1:11:44 (AP 8:58) (9:46, 9:14, 9:02, 9:09 - said good bye to the gals, 8:42, 8:37, 8:52, 8:18) What a fantastic run and morning! I'm always a little nervous about running with people I haven't run with before. .....I'm afraid they will leave me in the dust. But I felt like I was kinda on the same pace as Smooth, Karen, Luzy Lew and Rachel (or they were being really nice and slowing down to hang with me!!). The weather was perfect and lots of great conversation. It was so fun to get to know everyone better. 4 miles arrived so quickly and I was sad to say good bye (but not too sad that I didn't run 15 miles)! The 4 miles back were not nearly as fun! My ankle and knees feel really good. I even got a massage today (my favorite gal had to reschedule a few times) and oh man....It was fantastic. I think I'm going to make this a regular occurrence. Thankfully, she is very affordable and neighbor! Thanks for a wonderful wonderful run gals! Smooth....here are a few more of my girlies in their dresses:
