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PV time trial

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St. George,UT,USA

Member Since:

Oct 26, 2012



Goal Type:

Highschool Champ

Running Accomplishments:


1600- 4:37

800- 2:08


3 mile-15:56

Short-Term Running Goals:

Be a successful runner

not have my back hurt

Work out my problems with not running fast at the end

Be top runners for Pine View

Do awesome in workouts... Longer than the first half

Long-Term Running Goals:

run a marathon

Get a scholorship for running

Run like a stud in college and my wonderful exotic life


Senior and Captain for Pine View Cross Country team. And I love every moment of it all.

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Saucony Guide 5 Lifetime Miles: 607.35
Saucony Guide 6 Lifetime Miles: 433.15
Barefoot Lifetime Miles: 57.50
Nike Cross Flats Lifetime Miles: 15.50
Velocity 5 Lifetime Miles: 4.75
Saucony Ride 6 Lifetime Miles: 415.75
Asics GT 2000 Lifetime Miles: 462.50
Kilkenny Xc 5 Spike Lifetime Miles: 39.00
Saucony Guide 7 Lifetime Miles: 89.25
Brooks PR MD Spikes Lifetime Miles: 2.00
Saucing Guide 8 Lifetime Miles: 709.50
Total Distance
Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 421.15Barefoot Miles: 57.50Nike Cross Flats Miles: 0.50Velocity 5 Miles: 1.75Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 380.75Asics GT 2000 Miles: 277.00Kilkenny Xc 5 Spike Miles: 38.00
Total Distance

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 3.00
Total Distance

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 3.50
Total Distance

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 5.00
Total Distance

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 5.00
Total Distance

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 6.15
Total Distance

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 4.00
Total Distance

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 3.75
Total Distance

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 5.00
Total Distance

Today was 8 miler with a 18 min tempo, ran on the virgin river trail. When we were supposed to turn around at 4 miles my watch was being funny so i think that me and Cameron went like an extra half mile of so. It was lots of fun and the tempo i should be running at is faster than my PR in a 3 mile, shows how much I've improved.

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 8.50
From Holt on Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 21:03:24 from

Fo sho!

Total Distance

Today we ran old man hills with a total mileage of six miles. I specifically ran 4 400's up the hill. It was a nice easy hill, to go up and fun after we lifted weights.

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 6.00
Total Distance

today we ran just an easy four miles with striders at the end. On the four mile my legs where heavy and hard to keep the pace even though it wasn't that fast. Striders where a lot easier for some reason though. gotta stretch my calves out my shins are starting to hurt.

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 5.00
Total Distance

I ran a 6 miler today with a LT tempo for 15 minutes in the middle. It was hard to stay at the right pace for the LT which i think that it was supposed to be around 5:50 pace. I also saw Archie and Jason on my run. after the run i was walking around and my shins started hurting, I need to roll them out now, 

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 6.00
From Can-run Brown on Sun, Jan 20, 2013 at 21:48:40 from

I had a hard time getting to that pace too especially on the last little bit.

Total Distance

Just an easy 4 miler today. i ran on the middleton wash trail down a little way from artic circle with a bunch of apartments on the side. It is a super fun run with hills, bridges, tunnels, and a little bit of ice. Had side aches pretty much the last half of the run. My shins don't hurt as much as they did saturday, that's a relief.

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 4.00
Total Distance

Hard workout today with 4, 1000 repeats, and lifting after. I did really well hitting the right times for my 1000's every time. My first three were faster than needed then the. Then the fourth i was just a couple seconds behind. It was so hard to keep going after the second one, and i really had to push on the fourth one just to come even close to the right time. However I felt proud of myself afterwards being able to do better and hit the right time even if i did feel crappy.

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 6.00
Total Distance

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 11.00
Total Distance

ran 6 miles plus striders at the end coming up with 7 miles total. On the six miles we had 1-2:00 min fartlek and 2-1:00 min fartleks. It was fun running in the rain. i found that i can stay closer to the older, faster guys easier its pushing me to go even faster. Anyway a little after the last fartlek I had a hard time to keep my legs going but i pushed to stay with the other guys and after a while the fatigue went away and it was easier to stay up. The striders were a interesting experience, after the first two my feet went numb and felt like i was running on carpet, like i said interesting

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 6.00Barefoot Miles: 1.00
Total Distance

AM 3 easy miles to artic circle felt so good on that run. 

PM- 5 easy miles, Ran on some trail by somewhere that i don't really know how to get to. There was a lot of hills and climbing it was still fun. defiantly easier on the way back I was kind of letting my self run down as fast as i could on the down hills until i had a thought of me tripping and landing on my face then rolling down the rest of the way, scary. then i got over it and enjoyed the rush of going that fast. great view when we got to the top it was fun to enjoy the amazing view for a while. Overall it was quite fun

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 8.00
Total Distance

Ran a 6 miler today with a LT pace for 20 min. I was invited to run with all the guys but i had things to do and wanted my breakfast to settle in first. The run by itself was hard but the LT pace was extremely hard. I had hard time to even keep my AT pace at times i just couldn't get my legs moving at the right speed. It was fun to run in the rain which was an upside to the hardness. but another downside is when i finished my shins just hurt like crazy all of the sudden they have been doing that a lot lately and don't know if i should be worried, but in the mean time icing and rolling for me. 

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 6.00
Total Distance

Today I ran 4*1000 meters at 87% with weights after, my splits for the thousands were 3:31, 3:36, 3:36,and 3:34. I was supposed to be hitting 3:35 so it was a really good run even though i felt terrible, the entire day I was tired and worn out so i was surprised with my times. I didn't run with the team in the morning because i didn't know about it but i needed the extra sleep. My shins weren't hurting as much today as they have been recently but they still hurt quite a bit

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 6.00
From Red Leader on Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 08:56:20 from

Ice those puppies like crazy! (Your Skins!)

Total Distance

Today's run, well interesting, fun but interesting. 5 miles on the Temple Quairy Trailhead by the old airport. It wasn't a hard run but it wasn't easy either, with lots of rocks and weeds to jump over every now and then. with some parts more of a hike than a run. felt tired and really good at the same time. so like I said fun, but interesting.

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 5.00
Total Distance

AM ran a nice easy three miles

PM ran an 8 mile with a 24 min tempo in it. My tempo pace was 6:00 min mile but i wasn't sure how fast i was going because my watch wasn't working. I ran with Hunter for a long time on the tempo but i fell behind towards the end  and tried to catch up but it was really hard and eventually i could stay the same pace but couldn't catch up. I wasn't feeling very good at the end of the run and after i finished my shins started to hurt but only for a little bit.

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 11.00
Total Distance

6 miles today with 4 400 old man hills with weights after. The run seemed easy but i know it was hard on my legs and i felt it after the run my shins are still hurting and i'm still icing and rolling.

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 6.00
Total Distance

AM nice easy three miles in the chilly weather

PM another nice easy three which felt great, then we had striders after which was harder mainly because my shins were killing.  

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 6.00Barefoot Miles: 1.00
Total Distance

PM ran a 6 miler today with a 20 min tempo. i was supposed to be hitting 5:40 mile pace and today i think was the closest i have ever gotten to sticking with the right pace the entire time. The main pace i was running was about 6:05 somewhere around there. Unfortunately i couldn't run the Mr. PVHS today so I was on my own to day. I took my coach's advise and take IBuprofun for my shins and i think that it worked either that or the icing and rolling but I'll do all of them again just in case.

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 6.00
Total Distance

AM nice easy three miles with a little more speed 

PM 6 miles today with weights after. Started with hearts warm up and later on a cool down afterwards I did 4*1000's. I was supposed to be hitting 3:27 (this time surprised me how fast i should be going) I did really well (another surprise) with my first time being 3:23 and i was right behind Jason and Matt (yet another surprise) on the rest i knew i had to slow up the pace so i wasn't as close they were 3:25 for the second 3:27 third, and 3:28. I felt so good about how well i ran today. Side aches were a problem during the run but coach helped me out after.( Thanks.) My shins hardly hurt today

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 9.00
Total Distance

AM easy three again with pliles afterwards

PM ran on the ice house trail by mustang pass. At first i thought the big hill at the beginning wasn't that bad, that thought ended when the hill kept on going up and up and up and up. My thighs were killing and i almost tripped and fell on my face, then my shins were hurting after the run, a lot more than yesterday, so pretty much not a good run for me.

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 9.00
Total Distance

AM nice slow 3 miles

PM 8 miler with 30 min tempo at 6:00 min pace, i stayed really well at that pace for about the first half of the run. I was up with Matt for the first half and then i fell back a little then we stayed the same pace for the rest of it. My shins were hurting but not too bad today, did a little bit of icing and stretching with my shins along with some of the team and they don't hurt as much anymore.

