a run in but was able to get out late tonight.  It was dark and just ran laps around my neighborhood.  I really wanted to get in more miles today but was glad to just get  a run in.  I felt good running with a lot of energy but had to get back for family movie night that I promised the kids.  Hopefully, I can get out tomorrow and get in a longer run.

38:29 (7:42 avg) 

Brooks Axiom Miles: 5.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was a warm (72) nice day out with a lot of wind.  I ran down at Southeastway park.  Just ran laps around the park and through the woods.  I almost stepped on a snake but luckily it was very big and was heading the other way.  Other than that just a nice relaxing run enjoying all the fall colors in the woods.  I was a little sluggish running.  I just kind of felt tired today.  I am back traveling this week so need to focus on staying on schedule.

63:07 (7:54 avg) 

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 8.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I had to fly to Philadelphia today so had a little time this morning before the flight and was able to get in 6 miles.  It was a long day in Philly and got back to my hotel at 9 so no run tonight.  I felt pretty good this morning and I ran around the neighborhood since it was very dark out today with all of the clouds.  I was glad to be able to get a run in before I left because I knew it would be a long day.  

48:08 (8:01 avg) 

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 6.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Philadelphia, PA:  It was nice this morning.  The temp was in the mid 50's and their was some wind.  I felt pretty good getting going this morning other than the normal pain in the achilles starting out.  That got better quickly and then I felt good.  I did 3 miles easy for a warmup and then did 4 miles at tempo pace.  My goal today was somewhere around 6:45.  Here are my splits for the tempo:  6:41, 6:41, 6:36, 6:41.  It amazes me that 3 out of the 4 were the same.  Wasn't really focused that much on it but glad to keep it consistent.  I felt pretty good during the tempo but was pushing pretty good on the last mile as it was uphill and into the wind.  Cooled down with 2 miles back through the city.  

65:45 (7:25 avg) 

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 9.00
From Tom on Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 17:55:05 from

Great job on the tempo run. Always great to not only be consistent, but consistently faster than goal pace.

From rockness18 on Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 21:29:08 from

Nice Jim!

From rAtTLeTrAp on Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 00:45:19 from

Very nice tempo. It's cool when those miles roll out so consistently.

From JimF on Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 07:43:19 from


Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Philadelphia, PA:  Did an easy recovery run today.  I actually felt pretty good but started off real easy and then picked it up the last 3 miles.  I still had the pain in the achilles for about a 1/2 mile but then felt better the rest of the way.  It doesn't seem to be getting worse or better just staying the same.  One more day in Philly and looking forward to heading home tomorrow.

57:31 (8:13 avg) 

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 7.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Philadelphia, PA:  It was warm (65) and felt humid today.  It didn't feel like a normal fall day.  I felt pretty good this morning and the achilles didn't bother me too much.  I did about a 3 mile warmup and then did 12 x 40 sec with about a minute recovery.  I ran the intervals at around 5:40 pace and was trying to get the legs used to running a faster pace.  These all went pretty good and then a  couple of miles for the cool down.  I stopped my watch at a light on the way back and forgot to start it again so didn't get my overall time.  Turned out to be a pretty good run.


Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 8.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Back in Indiana and it was a lot cooler.  I just did an easy run today.  I had more problems than normal with the achilles today.  Yesterday while boarding the rental car bus at the airport I got my foot turned in a funny way and tweaked the sore achilles.  Today it was sore and took a little longer than normal for the pain to go away.  More ice and treatment this weekend to see if I can get it back under control.  Glad to be able to get in the run today.

54:10 (7:45 avg) 

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 7.00
From rockness18 on Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 21:06:44 from

Jim, I feel your pain. I'm just beginning to get over a full year with a sore achilles. I found icing did very little good for me, but deep massaging was helpful- brought blood to the area. Over the past few months, I've not done any real "speedwork"- 10k pace is about as hard as I can run without tweaking the problem area. I guess it's one of the realities of hitting 40. It's aggravating, yet I'm sure you'll be able to work things through.

