66:19 minutes Oh what a workout! I told my hubby I was going to be awhile this morning! First, I lifted legs and then arms (for 1 hour). I haven't had a chance to lift since Monday, so I REALLY wanted to get it in. I got my orthotics this week and stuck them in my running shoes. They felt like butter - really supporting my high arch. I started my run and 2 miles into it my feet are on FIRE! The orthotics were rubbing and rubbing and I was hoping I wasn't bleeding. The next 5 miles I just tried to plow through. I would stop periodically to get water and wipe my face (and give my feet a rest), and starting back up was super painful. The sad part is my legs felt really great, no ankle pain and I didn't feel like I was huffing and puffing. I need to get some mole skins ASAP! Can't wait to read the race reports!