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 11.00
Total Distance

AM ran 3 miles again this morning with pliles after and i thought i was going to be the only guy freshman but Paul just ran a shorter distance so i didn't see him

PM Ran a 7 miler with old man hills, and weights after, we really mixed up the workout today  we ran 1×800, then 2×400 and finally 4×200. It was quite fun to see how well i could stay up with the faster guys. I wasn't right up with them but not too far behind at the same time. My shins were off and on all day but it hurts the most right after a run just walking on it, recently I have been icing them though and it probably has helped more than I think

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 10.00
Race: PV time trial (0.5 Miles) 00:02:25, Place overall: 6, Place in age division: 6
Total Distance

AM ran a bitter cold three mile for the morning run

PM Today was a time trial with hearts warm and cool and striders after. I ran the 800 and i think i did pretty well with a time of 00:02:25. I wasn't sure if that was good or not but i was 11 seconds off from my cosmin test time. But oh well. I wasn't sure how to run it either being the first time in a long time to race the 800. striders wen well

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 7.00Barefoot Miles: 1.00Nike Cross Flats Miles: 0.50
Total Distance

PM- ran a 8 miler with a 30 min tempo again it was a lot easier than the last couple of tempos. It was probably easier today because about 25 seconds was added to my AT time. It was 6 min pace flat but now it is 6:25 I ran 6:15 pretty much the entire time except around 3/4 of the way done when I was trying to fix a shoulder ache and slowed down a bit but quickly sped up to the right pace again. We had weights after and now my legs are really sore. Today was the first day that my shins didn't hurt at all, it was way nice.

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 8.00
Total Distance

PM- 6 miles easy to middleton today, it was easier the way there to the turn around than on the way back. I enjoyed not having to do a workout today and shins more of a problem today but only after.

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 6.00
Total Distance

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 8.50
Total Distance

AM- Morning run today wasn't that cold which was nice

PM- went on the prospector trail for 5 miles, lots of fun and no real problems with my legs all though they hurt a little going on a couple of big hills. 

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 8.00
Total Distance

 Ran my LT with jake and it went pretty well didn't have any problems but towards the end of the LT  I slowed down on a big hill and got a side ache we ran from Pine View to Jake's house

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 6.00
Total Distance

Ran 5 and a quarter miles to old man hills. Did 4×400 and 4×200. started out nice and saw an ambulance, a fire truck, and a cop car all in one place. I din't really know what it was but saw someone from the ambulance with one of those stretcher things, so started out pretty interesting but on the hills i had a hard time keeping my legs going and i just couldn't really go very fast. After the run my shins hurt a bit. 

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 5.25
Total Distance

AM just an easy 3

PM 4×1000 and 2×300 wasn't too hard today and I had to keep slowing down so i wouldn't be going to fast, well, that didn't work on my 1000 i was supposed to be hitting 3:43 but my times were all too fast with 3:35, 3:38, 3:41, and 3:38. It is just my nature to try and go faster than i should and i need to work on that. My 300 times were 00:52 both times a little harder and short distance is not really my thing but still fun

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 9.00
Total Distance

4 miles easy this afternoon, sort of, my legs were so tired for some reason. The run today seemed even harder than the one yesterday even though there was a workout. Although my legs were tired they didn't hurt which was way nice. Weights after

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 4.00
Total Distance

AM-pretty cold three miles in the morning

PM-easy three miles with striders after today, lots of fun, felt really good. we did our vertical today and mine was 22'' which is one less inch then last time but still pretty cool. Striders something on my hurting really bad but just ran through it and it went away. really good running day. 

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 6.00Barefoot Miles: 1.00
Total Distance

Cold, cloudy, and really really windy is what describes my eight mile with a 30 min AT. I went on the virgin river trail for the eight miles. It was easy because i was just doing well on my run, yet hard because the wind was blowing at me the entire time. Also saw 200 ducks right by the river real cool. Legs didn't really hurt at all today except a little sore on my quads.

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 8.00
Total Distance

AM- pretty chilly morning run

PM- Ran an easy three great run, after we did three other events in track that included hurtles, high jump, and shot put. I think I would do pretty well with the high jump and the hurtles if i work at it, as for the shot put i need a lot of work to be good at. striders after. 

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 6.00Barefoot Miles: 1.00
Total Distance

My run today started out as an eight mile run but just was feeling terrible by the third mile so i just turned around there instead of a mile later. Starting was really hard because of my hamstrings have been hurting for days because of the decathlon. Also my asthma was acting up for the first time in a long time so it was hard to breath on the way back so i started to walk so i could breath and after a while it went away and there was no problems the rest of the run.

Decathlon: So far i have done pretty good i am putting my results down now because it is the first time i have had time. High jump got up to 4' 6", top six in freshman,       Shotput got 18' wasn't really my favorite     100 my time was 15.88 i could have done better but the guy running next to me wasn't familiar with the 100 and he began running in my lane    200, my time was 29.77 I quite like this time     300h did okay but by now my hamstrings hurt with every step got about 55 seconds     Long jump was 13' 2" this one and the high jump were my favorite  Discus i got 48' 5" this one was fun as well.  Haven't done 100 hurdles or the 400 or javelin yet can't wait

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 6.00
Total Distance

First time blogging for a while but ill just start fresh with today

AM- ran easy three with the pace faster than normal but felt pretty good

PM- 4 mile sanbergs didnt really want to get in today, although my hamstring was hurting really bad and the water probably was cold enough to be like an ice bath so i should have gotten in. After the run we did 4×200 it wasn't too hard and i felt like i did pretty good and went fast. Tomorrow i will be participating in the 4×800 and so today i will be icung my hamstring in hopes that tomorrow will be a successful run 

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 8.00
Total Distance

PV meet for JV and lots of fun. I ran the 1600, 800, and the 4×400. The 1600 started after i did a warm up with a couple of the other guys that were running it. Started out fast for me and started in second went to about 7th and finished in 5th over all. I was very proud with my time and after i found out my time i was so much more excited. I got a 5:13 new PR!!! I was trying to get under 5 specifically 4:55 so i can qualify for BYU, but wasn't too stressed about it i hope that my next mile will be closer to breaking 5.

The 800 wasn't what i was planning to run but paul said that i should and then i just did. I had a slower start on this one than on the 1600 but i still got 5 over all again and was happy about that. My time was 2:29, it wasn't quite what i was hoping to get, not a new PR but am hoping to get 2:11 in time for BYU meet.

The 4×400 wasn't fun for me at all and was not feeling very good after the run. My team did okay and i think we got 5th or 6th out of the teams, I ran the last leg which put a little more pressure on me.

Over all not a bad track meet 

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 3.25Velocity 5 Miles: 1.75
Total Distance

AM- still a little fast even though coach wasn't there. There was only 7 of us on the run because the varsity guys did a workout this morning instead of the regular 3.

PM- 4 mile easy with 4 200's after. 4 mile was fun but really hot. the 200's were easier than i wanted expected because they weren't all out my hamstring was hurting and will ice and stretch today in hopes that tomorrow will be a good race. I will be running the 800 in the Hurricane meet I will have run in every meet there has been this season so far and it has been fun. My goal is to get 2:25 which is my current PR. 

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 8.00
Total Distance

AM- Usual artic circle run but seemed faster, legs were a little stiff plyos after

PM- After canceling the Desert Hills track meet, really bummed about that, the 800 runners around my speed did  8×200's, my time was supposed to be 30 seconds, which i did really well at hitting, at least for the first three. after the three i started to get around 33's but the highest i got was a 35 and only did that once. Very hard run didn't really feel to good and felt like i was going to puke, also had a hard time to keep my legs moving and they felt like led. harts warm and cool.

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 8.00
Total Distance

First day running for summer. I was really surprised at how many people were there. Anyway, started with a barefoot warm up of .5 miles. My group went the 3 miles and although it was harder than I thought it would be I enjoyed getting back to running, can't wait till tomorrow.

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 3.50
Total Distance

2nd day back and already way easier than yesterday, 3 miles again after a half mile warm up. and then we got back and started running club, i got stuck with the 7th and 8th grade boys, a little more than i expected to show up for them but still had fun combining with the 7th and 8th grade girls and running a bit playing capture the flag.

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 4.00Barefoot Miles: 0.50
Total Distance

Extremely tired today and wasn't feeling that great during the run but towards the end i started feeling better. Hamstrings were surprisingly sore afterwards wasn't really expecting that, but will stretch anyway. 