From JimF on Tue, Nov 02, 2010 at 12:23:26 from

I guess you are right about the getting older part. I ran for several years with no problems but have had two issues this year (hip and achilles). I will try to massage and see if that helps. It is kind of weird. Some days it bothers me and other days it is no problem. I am just trying to keep pushing on.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was a cold (32) fall morning.  I am still fighting getting out the winter gear so ran in shorts today which turned out to be ok since it warmed up some during the run.  I felt ok this morning but started off easy to see how the achilles was going to be.  It was better today and didn't bother me much after the first 1/2 mile.  I don't know what was going on this morning but saw 7 other people out running.  I usually don't see anyone since we live outside the city.  Must be a running boom in New Palestine.  The run went good.  I did feel a little tired toward the end.  I think just a long week catching up to me.

1:35:35 (7:57 avg) 

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 12.00
From Bob on Sun, Oct 31, 2010 at 10:30:24 from

Nice run. Yeah, I'm now running closer to you these days!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was a chilly morning (32) but luckily just a light wind. Today I went to the track to run some 800's.  I am trying to work on my speed some so I can run a couple of shorter races (5k or 10k) this fall.  I did a 2 mile warmup and felt pretty good.  It was still very dark out when I started the 800's so it was hard to see the watch and judge my pace.  It didn't get light until about the sixth one.  The goal today was 8 x 800 at 3:00 with a 400 jog recovery.  Here are my splits:

1st - 2:59

2nd - 2:58

3rd - 2:57

4th - 2:58

5th - 2:59

6th - 2:59

7th - 3:00

8th - 2:58

These went pretty good.  I started feeling my legs going around the 6th one.  On the 7th I started to feel like I had to push it harder just to maintain pace and really focus on relaxing.  Glad to get in some speedwork to start the week and happy with the splits.

1:10:01 (7:47 avg) 

Saucony Tangent 3 Miles: 9.00
From Tom on Mon, Nov 01, 2010 at 11:01:58 from

Great job on the 800's. Looks like you're very close to being in sub-3 marathon shape. It will be interesting to see what you can do in a 5k/10k race.

From JimF on Tue, Nov 02, 2010 at 12:25:05 from

Thanks Tom. It seems the speed is coming back but I have a long way to go on my strength/endurance. Maybe next year I can finally crack that elusive 3 hour barrier. How about you? Any races coming up?

From Tom on Tue, Nov 02, 2010 at 12:29:37 from

I'm signed up for the Utah Valley Marathon in June next year but that's it at the moment. I doubt I'll be ready to get the sub-3 then but a sub 3:10 and PR should be within reach if I can just stay injury-free and keep a good base until then.

From JimF on Wed, Nov 03, 2010 at 08:36:23 from

You have done a great job of building back up after your injury and that should pay off for you next year. June is a good time for a marathon as you will have some time after winter to fine tune before the race. I think I will skip a spring marathon and try to get in better shape for one in the fall.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I ran in the afternoon today and it was much warmer (52) but windy.  I felt good but just ran easy today.  The pace seemed to come easy for me and felt better as I have been fighting off a cold the last couple of days.  

54:10 (7:45 avg) 

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 7.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I felt good today when I got started but just planned an easy day so didn't push it.  It was windy and ran back into it so I had to run a little harder on the way back.  The achilles felt pretty today and didn't cause me any problems while running.  It just seems to come and go.  I am planning a tempo run tomorrow so that is the reason I wanted to keep it easy today. 

