| Location: Sandy,UT, Member Since: Jun 11, 2010 Gender: Female Goal Type: Other Running Accomplishments: Pre-5th baby races:
2007- Sandy, 4th of July 5k (first race ever)
2008- June-Wasatch Back
2008-Sandy, 4th of July 10k 58:01
2008-August-Provo River Half Marathon. 2:07:46 The only half I've ever run.
2008-Sept-Alta 8k Downhill Dash 39.01
Post-5th baby races:
2009 November Turkey Trot 5k
-10k Freedom Run 56:23 (July)
Wasatch Woman 53:25.4 (Oct)
-Hobble Creek Half 1:58:19-PR
-TOU Marathon! 4:28:43.7 (first)
-Dam 2 Dam 10 mile Run 1:29:33.8 (AP 8:57)
-Spectrum 10k- 49:49 (AP 8:01) PR
-Ogden Marathon 4:05:03 (AP 9:21) PR
-Wasatch Back
UV Half -paced my sister
-St. George Marathon 4:29:32
SHAC triathlon-April
AF Half PR 1:57:34-June with Ashley
Salmon Marathon(4th)
2013-Ragnar Relay
Halloween half marathon with Jane
Short-Term Running Goals: Vigor half with Ashley, May 10, 2014 Personal: Married and have 5 daughters. Started running in Feb 2006. I love yoga. Favorite Blogs: |
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Asics-Kinsei 3 Miles: 52.21 |
| | Lysa and I ran 9 miles this morning. We left at 6am. The weather was perfect. Cool and cloudy. I had new music (Eclipse soundtrack) and new roads that Lysa took me on. It was kind of nice not knowing where we'd go next. The mountains are so beautiful and green right now with some snow on top. We saw some great views of the valley and we saw 2 ducks on someone's lawn up by the water tower. My average pace was 10:45 and it took me 1:36:43. It feels good to be back. I loved this long run. Thanks Lys! | Comments(1) |
| | Today was a cross day. I did Bryan Kest Power Yoga this morning. Later I took Josie in the stroller to the park and walked the hills while Jane and Lizzie ran around the park. Nice, cool weather again. Beautiful, green mountains, grass and trees. Love exercising outside. I walked fast and hills for about 35 minutes. Yoga takes about 53 minutes. Can't remember exact time. | Comments(1) |
| | Lysa and I ran the 1 and 1/2 backwards (ha! the opposite direction). The sun was behind the clouds and it was very cool outside. We ran without music and we talked. There was a time when we couldn't run without music. My time was 31:15 and my average was 10:03. After running I personally trained with Jackie Warner!:) I did the Lower Body Circuit (15 min) and the Abs Only Circuit (15 min) from her Power Circuit Training DVD. I should be back to doing the entire body circuit training on cross day because the pain in my hip flexor is gone. I then did the plank (one of my faves) 3 times holding for a minute each time!
Asics-Kinsei 3 Miles: 3.11 |
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Total: 49:14 Avg: 9:51 Great run with Lysa. Beautiful cool morning. We were a little faster today and ran up two big hills! C'mon Lysa, call yourself FAST! Love ya, especially for not caring if I have toothpaste on my face in the morning:)
Asics-Kinsei 3 Miles: 5.00 |
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Time 32:08 Avg 10:42 Ugh. Didn't get much sleep. I was sluggish getting up and that continued throughout the run. Windy, hot but trudged through. Lysa was a no show. Sluggishness may have been due to the fact that I was jumping on the tramp last night. Sore from handsprings. I'm too old to be doing that. But I did almost land a full back twist:) Not worth it. No more tramp for me.
Power yoga. 50 minutes.