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 3.00Barefoot Miles: 0.50
Total Distance

barefoot miles after warm up at the park place near there. Was really nice and easy today, the best i've felt all summer.

Barefoot Miles: 3.50
From Holt on Sat, Jun 08, 2013 at 10:55:12 from

Your coming along great Andrew!

Total Distance

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 3.00Barefoot Miles: 0.50
Total Distance

Ran just an easy three, although didn't seem as easy as it should have, kept getting side aches and wasn't breathing to well. I don't know why it seemed to be harder today but i started running later than i usually do. Muscles are really sore but they usually are right as i start running

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 3.00
Total Distance

Nice easy normal warm up felt pretty good. Same with the beginning of the run still felt great but then started to get a side ache and it just went down hill from there, literally. After the run felt good but didn't get much time to stretch so hope that doesn't back to haunt me.

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 4.00Barefoot Miles: 0.50
Total Distance

With the best run yet and another easy warm up i felt pretty good. Running club now thats a different story did a race with the older kids harder to do my part than i thought, but some of those kids. running club added about a mile

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 4.50
Total Distance

Nice easy 4 miler today, the pace was a little bit faster but still easy. Ran to sandbergs and swam a bit, the water was surprisingly warm. Afterwards stretched my quads due to stiffness and when i got home rolled and iced feel better now.

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 4.50
Total Distance

Grass run today was just awesome felt so good, the grass was nice and soft and i was just having a good time. 3 miles on the grass then did striders. afterwards stretched and talked a bit about running this summer sounds like loads of fun.

Barefoot Miles: 4.50
Total Distance

Ran the region course up at bloomington hills north park. just the usual .5 warm up. Then we ran the course and this was the fastest run we have done all season, wasn't hard for me to stay with the main group but the picked up pace gave me a side ache, but just a little one. Other than that it was quite fun.

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 3.50
Total Distance

With a regular half mile warm up already done we started a bigger warm up of two miles. When we got back we did a work out called vVO2 which is running hard for 6 minutes. did ok and stayed in the middle of the pack my distance was 1596 not to bad for the beginning of the season. after we did a mile cool down

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 4.00Barefoot Miles: 0.50
Total Distance

Well, today was quite a fun day. We started with just the regular warm although today i was a bit late which was awesome. After planks and what not we headed of to the dirt mile. There it seemed like we were going way to fast, which gave me a huge side ache. The mileage after that was just short of 4 miles but later in kids club made up the difference. 

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 4.00Barefoot Miles: 1.00
Total Distance

Grass run all round today. Three miles on the grass and then did striders also on the grass. I enjoyed the run as usual today but my left ankle started to hurt a little, and i think that is because of the angle of the grass. Striders was better on my ankle though.

Barefoot Miles: 4.50
Total Distance

Two Parkway loops today and i must say i was not prepared for them. I felt like we were pushing the pace the entire time at least the first bit, when we first got to the starting pick up pace i stuck with the top guys the whole time then  with a little left just fell behind and couldn't keep up. I was having a hard time breathing after the first one and had the worst side ache ever. By the time i was about to start the second one I could breathe easier and side ache was mostly gone. I didn't push as hard on the second one, just couldn't do it. And that helped me a ton after the second felt way better than after the first. Took it slow the rest of the way back still with a little side ache but was gone when i got back.

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 6.75Barefoot Miles: 0.50
Total Distance

Today was a pretty nice run, my usual side ache problem wasn't a problem today. We did 4 miles today starting at Heritage park in coral canyon the trail we went on kind of like a smaller version of roller coaster hills. We went pretty fast, again, for no reason, but still was fun.

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 4.00Barefoot Miles: 0.50
Total Distance

Just an easy saturday run. Did my run later than usual because i woke up later than usual and I didn't want to run in the intense heat, and so i waited till it cooled down a bit and it was still quite warm but not in direct sunlight which was better. Nothing really painful or sore, just an easy run.

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 3.00
Total Distance

vO2 today which is similar to the vVO2 that we did last monday but instead of going six minutes we went 15 minutes which was much harder. Wasn't feeling to good in my stomach and just didn't help my running at all. Felt like i pushed hard but could have pushed harder, next time i will bring a watch. I ran 2 miles and 595 meters.

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 5.00
From By-run on Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 20:48:26 from

good job bud!

Total Distance

Interesting work out today that was based off of the vVO2 last monday. I had to run 133 meters in 30 seconds for as many times as i could i guess my mileage around 5.5 because of how many times i ran the 30 seconds and also helped pace the kids club race. The 30 seconds was fairly easy at the beginning and then of course as we kept going it got harder i stopped at 31 times and as soon as i did i regretted it, I wish i had kept on going until coach told me to stop. Towards the end i slipped and fell and got mud and water all the way up my legs, and it also soaked my shoes which wasn't fun.

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 4.00Barefoot Miles: 1.50
From Red Leader on Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 13:07:47 from

AHAHAHAHAHA! Sorry I had to let that out! And again... HAHAHAH! That's soo funny Red Follower! Great job though!

From Josh on Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 17:02:52 from

nice job Andrew you are improving a lot!

Total Distance

Fun run today, nice and easy after and before a workout is what i like. Ran 4 miles on grass with striders after and felt great through it all. Today I also led the whole pack with Cameron, Preston, and Jason, lots of fun.

Barefoot Miles: 5.50
Total Distance

Nice really easy workout today. It was 3 thousands today and i was supposed to hit 5:02, although i kept getting way faster at like 4:20. Really easy was even slower than our regular pace. So it was quite fun.

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 4.50Barefoot Miles: 0.50
Total Distance

Easy grass run today felt great all the way through. Didnt go as fast as usual so that was really nice. Kids club was fun as always less coaches than usual for my group but there is usually so many so it was probably for the best

Barefoot Miles: 5.50
Total Distance

30/30 workout again, and i have to say it was way harder this time. Did it 30 times again and this time i felt like i earned it and did my best. cool down which was a mile was pretty hard my legs just didn't feel like movin.

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 4.50Barefoot Miles: 0.50
From Holt on Thu, Jul 04, 2013 at 10:08:06 from

Nice job!

From Vis on Mon, Jul 08, 2013 at 20:47:46 from

Thanks for letting me run w/ you or, at least, right behind you.

Total Distance

Barefoot Miles: 0.50
Total Distance

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 5.00
Total Distance

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 5.00
Total Distance

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 3.00
Total Distance

AM really easy 1000s again this time though we did five of them felt good the entire time but a bit sore just because didnt run to much at scout camp.

Unfortunately wasnt able to go to afternoon run

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 5.50Barefoot Miles: 0.50
Total Distance

4 miles grass run today felt really good until about the last mile or so and decided to run back with cameron and Preston. We gell behind enough that the other guys finiahed a full strider before us.

Kids club was fun today. Had more kids than usual and played more games.  

Barefoot Miles: 6.00
Total Distance

30/30 workout today with the mile warm and cool. hardest one i ve done and only got to 17, started out feeling good then towards 13 I was barely making it and 17 I just missed completely, wasnt sore just tired.

PM ran an easy 3 miler today just by myself 

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 6.00Barefoot Miles: 0.50
Total Distance

AM 6 miles with a 2 mile tempo towards the end. Wasnt going to fast but was still pretty tired by the end of the tempo.

PM another easy 3 miles but was extremely hot today and was exhausted by the end. Weights after

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 9.00Barefoot Miles: 0.50
Total Distance

The run today was just one word... hard. After our usual warm up stuff we ran the region course which was 3 miles. Then we went to the meat grinder hill which is a 1 mile hill. The first time up wasnt sure what to expect and it was really hard wasn't prepared mentally or physically. On the second time up it was way harder physically because my legs kept protesting and didnt want to move, but it was easier mentally and I was able to push through the pain in my legs and kept on moving. 

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 8.00Barefoot Miles: 0.50
Total Distance

AM simple 1000 run today did six of the today and was a little worn out by the end of the workout but still fine. New pair of running shoes today and ive decided they're great.

Barefoot Miles: 0.50Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 6.25
Total Distance

Today was such a fun day, that is after the workout. Did the 30/30 workout today and did terrible, only got 17 again and that was way hard. Later it got a lot better at kids club. Today was race day and I decided to pace the races. ran in front of the whole group and pushed the leaders for the first three groups and by then I was exhausted so I ran in the back for the older boys. Paced some pretty good races by Rylee Holt, and also paced Gabe Holt. And have a coach Holt. So many holts.

Barefoot Miles: 0.50Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 6.50
Total Distance

AM ran my morning run a bit later than usual with jake and was quite a boring route it was basically 4 miles on just one road that we ran on the whole time but oh well.

