Another day of no running, this really suck. I am hoping I can run tomorrow. I think all I have now is a sinus infection and a cough. But i think the coughing is coming from my sinus draining.. Thanks for reading and have a great day :-)...
Ran five miles this morning. I am still not at 100%, but i am close. My overall pace was 7:37. I am going to try the t-mill and see how that goes, the outside was just too cold for me. Thanks for reading and have a great day!
I was feeling a lot better running today. My overall pace was 7:16 and i was not as tired toward the end or my run compared to yesterday's. So that makes me happy :-). I am planning on running 8 to 10 miles tomorrow, i am shooting for 10. Anyway, thanks for reading and have a great day!!
Ran ten miles and five of it with Kory.Thanks Kory for running with me. Overall I felt I did
horrible, with the wind and my pace per mile. The first five went ok I was
keeping a 6:53 - 6:55 pace and it
felt good, then from five miles on it felt like my legs were dead. I fell from
the 6:55 pace at mile five to 7:34 pace overall. I could not even move my
legs going down hills. When I looked at the temperature before it left it said
49 degrees with a 28 MPH wind coming from
the W.S.W. direction. Well the last five miles were going in the W.S.W.
direction so the wind did not help out at all. I am signed up to run November 7th, but now it looks like there is
only a 20% chance I will be running it. I am getting a Vitamin C I.V. done on
Monday, so if that does not pull me out of this sickness then there will be a
100% chance I will not be racing on November 7th. Sorry so down, but if am
really frustrated. I have a hard time understanding that all the work I have
put in to this point is gone, or at lease it feels that way. Any suggestions,
because I sure could use some. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend.