RUN/WALK - 2.47 Miles - 30:30 minutes(6 minute walk - 4 minute run)
BIKE - 17.26 Miles 1:31 hours I rode part of the Alpine Loop today and it kicked my tail. I didn't decide before-hand what I wanted out of this workout and I let the "hard" win me over. I didn't make it to the top and turned around at the Timpanooke turnoff. My legs were spent - I didn't do a lot of biking this week (we had a lot going on) and I could tell. There were SO many riders going up the canyon this morning. Hard-core riders too! They all passed me going up and coming down - that is hard on the ego :)
My ankle has been bothering me a bit and I've been a bit grumpy about it. I got my stress fracture back in December and it is the end of August....urghhhhh! But I thought I would try to run on it today and back off a minute of running. It feels ok, still a bit achy. My next workout needs to be better!