1:17:53 (7:48 avg) 

Brooks Axiom Miles: 10.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was a little warmer today (40) but pretty windy.  Today I planned on doing a 4 mile tempo between 6:35 and 6:40.  I felt good the last couple of days so I was looking forward running the tempo today.  I did a 3 mile warm up and then jumped into the tempo.  The first mile in the tempo was downwind and I felt very flat getting going.  I thought things might get better as I went along so I continued to push.  The second mile was ok but I was having to run harder to maintain the pace.  This mile was back  into the wind so was feeling it a lot more.  On the third mile I was struggling and having to push pretty hard.  My effort was definitely harder than tempo should be so decided to cut it short and try another day.  Here are my splits:

1 - 6:35, 2 - 6:37, 3 - 6:42

Pretty disappointed today especially after feeling good the last couple of days.  Maybe I should have tried the tempo yesterday when I felt good but I have been trying to stick to my schedule.  I still need to realize that I am just getting back to consistent training so probably will be some ups and downs along the way.

1:07:53 (7:33 avg) 

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 9.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It wasn't that cold today (37) but it sure felt that way because of a strong North wind.  It reminded me why I don't like to run in Indiana in the winter.  After yesterday rough day I thought I would start off today super easy.  After taking it real easy for about a mile I felt pretty good and picked it back up to normal easy pace.  I felt pretty good the rest of the way but did have more pain then usual with the achilles.  It bothered me for about the first 2 miles.  I really need to get this taken care of and need to do more to try to get it healed.

63:45 (7:58 avg) 

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 8.00
From Tom on Fri, Nov 05, 2010 at 14:47:27 from

Those darn achilles problems can be tough to get rid of. Hope you can find just the right balance to stay healthy and injury free.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

This morning I had to go work at my daughter's school so I didn't get out until the afternoon.  That was just as well because it was a cold morning and still only around 40 when I ran plus a pretty good wind that made it feel colder.  I ran easy getting going and had the normal achilles issues.  That got better as I went along but had some hip issues as well.  I am just feeling kind of beat up right now and need to get all these minor issues taken care of.  I did feel good running wise and picked up the pace the last four miles to around 7:30.  Turned out to be a good run.

1:49:01 (7:48 avg) 

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 14.00
From rockness18 on Mon, Nov 08, 2010 at 21:10:46 from


Hang in there...after almost a year I came to terms that my achilles may never feel better. However, the pain has amost completely left over the past couple of months. By the way, nice run today!

From JimF on Tue, Nov 09, 2010 at 12:20:45 from

Dave, thanks for the feedback. It is easy to get frustrated with injuries but need to take the longer term view of things. Today was a better day so hopefully something I can continue to train through as you said.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I took the last two days off to try to recover from the aches and pains I have been having lately.  It was a great morning today and I decided I should also spend more time warming up and getting the muscles loose.  I started off real slow (around 9:30 pace) for the first half mile and then started gradually picking it up to normal pace.  I'm not sure if this helped or the rest but my achilles didn't bother me at all.  However, after about 4 miles my hip started to bother me and did for the rest of the run.  I will keep up the stretching, ice, etc and see if I can get these behind me.  I also think it might be good to cut down on the speedwork until I get over these.  Overall, today was a positive step just hope it keeps going in the same direction.

63:58 (8:00 avg) 

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 8.00
From rAtTLeTrAp on Tue, Nov 09, 2010 at 12:21:16 from

Good plan to knock off the speedwork. I'm no expert, but I'd focus more on easy miles just to keep a good base until you're feeling 100%.

From Kory on Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 15:27:25 from

Have you tried doing heel lifts to help the achillies. You could have some form of Tendonitis. I'm glad your at least running that's good.

Those hip stretches really work.

From JimF on Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 17:44:20 from

RT, I think you are right. Just need to learn to be patient.

Kory, thanks for the tip. I will give it a try!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was cool this morning (37) but no wind.  I started the same as yesterday just going real slow for the first 1/2 mile.  I didn't have any issues with the achilles for the second day in a row so that is a good sign.  After about 4 miles my hip started bothering me again.  It was off and on for the rest of the run.  I will keep working on the stretches and strengthing to see if I can get it straightened out and keep the achilles ok.  Trying to get it back together without having to take a lot of time off.  We will see how it works.

 65:02 (8:07 avg) 

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 9.00
From rAtTLeTrAp on Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 17:43:17 from

No achilles pain, great news! Slow and easy...

