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PV Time Trial #1

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St. George,UT,USA

Member Since:

Oct 26, 2012



Goal Type:

Highschool Champ

Running Accomplishments:


1600- 4:37

800- 2:08


3 mile-15:56

Short-Term Running Goals:

Be a successful runner

not have my back hurt

Work out my problems with not running fast at the end

Be top runners for Pine View

Do awesome in workouts... Longer than the first half

Long-Term Running Goals:

run a marathon

Get a scholorship for running

Run like a stud in college and my wonderful exotic life


Senior and Captain for Pine View Cross Country team. And I love every moment of it all.

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Saucony Guide 5 Lifetime Miles: 607.35
Saucony Guide 6 Lifetime Miles: 433.15
Barefoot Lifetime Miles: 57.50
Nike Cross Flats Lifetime Miles: 15.50
Velocity 5 Lifetime Miles: 4.75
Saucony Ride 6 Lifetime Miles: 415.75
Asics GT 2000 Lifetime Miles: 462.50
Kilkenny Xc 5 Spike Lifetime Miles: 39.00
Saucony Guide 7 Lifetime Miles: 89.25
Brooks PR MD Spikes Lifetime Miles: 2.00
Saucing Guide 8 Lifetime Miles: 709.50
Total Distance
Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 122.25Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 3.00Asics GT 2000 Miles: 59.00Barefoot Miles: 8.50Kilkenny Xc 5 Spike Miles: 11.00
Total Distance

High altitude camp

AM what was supposed to be an easy run turned out to be extremely hard run. It was basically hard hills the entire run till the turnaround point, but like most runs that start with a hill it ended with an easy down hill.

 High altitude this week was just awesome. The team was so much fun to hang out with and the activities were awesome. I feel like I had a fun time but still got the team bondingdone and got the message across of daring to go. Some of my goals were completed on this trip by having our sports team becoming like a family.


Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 4.00
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AM first run back home and it ended up being a tempo. I met up at the washington elementary school with Preston, Cameron, and Jake. Then unexpectedly Josh Farish showed up not knowing there was no organized practice so we invited him on our run. The tempo was surprisingly the easiest run I had done all week my legs weren't tired and wasn't really even breathing hard. It was a 2 mile tempo on a 5 mile run. We ran basically at a 6:40 pace although we ended at like a 6 flat pace. I'm glad I could set up this run with these guys or I might not have ran at all. Plus they pushed me harder than at the moment (being sleepy tired already) would have been willing to push my self.

PM ran a 3 on my own and it was quite a bit hotter than I had grown accustomed to at high altitude camp but felt really good all the same. 

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 3.00Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 5.00
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Ran my 3 miler a bit later than usual today at around 9. I ran part of it with my family so basically I was going way slow. Then they turned around at the mile mark and I ran the rest with my little bro and that was better. Felt good today not as well as yesterday but still pretty good.

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 3.00
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AM really good run today. Back to the usual half mile warm up then made our way to the dirt mile for 6×1000's. Coach bumbed up the times but they were pretty much the same thing that I have been running, my new time is 4:43 I got 4:25 4:39 4:35 4:30 4:31 and 4:37. I enjoy these runs because its not super easy but still easy.

PM afternoon 3 miler felt pretty good today and wasn't too hot thanks to the wind. So the run was good but the weights and plyos were the hard part. Today me and Can upped all of the weights we did so I'll expect being sore, but hopefully I will stretch enough that I won't have to worry  

Barefoot Miles: 0.50Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 9.25
Total Distance

AM new workout today that really wasnt new. We replaced the 30/30 workout with the 1/1 minute on minute off. I got up to 13 and I was so close that I probably could have done another but didnt. I felt like I did really well but I could have kept going to the max amount. The next time that this workout comes around I am determined to make it all the to the max regardless of how I feel.

Final day of kids club and it was good except that I  felt terrible legs were super sore but still had a good time for the last time with the kids.

PM have you ever had a run where it was just awesome, your legs didnt hurt you could breath just fine and it was just the best run ever? Well my afternoon run was definantly NOT that. In fact it was just the opposite. Nuff said.

Barefoot Miles: 0.50Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 6.00Asics GT 2000 Miles: 3.00
Race: PV Time Trial #1 (2 Miles) 00:12:15, Place overall: 9
Total Distance

AM todays time trial was a good experience for me it had its ups and downs but it was still good. As every race has different things happening whether good or bad it is good to know both. One of my downs today was my legs, they have been extremely sore for a couple days and it hurts just at a slow jog. One of my ups was that I was so determined to do good that my pain wouldnt stop me from reaching that goal. Once the race started I stuck with Cam for the first lap then on the second he started to pull ahead and that's when I started to think negative. I was thinking things like whatever, what's the point, and it would be easier to just slow down. Soon I realized what I was saying and I got mad at myself and forced myself to go faster, so I started speeding up and closing the gap between me and who was ahead. Then I realized that I wasnt to far behind the older guys who I wasnt expecting to be even close to. My time was 12:15 and I didnt really know what to expect for my time and I think it was a good time. I am also pleased with my placing in the race and I hope that I can work hard enough to run varsity at least once this year.

