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Summer Games 10K

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Dog Town KC,MO,America

Member Since:

Sep 24, 2007



Goal Type:

Local Elite

Running Accomplishments:

21:15 Hrs on 09 (188 miles) RAGNAR Relay. 7th over all 3rd in Division



2010 ST. GEORGE MARATHON: 2:52.42

64th overall 1st in 15-18 age division, winner of the silver shoe award.

Half Marathon:

2010 St. George Half Marathon: (10) 1:20 ish... not offical time.

10 K:

Wasatch Wellness run (13) 34:39 

5 K:

15:50 Snow Canyon XC Invite (08)  


19th in state Cross Country (08) 16:32

2nd Varsity region XC (08)





3200: 9:52.1 BYU Invite (09) 

1600: 4:29 State (10)

800: 2:01 Region (10)

400: :51 (split) PV Invite (10) 

Runner up region champ in the 1600 Region (09)

Runner up region champ in the 1600 and 800 (10)

REGION 3200 CHAMP (10)

9th 1600 STATE (09)

11th 3200 STATE (09)



Short-Term Running Goals:

Sub 2:40 2017 Twin Cities Marathon

Get into some Half's and hit sub 1:15

Run Every Day!


Long-Term Running Goals:

Love running always.  Be grateful for the gift God has given me to run.  Olympic qualify in something......

Favorite Blogs:

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Shay XC Lifetime Miles: 22.80
Gel Kayano 15 Lifetime Miles: 658.90
5 Finger KSO Lifetime Miles: 113.50
Brooks GTS 10 Lifetime Miles: 698.50
New Balance 905 Lifetime Miles: 203.00
Nike Free 7.0 (lime Green) Lifetime Miles: 68.30
Gel 2000 Lifetime Miles: 509.09
Nike Lunarglide 2 Lifetime Miles: 195.75
Nike Zoom Mutumbo Lifetime Miles: 2.60
Bare Foot Lifetime Miles: 17.75
Brooks Pure Flow Lifetime Miles: 272.50
Altera Zero Lifetime Miles: 101.00
Altra Instinct 3 Lifetime Miles: 228.75
Newton Blue Lifetime Miles: 292.85
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AM: WOOOO!!!! First day back running!!! I went to EFY this last week and got a spiritual re-fuel. So now im ready to get back to my hard running!! :)

Today was my first day of RAGNAR practice! We did the 6.25 loop on the trail. Felt good but my lungs are a little burnt. Me Ross and Kimz were at about a 6:43 the whole way. 

Gel Kayano 13's: 258.45

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First day of Xc! woo!

Gel Kayano 13's: 263.45

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Rgnar practice tonight! Woo i just am so happy to be back running! Tempos tonight. When i first heard that Ross wanted me and Kimz to be puting up 5:40's i thought that would be way hard. But it turns out not.

1- 5:20 I didnt actually get the time on this one but im pritty sure it was down here.

2-5:22 This one felt sweet. Espically to hear the time.

3- 5:22 This one was entertaining. Fun little course

4- 5:33 A little bit slower, me and kimz couldnt find the finish line.

5- 5:02 This one just plain rocked! ha ha :)

Over all sweee work out. Tomorrow i leave for the Trek. Good luck to me.

Gel kayano 13's: 269.70


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i am so putting the trek on my blog for cross training miles.

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AM: Regular run with Kory and Trevor. This one was way to fast. But for some reason, it felt good to be screaming fast!  6:20 the whole way.

Gel Kayano 13's: 275.95

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5 parkway with kory and trev. Nothing to special... felt just fine. A little under 7 pace.

Gel kayano 13's:281.45

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Well i didnt get enough sleep last night due to a new video game and a movie night at a Kaylee's house. In the morning i lifted weights with Victoria and then went home and played more video games. That was my whole day....oh and i fixed my car. Then WBR practice came.... Freaking sweet hills today. We ran up the hill by silver reef or something for 40 minutes then ran back we went about 4.8 up and then back. Nice sick run.

Gel Kayano 13's: 291.05

Race: Summer Games 10K (6.2 Miles) 00:33:59, Place overall: 9, Place in age division: 3
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Last night i was way tired, so i didnt go to WBR practice. Took a nice nap. Race today! Woo first one in a while. I did every thing right except for my last mile.... it was to slow, not just a little slow but... SLOW. My legs killed there the las mile. But i stuck it through so i could beat trevor. :) Over all good race. The first mile felt awesome. I stayed with this one guy i wanted to run with. But that didnt happen... Not yet. I didnt really like the down hill... even though it made a fast course, my legs just didnt agree.  Trevor caught me at about 3.5 till 5. In between i kept surging to make sure he didnt pass me. Then at 5 i took off. Felt pain the whole way, but good.