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

My daughter had an early morning Veterans Day program that I went to so missed my normal morning run then the day got away from me.  Busy day at work then a lot to do around the house.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Nice morning (39).  I felt sluggish this morning getting out of bed and getting going.  Started off easy again today but had some issues with the achilles starting out.  It wasn't too bad and got better after a mile.  The hip was better today and didn't really bother me until about 5 miles and it was off an on.  Trying to be patient and work through these issues.  Hopefully, I am making some progress.

70:53 (7:53 avg) 

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 9.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I worked at my daughter's school this morning so got out later in the afternoon.  It was a beautiful day for running with temps in the mid 60's.  That was the highlight for today.  The run part didn't go very good.  The achilles was bad again today and my hip started hurting around 4 miles.  I just came back to the house after that and shut it down. I am going to have to take a step back and really figure out what to do about these injuries.  They are not getting any better and my training is not very good.  I am wondering if I should just take some time off and get better then go back after it.  I really want to have a good year next year and have some big goals but I know that I will not accomplish them if I can't get better and train right.  I need to do some thinking and decide my next steps.  Any thoughts?

40:29 (8:06 avg) 

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 5.00
From Kory on Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 03:21:18 from

As you've read on my blog about how I tried running through the pain... well it just gets worse. If your hurting while running is that really training or fitness. I had to mentally realize it's just suffering. You can't benefit or enhance your fitness or training if your hurting while running.

I think hard-core runners like us are used to pain and think it will go away and we can fight through anything. In the end your body suffers and you have negative consequences later on down the road that cause a worse injury.

I would try some cross-training like swimming or cycling. Give the body rest

From JimF on Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 09:32:06 from

Kory, I know you are right it is just hard to stop training for fear of losing the fitness you have built up. I am going to take your advice though and take some time off and see if I can get better. I think the main this is I don't want to continue to limp through this injury when I might be able to get over it and then get back to normal training. I hope the long term view is the right one. I might lose a little bit now but hopefully will gain it back and more later. How are you doing? You continue to inspire me with your decidication and great attitude through your recovery.

From rockness18 on Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 21:57:39 from

Sounds like a good decision...hang in there.

From Tom on Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 18:09:34 from

I agree with Kory and Rock, sounds like your making good decisions. Good luck getting things under control early so you can bounce back quick and avoid the big nasty injury.

From JimF on Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 20:53:55 from

Thanks Guys! The achilles is feeling better but I will probably wait until after Thanksgiving to get started again. I hope to use Dec to get back up to normal mileage.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Well I have taken a week off from running and the injuries seem to be getting better.  I could probably start running again and be ok but want to make sure I am over these and get back strong.  I have been trying to do some strength training but not doing as good on that as I should.  Also, the diet is not where it need to be so need to work on that as well.  I plan on starting back after Thanksgiving and seeing how it goes.  I will try an easy buildup and try to get back to normal mileage by the end of Dec.  Hopefully, this will lead to a positive 2011.

From Kory on Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 16:48:51 from

Sorry I have posted for a while. Good for you to try and heal. I know it's hard. But running hurt only makes life miserable.

Have you tried swimming. God Bless you and your family this upcoming Thanksgiving.

From JimF on Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 11:44:18 from

Thanks Kory. It seems to be helping. I don't really have good access to a pool so haven't swam much. I usually use cycling for cross training and that seems to help. How are you doing with your recovery? You are very dedicated to getting back to full strength. Have a great Thanksgiving!

From Kory on Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 23:48:11 from

Doing okay. Emotionally, it's hard to deal with knowing I have a titanium rod in my leg. But it's a part of me the rest of my life. The recovery is ok the biking and swimming help my fitness desire.

I'm glad you took a week off. Jim, really listen to me. Don't push through the pain, because when I did it I got worse. Really if I wasn't addicted to running I wouldn't have been in that accident, because I wasn't going to run that day. Let God control your steps.