PM started run at 3 over at coaches house and it just an easy 3 but blazing hot. Luckily afterwards could swim at coaches house which was a blast.(thanks coach)

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 7.00
Total Distance

AM hills today at hells hole and I have to say not very fun. We did timed hills today and it was 4 30 seconds and 4 1 minuters. We started with the one minutes and I think I did really well on those. I started at a slower pace then slowly but surely made my way to the front. On the 30s I wasnt doing as well, was still towards the front but I was tired out from the minutes, but still pushed up to where I needed to be.

PM afternoon run today was the basic three miles and it wasnt as hot as it usually is and it felt good. Weights after was ok and I think my arms will be a bit sore.


Barefoot Miles: 0.50Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 9.25
Total Distance

Somewhat of a hard run today. Today was 7 miles with a 2 1/2 mile tempo. The run itself wasnt too tiring but the tempo drained most of my energy. We started the tempo at about three miles and stayed a pretty consistant pace of 6:30 never went really any faster or slower so it was an ok run

Barefoot Miles: 0.50Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 7.00
Total Distance

AM didnt wake up on time for practice and realizing it was to late for practice by the time i woke up i decided just to run on my own. Ran 5 miles was going to run 6 but didnt have enough time to run 6.

Up at camp now and ran our first run in the high altitude it was just an easy 4 and felt pretty good.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 9.00
Total Distance

 High Altitude Camp

AM ran 8 miles not really a hard run but not exactly easy though, it was our longest run up at camp and was pretty fast paced on the first half. Felt pretty good during the run but afterwards I felt terrible. I didn't even feel good enough to eat very much breakfast.

Ran an easy 3 miles and then after jumped into the lake which felt amazingly good.

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 8.00Asics GT 2000 Miles: 3.00
Total Distance

High Altitude Camp

AM today was our hilly run, which basically meant big long giant hill. 5 miles total and on the way up it was extremely hard for me to stay up with all the big boys. The way back down was way better, I didnt go quite as fast as I could have and the entire time my body just wanted to fly down the hill but I held back and went down easy anyway.

PM 3 mile run on the most amazing trail run i have ever been on. We started out at about the top of the mountain where a great lookout was and ran down into a gorge thing. It was so much fun on the way down with rocks, steep hills, many sharp turns, and an amazing environment around us. Way back was a lot harder. On my way up me and a couple of other boys seperated and were a ways ahead of everyone and I had the opportunity to push one of the boys up that hill even though he wanted to stop so badly I didnt let him and it was a learning experience for both of us. 

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 8.00
Total Distance

High altitude camp

AM what was supposed to be an easy run turned out to be extremely hard run. It was basically hard hills the entire run till the turnaround point, but like most runs that start with a hill it ended with an easy down hill.

 High altitude this week was just awesome. The team was so much fun to hang out with and the activities were awesome. I feel like I had a fun time but still got the team bondingdone and got the message across of daring to go. Some of my goals were completed on this trip by having our sports team becoming like a family.


Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 4.00
Total Distance

AM first run back home and it ended up being a tempo. I met up at the washington elementary school with Preston, Cameron, and Jake. Then unexpectedly Josh Farish showed up not knowing there was no organized practice so we invited him on our run. The tempo was surprisingly the easiest run I had done all week my legs weren't tired and wasn't really even breathing hard. It was a 2 mile tempo on a 5 mile run. We ran basically at a 6:40 pace although we ended at like a 6 flat pace. I'm glad I could set up this run with these guys or I might not have ran at all. Plus they pushed me harder than at the moment (being sleepy tired already) would have been willing to push my self.

PM ran a 3 on my own and it was quite a bit hotter than I had grown accustomed to at high altitude camp but felt really good all the same. 

Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 3.00Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 5.00
Total Distance

Ran my 3 miler a bit later than usual today at around 9. I ran part of it with my family so basically I was going way slow. Then they turned around at the mile mark and I ran the rest with my little bro and that was better. Felt good today not as well as yesterday but still pretty good.

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 3.00
Total Distance

AM really good run today. Back to the usual half mile warm up then made our way to the dirt mile for 6×1000's. Coach bumbed up the times but they were pretty much the same thing that I have been running, my new time is 4:43 I got 4:25 4:39 4:35 4:30 4:31 and 4:37. I enjoy these runs because its not super easy but still easy.

PM afternoon 3 miler felt pretty good today and wasn't too hot thanks to the wind. So the run was good but the weights and plyos were the hard part. Today me and Can upped all of the weights we did so I'll expect being sore, but hopefully I will stretch enough that I won't have to worry  

Barefoot Miles: 0.50Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 9.25
From The Warbeast on Mon, Aug 05, 2013 at 10:41:47 from

Yeah coach seems to be bumbing up everything these days.

From Holt on Mon, Aug 05, 2013 at 11:11:06 from

I don't know what that means!

From Andrew Nielsen on Mon, Aug 05, 2013 at 11:22:32 from

I know right, everything!

Total Distance

AM new workout today that really wasnt new. We replaced the 30/30 workout with the 1/1 minute on minute off. I got up to 13 and I was so close that I probably could have done another but didnt. I felt like I did really well but I could have kept going to the max amount. The next time that this workout comes around I am determined to make it all the to the max regardless of how I feel.

Final day of kids club and it was good except that I  felt terrible legs were super sore but still had a good time for the last time with the kids.

PM have you ever had a run where it was just awesome, your legs didnt hurt you could breath just fine and it was just the best run ever? Well my afternoon run was definantly NOT that. In fact it was just the opposite. Nuff said.

Barefoot Miles: 0.50Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 6.00Asics GT 2000 Miles: 3.00
From Can-run Brown on Tue, Aug 06, 2013 at 19:39:12 from

You better be feeling a lot better than that tomorrow if you're going to beat Preston (or me).

Race: PV Time Trial #1 (2 Miles) 00:12:15, Place overall: 9
Total Distance

AM todays time trial was a good experience for me it had its ups and downs but it was still good. As every race has different things happening whether good or bad it is good to know both. One of my downs today was my legs, they have been extremely sore for a couple days and it hurts just at a slow jog. One of my ups was that I was so determined to do good that my pain wouldnt stop me from reaching that goal. Once the race started I stuck with Cam for the first lap then on the second he started to pull ahead and that's when I started to think negative. I was thinking things like whatever, what's the point, and it would be easier to just slow down. Soon I realized what I was saying and I got mad at myself and forced myself to go faster, so I started speeding up and closing the gap between me and who was ahead. Then I realized that I wasnt to far behind the older guys who I wasnt expecting to be even close to. My time was 12:15 and I didnt really know what to expect for my time and I think it was a good time. I am also pleased with my placing in the race and I hope that I can work hard enough to run varsity at least once this year.

Been feeling sick since this morning so decided to do afternoon run on friday.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 6.50
Total Distance

AM Tempo today and it was probably the best one i've done even with my sore legs. Ran on the river trail with all the level 2 boys and started our tempo at the 2 mile mark, once we hit our first mile on the tempo we were a bit spread out and we picked up the pace a bit going about 6:30 instead of 6:40, the next mile was a little faster and that was where the other boys fell off and it was just me, Cameron, Jake, Nick, and Preston. This was the biggest group ive ever ran a tempo with since i'm usually aloneish sometimes one other, and I think it was easier to keep pace. The last mile was way faster than the rest at about 6:10. Felt good the entire run and feel good about how it went.

PM nice run felt good and had the wind to help cool me off. Weights and plyos after and those went pretty well too.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 8.50Asics GT 2000 Miles: 3.00
Total Distance

AM woke up earlier today to get to practice on time at the little valley park. No coach today and so a little disorganized but eventually we worked it out. 3 miles grass run and hit 50 miles barefoot. Wahoo! Then went over to some hills and did 5 one minutes and 3 30 seconders. Did pretty decent on the minutes and I'll admit that after those I felt like I could have pushed harder, but I think that the 30 seconders I pushed up the like there was no tomorrow and did pretty good. My legs seem to be almost completely better after a hard week of pain throughout my runs.

PM ran an afternoon run today since I missed the one on wednesday didn't really want go but knew I needed to so did anyway. Felt ok not the greatest, just another afternoon run. 

Barefoot Miles: 3.50Asics GT 2000 Miles: 6.75
Total Distance

Ran late today at about 9 and went 4 with my brother on his bike. Felt really good today no leg pains or anything and since my brother was on his bike I felt like going fast, it was about 7 minute pace so not too bad. It was pretty interesting because we saw first a firefly and you never see those here then we saw a skunk. When we were passing by the skunk we saw it lift its tail so we sped up to get out of there then we noticed it started to stink but I think we got away in time. Other than that a pretty good run.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 4.00
From The Warbeast on Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 11:39:53 from

Is that why you stink so much? ;) jk

Total Distance

AM thousands workout today and it was a bit harder today with the new times but still manageable.

