AM - 11 easy on hilton, 6:47 pace. started early, then once sunrise came and i had a better view of the grass i was running on the pace dropped from just under 7-minute to 6:30's and 6:20's without any real change in effort. good start to what i hope to be a good week of training.
PM - 5 on hilton, 6:32 pace. my left achilles was a bit iffy towards the end of work but i think it's more due to wearing some very worn down pegs to a job where i'm on my feet most of the time. could have worn the magenta ones but that color clashes badly with just about every item of clothing i own. anyway it had just stopped storming hard so if running on a soaked grass course didn't bug the achilles i'm probably okay
embarrassing factoid: i haven't ran 16 miles in a day since may 14th