Gel Dirt Dogz 2:28.45

Asicis 2120's: 481.45

Race: Summer Games 5K (3.1 Miles) 00:20:06, Place overall: 33, Place in age division: 11
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I woke up this morning feeling like i shouldnt race this race.. But i shruged that off and got up and ready to go. When i got up in Cedar i felt just fine. I was pumped and ready to go. Before the race i was looking at the competition and it looked like i was either 1 or 2 or 3 all were possibilities. I got up the the starting line and felt just like any other race. The gun went off and i let Aron pull me a bit the first mile to get around a 5:05. At this point i was ahead of all my age group competition. But at the turn off to the trail my calfs gave out. Like litteraly. I almost turfed it. So i slowed down a little bit ( my group passed me) to see if it would stop hurting so i could get back up with the pack. Nope. So basically the rest of the race i saw all of my boys (Ross, Josh, Trev, Jeff, and Lindsey) pass me up. Oh and i saw stephanie shrams dad turf it. ha ha ha :) Surprisingly i didnt feel down after the race. I just thought "Your saving them for RAGNAR". So im good. :)

 Gel Dirt Dogs 2: 29.45

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Oh man!... I was all excited to run today... but that didnt happen. I woke up and knew that i wont be able to even jog. :( UGH. But i went to practice any ways cause i promised that i would give Trev a ride. So when i got there i ran about a half a mile then headed back. Longest mile i have ever done.

Gel Kayano 13's: 292.05

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Today i came to cross country in my gym cloths.... and end up running 3 miles in my work out shoes... It wasnt very enjoyable...:( But my legs felt a little better as i went along. And i brought my little bro with me.

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Doctor said its just some sore muscles and to not run till the race.

Race: Wasatch Back Relay (180 Miles) 00:21:30, Place overall: 10, Place in age division: 2
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Well where do i begin on this.... Ill start at my first leg of running. It was an easy 3.5. I felt just fine the whole time. Except for my calves.  My time was 20 seconds under prediction and i couldnt have asked for a better leg considering i was still injured. Then after the rest of my comrads ran we ended up back on pace to the predicted time. We stoped at snow basin and cought about an hour of sleep.... Then were back at the painful running part. My second leg was a moderate 6.2. I broke my time by about a 1:30. This leg was the best feeling one. My calves still hurt, but not as bad as i thought they would. And i passed about 17 teams on this one. After that we all went to the school and didnt even sleep. We just wanted to be done and get home. My last leg was 3.6 1st Leg of RAGNAR. :) It was a freaking fun run... i didnt mind the pain.... but i didnt do so well with my legs... this one my calves were on fire. so my time wasnt very good. but not bad for injured. I had lots of fun on this and i am excited for next year already.

Gel Kayano 13's: 305.35

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AM run with my cousin Kamee. :) I started my run and felt like i was going to die. I am so sore and worn out. But i did just fine as the run wore on. The first half was about a 8 or so pace. Then on the way back it was about a 6:10. I really had to go to the bathroom so i sprinted the last half. Fun run. :)

PM: We played fugitive tonight with all the valley kids and ran across orderville 3 times, so ya thats about 3 miles. :)

Gel Kayano 13's: 315.35

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Afternoon run with my cousin again. This run really really stunk.... i havnt been hydrating very well, and its like 96 out side. So i was suffering. We didnt go to far because of that heat, but we did get some sick hills in the middle. :)

Gel Kayano 13's: 319.85

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Im going to hit my run later tonight.


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Easy 5 today basically by my self... I ran with ashley and ethan just so i could find the turn around spot. Then after that i took off by my self the rest of the way back. Till i caught Seirra. That was fun to run with her. :)

Gel Kayano 13's: 325.35

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easy parkway5 today with willy and Josh. :) Felt good to be recovered enough to go below a 7 min pace. :-) Im so proud of my little brother! He ran 2 miles today with out stoping.

Gel Kayano 13's: 330.07

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Ten mile bike ride with my uncle and my papy! :) We did the Church Rock trail. It was way fun! I need to ride my bike more often. With a mix of running. Im not sure if i will run later tonight with the stake dance and all.

PM......actually AM: After the stake dance i ran a really quick 3. Moma never caught me. Te he :)

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7 green springs loop with my varsity boys and coach. :) Felt alright, a little tired from a sucky nights sleep last night. oh well that can be fixed. Then me and Trev lifted after. :)

Gel Kayano 13's: 337.62

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