PM usual 3 miler again and today my knee was hurtin the entire time went home and iced weights and plyos

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 7.50Asics GT 2000 Miles: 3.00
Race: Cedar All comer (2.95 Miles) 00:17:51, Place overall: 29
Total Distance

AM 5 miler with 200's after and was feeling pretty good the whole time until about a half mile left my knee started to bother me again. On the 200 I was going pretty slow and fell way behind because I could hardly move my leg without my knee hurting. Icing at home and I hope my knee won't hurt for the race.

 RACE started up with a 2 mile warm up and was pretty tired but my knee wasn't hurting so that's good. Was extremely nervous at the beginning of the race and didnt know what to expect. Started off at a good pace and tried to stay up with cameron but he flew so I stayed with josh and logan. First mile was 5:52 and i thought that was a good time so I kept the pace. Next lap I started to catch up to cameron and passed him but josh and logan sped up. Was feeling pretty good but legs were tired at the third lap but I told myself that I gotta do this so I sped up. Finishing I sped up and saw reed and I wanted to beat him but he sped up more than me then I saw logan and I sprinted past him at the very end. Although the most important was the I got a PR. WAHOO! My time wad 17:51 which was a 25 second PR super excited and way proud of myself. Overall extremely good race.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 3.00Asics GT 2000 Miles: 6.50Kilkenny Xc 5 Spike Miles: 3.00
Total Distance

3 miles with stiders and was feeling a little sore and so legs were hurting. Went to sandbergs and felt pretty good after the short swim but once striders started I felt amazing and just wanted to go way fast, it was awesome.

Barefoot Miles: 1.00Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 3.50
Total Distance

AM missed morning run 

PM well today I missed the warm up because of a big mess up with school so I was pretty late, but still made it on time before the rest if the team left. Did a hill workout with 5×1 min and 7 30 seconds. I felt like did really good on all of these and just had a good push. Weights after.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 7.00
Total Distance

AM made it today even though I was a bit late. Pretty fast today and not much talking

PM well started the 1/1 at the high school and I am super happy with what I got. I finally maxed out for the first time! The max out was 15 and I think I found my problem, it is that my mind thinks that it is to hard and my body believes it. So all I had to do was to break down that barrier holding me back and I could do what I thought impossiple.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 9.00
Race: Hurricane invitr (3 Miles) 00:17:02, Place overall: 4, Place in age division: 4
Total Distance

RACE- well showed up a little late at the school thinking we had to meet at 7 but the bus showed up the same time I did. Did a 1.5 mile warm up while we watched the girls jv and I was feeling good. Once the gun went off I jumped up ahead trying to not get caught in the pack and I ended up jumping strait to 3rd, boy that was a surprise. I stayed in third for a while then was passed by someone from canyon view. It was like that for the first mile with a time of 5:30. After that logan came up and passed us both so I caught up to logan and was in fourth again. 2nd mile came around and I had a 11 something, later on jake all the sudden came and passed me and logan then I passed logan and was back in 4th. That was the way I finished with an ok sprint and finished with 17:02. Great time and all but since the course wasnt quite 3 miles and it was super fast it will be hard for me to compare it to other races. 50 second PR.  

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 3.00Kilkenny Xc 5 Spike Miles: 3.00
Total Distance

AM- Nice run and was feeling tired. fast

PM- 1000's workout today and i was pretty tired. My times were 4:03, 4:12 4:10 4:10, 4:15, and 4:10. was kind of all over the place  but i was just super tired and didn't have any energy afterwards. 

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 10.75
Total Distance

AM easy 3 miler once again and again it wasnt that easy. Hard time keeping up today and I don't know why, shins were just sore I guess.

PM-easy 7 miler and yet once again not easy at all, legs were super tired not really sore just no energy to move them. Iced shins and stretched calfs after.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 10.50
From Red Leader on Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 18:23:12 from

Drink more water, and stretch all around. You tighten up a lot.

Total Distance

AM- no morning rub for me I had drivers ed 

PM- minuters today and I got ten. Felt just way tired and I don't think ive gotten enough sleep for the past couple days will try going to bed earlier.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 5.50
From APush on Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 18:42:16 from

Ah. Too bad you couldn't make it to morning rub. That's just too bad.

From Andrew Nielsen on Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 19:54:30 from

What is that supposed to mean

From Holt on Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 20:00:30 from

At least he ran... Fool!

From APush on Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 10:35:38 from

Hey now. You told me to take time off coach. Oh um... Ps. I have tendonitis in my Achilles... In case you were wondering...

Total Distance

AM- no morning run again 

PM-7 mile run overall and with old man hills. The hills were 800 and since I was tired and worn out on my way there so i was surprised when I was running up with matt and reed. I feel that I did extremely well and my times were basically 2:55 (sorry cameron but I think I beat you:) excited for suu and I hope I can do good. Calfs a little tight nothing serious though.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 7.50
From Can-run Brown on Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 18:18:52 from

Did you get a 2:52?

From Andrew Nielsen on Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 18:22:42 from

I sure did! I think my low was 2:51

From Can-run Brown on Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 18:23:51 from

Well then you did beat me. Great Job.

From Andrew Nielsen on Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 18:42:47 from

Now you just got to beat me at suu

Total Distance

AM- got to run morning run again but was about ten minutes late. They were running barefoot on the baseball field. When I started they had already ran to so I ran one and then did the last two miles on my own.

PM - 5 miles sandbergs with 4×200's felt good all through.

Barefoot Miles: 3.00Asics GT 2000 Miles: 6.50
Race: SUU invite (3 Miles) 00:17:57, Place overall: 4, Place in age division: 1
Total Distance

Morning I woke up at 6:10 and got ready to go to the race. Was pretty tired and there was a tight spot on my calf, which worried me. Left for race at 6:30ish.

RACE - lined up for about 20 minutes and when the gun finally went off I started at a fast pace maybe a little to fast, not sure. I soon worked my way up to the front and was leading the race with dave for about two miles. On the second lap desert hills guys were starting to pass us and then dave stuck with them and I fell back a little bit. It stayed like that until the third lap and dave fell behind and I started to catch some of desert hills. I then heard someone yell jakes name right after mine and I was thinking I won't let him beat me and I sped up. I was in 6 when I passed dave and then passed 2 desert hills guys and finished 4th overall and first for pine view. I was super excited and way proud of my self and I got a time of 17:57.

I learned a couple things about racing today and one thing is that I don't know how to pace myself in the lead, this is the first time ive ever been in first for even a little bit and it is super different but it was all worth it.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 3.00Kilkenny Xc 5 Spike Miles: 3.00
From The Warbeast on Sat, Aug 24, 2013 at 14:43:49 from

Nice job, Andrew! Way to represent PVXCJV!

From Andrew Nielsen on Sat, Aug 24, 2013 at 14:58:20 from

Thanks preston! great job to you as well! You've improved a ton this year and it definantly showed today (top ten).

Total Distance

AM was a bit late again and so I started my morning run with paul who was also late. Was going a pretty fast pace and was a good run. Plyos after.

PM- did the six minute Vvo2 test again. Started after a 1.5 mile warm up and my goal was to stay with cameron but he is just a lot better at short distances than me. I was just behind him with 2 laps and 169 meters which added up to 1729 total meters(improved quite a bit). I wanted to push so badly because after suu I realized how close I was to varsity so now I want to do all I can and push as hard as I can so I will be able to run varsity.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 7.50
Total Distance

AM- finally made it on time and was hoping for rain and not just a sprinkle, still fun

PM- dogpound tempo today and we started at the zions bank and ended at the dogpound. Was feeling pretty good the whole time but towards the end coach told us to relax and just let us get used to it and almost instantly after I did what he said I felt better. It wasnt quite what I was expecting, but man, coach really knows his stuff.

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 8.50
From Holt on Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 13:11:25 from

that dude is a genious!

From APush on Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 20:35:32 from

Hmmm... I've never met a genius who can't spell genius...

Race: PV Time Trial #2 (2 Miles) 00:11:53, Place overall: 11, Place in age division: 11
Total Distance

AM drivers ed so no morning run

PM- time trial today at 5 after pictures. Wasnt really sure what I wanted just because I feel like I do so much better at 3 mile races rather than 2. Was probably to fast of a start, and not fast enough at the end, had a good sprint though. Afterwards I felt terrible, was light headed, dizzy, and just awful.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 3.00Kilkenny Xc 5 Spike Miles: 2.00
Total Distance

AM drivers ed again.