From rockness18 on Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 09:33:06 from

Wise decision Jim- you'll be happy you were patient 3 months from now. Happy Thanksgiving!

From JimF on Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 16:28:23 from

Kory, I can't imagine what it is like going through an accident like that. You always seem to have a great attitude though. I'm sure God will use this someday for good since you are obedient. Thanks for the advice and hopefully it will pay off next year.

Dave, thanks for the encouragement. It is hard to sit on the sidelines but hopefully running will be more fun and successful because of it.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Honolulu, HI: Well after two weeks off to get over a couple of injuries, I started back today to see how I have recovered.  It was warm this morning (75) and felt good to get out.  I wanted to take it real easy today and keep it short to see how my achilles is doing and to try to slowly build back up to normal.  I started off by walking about a 1/4 mile then started running real easy.  I felt pretty good running and didn't have any pain.  I was very aware of my achilles as I was running.  It did feel tight and it felt funny a couple of times.  I am not sure if it is still a problem or if I was just being over sensitive to it.  It was hard to keep it slow and easy.  I wanted to pick it up but kept it slow and wanted to see how I feel after a day.  I just plan on running every other day this week to ease back into.  I don't want to have any more down time if at all possible.

28:23 (9:28 avg) 

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 3.00
From Tom on Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 17:14:43 from

Good luck with the achilles rehabilitation. Sounds like you have a good plan. And seems like Hawaii is a pretty good place to "ease" back into things.

From rockness18 on Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 17:29:01 from

Yeah, not a bad place to return to the running routine. Hope the recovery goes well.

From JimF on Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 21:26:35 from

Yes, it is much better getting back out in 70 degree weather than freezing with rain/snow/wind. It will be a rude awaking next week though.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Honolulu, HI:  It was warm this morning but very windy today.  I ran down by the beach and back since I was only going a few miles.  I just trying to continue to build back up and see how the achilles responds.  It felt pretty good today but did have a couple of shots of pain.  It doesn't feel back to 100% which concerns me.  Taking two weeks off and then still have the problem would be a big disappointment.  Most of the run was good though and I will continue to build back up and see how it goes.  I am hoping it is just tightness from inactivity.  Next run will be Sat and will see how the foot does in the meantime.  Heading back home today and looking forward to that.  This should be the last trip of the year so looking forward to having time with the family.

35:45 (8:58 avg) 

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 4.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was -10 wind chill this morning and didn't feel like braving the weather so stayed inside on the TM.  I missed a couple of days because of the trip back from Hawaii and family commitments so I was glad to get back going again.  I felt good today and didn't have any problems or pain.  I still took it real easy and it felt good to not have any problems.  Going to keep building up this week and see how it goes.  Looking forward to seeing how it goes.

34:56 (8:45 avg) 

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 4.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Already slipping on my schedule to get back to regular running.  This is not the best time to get back on schedule.  Been busy with work and Christmas related activities with the kids. It was freezing again this more (-5 wind chill) so stayed inside on the TM.  I started off with walking 1/4 mile to get loosened up and then ran easy for 5 miles.  I felt really good today and didn't have any pain or problems.  Seems like the injuries have healed just hope it holds together as I build up the miles.

42:45 (8:33 avg) 

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 5.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It warmed up to a balmy 32 this morning so was able to run outside and was able to go in shorts.  I felt good this morning and just ran easy.  I didn't take a watch with me so just ran by how I felt.  I didn't have any problem with the achilles but did have some tightness in my hip.  It was a good run and going to try more of a normal schedule next week.


Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 5.00
From Tom on Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 12:41:06 from

Glad to hear the weather has warmed a bit and the AT is doing better.

From JimF on Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 16:35:04 from

Thanks. Now just need to get more movtivated.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Been fighting a cold but decided to stay in and run on the TM today since it was snowy outside and the roads are still not clear.  I felt good other than all of the pressure in my head.  I think the running helped clear things up for a little while anyway.  I started off easy at around 9:00 pace and worked down to around 8 at the end.  Hoping I can get outside the next few days if the weather cooperates.

