WALK/RUN: 3.45 miles - 42:11 minutes 6 min walk - 4 min run 5:30 min walk - 4:30 run x2 5 min walk - 5min run
As I walked up to my front door after my workout, I looked at my watch and it said 4:39am. I had a puking kid all night. Why do stomachs need to rid their contents in the middle of the night? So by 3:45 am, I couldn't sleep anymore so I hit the dark and loney road (the gym doesn't open till 4:30am). I was a little nervous since it was so dark. I was VERY aware of my surroundings and noises. But it was cool and quiet. I did a bunch of ankle exercises on my front porch, took a shower and crawled back into bed. Hubby had brought Pukey into our bed (I have a firm NO KIDS IN BED rule). She was still though. I slept some but am still really tired. Hoping to get a ride in when hubby gets home from work. NO MORE PUKING KIDS! (on a side note, ankle does feel good today...still too early to get excited). PM - bike ride. I had HUGE intentions on going for a long ride tonight - I even had some extra time. But 19:29 minutes into my ride, I got a flat. I took off my tool kit when I had my bike tuned up last week and never put it back on. So my sweet hubby and all the kids came to pick me up. So much for a long ride......