PM- 5 mile sandbergs felt good on the run and the pond felt really good too but was dizzy and lightheaded again after I finished. Weights after.

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 5.00
Total Distance

AM finally got to run a morning run but arrived late so I had to play catch up.

PM- ice cream run! Fun, felt good the entire time even after an ice cream cone only problem was my shins giving me a little pain, but the lightheadedness and dizziness was gone which was really nice.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 7.00
Total Distance

PM after a really long day of doing things at home I went to bed not even realizing I hadn't gone on a run. Then I suddenly realized that I hadn't gone on a run so I got up and went with my little bro (on his bike). It was fun being in the rain amd felt good throughout too. Shin was still bugging me but not as much. All is well.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 5.00
Total Distance

AM- 6×1000 today, goal time 4:07 was feeling pretty good the whole time and since it was progressive I ended up going pretty fast. Started with 3:56 fell back to 4:03 then started to progress with 4:03, 3:56 3:52 and then a 3:45. Good final push and I hope that tomorrow's race will be good.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 8.50
Race: Dixie All-Comers (3 Miles) 00:18:14, Place overall: 19, Place in age division: 5
Total Distance

Well went to the school at about 4:40ish then hopped on the bus to the park. Once we got there we did a little warm up following the course getting to know it and during that I started to feel a little quesy and nausous, but I waved it aside thinking iy was race jitters.

Race- up on the line was still feeling a little sick not as bad then the gun went iff and I pushed it down and pushed probably a bit too hard fir the first part. The first lap was good and preston was even beside me for like 30 meters then I passed him. Second lap was starting to push me to my limit because all the nausousness that I had felt intensified, then cameron or jake or both passed me (I don't know which since I was so out of it). Eventually I passed cam again but not sure when. Then third lap was extremely hard for me, I had no push left and just felt terrible. When the final push came it was not very fast but still an ok one. After I crossed the finish line I couldn't walk in a straight line almost fell over and had to be helped through the chute, I don't remember all of it because I blacked out a couple times I just remember someone helping me out. My time was 18:14 my worst race this season and my placing was 19 not to bad. Looking forward to the next race.

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 3.50Kilkenny Xc 5 Spike Miles: 3.00
From Jake Taylor on Thu, Sep 05, 2013 at 21:58:11 from

You did well to I see you varsity sometime in the future whether its this year or next year it's fun running and racing with you especially because you help push me so well

Total Distance

AM no morning run once again drivers ed

PM- 6 miles easy and it was, at least for the first 2 miles. Did the foremaster route and was feeling great all the way up the hill, then suddenly after about half a mile after the top of the hill I started to get a sideache then the nausousness came back from yesterday. I was really mad about this because it affected my race so much that I wanted to do good today. Once we went down the hill I started falling off a little from the main group but we took a water break and I caught up again. Way back felt better but not all the way. Striders after was hard but this time on my legs.

Barefoot Miles: 1.00Asics GT 2000 Miles: 6.50
Total Distance

PM- minutes today and after feeling terrible and not doing very good the past couple of days I really wanted to redeem myself. The first 5 flew by but once six started I was wanting to stop, with the farther distance it was just harder. Then 9 came and cameron stopped and that was hard to because first off I didnt have someone to run with and second I didnt have a watch, but I had to just keep going so that what I did, 14 came around and I thought that it was 15 so I started to walk thinking it was over then I saw able still running so I asked hime if we had one more and we did, at that point I so wanted to just be done, after all I had already stopped I didnt really want to start again, but I had to do so I prepared my self. Coach whistled and we started the final one abel byron and kyler where right behind me and passed me pretty quickly and couch told to go with them, I wanted to so I just forgot about the cones and focused on staying with them I fell back a little towards the end but I did it and I was proud of myself and at that moment that was all I cared about. Weights after

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 6.00
From Can-run Brown on Thu, Sep 05, 2013 at 20:34:33 from

You were such a stud today. You looked so strong especially when you went with Abel and them. Great job today.

From Andrew Nielsen on Fri, Sep 06, 2013 at 17:05:14 from

Thanks cam! Next time let's go all the way, of course if your foots feelin better

Total Distance

AM finally got to do a morning run again

Run-a-thon! Reall fun time with team, not sure my mileage but close to that ran three times the first section.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 6.00
Total Distance

Still the run a thon got to run three times again but extremely tired too.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 3.00
Total Distance

1000's workout today and a I felt all right except for plenty of side aches. Sore froma bunch of speed walking at the run a thon but bearable. My new time was 4:01 which is quite a difference from what I was running a couple weeks ago but that's good, it shows improvement. Well first time was 3:52 and that was way to fast so I went down to 4:02 and started to imprive from there, the rest of my times were 3:55, 3:51 and 3:44. Was a pretty good workout and hope that tomorrow I can do really good for the time trial thing.

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 6.50
Total Distance

Still no morning run drivers ed again.

Well we did our usual half mile warm up and my legs were definantly protesting to that. Then we did our mile warm up to start our minutes. Coach had us do 6 minutes and then stary the time trial to see who would take the last varsity spot. I really wanted to take it but I found my problem in raxing is starting out too fast. I used to slowly pass everyone and now I try and get up front fast I am hoping to change that. First two laps were ok but I felt pretty poopy though as well and the third lap was worse. Reed, Jake and Colton all beat me in that order. My best part of the race was my finishing kick. I really wanted to beat Colton so after he passed me at about a 200 left I knew what I wanted so I started to speed up. But I realized that wasnt enough so I sped up again, and again, and again, soon I was going faster than I thought I could have ever gone at the end of the race. Of course when I passed the finish line I couldnt stand anymore and just fell over but then coach told me to stand up and I surprised myself by doing so then he helped me walk around a bit. Today I learned that no matter the consequences if I set my mind to do something like speeding up at the end of a race I can do it I just have to believe that I can.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 6.00
Total Distance

Michigans workout today and I think I did pretty good. Started with an 800 and I realized I was going faster than needed and so I eased up. Once we started the 1 1/2 loop I was leading a pretty big group of people, by the end of that segment I caught up to matt and he led us for a while until he tripped :) would have laughed if I wasnt tired, but luckily he got up quick. Second 800 I could tell was slower but I also sped up as we were supposed to. Then the next 1 1/2 loop came and jake started to pass me and I just thought to myself, not this time Jake not this time. So I sped up to keep him behind me then the 400 finale came and while matt was with us the entire time he took off here at a pretty good pace. With 100 left he was juat barely in front of me and I sprinted faster and caught up with him then we crossed the finish line at basically the same time with him only a fraction ahead of me. End time was 25:49, pretty close to A standard (25:01) but got B standard (28:10). Looking forward to next time and getting A standard.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 7.75
From Jake Taylor on Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 22:25:28 from

bien hecho

Total Distance

AM 3 miles grass run. Plenty fun.

PM 5 miles easy went to sandbergs but didnt get in just wasnt in the mood. 4 200s after

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 9.00
Total Distance

AM got to dp morning run for the second time this week.

PM 4 mile easy with the team. Shins were hurting a little bit but not too much. Short day back pretty early.

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 7.50
Total Distance

Met at 8 pm at double churches were supposedly most of the guys were to be there but only ended up being 7 of us. When we started it was pretty much dark already so it had cooled of a bunch plus my legs and breathing and pretty much everythingfelt good. 6 mile run and only three of us ran 6 the rest ran more so i turned around with preston and krenshaw at the three mile mark. Good run.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 6.00
Total Distance

7 miles with the thousands workout.

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 7.00
Total Distance

Barefoot Miles: 1.00Asics GT 2000 Miles: 4.50
Race: PV Time Trial #3 (2 Miles) 00:11:29, Place overall: 7, Place in age division: 7
Total Distance

Race went really well wasnt sure how well I would do and ended up being 7th on the team and got a 24 second PR.

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 4.50Kilkenny Xc 5 Spike Miles: 2.00
Total Distance

Well coach had surprised me last night and asked me to go to bib firman and so of course I wanted to but there was a slight problem so I wasnt sure if would be able to go, but eventually it worked out.

We got to the state course and ran six on that going forwards and then running it backwards. Way fun.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 6.00
Total Distance

AM woke up around 7ish and got ready for the 5 mile run. It was pretty chilly in sandy andwasnt prepared for the cold. Started and iI was wondering what I would be running but coach just said "your running with the big boys now" that was pretty cool.

