3pm- 30 minutes easy with Skyler and Macen. Everybody left us on acount of we are freshman and nobody waits around for the true gangstas. We went and did a random loop around some neighborhoods. Went shirtless cuz it was hot.
Pine View held a stellar youngster meet today. Me and Korbin found a sick pair of Oakleys and they were so fun to wear like seriously I get why they would cost 300 bucks they are so sweet. Yeah so I was showing off my new shades and I remembered that I had to call 1law to get sponsor money from them. I went to the glass room to make this important buisness transaction. I got cash money. Jk the lady said she would wright a check but either way it was 150$. After that I went and helped out with the youngster meet. Then after the youngster meet I went and high jumped for a while with Macen and Im pretty sure I cleared like 4'11'' but idk we didnt have a bar. Also I practiced my scissor kick technique. Im getting pretty good