Been feeling sick since this morning so decided to do afternoon run on friday.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 6.50
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AM Tempo today and it was probably the best one i've done even with my sore legs. Ran on the river trail with all the level 2 boys and started our tempo at the 2 mile mark, once we hit our first mile on the tempo we were a bit spread out and we picked up the pace a bit going about 6:30 instead of 6:40, the next mile was a little faster and that was where the other boys fell off and it was just me, Cameron, Jake, Nick, and Preston. This was the biggest group ive ever ran a tempo with since i'm usually aloneish sometimes one other, and I think it was easier to keep pace. The last mile was way faster than the rest at about 6:10. Felt good the entire run and feel good about how it went.

PM nice run felt good and had the wind to help cool me off. Weights and plyos after and those went pretty well too.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 8.50Asics GT 2000 Miles: 3.00
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AM woke up earlier today to get to practice on time at the little valley park. No coach today and so a little disorganized but eventually we worked it out. 3 miles grass run and hit 50 miles barefoot. Wahoo! Then went over to some hills and did 5 one minutes and 3 30 seconders. Did pretty decent on the minutes and I'll admit that after those I felt like I could have pushed harder, but I think that the 30 seconders I pushed up the like there was no tomorrow and did pretty good. My legs seem to be almost completely better after a hard week of pain throughout my runs.

PM ran an afternoon run today since I missed the one on wednesday didn't really want go but knew I needed to so did anyway. Felt ok not the greatest, just another afternoon run. 

Barefoot Miles: 3.50Asics GT 2000 Miles: 6.75
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Ran late today at about 9 and went 4 with my brother on his bike. Felt really good today no leg pains or anything and since my brother was on his bike I felt like going fast, it was about 7 minute pace so not too bad. It was pretty interesting because we saw first a firefly and you never see those here then we saw a skunk. When we were passing by the skunk we saw it lift its tail so we sped up to get out of there then we noticed it started to stink but I think we got away in time. Other than that a pretty good run.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 4.00
Total Distance

AM thousands workout today and it was a bit harder today with the new times but still manageable.

PM usual 3 miler again and today my knee was hurtin the entire time went home and iced weights and plyos

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 7.50Asics GT 2000 Miles: 3.00
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Race: Cedar All comer (2.95 Miles) 00:17:51, Place overall: 29
Total Distance

AM 5 miler with 200's after and was feeling pretty good the whole time until about a half mile left my knee started to bother me again. On the 200 I was going pretty slow and fell way behind because I could hardly move my leg without my knee hurting. Icing at home and I hope my knee won't hurt for the race.

 RACE started up with a 2 mile warm up and was pretty tired but my knee wasn't hurting so that's good. Was extremely nervous at the beginning of the race and didnt know what to expect. Started off at a good pace and tried to stay up with cameron but he flew so I stayed with josh and logan. First mile was 5:52 and i thought that was a good time so I kept the pace. Next lap I started to catch up to cameron and passed him but josh and logan sped up. Was feeling pretty good but legs were tired at the third lap but I told myself that I gotta do this so I sped up. Finishing I sped up and saw reed and I wanted to beat him but he sped up more than me then I saw logan and I sprinted past him at the very end. Although the most important was the I got a PR. WAHOO! My time wad 17:51 which was a 25 second PR super excited and way proud of myself. Overall extremely good race.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 3.00Asics GT 2000 Miles: 6.50Kilkenny Xc 5 Spike Miles: 3.00
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3 miles with stiders and was feeling a little sore and so legs were hurting. Went to sandbergs and felt pretty good after the short swim but once striders started I felt amazing and just wanted to go way fast, it was awesome.

Barefoot Miles: 1.00Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 3.50
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AM missed morning run 

PM well today I missed the warm up because of a big mess up with school so I was pretty late, but still made it on time before the rest if the team left. Did a hill workout with 5×1 min and 7 30 seconds. I felt like did really good on all of these and just had a good push. Weights after.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 7.00
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AM made it today even though I was a bit late. Pretty fast today and not much talking

PM well started the 1/1 at the high school and I am super happy with what I got. I finally maxed out for the first time! The max out was 15 and I think I found my problem, it is that my mind thinks that it is to hard and my body believes it. So all I had to do was to break down that barrier holding me back and I could do what I thought impossiple.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 9.00
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Race: Hurricane invitr (3 Miles) 00:17:02, Place overall: 4, Place in age division: 4
Total Distance

RACE- well showed up a little late at the school thinking we had to meet at 7 but the bus showed up the same time I did. Did a 1.5 mile warm up while we watched the girls jv and I was feeling good. Once the gun went off I jumped up ahead trying to not get caught in the pack and I ended up jumping strait to 3rd, boy that was a surprise. I stayed in third for a while then was passed by someone from canyon view. It was like that for the first mile with a time of 5:30. After that logan came up and passed us both so I caught up to logan and was in fourth again. 2nd mile came around and I had a 11 something, later on jake all the sudden came and passed me and logan then I passed logan and was back in 4th. That was the way I finished with an ok sprint and finished with 17:02. Great time and all but since the course wasnt quite 3 miles and it was super fast it will be hard for me to compare it to other races. 50 second PR.  