PM after another long day of driving we went to the course that we would run and it was quite fun and I'm way excited for tomorrows race. I'm hoping for the best. Way nervous though seeing as it is my first varsity race. (3miles) did striders after at the starting line getting to know the start added another mile.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 9.00
Race: Bob Firman Invitational (3.107 Miles) 00:18:04, Place overall: 153, Place in age division: 7
Total Distance

My first varsity race and was super excited for it. I really wanted to do good but wasnt sure how well i'd do.

Race: well up at the starting line and it started way sooner than I was expecting. So as soon asthe race started we took off pretty fast and it wasnt anything like I was expecting. It went super fast and the first mile flew by with tons of dust. I was pretty much in the back of the pack and I think I pushed it way to hard at the beginning and that affected the rest of the race. I finished with a time of 18:04, I wasnt to happy about my place or time but it was a good experience for me and I think it was worth it.

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 3.00Kilkenny Xc 5 Spike Miles: 3.00
Total Distance

1000s was sick on sunday so these were really hard.

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 6.50
Race: Duel in the Desert (3.107 Miles) 00:18:00, Place overall: 2, Place in age division: 2
Total Distance

Duel in the desert. I did ok but was still feelin pretty bad from lack of sleep and food and being sick.

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 3.00Kilkenny Xc 5 Spike Miles: 3.00
Total Distance

Easy run to the church on telegraph.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 4.50
Total Distance

Finally did morning run, way fun for finally being able to actually go.

PM ran 4 again felt good then 4 200s

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 8.50
Race: Nebo Invitational (3 Miles) 00:17:03, Place overall: 10, Place in age division: 1
Total Distance

AM morning run later so we could get more sleep.

Went up to nebo and finally got out in the freezing cold after 4.5 hour drive. Had to start warming up immediately and I have to say it was so cold.

RACE: at the starting line they took a while to start but when they finally did I was prepared. They shot the gun and we started, and I was determined to race this one smart so I didn't over do it at the beginning like I usually do. I stayed a steady pace and had preston behind me a ways and gradually lost him. At the start of the third lap I was having a hard time to keep going then coach said if I get top ten I get a medal... that was like a shot of pure adrenaline going through me. I knew if I got a medal it would all be worth it so I pressed forward. I finished tenth by being outsprinted at the very end. I finished with a time of 17:03 which was like a 50 second PR. To make things better our fresh/soph team got third overall. Way proud of everyone that raced good job to all.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 6.00Kilkenny Xc 5 Spike Miles: 3.00
Total Distance

Ran at the state course in like the coldest weather ever. We did 3/3s and I had no idea what to do except run hard for three minutes on the course. We had 4 of them and I led the most of them which was hard because sometimes I had no idea where to go even though I had ran it before. Afterwards we did hill sprints up the steepest hill ever. Those were pretty tough then did striders but with shoes on and at almoat full speed. Warm and cool 1.5

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 7.50
Total Distance

AM-good time doing morning run again

PM- we changed thousands up today and did a 2k and then a 1k. I got 7:00 flat for the 2k which was 20 seconds fast. My 1k was 3:35 which was right on

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 8.50
Total Distance

AM 3 easy

PM michigan today was disappointing for me, I had started really hoping for a good time and what not but was extremely tired in my legs and had a hard time pushing and then continuing to push. My time was 26:19 I think and like 30 seconds slower than my last one but looking forward to rest of week.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 9.75
Total Distance

AM easy artic circle route tired today.

PM had an interesting run today. Started with 2 mile warm and then jumped into 400s I hit all of the times I wanted to and I really was proud of that. Then we ran a easy mile but ended it with only preston and can with me. We then did 4 hill sprints and then 4 100s both at full speed.

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 8.50
Total Distance

AM easy 3 again

PM- was super excoted for this run because it was just an easy three. We decided to run down to the 2450 park and then do a bare foot mile was pretty fun. 4×200s after fast.

Barefoot Miles: 1.00Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 6.50
Race: Cedar Invitational (2.95 Miles) 00:16:34, Place overall: 25, Place in age division: 8
Total Distance

AM was really tired again but felt really good.

RACE: so we got on the bus and started our way to cedar. I was excited about our race because I was racing varsity, I also wanted to race jv to get a medal( oh well I enjoyed varsity). So we warmed up for about 1.5 not sure how long. We then got to the start line and faster then I was expecting the gun went off and I started at a decent pace then the gun went off again, first time that has ever happened to me and I though it was actually kinda cool. Once the gun went off to start again I got out at a really good pace. I told my self continually not to start out to fast and it helped a ton. I stayed the entire race either right with matt or right behind him. This was a incredibly stong push throughout the whole race. I constantly thought about the washer concept, that if you think you can and imagine ot and want it to happen ot will. So I stayed up with matt untill the very end where he took at the track. Once I got on the track something in my back really started to hurt I'm not sure what it was but it hurt so badly I wanted to just stop, but I kept going I then passed the finish line with a time of 16:33 and placed 25, I was and still am super proud of what I accomplished today. My goal was to break 17 and holy cow I did. I got a PR of about 1 min and 20 seconds for the course. I finally had another great race with much improvement. And I finally have witnessed how much I have improved throughout the year, at the beginning of the year my goal was to break 18 and havegone way past that goal. Great race and am excited for what will happen in the last couple of races.

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 6.00Kilkenny Xc 5 Spike Miles: 3.00
Total Distance

Well we were planning on thousands today then coach surprised us and said we were going to do an almost all out mile. We got up to the line and we started I led with krenshaw basically the first 2 and a half laps then preston came out of no where then josh came out of no where. I got a time of 5:03 which surprised me quite a bit because that was my pr for track last year makes me excited for track this year.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 4.50
Total Distance

4 mile easy. Did sandbergs but didnt want to get in. Then did 4×200s. Today my legs were really tired and I had a hard time to really keep my legs movin I hope that doesn't affect me at tomorrows race.

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 5.50
Race: Snow Canyon Invite (3 Miles) 00:16:36, Place overall: 11, Place in age division: 2
Total Distance

Race day and I was super stoked about this race. Started st a slower pace than normal which is what I wanted. I wasnt sure what time I could get and since most teams were running their varsity I wasnt sure what place I could have gotten either. The first lap I realized that we had 5 guys from pine view up front and I just thought thats awesome. On the start of the second lap Reed started pulling ahead of me with jake right behind me, and every time jake would try and come up with me I would think you can't pass me but you can stay right on my tail, because I knew if he passed me I might give up. I passed people consistently throughout the race and end up finishing 8th after lots of elbows at the end from the other team. I should have had a better kick at the end but it was sufficient and at times I seemed to settle and i'd have to get myself going again. I hope that at region I can race good again and jv, as well as varsity will be region champs.

(Time is a guess not sure how fast I went, will change if I find out)

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 3.00Kilkenny Xc 5 Spike Miles: 3.00
From Jake Taylor on Wed, Oct 09, 2013 at 22:53:00 from

nice job i saw on the results you ran a 16:36 by the way

Total Distance

Had another easy 4 miler this time to green springs. Was nice to go a easy pace. 4×400s and I'm happy to say that even though I started out a little fast on the first one I improved every time.

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 6.50
Total Distance

Well went to morning practice earlier today so we good get in a tempo before our workout. It was only a mile and a half but we finished in about 8 min and 17 seconds. Then we got into the master blasters which I had no clue what they were even though apparently we did them last year. Cameron and Preston were in my group and since they are both pretty fast there wasnt much of a cool down after each 200. Was fun afterwards even though I was coughing and sick the rest of the day.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 4.50
Total Distance

Met with Cameron, Preston, and Jake B for this run at 8 at the washington elementry. It was a three mile with 3 fartleks in them. We didnt really know what to do with them because they vary in length sometimes so we did a 30 sec 1 min and a 30 sec, and inbetween a 1min and 30 sec recovery. Nice easy run which felt good but my legs were a little sore and tired.

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 3.00
Total Distance

Just a three mile for the prerace run. 200s after

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 4.00
Race: Region 9 championship (3.107 Miles) 00:17:55, Place overall: 7, Place in age division: 4
Total Distance

Well warmed up for the race and was feeling ok but not great. Started the race and I saw how close I was to the front and I just sped up to the front which was my mistake for the race. I slowly fell back and was passed by a lot of people. My time was a 5 second course pr but I could have and should have been farther up but it was just a hard race. When I finished I felt like collapsing. Wasnt that good of a race especially for our last race so I hope at nike I can do really good.

