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January 2021

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May 16, 2015



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Running Accomplishments:

Ran 200 miles in under a week(nov 2019) . Ran 226 miles in under a week twice in 17 days(oct 2023). Ran 250 miles in under a week(mar 2024)


26. braves fan/canes fanatic/broncos sufferer/spurs fan

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 118.00
Fly's Lifetime Miles: 215.00
Pegs 36 #8 Lifetime Miles: 451.00
Pegs #9 Lifetime Miles: 322.25
Peg 37 White Lifetime Miles: 289.50
Streak LT Lifetime Miles: 11.50
Peg 37 Navy Lifetime Miles: 494.50
Peg 37 Magenta Lifetime Miles: 508.75
Peg Shields Lifetime Miles: 795.00
Peg Shields 2(orange) Lifetime Miles: 770.00
Total Distance
Pegs 36 #8 Miles: 170.00Pegs #9 Miles: 27.00
Weight: 151.40
Total Distance

AM - 3, 6:17 pace. wasn't hard... wasn't easy though. new year, fresh start, getting back into shape and all. 

RIP to MF DOOM, one of my favorite rappers of all time. 

SOTD: vaudeville villain - viktor vaughn

all caps - madvilliany 

doomsday - MF DOOM

books of war - RZA and MF DOOM 


Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 3 miles, 6:14 pace. i'll try and get in something longer and slower after work

also i discovered lactaid which means i discovered greek yogurt and that stuff mixed with muesli is the bomb yo

Pegs 36 #8 Miles: 3.00
Weight: 0.00
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AM - 5 on the treadmill at 8.2 mph. 100 miles in the next 6 days! time to get based up with some base training

PM - 5 miles in about 31-flat. wanted to go longer but my legs were just refusing to slow down, even if it did feel like they were. hitting 12 miles in 1:15 would be fun but i wasn't confident the legs could handle it after basically no running last week. after a couple of days of doubles i'll be back in my pace pocket

sotd: the middle of next month - boldy james

Pegs 36 #8 Miles: 10.00
Weight: 0.00
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AM - 5 on the treadmill, 8.2 mph. wish my 24/7 gym kept those hours after the lockdown but i gotta wait until 5AM to run instead, at least until it gets warmer. last winter i was able to run outside at 4am most mornings and i have no idea how i did it

PM - 8 miles, 6:26 pace. had some of the worst stomach cramps of my life!! i was barely able to keep my back straight so when my watch died at 7.5 it broke me and i stopped there. not sure if the cramps were from the greek yogurt i had after breakfast or the coffee 90 minutes before the run, but hopefully it's unrelated to both because i can't live without my 3 cups a day and adding greek yogurt into the diet is easy protein. i'll get that PM 12 tomorrow!

Pegs 36 #8 Miles: 13.00
Weight: 0.00
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mile just to say i ran

Pegs 36 #8 Miles: 1.00
Weight: 0.00
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AM - 4 on the treadmill, felt fresh from two days basically off. i'm not sure if i got salmonella again or that lactose-intolerance medicine was false advertising but dealt with the worst stomach cramps of my life the past couple of days. mostly passed it now.

Pegs 36 #8 Miles: 4.00
Weight: 151.40
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AM - 5 before work. cold and windy.

Pegs 36 #8 Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
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AM - 5 before work. for being below freezing out, it wasn't that bad. 4 years in Alabama have definitely made me better at running in extremes on the other side of the spectrum though. took it easy so i was surprised to see the first mile was 6:22 afterwards

Pegs 36 #8 Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
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AM - 5 on the treadmill. felt solid. ever seen the episode of the office where they race a 5k? i was andy on this run

AM2 - 12 at sandy. wet, cold, and hilly, my three favorite words to describe a run. oh, and muddy. last time i ran at sandy was november at about 7:08 pace, which was by far the fastest i've ever ran this tough-ass course. pace today was 6:40. probably should have been a few seconds slower but hit 9 miles right at 60 minutes and tried to get the pace to 6:38 so i could say i ran 30 seconds faster than i ever have at sandy; too bad the last 3 miles are all uphill. feels good to have 17 miles punched in before 9am!

PM - 8. came through the first two miles in 13-flat then relaxed; i'll be shocked if i can still do that in a few days

sotd: on that time - playboi carti

Pegs 36 #8 Miles: 25.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 5 on the treadmill. was checking the logs last night and realized yesterday was my first 20+ mile day since september. my ex booty called me late last night but i went to bed at 8pm. tragic!

AM2 - 12 at sandy, 6:57 pace. was tired from the flux of mileage; finishing this run made for 42 miles in the past 28 hours. feeling pretty good! might end up getting 100 by thursday 

PM - 8. high 6:40 pace the first 4 then the legs ran out of juice. survived it! 

sotd: lost in moments - ulver. as someone who loves the industrial genre of music imbreding with basically any other genre, finding an industrial jazz song the other day that slaps was big for me

Pegs 36 #8 Miles: 25.00
Weight: 0.00
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AM - off. recovery day; my legs aren't in desperate need of it but kinda feel like i'm at the cusp of overdrafting, with currency being miles and my legs being the bank in this metaphor. gonna try and get 25 again tomorrow if it feels feasible in the morning

PM - 5-mile shakeout, 6:18 pace. bounced back from the last two days much faster than i expected. felt really good! just super strong. 

sotd: ante up - M.O.P.

Pegs 36 #8 Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 5 on the treadmill. felt pretty good. the cold front we've had the past week melts away today so i'm saving the rest of my mileage for the pm so i can run in 60-degree weather instead of 20.

