got out before lunch for an easy warmup for the day - shooting for a tempo later today
4 @ 7:01 ave pace later - before getting the child from chess club 1 to the track - 1 warmup on the track 7 tempo miles @ 5:55 ave pace However I had to stop and grab a drink of water after 3, 5, and 6 - so I'm not sure what to take from today. This was supposed to be the culmination of all the tempo runs this training cycle, where the clouds part and GOD gives me the big thumbs up for the race next Saturday. Unfortunately that didn't happen. I never felt comfortable like I did last week. Of course it was 80 today with a moderate breeze at times and last Thursday it was more like 65. I won't complain too much because the pace was even despite the short breaks. Chalk a check mark in the done box for this tempo run. I do have a 5 mile one next week at a slightly slower pace, so I don't need to worry about it as much.