WALK/RUN: 4.15 miles - 50 minutes (5 minute walk to 5 minute run x 4, 4 minute walk to 6 minute run) I felt so great today on my walk/run. Again, I feel like I am moving forward and not stagnant! I am still not fast and have a lot of catch up to do, but I'm on my way! BIKE: 5.14 miles - 28:14 minutes. We wanted to take the kids on a hike today and choose the Battle Creek trail which happens to be at the summit of my PG High School hill. So I decided to ride my bike over and meet Tim and the kids. That is a long hill to bike up! I keep thinking it will get easier....someday! I switched my shoes and we started up the short hike. This is my kids first "real" hike and they did really great. We walked like a "caterpillar" so we would stay on one side of the trail. We saw a cave, lots of spider webs, and threw lots of rocks. It encompassed everything a hike is about! I was going to ride home, but it was almost lunch time when we finished and I still needed to go grocery shopping. So I rode in the van.
Off to pig out at a family BBQ!