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 3.00Kilkenny Xc 5 Spike Miles: 3.00
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AM- Nice run and was feeling tired. fast

PM- 1000's workout today and i was pretty tired. My times were 4:03, 4:12 4:10 4:10, 4:15, and 4:10. was kind of all over the place  but i was just super tired and didn't have any energy afterwards. 

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 10.75
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AM easy 3 miler once again and again it wasnt that easy. Hard time keeping up today and I don't know why, shins were just sore I guess.

PM-easy 7 miler and yet once again not easy at all, legs were super tired not really sore just no energy to move them. Iced shins and stretched calfs after.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 10.50
Total Distance

AM- no morning rub for me I had drivers ed 

PM- minuters today and I got ten. Felt just way tired and I don't think ive gotten enough sleep for the past couple days will try going to bed earlier.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 5.50
Total Distance

AM- no morning run again 

PM-7 mile run overall and with old man hills. The hills were 800 and since I was tired and worn out on my way there so i was surprised when I was running up with matt and reed. I feel that I did extremely well and my times were basically 2:55 (sorry cameron but I think I beat you:) excited for suu and I hope I can do good. Calfs a little tight nothing serious though.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 7.50
Total Distance

AM- got to run morning run again but was about ten minutes late. They were running barefoot on the baseball field. When I started they had already ran to so I ran one and then did the last two miles on my own.

PM - 5 miles sandbergs with 4×200's felt good all through.

Barefoot Miles: 3.00Asics GT 2000 Miles: 6.50
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Race: SUU invite (3 Miles) 00:17:57, Place overall: 4, Place in age division: 1
Total Distance

Morning I woke up at 6:10 and got ready to go to the race. Was pretty tired and there was a tight spot on my calf, which worried me. Left for race at 6:30ish.

RACE - lined up for about 20 minutes and when the gun finally went off I started at a fast pace maybe a little to fast, not sure. I soon worked my way up to the front and was leading the race with dave for about two miles. On the second lap desert hills guys were starting to pass us and then dave stuck with them and I fell back a little bit. It stayed like that until the third lap and dave fell behind and I started to catch some of desert hills. I then heard someone yell jakes name right after mine and I was thinking I won't let him beat me and I sped up. I was in 6 when I passed dave and then passed 2 desert hills guys and finished 4th overall and first for pine view. I was super excited and way proud of my self and I got a time of 17:57.

I learned a couple things about racing today and one thing is that I don't know how to pace myself in the lead, this is the first time ive ever been in first for even a little bit and it is super different but it was all worth it.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 3.00Kilkenny Xc 5 Spike Miles: 3.00
Total Distance

AM was a bit late again and so I started my morning run with paul who was also late. Was going a pretty fast pace and was a good run. Plyos after.

PM- did the six minute Vvo2 test again. Started after a 1.5 mile warm up and my goal was to stay with cameron but he is just a lot better at short distances than me. I was just behind him with 2 laps and 169 meters which added up to 1729 total meters(improved quite a bit). I wanted to push so badly because after suu I realized how close I was to varsity so now I want to do all I can and push as hard as I can so I will be able to run varsity.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 7.50
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AM- finally made it on time and was hoping for rain and not just a sprinkle, still fun

PM- dogpound tempo today and we started at the zions bank and ended at the dogpound. Was feeling pretty good the whole time but towards the end coach told us to relax and just let us get used to it and almost instantly after I did what he said I felt better. It wasnt quite what I was expecting, but man, coach really knows his stuff.

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 8.50
Race: PV Time Trial #2 (2 Miles) 00:11:53, Place overall: 11, Place in age division: 11
Total Distance

AM drivers ed so no morning run

PM- time trial today at 5 after pictures. Wasnt really sure what I wanted just because I feel like I do so much better at 3 mile races rather than 2. Was probably to fast of a start, and not fast enough at the end, had a good sprint though. Afterwards I felt terrible, was light headed, dizzy, and just awful.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 3.00Kilkenny Xc 5 Spike Miles: 2.00
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AM drivers ed again.

PM- 5 mile sandbergs felt good on the run and the pond felt really good too but was dizzy and lightheaded again after I finished. Weights after.

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 5.00
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AM finally got to run a morning run but arrived late so I had to play catch up.

PM- ice cream run! Fun, felt good the entire time even after an ice cream cone only problem was my shins giving me a little pain, but the lightheadedness and dizziness was gone which was really nice.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 7.00
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PM after a really long day of doing things at home I went to bed not even realizing I hadn't gone on a run. Then I suddenly realized that I hadn't gone on a run so I got up and went with my little bro (on his bike). It was fun being in the rain amd felt good throughout too. Shin was still bugging me but not as much. All is well.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 5.00
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Total Distance
Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 122.25Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 3.00Asics GT 2000 Miles: 59.00Barefoot Miles: 8.50Kilkenny Xc 5 Spike Miles: 11.00
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