PM - 5 miles with some strong headwind, 6:18 pace again. too fast for a shakeout! luckily i didn't space these first two runs apart by much so i can afford the time to take a little more rest than i like to between shakeout and longer run(it's usually about 90 minutes)

PM2 - 15 easy. watch died but i'm sure the pace was slow. easy day tomorrow!

Pegs 36 #8 Miles: 25.00
Weight: 0.00
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AM - 5 on the treadmill. working out some kinks from not getting the chance to run yesterday, but them's the breaks. hopefully should get a chance to run tonight to get the 100-mile week, either way easy day tomorrow then it's trying for 100 miles in 4 days again

sotd: tookie knows II - schoolboy q

Pegs 36 #8 Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 5 before work, 6:37 pace. felt good, went a little faster for a shakeout just because it was cold and i wanted to get back indoors. didn't get the chance to run after work yesterday, oh well

Pegs 36 #8 Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
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AM - 5 on the treadmill. gonna have a lot more treadmill running on deck with the storms starting to come back in full soon. in an alternate timeline andy williams wrote a song about spring in the south called "it's the least wonderful time of the year"

PM - 5. didn't get a chance to run earlier because of GI issues. feeling better afterwards; always feel like it's russian roulette with this where either you run it off or you make it 100 times worse

sotd: omegah red - books of war

Pegs 36 #8 Miles: 10.00
Weight: 0.00
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4AM - 8 easy. felt good, especially for it being totally dark out and below freezing for all of it. 7:09 pace.

11AM - 8 easy. was gonna go for 12 but my legs told me stop at 8 so i did. ran an hour earlier than i planned so that might have factored in, but on the bright side now i have the chance to run again before the storms hit tonight, or just get an extra hour of recovery. 6:51 pace. turned the pace off my watch face so all it says is distance so all the runs for the next few weeks are gonna be about the same effort.

6PM - 4 jogging, 7:44 pace. rain ended up starting much earlier than the snake oil salesmen we call meteorologists predicted, so my only options were the turf football field and the treadmill. both have their pros and cons, but turf is my absolute favorite running surface and i figured as long as i take it super easy the constant turning wouldn't be too much of a hassle for my legs. going out the door i thought the most i could manage was 4, but after a few minutes loosening up i felt much better. usually when i do this course for the first time i'm more susceptible to straining my legs, so still called it early. i'll probably have to run here again in the early morning since it'll still be raining anyway. i can only run so many turns!

sotd: i'm so tired - fugazi

Pegs 36 #8 Miles: 20.00
Weight: 0.00
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3AM - 6 jogging on the turf field, 7:53 pace. it was pretty nice out for 3am in January; since it had just stopped raining it was high 40's with 100% humidity

4PM - 3. 6:59 pace. felt good aerobically, body wasn't hurting, but legs were completely lifeless, as they have been since the morning run. hopefully the shakeout gets the recovery blood flowing

Pegs 36 #8 Miles: 9.00
Weight: 0.00
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AM - off. legs really haven't felt that good since the second run on tuesday. kinda annoying when i did 25's last week no problem that a 20 kicks my ass; but i'm hoping it's either from the 10 miles of turf turns or my shoes being past their prime, preferably the latter since i ordered a new pair last weekend. legs feel much better than they did at 3am, but if i don't feel comfortable running i'll just do a session on the stationary.

PM - 30 minutes at high resistance. got a little over 8.5 miles so i was fine with it

Weight: 0.00
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PM - 3 on the treadmill. new shoes came in! wild that i've bought 9 models of the exact same shoe. legs felt okay, i think. really i won't know until i see how i feel in the morning. not feeling too bad an hour later though

sotd: neighborhood threat - iggy pop

Pegs #9 Miles: 3.00
Weight: 0.00
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4AM - 5-mile shakeout, 7:02 pace. felt like a deer on ice the first mile then relaxed and felt better. did a light pickup for about 2 minutes towards the end to loosen up the legs. nothing crazy, about 6-flat pace. didn't realize how worn down my pegs i've been using were until i put on a new pair

sotd - samurai sword - the microphones

Pegs #9 Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
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AM - 5 shakeout, 6:46 pace. felt great, surprised my legs bounced back from tuesday already; my calves were absolutely ripped to shreds wednesday/thursday

also i found a rare peg 36 color scheme and i will 100% pay extra to get them because they're sick


sotd: a madman's dream - east flatbush project

Pegs #9 Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

4AM - 7 miles pretty easy, 6:53 pace. 100% humidity, low 60's, and windy... not terrible running conditions for an early january morning. moving back up to doubles today!

PM - off. felt like i stretched too far and re-strained my calf; it's nothing major but i can tell over the past month my hips got out of alignment again so i'm using this as an excuse to see the chiropractor and give myself about 24 hours to let the adjustment set in. should be up and running again tomorrow night

sotd: fantasy - against all logic

Pegs #9 Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
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PM - jogged on the treadmill for a couple minutes, then did 30 minutes hard on the stationary at high resistance. around tempo run effort, i guess. got 10.2 miles in that time 

Weight: 0.00
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4AM - short shakeout. legs needed more time to feel better than i expected. felt alright... i think. one run at a time.

Pegs #9 Miles: 2.00
Weight: 0.00
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AM - 5. felt much better than yesterday!

Pegs #9 Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
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Total Distance
Pegs 36 #8 Miles: 170.00Pegs #9 Miles: 27.00
Weight: 151.40
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