3pm- Im layin off the morning runs for a bit because my lower leg area is really sore and fragile lately. I been icing my anterior tibialis and stretching and watching parks and rec and the same time #multitasker. During 3rd period I ate like 2 1/2 packs of skittles (which is approxamately 30 tsp of sugar) and I was on a major sugar crash during practice.
We did 4x1600s today and I felt like taking a nap in the middle of the workout. Suprisingly I did quite good. The first 3 I was sticking with the pack real good and the last one I took the lead at the start and lead the entire time. Im pretty sure it was because I took my shirt off, it helped me push that last one good. Every last lap of the repeats I hit the hurdles because of strengenthing is important. keepin it reallllll