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 3.00Kilkenny Xc 5 Spike Miles: 3.00
Total Distance

A good 6 mile foremaster run. Felt pretty good compared to the race.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 6.00
Total Distance

Well since there was no workout posted I had no idea what to expect for the run today and it definantly wasn't an all out mile that I was expecting. We started and I had keep telling myself to slow down a bit and got a 1:10 for the first lap but I tried to keep the pace then the 2nd lap I got a 2:26. The 3rd lap certainly was the hardest mentally to keep going. I don't know what my third lap time was but I was surprisingly right with Paul Nick and Reed. I hit the last 200 and can said if I went right now I could break 5. But I got to 100 left and couldn't go any faster my legs were just dead. Got a 2 second pr which was nice can't wait to break 5.

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 5.50
Total Distance

Pyramid type workout starting with a 1200, then going to 1000, 800, 600 and finishing with a 400. I did pretty good staying up with the varsity boys for the most part which was awesome, hearts warm and cool.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 6.50
Total Distance

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 5.00
Total Distance

Ran 4×400s today at a faster pace. Got a 1:08, 1:06, 1:07, and on the last one I really wanted to push it and got a 1:03 which is my 400 pr from track last year, i was running with the varsity boys the whole time and that was awesome.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 5.50
Total Distance

Up at state now after a long bus ride and did a 4 miler with 4 striders in the middle

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 4.50
Total Distance

Early morning run which was pretty cold but only 3 miles.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 3.00
Total Distance

Usual .5 warm up then played ultimate frisbee the whole time it was awesome so much fun

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 2.50
Total Distance

Scavenger hunt was awesome

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 3.50
Total Distance

5 miles

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 5.00
Total Distance

AM got back into morning runs again with our usual artic circle route pretty stiff and sore too

PM - was pretty excited for the workout (4×1200) today just cuz it felt really good outside. .5 warm up and then did a hearts warm. We got started and I was kinda stuck in the back but ended up pushing towards the front and finished with a 4:00 the other 3 times were 3:58 4:08 4:04. I was feeling pretty good today and the weather ended up being pretty rough with the wind blowing extremely hard. I stayed up with Byron and Abel although I was a little farther behind and they were doing 1600s but it felt really cool to be up with them.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 10.50
Total Distance

AM- seemed really fast today for our easy 3

PM- did mileage today and went 7 miles. It was pretty fun and one of the most talkitive runs ever. But it was also pretty fast.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 10.50
Total Distance

AM nice a bit slower that usual but still I had a hard time staying up with the group.

PM- MICHIGAN!! And boy was it awesome. I had a time of 24:44 which was about a full minute PR and not to mention it was A standard. Really great run and without the help of Matt, Reed, Paul and Trevor it would have been much more difficult to do. Although they didn't say anything during the run, being up with them was enough motivation to keep me going.

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 10.75
From Macey Widdison on Fri, Nov 01, 2013 at 15:35:17 from

Nice job Andrew, that's awesome that you got A standard. You're doing great!

From Andrew Nielsen on Fri, Nov 01, 2013 at 18:32:45 from

Thanks Macey!

From Can-run Brown on Mon, Nov 04, 2013 at 19:24:36 from

The way you've been running is outstanding. Seriously, I think every person on the team could learn how hard you have been working.

From Andrew Nielsen on Mon, Nov 04, 2013 at 19:59:46 from

Thanks Cam the support has been pretty awesome from your side.

Total Distance

AM morning run was hard for some unknown reason that made ot hard to stay up

PM Halloween ice cream run! Was spectacular, but legs felt really heavy for part of it, maybe because of my legit costume.

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 6.00
Total Distance

AM-felt good but legs were still a little sore and tired.

PM- usual half mile warm them 1.5 mile warm today we were doing 1000's at a hard pace. I did 5 of them with 3:20 3:21 3:19 3:19 and a 3:07. The last one was faster because Byron and abel challenged us to be within 5 seconds of them or we would have to do another one and I was really tired and didnt want to have to do any more so I pushed and was only 4 seconds behind. I was with the top guys the whole time so it was felt pretty good.

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 11.75
From Can-run Brown on Fri, Nov 01, 2013 at 15:43:28 from

Great Job. It has been awesome to see you start running with those Varsity guys a little more and it makes me even more excited for next year.

From Andrew Nielsen on Fri, Nov 01, 2013 at 18:36:26 from

Thanks Cam! Pretty soon you'll be back running again and you'll be right there with me.

From Holt on Fri, Nov 01, 2013 at 20:34:14 from

Good job... Keep working up with those top guys. This should give you the courage to start the workout even a little stronger.

Total Distance

6 miles with a 2 mile tempo in the middle. At first I was planning on doing 7 put I decided to do 6 for a couple of reasons. Once I got to the 3 mile mark I was felling pretty poopy and I hadn't even started the tempo yet and also because the neat little trail I was on ended right at 3 miles so I had to turn around. My tempo pace was 6:10 to 6:15ish but I had to really push to do even this. Hard run but not a bad run.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 6.00
Total Distance

AM started out pretty stiff but by the end was feelin good.

PM another cold 1200 day. We had 4 of them and my times were 3:58 3:59 3:56 and 4:03 unfortunately I slowed down on my last one but overall it was a pretty good workout. I really surprised myself today with my times, they would have been much harder to get if coach hadn't been there running with me I really noticed how important pushing each other is. I wasnt with him on the last one and that made a huge difference in the run. Anywho very accomplished run in my mind

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 10.50
Total Distance

AM- freezing cold morning run today

PM- 7 mile loop around shnobki. Not very sore but my knee was hurting a little bit.

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 10.50
Total Distance

AM- another freezing cold run and today the soreness caught up to me and I was feelin the pain in my knee again

PM- started with our usual half mile the 1.5 mile and then started the workout it was 400's starting with the time of 1:20 then we had to improve one second every time and if you didnt make it twice in a row we had to stop. There was 1 or 2 I didn't make it but didnt finish till 1:10 so I did 11 in all. Wasn't sure how well I was gonna do since I was so sore but ended up doing pretty well and was one of the last 6.

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 10.00
Total Distance

AM 3 mile easy

PM- 5 mile easy with striders

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 9.50
Total Distance

AM- showed up a little late so went pretty fast to catch up

PM- after a long ride up to american fork we went for a easy 3 I was expecting it to be hard because of stiffness but I felt so good it was just awesome. Plus we went into a cemetery at night nice run

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 6.00
Race: Pre-footlocker (3.107 Miles) 00:17:49, Place overall: 71, Place in age division: 9
Total Distance

Warmed up for ever about three miles then watched the girls race and then got ready to race.

RACE: started out which felt really slow but was an ok pace. The whole race I was running with reed paul and matt and we all switched back and forth leading I ended up finishing in the back of the pack right behind paul. Good race

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 4.00Kilkenny Xc 5 Spike Miles: 3.00
Total Distance

AM coldest run yet for me just because I didn't wear a jacket. It was really fast day today as well but still good.

PM- 3×1200s today and a pretty good workout. Times were 3:50, 3:53, and 3:55. Although each one was slower it felt like every one was much harder than the last. The times surprised me today and it wasn't something that I thought I would be able to do. On the first and second one I led for a little bit and that was really weird... awesome, but weird. Good workout

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 9.50
Total Distance

AM 3 miles

PM 5 easy then striders

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 9.50
Total Distance

AM 3

PM dog pound and 200s

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 7.50
Total Distance

AM easy three but not so easy

PM easy three and for the first time ever it was actually easy. Felt really good todayand excited for the timed mile tomorrow.

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 6.50
Race: Pine View Dream Mile (1 Miles) 00:04:49, Place overall: 8, Place in age division: 8
Total Distance

AM morning run was very quiet today with only 4 guys and coach warmer and a bit easier

PM had been hurting all day today in my shin so I wasn't expecting much out of me today but man, my race was awesome! My time was 4:49 which is a 13 second pr. I got 8th on the team too. My first split was a 1:10 and I'm not sure my other splits but I think they were 2:23ish then 3:37ish and then of course 4:49

I really did well at pushing when it hurt today and plenty of times it felt like I was gonna pass out, I realized it was mental and kept movin onward. This was definantly one of the best physical amd mental races I have ever done. Way proud of what I accomplished today

Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 6.50Kilkenny Xc 5 Spike Miles: 1.00
Total Distance

AM a better turnout than yesterday but also faster

PM recovery run today so it was 4 miles easy and striders after. The run was a good one and it was a pretty easy going pace too. Good ruh

Asics GT 2000 Miles: 8.50
Total Distance
Saucony Guide 6 Miles: 421.15Barefoot Miles: 57.50Nike Cross Flats Miles: 0.50Velocity 5 Miles: 1.75Saucony Ride 6 Miles: 380.75Asics GT 2000 Miles: 277.00Kilkenny Xc 5 Spike Miles: 38.00
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