Asics-Kinsei 3 Miles: 3.00 |
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| | Resting and restless. Should I be? | Comments(5) |
| | Time:1:44:42 Avg:10:28 Great long run with Lysa. Last time I ran 10 miles was July 2008. We left at 6am and it was 50 degrees. Nice and cool. So beautiful to see the sun coming up over the green, snow capped mountains. I'm loving long runs, even though my legs are hurting right now. I actually like that feeling. I did something hard and challenging and I did it all while my kids were asleep:) I had my water bottle, gu's and gum ( I chew while I run). Next time I'm taking ibuprofen and lip balm with me. I would love to take a nap today. We'll see. My husband is running Ragnar today and tomorrow with people from work. I'll be back next year, hopefully with a van full of friends this time.
Asics-Kinsei 3 Miles: 10.00 |
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| | I ignited my fat-burning potential this morning by doing Jillian Michaels-Banish Fat Boost Metabolism. It's Cardio Circuit training. Seven 6-minute circuits. Kicked my butt. Didn't modify once. Serious sweat! 50 minutes total. | Comments(1) |
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Time: 28:27 Avg: 9:29 Fastest lap was 9:02 cause I sprinted at the end. I encouraged Lysa to sprint with me and I know she loved it! It feels good to push yourself! Makes you feel STRONG! Great run. Did weights and abs and still need to do planks.
Asics-Kinsei 3 Miles: 3.00 |
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| | Time: 48:24 Avg: 9:41 Had a good run with Lysa this morning. Went up a hill which was a nice change and more challenging. I'm happy to be running under 10 but it's still okay when I'm not. Just happy to be running! |
Asics-Kinsei 3 Miles: 5.00 |
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| | I was not feeling good this morning. Very tired and feel a cold coming on. I still ran pretty well considering. I'm so glad it's rest day tomorrow. I need it. Sometimes I hate 3 mile runs...but I push through anyway. I felt like I was going so slow but I was still under 10. Yay. Time: 29:24 Avg: 9:47 I did Bryan Kest Power Yoga right when I got home from running. Love it.
Asics-Kinsei 3 Miles: 3.01 |
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Time: 1:11:51 Avg:10:16 Pretty good for being sick I guess. I've had a head cold. Rested Thurs and Fri. I felt very sluggish and thought for sure I was going slower than that. My legs were sore, esp my upper left quad. Weird. Lysa was feeling slow too lucky for me. Glad I got out and did it but it was hard today. Hot too. Going to lift upper body and do planks. I'm so excited. LAST SINGLE DIGIT LONG RUN!
Asics-Kinsei 3 Miles: 7.00 |
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| | Time: 40:42 Avg: 9:57 We felt like going 4 miles instead of 3. Nice run. Love mornings. Did Power Yoga when I get home. Need to stretch my left hamstring more. It's tight. Had a slight weird feeling in my left hop flexor this morning. Already a little nervous for 12 miles this Friday. Gett'in close to 13.1 which is the farthest I have EVER run!
Asics-Kinsei 3 Miles: 4.09 |
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| | Time: 1:00:59 Avg:10:10 One word. HILLS! Too many! It was hot and too sunny. Sorry Lysa. Should have gone toward the mountain. But then we wouldn't have seen the boy peeing in the bush and that was funny. Hope you're okay. |
Asics-Kinsei 3 Miles: 6.00 |
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| | 29:45 9:55 av. Whoa! I was way off Lys. It's almost 80 degrees right now (8am) so it was def warmer than 70 when we were out! So hot this morning. Can't wait for the cool down. Did not want to go this morning. Slept horribly. My sis-in-law's water broke and she brought all her kids here at midnight. Lovely. They were still partying in the basement at 2am, including the 1 yr. old:) I thought I was having a nightmare. Still went running. Thank goodness just a 3 miler and so glad it's rest day tomorrow. I'll need it. Can't wait for tonight! GNO! Eclipse! I need a nap today. Thanks for listening to me complain so much this morning Lysa. Sorry. Good run. Can't wait till FRIDAY:) I bought some lemon lime gu to try. Love my new thinner running socks too. Oh, I have an ingrown toenail on my left big toe. How do I get rid of that? Worried about it for the long run:(
I did something new. Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown. 37 min. It was cool.
Asics-Kinsei 3 Miles: 3.00 |
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Asics-Kinsei 3 Miles: 52.21 |
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