41:55 (8:23 avg) 

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 5.00
From jtshad on Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 10:20:51 from

Hope you start feeling better soon.

Have a Merry Christmas with the family!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Still sick and not feeling good.  I felt tired and sluggish the whole way running and decided just to cut it at 4 miles.  Hopefully feel better in a couple of days.

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 4.00
From jtshad on Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 17:46:40 from

Hope you start feeling better before Christmas! Don't go pushing it and making it worse.

Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

I finally recovered from the sickness over the weekend but we went out of town to visit family and didn't have time to run.  We did three family Christmas in three days so it was pretty busy.  Got back home on Monday but had a bunch of things to catch up on so today was the first day to run.  Enough of the excuses and I really got to get back in the routine.  I am feeling sluggish and tired from not running.  Also, I have put on about 5 lbs because of not running and eating horrible.  Hopefully the next two weeks I can get going and then kick off the New Year right.  Just ran easy today trying to get back in the groove.

42:15 (8:27 avg) 


Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 5.00
From Tom on Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 10:35:56 from

Glad to see you've recovered from the flu. Between sickness and holiday busyness it's hard to stay in a groove thru December. I'm sure you'll get your groove back heading into 2011!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was cool out today (mid 20's) and the roads were in better shape.  My neighborhood is still an icy mess but once I got on the main roads it was fine.  I felt good today and just ran along easily.  It was nice to get off the TM and outside to feel the fresh air.  We have another snow storm coming in tonight so might be on the TM again.  I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and enjoys some special time with your family!!

42:02 (8:24 avg) 

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 5.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was cold and windy this morning with a WC of around 10.  Our church had a special Christmas services that didn't start until 11 so gave me time to get out before and still get to sleep in some.  I felt good today other than feeling alittle bloated because of all the food I ate yesterday.  I just ran easy and enjoyed the peace and calm of the morning.  It was very quiet the day after Christmas and kind of enjoyed the quiet.  I did pick up the pace the last mile just to see how I felt.  Nothing special just worked it down gradually to around 7:20 pace.  I had to run slow through the neighborhood since it is still covered with ice.

49:59 (8:20 avg) 

Acis DS Trainer Miles: 6.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Another cold and windy morning.  It was around 20 with a North wind.  This is actually the first time I have ran back to back day in awhile.  I felt pretty good but did have a couple of twinges in the achilles which worried me some.  Hopefully it is nothing serious and could be me just being overly cautious.  It is supposed to warm up and the week goes on so I am looking forward to that.

41:34 (8:18 avg) 

Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 5.00
From jtshad on Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 15:01:19 from

Glad you are feeling better! That is nice that you are warming up, we are about to go into a deep freeze!

Happy new year!

From JimF on Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 14:25:06 from

Jeff, hope the weather doesn't get too bad for you all. You always seem to be able to get the miles in regardless of the weather. I hope you and your family have a Happy New Year!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

It was warmer today around 38 but windy.  I felt good today and ran easy.  It was a little faster than I have been running lately and was good.  The warm weather always seems to quicken my pace after the cold windy days.  No aches or pains today which is great.  I have today off so doing some things with the family.

48:13 (8:02 avg) 

Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 6.00
From rAtTLeTrAp on Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 14:47:15 from

38 is warm? brrrr. I'm off today too. Is this the start of a 4 day weekend for you?

From JimF on Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 20:05:14 from

After temps in the teens 38 feels pretty good. I am off for the long weekend as well. Hope you have a great New Year's.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance
Mizuno Wave Rider 12 Miles: 26.00Saucony Ride (Blue) Miles: 528.65Brooks Axiom Miles: 338.50Saucony Tangent 3 Miles: 41.37Mizuno Wave Rider 12 #2 Miles: 494.05Acis DS Trainer Miles: 379.90Saucony ProGrid Ride Miles: 28.00Saucony Tangent 3 Miles: 107.30
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